Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1082 Holy Light Illuminates the World

Chapter 1082 The Holy Light Illuminates the World ([-])
As soon as Luo Quan said this, the fans immediately questioned:
"It's useless to talk so much nonsense, if you have the ability to draw it."

"Painting is not something that can be practiced overnight, it requires great inspiration and unremitting efforts."

"At Luo Quan's young age, it's hard for people to believe how extensive his artistic attainments can be. It's hard to come by just in music."

"It's better to draw a picture after saying a sentence."

"Let everyone open their eyes. If the drawing is really good, I will give you 1 black holes."

"Damn it, a giant appears on the barrage!"

"How much is 1 black holes? Just a zero would cost more than a dozen."

"A black hole is 1 million cosmic coins. If [-] are [-] trillion, it is indeed a dozen zeros."

"It's amazing, giving away so much money casually, is also counted as a rich man on Huanyuxing."

"Haha young man, if you think this way, you will underestimate the financial resources of our Huanyu stars."

"Indeed, God Bless the Federation and the capital of the Holy Tang Dynasty, a lot of rich people who can send out 1 black holes will be caught."

"I don't understand the world of the rich."


The development of the barrage completely exceeded Luo Quan's expectations. She didn't understand why the big guy gave herself such a high gift while chatting.

However, 1 black holes are too shocking. She didn't even know how to use them when she got them, so she could only say: "Although I don't advocate this kind of impulsive consumption, thank you if you really give it away. I will donate half of the proceeds from this live broadcast to welfare organizations.

Of course, I don't know much about the various institutions of Huanyuxing. I don't know if there are such organizations here, and I don't know if there are planets and people who need help.

If anything, hopefully the money will help them. "

Kindness is the best passport no matter where you go. Luoquan's routine during the live broadcast made her look so charismatic at this moment.

"As expected of the Holy Mother, the Church of Dawn did not choose the wrong person this time."

"He is a typical example of kindness and kindness. Compared with those citizens who are rich and unkind, Luo Quan is much better than them."

"I declare that even if Luo Quan draws an eagle catching a chick next time, I will recognize it, and a thousand black holes will be offered directly!"

"Damn, the boss is so arrogant."

"You can change your heart with sincerity. Luo Quan is really my most optimistic Internet celebrity in recent years. I hope to go further and become a star with works."

"Speaking of which, how is Luo Quan's acting skills? Such a pure appearance doesn't seem like the kind of girl who can act."

"Pure? I just played with everyone just now, did you forget it so quickly? Luo Quan is a pure bad woman."

"I think she must be very good at acting, but she didn't show it."


While netizens were discussing enthusiastically, Luo Quan had already opened the canvas and began to study how to paint.

The new painting tools are slightly different from the previous ones. Oil paints, palettes, and brushes all need to be replaced in the light machine, and then adapted to their respective feelings.

This process took Luo Quan a full 10 minutes.

What the fans saw was Luo Quan staring at the canvas in a daze.

"Or forget it, if you can't paint, you can't paint, don't force yourself."

"You are already great. You can sing so well and write the melody so well. It's enough to sing two good songs."

"A job is a job, don't make it up if you don't have a job, or it will be too embarrassing."

"Everyone is just joking. You don't have to draw something shocking, just make sense."

"That's right, we all said that it's okay for an eagle to catch a chick, as long as you make the chick cute."


The fan gate was still under the steps for Luo Quan, but her attention was not on the barrage at all.

After getting used to it, she exhaled lightly, then raised her pen and dropped it on the virtual canvas.

Luo Quan, who has entered the state of creation, is like an extremely precise instrument, making no mistakes and never getting tired. All the composition and details are spinning rapidly in her mind, and tens of thousands of steps are coordinated by her brain and hands. Step by step to achieve.

In the end, a gorgeous oil painting was gradually presented in front of everyone.

In fact, if you cover the canvas and take it out after you are done, it will be even more shocking.

But this is also questioned by others that it is not painted by oneself.

In order to avoid this kind of situation, Luo Quan kept pointing the camera at the virtual canvas.

So the tens of billions of fans in the live broadcast really watched Luo Quan draw this painting stroke by stroke.

When the painting was one third of the way through, the fans could probably figure out what it was.

The starry night sky is painted, but it is completely different from what the naked eye sees.

The night sky in the oil painting is gorgeous and magical, as if everything has been distorted and the laws have been changed, so bizarre.

But what remains unchanged is the unchanging beauty under this distortion.

This is a magical night sky that anyone who sees it will exclaim, beautiful and deep, and the swirling stars seem to be able to suck people's eyes into it.

Just looking at it is overwhelming.

And as Luo Quan put pen to paper, and crisply said "OK", the whole picture of this masterpiece handed down from ancient times finally appeared in front of hundreds of millions of viewers in the world civilization.

"The name of this painting is Starry Night, so I won't say much, let's experience it for ourselves."

Looking at the perfectly reproduced masterpiece in front of him, Luo Quan's expression can be said to be complacent.

As the most famous work of Van Gogh, it is the culmination of Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and Japanese Ukiyo-e, and is the result of the fusion of Eastern and Western paintings.

Human imagination has reached its peak in this painting. If you want to discuss which is the best painting in the world, "Starry Night" is definitely one of the best candidates.

Considering that "Ode to Joy" can get such a high evaluation in the civilization of the universe, then "Starry Night", which is also a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation, will certainly not be far behind.

Since it was blown out, Luo Quan had to find a way to get it back, so "Starry Night" appeared on the canvas without hesitation, and the results can be imagined:

"You didn't tell me that you can draw at this level!"

"This one is amazing? This is a goddamn skill!"

"I think this painting is qualified to appear in the dimensional world!"

"My Lady, you are so versatile and so beautiful and kind, how can other Internet celebrities live like this."

"No, I can't help but cry when I think that the Holy Mother will marry and have a baby in the future."


"I haven't written the horoscope yet, and it's not like you and I don't have a chance to pinch."

"You are quite optimistic. I suggest you put on the virtual machine and start dreaming."

"By the way, is there any virtual world with Luo Quan as the main character on the market?"

"I can figure it out, this machine does not have my participation and authorization, how can I make the corresponding cassette?"

"It's something that only pornstars touch. The Holy Mother and the other nobles will record this? Although I really want it too."

"I'm going to search to see if there are any celebrities who look similar to Luo Quan."

"Don't fantasize about Luoquan's appearance. There is only one in the whole universe. There are no ones who are close in appearance, and you can't find anyone who looks alike!"

"That's a real pity."


Fans' discussions were extremely intense, and Luo Quan could understand most of them. As long as the virtual world cassette was available, she searched it out.

Then she blushed, this thing belongs to the same thing as the VR glasses on the earth.

But this one in Huanyu is much more real, almost like being there.

And the cassette will also allow real people to participate in modeling and dubbing, which is not generally outrageous.

"These people are really bad!" Luo Quan said in his heart.

In terms of scale, the audience in the universe is much larger than that on the earth.

But looking at the barrage, it seems that this kind of discussion is not excessive, and it belongs to the scope of normal discussion.

Although it is not too much, after all, there is no personal attack, but it is still a bit difficult to listen to.

Sure enough, she still had to adapt to the new environment and adjust her mentality, so she couldn't break her defense so easily.

"I've already finished the painting. Next, let's rate it. The full score is [-] points. How much do you think this "Starry Night" will get?"

Luo Quan pulled the painting in and began to change the topic to serious content.

"I give [-] points, not afraid of your pride."

"What am I, worthy of scoring such a masterpiece?"

"Haha, no, no, no one is qualified to rate it. This is also the meaning of art."

"Yes, art may not be understood by everyone, but it must be appreciated by everyone. It has always been a fallacy that the smaller the audience, the better."

"As a student of the painting department of Huanyu Academy, I give this painting [-] points. If "Starry Night" appears in the answer sheet of the entrance examination, then the teachers of the entire painting department will be shocked by it!"

"It's hard to imagine that this is a work that the Virgin Mary could paint. In my imagination, the person who painted it should be an uncle who has suffered a lot, underappreciated, and full of pain.

Without decades of wind, frost, snow and rain, it is impossible to paint such profound works. "

"Hearing what you said, I'm a bit emo, and the more I look at this painting, the more I want to cry."

"So, the Holy Mother's heart is actually very painful and distorted, and she has suffered inhuman suffering?"

"Every artistic genius has more or less a sad childhood."

"It's a pity. I don't know what happened to Luo Quan."


It has to be said that the appreciation level of this year's netizens is really good, and they can accurately describe the psychology of the real author of the painting just by feeling.

Of course, they will never know the truth, after all, there is no Van Gogh in this world, there are only Dutch geeks who painted another version of the starry night.

And this one is the only one.

"Thank you for your appreciation. While it's still early, I'll draw another one for you, but it's not mine."

Perhaps it was the fans' analysis that moved Luo Quan a bit, and she decided to draw another one on the spur of the moment.

Speaking of which, Van Gogh's most famous painting must be "Starry Night", but her favorite is actually his "Sunflower".

So beautiful, sunny, without a trace of pain, and only showing his best side, this is exactly the greatness of Van Gogh.

Pain can only be pain, not inspiration.

But Van Gogh can express the pain and let the world feel its beauty, which is already great.

It is a pity that the world has misunderstood his original intention and mistook pain as the source of his creative talent. This is actually a great injustice to Van Gogh.

Thinking like this, Luo Quan picked up a pen and finished it overnight.

Less than half an hour later, a pair of colorful sunflowers appeared in front of people.

And it was Van Gogh who signed it, not her name.

"This is a very talented painter in my hometown. It's a pity that his fate was rough. No one appreciated him when he was alive. His paintings became famous after his death. This is probably the biggest mockery of fate for him."

Luo Quan told the story of Van Gogh, and the netizens were quite emotional when they heard it:
"The flowers are so warm and lively, it really can't be seen that they were painted by a person who has suffered a lot."

"So, that's what makes him great."

"It's a pity, if Van Gogh was born in Huanyu, the achievements he can achieve must be limitless."

"I'm still a student of the painting department just now. This painting is also a work with a full grade in the entrance examination. It is well drawn and copied very attentively."

"As expected of Luo Quan, he is indeed omnipotent, he can do anything."


In the discussion of netizens, the sunflower on the canvas suddenly seemed to come alive, lifting its petals and twisting towards the sun.

Seeing this scene, Luo Quan immediately caught him with flax.

If I remember correctly, the performance of a painter's entry into the Tao is to give life to the paintings under his brush, or directly create a different-dimensional world belonging to the painting.

In this dimensional world, everything in the painting is real.

But she didn't expect that "Starry Night" would not have a change, but "Sunflower" had a special situation.

Not only did this flower come to life, it even turned into an entity and jumped out of the canvas.

A few seconds later, its huge flower disc unexpectedly burst into dazzling light, illuminating the entire room.

At this moment, all the dawn believers watching the live broadcast jumped up excitedly, shouting Hernia.

This is the sacred flower in the Liming scriptures. It used to bloom all over the universe, but it became extinct due to unknown reasons.

This kind of flower is different from ordinary flowers. Not only is the disk huge, but it is also moving all the time.

And its most famous place is that the flower disc will always face the sun.

It is precisely because of this that it is considered the holy flower of the Church of Dawn, literally yearning for the light.

It is estimated that no believer would have thought that the extinct sacred flower could reappear in the world under the writings of the Holy Mother, and once again bloom with its own brilliance.

At this moment, the believers finally believed that she was the destined Mother of Dawn!
(End of this chapter)

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