Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1080 The Soaring Popularity

"It seems that there are still many good people in the world." Luo Quan played the pope's message with a very smug expression.

"This can only show that this pope is relatively good, but next time you may not have such good luck." Ye Zhining continued to pour cold water, trying to make Luo Quan less naive.

"I know, I'm not a fool." Luo Quan happily replied.

The heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of guarding against others is indispensable. Of course, she knows that there are not so many good people in this world.

But she was very fortunate that most of the people she met in Huanyu were good people.

"In short, the expansion of Notre Dame's Summer Palace is definitely good news. Next, we just need to wait for the official announcement of the Church of Liming, and then we can start raising money, right?" Luo Quan asked again worriedly, making sure that he didn't miss any details. .

Ye Zhining nodded slightly: "Yes, if there are no accidents, you will soon have a majestic palace of your own

And in this palace, you can also have your own attendants, followers and army, which is equivalent to a little king. "

Luo Quan looked surprised: "My own army? Is this allowed in the Holy Tang Dynasty?"

"Others definitely can't." Ye Zhining shook her finger, "In the Holy Tang Dynasty, except for Zhen and the five kings with different surnames, having a private army is tantamount to rebellion.

But who let this target be you? I have given you a special authorization, allowing you to have a private army of no more than 1 people on the land of the Holy Tang Dynasty. "

"Actually, I don't need so much at all, and it's useless for me to bring the army." Luo Quan felt that having this privilege was already very good, and directly arranging 1 people was too exaggerated.

Bai Xingwei said: "This is a status symbol. Besides, if we travel in the future, there will be a lot of people waiting for the army to clear the way."

"It seems pretty good." Luo Quan enjoyed the scene for a while, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

"That's enough, don't dream." Ye Zhining interrupted Luo Quan's fantasy time, "Think about how to face your believers is the serious business. If I remember correctly, you haven't read it yet. Have you finished the Supreme Canon of the Church of Dawn?"

"It's true that I haven't finished reading it." Luo Quan lowered his head in shame.

On the day I was recognized as the Holy Mother by the Church of Dawn, I got the Canon of Dawn.

As the Holy Mother, only by being familiar with the scriptures can she preach and bless believers.

But she couldn't read any more after reading only a few pages, because the content in the scriptures was really nonsense.

There is a passage like this: Heavenly Father said that there should be flowers in the world, so beautiful flowers grew out of the hard rocks, covering the whole earth.

This was originally intended to reflect the omnipotent divine power of the heavenly father, but Luo Quan felt that his IQ had been insulted.

Flowers grow out of rocks, and you can still convince people that they grow out of cracks in the rocks.

But this outrageous reason, apart from devout believers, I am afraid that only lunatics would believe it.

Luo Quan couldn't convince himself anyway, so he turned a few pages and didn't read any more.

It just happened to be back to Earth at that time, and there was no need to use it, so I kept it in the storage ring to eat ashes, but I didn't expect it to be used soon.

"I'll go back to my room to make up for it later!" Luo Quan had no choice but to hug Buddha's feet temporarily.

"Then you have to watch carefully, and don't reveal your secrets then." Ye Zhining and Bai Xingwei both laughed.

It would be so funny if Our Lady met the faithful for the first time and ended up stumbling through the prayers of blessing.

Although they didn't want Luo Quan to have such an embarrassment, if it really happened, just thinking about it would be very effective.

"Impossible!" This is Luo Quan's answer, "I haven't made any mistakes in my work since I was a child."

Luo Quan knew what the two women were thinking, so he directly responded domineeringly, and went back to the room after speaking.

Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Zhining greeted Bai Xingwei and returned to the palace.

After returning to the room, Luo Quan didn't rush to make up for the textbook immediately. The system just needs to scan it and inject it into her brain.

The full text of the Liming Canon is tens of millions of words, half a meter thick, how long does it take to read each page?It must be resolved by the system.

Now she cares more about public opinion on the Internet.

Ever since she made a stunning appearance at the Huanyu New Year's Eve party, in order to avoid Ye Zhining, she returned to Earth overnight, and didn't even have time to say hello to her fans online.

Although you later heard Bai Xingwei say that everyone's reaction was quite intense, and they were exchanging her for her to come back, but it is not particularly clear how intense it was.

Now that she's finally free, she decides to take a good look at how fans react to seeing her real face.

Of course, the first thing to do is to open the live broadcast room.

I promised the goblin-like alien to start a live broadcast before, but after signing the contract, I didn't do much to fulfill it, but the salary was still taken care of. Thinking about it, I feel sorry for this alien.

Fortunately, this contract is a long-term project, and I will broadcast it for a while in the next period, which can be regarded as an explanation for him.

I haven't started the live broadcast for a few months, but when I came back, I found that the popularity is quite good, No. 30 in the chat section.

For an empty live broadcast room, this ranking is already quite scary, one can imagine how enthusiastic the fans are.

And when these fans who were guarding the live broadcast room found that Luo Quan appeared again, they were stunned for a moment, and then fell into great joy:
"Thank you, Father, you have returned my mother."

"It's been a long time since I saw you, you are still so bright and moving."

"Why does it look different from that at the New Year's Eve party? Is it a problem with makeup?"

"Did the real face of the Holy Mother be revealed casually for you to see?"

"Did you see that earring? If I'm not wrong, it should be a magic weapon to cover up Luo Quan's true appearance. She didn't wear this earring when she was on stage before!"

"It's still you who are fine."


Regarding Luo Quan's ups and downs, the sharp-eyed fans quickly noticed the clues and gave the correct answer.

Luo Quan didn't give a positive answer to this, but just waved at the camera: "I'm sorry for making everyone wait so long after my visiting relative is back."

This simple greeting immediately caused countless fans to lose control of their emotions:
"I agreed to go home for the New Year, why did I not come back after more than two months?"

"Do you know how I lived during this time? I think about you every day, tossing and turning."

"My Lady, why did you treat your child so cruelly?"

"Just come back, just come back, don't leave for so long next time without making a sound."

"Now please give me a live broadcast, and make up for everything that was owed before."

"Pay attention to your tone, the one sitting in front of you is the Holy Mother of Dawn."

"I am a devout believer, but I have to say that the figure of Our Lady seems to be better than when she left."

"Oh, what blasphemy!"

"Before a person like you is released, [-] percent will be sent to the stake."

"If it's for the Holy Mother, I'm willing to burn me to ashes."


Luo Quan only felt scared when he saw such tiger and wolf words.

Most of the fans on the earth said this kind of thing as jokes, but for these people in front of him, Luo Quan felt that they could really do it.

This remark was really too fanatical, as if he could give his heart without hesitation as soon as he gave an order.

In order to avoid killing people by live broadcasting, Luo Quan hurriedly said: "Everyone don't need to be so excited, I will continue to live broadcast for the next period of time, and you can see me every day.

As for gifts, just follow the fate, just use them if you have the ability, don't spend ahead of time, and minors must not use gifts. "

After these words came out, the audience was immediately unhappy:

"Are you testing our piety, Holy Mother?"

"I see, you said that because there was no movement on the gift list, right?"

"Three black holes are not respectable."

"Damn it, boss is awesome."

"Let me have three too, don't look down upon us, Holy Mother."

"How dare you compete with me? I'm going straight to five black holes!"



Seeing black holes symbolizing the most expensive tipping items appear in the live broadcast room one after another, Luo Quan was also a little confused.

Her original intention was to let fans not give gifts blindly, just watch the live broadcast and have fun.

Who would have thought that this group of people seemed to be insulted, and paid a lot of money to prove themselves, and even compared each other.

God pity, she really wasn't trying to get mad at everyone for not giving presents.

When she wanted to stop it, she suddenly remembered what Ye Zhining said to her.

The citizens of Huanyu are far richer than she imagined, and these expensive black holes are just a number to these people.

If she stopped her voice, I'm afraid these people would feel puzzled instead.

Let's stop after sending such a little bit of Our Lady?No, this must be a test of their faith, and a little more must be given away!
The above thoughts are very likely to appear, in order to avoid intensifying conflicts, Luo Quan thinks it is better to pretend to be confused.

In short, as long as someone gives a large gift such as a black hole or a star, Luo Quan will thank him.

The status of the Virgin Mary did not make her feel superior, accepting gifts and giving thanks are the most basic qualities.

After thanking like this for about ten minutes, Luo Quan was finally tired, panting and said: "Don't give away, everyone, you have to keep thanking me if you keep sending me, and the live broadcast will not be broadcast.

Still stop for a while, let me have a rest too. "

Most of the audience also agreed very much at this time:

"Indeed, I'll send it later, Luo Quan has been thankful for this for a long time."

"Holy Mother is so real, thank you all the time, none of the top ten anchors next door is like you."

"That's what shines in Our Lady, and that's what we love about her."

"I'll send it later, or I'll just watch this in a live broadcast."


Under the appeal of both Luo Quan and the audience, the frenzy of gifts finally subsided, and Luo Quan was able to start the official live broadcast.

"First answer the question I saw just now."

Luo Quan coughed twice, looked at the camera and said: "Just now some fans said that my appearance is completely different from what I have on stage, maybe I can change it with makeup or some black technology.

Here I would like to clarify to everyone that the one on the New Year's Eve stage is my real appearance. What was shown before, including what you see now, is the result of weakening and modification.

The modified prop was guessed by some fans just now, it is the earring on my ear. "

Fans immediately became excited when they heard the clarification:

"Sure enough, I guessed right!"

"The power of observation is really sharp."

"But why did you do this, Holy Mother? Your true face is so beautiful, wouldn't it be better to show it directly?"

"Maybe it's because it's so beautiful, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold it when you see it."

"Indeed, after watching the performance at the New Year's Eve party, I was thinking how wonderful it would be to marry Luo Quan."

"If you want to do this, then you must have saved the universe in your previous life."

"Haha, you still dare to dream."

"I think this is actually Luo Quan's protection for himself. After all, when Luo Quan first appeared on the Internet, he didn't have the identity of the Virgin."

"Yeah, a girl from a small place with no background looks so pretty, isn't that the flower that grows next to the honeycomb?"

"That's why this method is used to cover up the real appearance. This is indeed a smart approach."

"There should be no need to worry about these things now, who would dare to be unfavorable to Luo Quan now?"

"If you insist, the supreme heads of the Holy Tang Dynasty and God Blessed Federation still have this ability."

"How could they do such a thing? It's only theoretically possible."


Looking at the fans' resolute words, Luo Quan felt a little bit like complaining: A certain empress of the Shengtang Dynasty not only wanted to make her own ideas, but had already put them into action.

And because of her "excessive power", she didn't even have the ability to resist.

If I can't reach the same level of martial arts as hers in a few decades, maybe I might be pouted.

Of course, the future cannot be judged so quickly.

And it's even more impossible to tell fans and netizens about this kind of thing.

Although Ye Zhining might be eager to announce to the world that she is her beloved concubine, the Church of Liming would definitely not agree to let her Virgin Mary marry so hastily.

It is not that the Virgin Mary cannot marry, but it must be after the birth of the Son.

Only in this way can the child born be guaranteed to be the Son of God.

Otherwise, it will be a disaster for the entire church.

Therefore, Luo Quan watched the discussions of these fans and resisted the urge to complain.

"By the way, the Church of Dawn is about to build the Summer Palace of Our Lady for me. I don't know if you have seen the relevant news."

Fans were surprised:
"Is there such a thing?"

"Let me watch the news."

"It's official, the Pope ordered it himself."

"Nice, now we have the opportunity to meet the Holy Mother offline."


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