Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1083 Good luck

"So this is the sacred flower in the Dawn Scripture?"

Luo Quan looked at the white sunflower blooming with surprise on his face: "This is a relatively common ornamental plant in my hometown. I didn't expect it to be so rare in Huanyu."

Regarding Luo Quan's obviously wrong remarks, the audience immediately corrected them:

"Looking alike doesn't necessarily mean it's a breed, it might just be a coincidence."

"According to the records, the sacred flowers are white, and the sunflowers you drew are quite different in color."

"It does look like it, but it probably isn't. However, this painting of yours possesses quite a powerful holy power, and the condensed painting spirit is also a genuine holy flower."

"It's really amazing. You have the spirit of singing, you have the spirit of music, you have the spirit of painting, and there are other things you don't know."

"Wait for the day when I become the number one in live broadcasting on the whole network, Gaolow will make a broadcast for everyone."

"Haha, I have never seen such a precedent in this industry. I look forward to Luoquan making history."


Luo Quan couldn't help laughing at the netizens' ridicule, since live broadcasts can also be practiced, then her style is definitely not in this category.

What kind of anchor is the hottest on the Internet?Whole class.

The more gimmicks you can do, the more attention you can attract. This law applies everywhere.

These are the last ones on the Huanyu live broadcast platform. The number one player takes you to explore the stars every day, either taking a bath in the stars or jumping high on the neutron star.

The second place is to try various unknown ingredients, and every day is either in gastric lavage or on the way to gastric lavage.

The previous Huanyu No. [-] brother was even more powerful, he could be called a dead boy, and he swam through the most dangerous places in the entire universe.

The most recent whole job was to explore in a black hole. I have been out of contact for a long time, and it is probably cold.

If he can survive, it is estimated that he can really enter the Tao through live broadcast.

Luo Quan is definitely not comparable to these "strong men". The live broadcast style is conservative, mainly to show his appearance and talent, and chat with netizens.

It is almost impossible to produce any strange changes in such a stable live broadcast.

"In short, let's live broadcast here. There should be a groundbreaking ceremony for the Summer Palace of Our Lady in a few days. I will be there at that time. If fans plan to come, please pay attention to observing the order of the scene."

After Luo Quan talked about possible schedules, he downloaded the broadcast.

The live broadcast is over, but the painting spirit is still there.

Unlike Song Ling and Le Ling who disappeared after the performance, this shining sunflower didn't seem to disappear at all, and was still wriggling happily near its head.

Could it be that because I have injected emotion into this painting, it has undergone unprecedented changes?
A guess arose in Luo Quan's mind, is sincerity really the ultimate skill?
But what is the use of this painting spirit after it manifests?
Luo Quan was puzzled in his heart, so he could only wake up the system to answer.

The system first scanned and analyzed the sunflower, and then came to a conclusion: "This is a complete spirit body endowed with life, and it is completely different from the phantoms before.

First of all, it will not disappear, and it has growth potential, which will greatly improve your combat effectiveness. "

"There is such a thing!" Luo Quan covered his mouth in surprise, "But I just use it as a live broadcast tool."

The system immediately denied this point of view: "That's just what you think on the surface. Without real feelings, it is impossible to bring the painting spirit to life."

"Then how is it used? Where should I develop it?"

Luo Quan held the sunflower in his hands, and it jumped out from the canvas. It looked much smaller, only the size of a palm, and looked petite and fragile.

"It's just like your golden elixir, you can just put it in the dantian to warm it up, and when you fight, it can be directly combined to produce special changes.

But I don't know exactly what it is. This has to be analyzed after combining with Huanyu's power system. After all, she was awakened in Huanyu, and she is also the holy flower of the Church of Dawn, so she has something to do with the church. "

Being reminded by the system, with a thought in Luo Quan's mind, the sunflower turned into a ray of light and entered his dantian.

Under the practice of Samadhi True Fire day and night, his dantian has become extremely large, and his life cultivation has reached a very advanced level.

After the Holy Light Sunflower came here, it was like a fish entering the sea, and a young eagle spreading its wings in the sky, not to mention how happy it was.

The surging breath of life in the dantian is the best nourishment for it.

"It seems that it adapts well to the environment here. Does that mean that any spirit body I create can come here to take root and grow?" Luo Quan asked curiously when he saw the sunflower shaking lazily.

"Theoretically, this is the case. After all, the dantian is used to cultivate the Nascent Soul, and the Nascent Soul is also a spiritual body in a broad sense. There is a connection between the two.

It's just that the Nascent Soul can be your second life, but these spirit bodies definitely can't, they can only improve your combat effectiveness, and the complexity of their functions is definitely not comparable to that of the Nascent Soul. "

The systematic answer made Luo Quan Mao Sai suddenly enlightened, and his inner expectations for Yuan Ying increased a bit.

It's a pity that I haven't even formed the golden core yet.

The true fire of samadhi has been cultivated in the dantian for so long, and the true energy is increasing, but it is a pity that no seeds are planted.

Without the golden elixir, how can you get the Nascent Soul?
After asking the system, it said it didn't know, and let her figure it out by herself.

But the facts have proved that IQ and martial arts are not equal to understanding.

Luo Quan also used to spend a few nights to realize it, but he had no direction at all, and always fell asleep when he realized it.

After that, she simply gave up, let everything go according to fate, cultivation cannot be forced, the stronger your obsession, the more likely things will backfire, and may even lead to madness.

"Just stay here, and I'll come to you later if I have something to do." Luo Quan said a word to Sun Kui, and Sun Kui nodded slightly, which seemed to be really wise.

I just don't know how its wisdom compares with Daheixiaoyu and others. If it can keep growing, it can definitely become a good helper in life.

After exiting the interior scene, Luo Quan turned on the optical machine and searched for his name.

Sure enough, he had already started swiping the screen on the hot search list.

Whether it is the upcoming construction of the Holy Mother's Summer Palace in the Holy Tang Dynasty, or the creation of the holy flower spirit body during the live broadcast, these are big news enough to dominate the list.

Now that these things appear together, what they get in return is that Luoquan's popularity value is rising slowly.

It's a pity that this is the universe, the heat value has increased a lot, and the consumption is also high, and the price/performance ratio is not as good as that of the earth.

Ye Zhining didn't come back that night, and he didn't know if he was still dealing with the government affairs that were in arrears this morning.

Think about being an emperor, which is actually quite tiring sometimes, with endless government affairs and endless ministers to deal with every day.

On the one hand, it is necessary to check and balance these courtiers under him, on the other hand, it is necessary to make them willingly help him with affairs, and it must be done properly.

The knowledge here cannot be explained clearly in a sentence or two. It takes a lifetime of study and practice, and I don't know how many brain cells have to die to master it.

It's no wonder that the ancient sage emperors tended to be relatively short-lived. Wouldn't it be possible to die early if they spent a lot of energy and hard work every day?

Fortunately, Ye Zhining's martial arts is high enough, and he doesn't have any health problems because of this amount of labor.

But doing work with a high repetition rate every day is also a big test for mental health.

Thinking that she may have to sit in this position for 1 years, and if there are no accidents, this kind of work will be repeated for 1 years, just thinking about it makes people feel scalp numb.

If it were me, I would definitely not let a position firmly bind my youth if I was killed.

No wonder Ye Zhining's father is so indulged in having fun, in fact, he just made a choice that most people would make.

And this also reflected Ye Zhining's sense of responsibility, but after she appeared, her sense of responsibility seemed to be wavering, and she didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

There was no dream all night, and Luoquan got up early the next day.

Astronomers are larger, and the stars that illuminate them are larger and the sun is brighter.

In spring, people in Huanyu are already quite cool in their clothes, especially girls, who show off their long legs without hesitation in all kinds of backless and navel dresses.

Even in the relatively conservative Shengtang Dynasty, everyone's clothing style is quite bold.

Sexy here seems to have no derogatory meaning at all. There is almost no difference between calling a girl sexy and calling her beautiful.

The good news is that the Church of Dawn at least understands what kind of clothes should be worn for what kind of status.

The Madonna costume they sent was quite conservative, made of opaque material, and from the shoulders to the feet, basically only the head and a pair of hands were exposed.

For religious people, this is considered a relatively normal costume, and Saint Fafreya often wears similar costumes to meet people.

To be honest, Luo Quan was quite worried that Huanyu's overly open atmosphere would make the Church of Dawn make some very bold Madonna costumes.

It is to highlight the figure or design the whole waist and back. The anchors on station b often wear this kind of dress.

Although everyone loves to watch it, her current status is definitely not suitable for wearing this.

Fortunately, the Church of Dawn did not give her a job, and there was nothing wrong with the clothes they sent.

After Luo Quan changed her clothes, she looked in the mirror and found that she was quite decent and comfortable to wear, and set off a kind of divine height that was beyond the dust and refined, making people want to shout Hallelujah when they saw her.

It's an exaggeration, but that's about it.

"If you wear this to host the confession house show, the effect should be much better." Luo Quan put his chin on one hand and thought about this question seriously.

The nun costume she wore before was ordered online, and many details were wrong, just asking for a general atmosphere.

Now that she has professional attire, it is estimated that people who come to her to confess will have a more sense of substitution.

"Why are you wearing this? You're going out to preach?" Bai Xingwei entered the room and laughed when she saw Luo Quan looking in the mirror.

Luo Quan explained helplessly: "I'm checking whether the new clothes fit well. I'm going to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony tomorrow, and many believers will come. If it doesn't fit, won't it be easy to make a joke?"

Bai Xingwei has a serious expression: "As long as you don't have another cup in two days, there will be no inappropriate fit, and there will be no errors in the data scanned by the measuring instrument, and the cut clothes will also be the most suitable for your body shape. "

"Bah, bah, bah!" Luo Quan poohed three times, "How can you say such unlucky words?"

"I wish you a good figure, isn't it auspicious? Others don't even want this kind of treatment if they want to leave." Bai Xingwei curled her lips, and then complained: "But it seems that it is really not a good thing if you are too big. Your clothes are so loose. Seeing the scale, if I am a believer, I will definitely be very entangled in my heart.

The Holy Virgin is so sexy, reverence and profanity are intertwined in the heart, what a test it is. "

Luo Quan sneered: "If they have evil thoughts towards me, it means that their practice is not enough."

"Your good looks and figure, what kind of practice do you need to resist?" Bai Xingwei was so happy that she couldn't straighten her back, "Nine out of ten people who see you will probably have images that are not suitable for children. The next one is either short-sighted or not interested in women."

Hearing Bai Xingwei's ridicule, although Luo Quan was very angry, he also knew that what she said was actually the truth.

Lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharp knife.

Of course, if it was me a few years ago, I would still be very entangled in the face of this kind of complaint.

As for now...

"That shows that I am attractive. Unlike some people, in the eyes of others, I am a murderer. My legs tremble when I see you. Seeing you is like seeing a murderer."

With his hands on his hips, Luo Quan puffed out his chest intentionally or unintentionally, allowing Bai Xingwei to see the gap with her more clearly.

As for the people she mentioned, of course it was Bai Xingwei.


Moreover, the stronger the strength, the harder the beating, and direct surrender will be looked down upon by others, which means you lose no matter what you choose.

Over time, Bai Xingwei became the ghost of Huanyu Academy.

Although she is very popular because of her family background, good looks and excellent abilities, but if the students choose her as their girlfriend, all of them will shake their heads like a rattle.

"Senior Bai is too fierce. If I'm really with her, won't I be beaten to death every day? I still want to live a few more years, so I'd better let the seniors subdue her."

This was the evaluation made by most of the male students, and even senior seniors said the same thing. It can be seen that there are not many in the academy who dare to be interested in her.

This also proves that her image in the academy is not very feminine.

Faced with Luo Quan's attack on her, Bai Xingwei was naturally furious.

And her choice is naturally the same as that of Wen Xia back then.

Since you can't say it, let's do it.

So Bai Xingwei directly threw Luo Quan down, and then pressed Luo Quan's waist with both hands by accident, hitting her weakness that she couldn't solve until now.

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