Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1084 Public Opinion Pressure

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

"I can't do it... Hahaha... I surrender... Hahaha... Stop it... Stop scratching!"

Looking at Luo Quan who was constantly rolling on the bed like an electric shock, Bai Xingwei was a little surprised at first, and then showed a malicious smile.

She has personally experienced the power of the Wugou Glazed Body. It is invulnerable to swords and guns. Most of her previous sword moves can be blocked by Luo Quan with bare hands. This is a rare existence in the training system of Huanyu Academy.

Even though she had suppressed her own cultivation at that time, she had easily crushed the same level masters since she was a child, but she suffered from Luoquan.

It can be seen how strong Luo Quan is and how powerful the Wugou Glazed Body is.

However, it was such a mythical physique that could even block the innate sword energy, and she was defeated by just a few fingers of her own. This was something she never expected.

"It turns out that this is your weakness."

Bai Xingwei grinned and scratched the itchy flesh on Luo Quan's waist. At first she rolled all over the bed laughing, but later on her whole body was twitching, and her two scrambling jade feet jumped straight, with her toes clenched tightly.

Seeing this, Bai Xingwei was afraid of tickling Luo Quan to death, so she finally stopped.

At this time, Luo Quan's eyes were full of tears, and his face was stiff from smiling.

However, although she cried a lot, it was not because of sadness, but simply a response to physical stress.

Bai Xingwei is really too ruthless. Before her, only Wen Xia knew about this weakness. Even if she used this to deal with her, it would not be too much. At most, she would just scratch her slightly.

Bai Xingwei was so powerful, she swiped a few fingers on her waist like playing a guitar, and lost her ability to resist almost instantly.

So even though Bai Xingwei had stopped now, Luo Quan still felt that he couldn't muster any strength, and could only pant with his mouth open.

"Is it so serious?" Seeing Luo Quan's miserable state, Bai Xingwei felt very sorry in her heart, "It's just a tickle. Is the reaction so intense?"

Luo Quan didn't speak, but his breath became a little heavier, and he didn't know if he was swearing.

"I'm sorry." Realizing that the joke was too big, Bai Xingwei sincerely apologized, "Why don't you scratch my itch too."

As he spoke, he raised his arms.

Most people's itchy flesh is usually on the neck, armpits, ribs, and soles of the feet. Usually, it doesn't matter how you touch it. Others want to laugh when they touch it.

Bai Xingwei is full of sincerity, but Luo Quan doesn't even want to move a finger now: "I'm too lazy to talk to you, touch my waist again and I'll be in a hurry with you!"

After hearing Luo Quan's words, Bai Xingwei felt relieved, and then smiled and said: "I really didn't know you were so ticklish, and your reaction was too strong. If it was in the arena, if someone else encountered it, you would not be surprised." Hit and kill?"

"Why did you hit me here?" Luo Quan turned his head aside, not even wanting to look at Bai Xingwei.

And Bai Xingwei stepped over Luo Quan with a cheeky face, lay down next to her and smiled, "Why are you still angry, didn't you say it on purpose, who knew that your imposing and flawless glass body is invulnerable, and you are actually afraid A mere tickle."

Luo Quan replied angrily: "Everything in the world has its weaknesses. Have you ever heard of a truly invincible body-training master?"

"That's not true." Bai Xingwei shook her head, "But people either cultivate their weaknesses into their bodies, or they hide them in a very secret place. Whoever looks like you puts them here."

Said Bai Xingwei patted Luo Quan's waist again, and the latter shrank back reflexively.

"It's so conspicuous here, it's okay if no one knows about it, if they know about it, how can we fight melee combat?"

Bai Xingwei's words made sense, Luo Quan had no reason to refute, but said: "As long as you don't spread the word, no one will know.

If it was time to fight in the ring, with my speed, those opponents would not be able to touch me. "

"Indeed." Bai Xingwei nodded.

Although Luo Quan doesn't have many moves, his strength, body resistance, and speed are all remarkable.

Moreover, she also has a special technique, which can increase the body attributes by a huge amount in a short period of time. Luo Quan in this state cannot be caught by the naked eye at all, and it is difficult for warriors of the same level to keep up with her footsteps.

So it is really difficult to touch her weakness.

"By the way, you have other weaknesses besides this one. Tell them all so that you won't encounter them in the future." Bai Xingwei glanced at the flushed Luo Quan's face, and asked out of good intentions.

"No, only the waist is more sensitive."

Luo Quan finally regained his vitality at this time, sat up and leaned on the pillow: "I don't even know why, obviously, the body is as hard as the city wall, and it is more resistant to blows, but this weakness still exists, which is simply outrageous."

Bai Xingwei covered her mouth and smiled: "That may be because your realm is not enough, this weakness may disappear when you reach the realm of divine refinement."

"Then I don't know how long it will take." Luo Quan took a deep breath, lamenting the long road of cultivation.

But when he looked down, he found that the Holy Mother's robe on his body had been damaged at some point, and there were tear marks on his waist and back.

"Is the quality of this clothes so bad?" Luo Quan lowered his head to check the holes in the clothes, his white skin was exposed from the holes, he looked like a beggar.

"Maybe you struggled too fiercely just now." Bai Xingwei couldn't help laughing, "It's hard to control your strength when you're too excited. Your strength is already strong. After all, these clothes are not battle clothes. It's normal to be broken."

"That's not enough to make such a big hole." Luo Quan complained, then contacted Fafreya Saintess and informed her about the torn clothes.

"The clothes are torn?" Saintess Fafreya thought to herself that she had just sent the clothes over, why did they get torn so quickly?

Could it be that it doesn't fit well and is broken?

After thinking about Luo Quan's plump figure, the saint felt that this guess was quite reasonable.

"O merciful Father, forgive my blasphemy against Our Lady."

As soon as this idea appeared, the saint immediately bowed her head and began to repent.

How could the Madonna be arranged in this way? It is so impure.

After the confession, the Saintess Fafreya replied to Luo Quan: "It's okay, I cut several pieces for the Holy Mother this time, and I'll let them send them all over. If there are not enough pieces, I can do it again."

"Then I'll trouble you." After Luo Quan finished speaking, he sent a smiling face to show his kindness, and the saint quickly responded with an expression of agreement.

After solving the clothes problem, Luo Quan took off the torn clothes and replaced them with the T-shirts he usually wears.

When she was changing clothes, she had a whim, whether to install hidden shields on the two sides of her clothes.

It is in a dormant state when there is nothing to do, and once it detects danger, it will pop up and block the attack.

If this concept can be realized, it will be a huge improvement for protecting one's own weaknesses.

Luo Quan quickly told Bai Xingwei about this idea.

After listening to Luo Quan's whimsical idea, Bai Xingwei laughed: "Aren't you talking about battle suits, but you are not allowed to use battle suits in the ring, because the power of battle suits at different prices is different.

This can easily lead to rich people being able to rely on krypton gold to defeat opponents who are far stronger than them, so 9 is not allowed to use combat uniforms in the arena for the sake of fairness.

As for the usual, there is no need for this at all, you are the Holy Mother, who dares to attack you?What's more, you still have the Necklace of the Fall of the Dawn, which has a real invincible shield. "

"That's it." Luo Quan seemed a little disappointed when he heard Bai Xingwei's words. It seemed that the problem still could not be resolved.

"Actually, I have a solution." Bai Xingwei rolled her eyes and spoke suddenly.

"What way?" Luo Quan looked at her suspiciously, feeling that it was not a good way.

Bai Xingwei said seriously: "Isn't your ticklishness here because of your sensitivity? If you stimulate this part every day, and then the time is longer and longer each time, and the intensity is increased locally, will it be able to make it gradually adapt to it? Is it becoming less sensitive?"

"What kind of bad idea is this?" Luo Quan frowned directly, and the two willow-leaf eyebrows almost merged into two swords.

Bai Xingwei said unconvinced: "How can this be a bad idea, many warriors practice like this.

It's just that they are afraid of pain and are not resistant to beatings, while you are only afraid of tickle. The side effects of practicing are definitely far less than theirs. "

"If you touch someone, you will be soft. It really takes a long time to practice." Luo Quan was deeply suspicious of Bai Xingwei's words.

"You don't have a better way." Bai Xingwei shrugged, "Or you just leave it alone, and then pray that no one will touch you when you are in the ring."

These words are indeed reasonable, but the matter in Luoquan should not be as simple as imagined: "Let's let it go for a while, and I will talk about it after I verify whether this method is feasible."

"If you plan to do something, you can come to me, I can definitely help you." Bai Xingwei raised her hands as she said, as if I was a professional.

"Get out, you almost scratched me just now." Luo Quan gave her a vicious look, his tone full of resentment.

Bai Xingwei chuckled: "I don't know the real situation, as the saying goes, those who don't know are innocent."

"You know now, but don't touch it again in the future, you really can't breathe." Luo Quan reminded again.

"Understood." Bai Xingwei nodded repeatedly, "Do you think I'm the kind of villain who will repeatedly attack you out of curiosity?"

"Isn't it?" Luo Quan asked back, blinking his eyes.

Bai Xingwei was speechless, she didn't expect her image in Luo Quan's mind to collapse just for such a play.

"Okay, it's just for fun, don't think too much." Luo Quan waved his hands, got off the bed, and began to study the content of his speech tomorrow.

"Is this what you're going to say to fool believers tomorrow?" Bai Xingwei asked curiously while looking at the light machine screen.

"Pay attention to your words, how can you say you are fooling?"

Luo Quan frowned slightly, and was very dissatisfied with Bai Xingwei's words: "The people who can come to the scene are all devout believers, do these people need me to fool them? They just want to deepen their faith and get better comfort from me .”

Bai Xingwei was noncommittal to this statement, but only asked: "Then do you believe this?"

"I don't believe it." Luo Quan shook his head, "But it doesn't affect my completion of this cause as the Holy Mother, as long as other people believe it, I actually don't care."

"That's true." Bai Xingwei nodded, but judging from her expression, she still seemed to have a prejudice against the Church of Liming.

But this is also normal. After all, most of the people of the Holy Tang Dynasty are atheists, and they are not very interested in local religions, let alone foreign religions. It is normal to have no awe.

Of course, there are not only users of Shengtang Dynasty in the entire network.

On Luoquan's side, before the trending search for her upcoming participation in the opening ceremony of the Summer Palace hadn't gone down, her opponent in the second Martial God Trial was on the trending list again, which also attracted a lot of attention from netizens:
"I didn't expect to hit this after I became a virgin. Is it really not a back door?"

"You may not believe it, but our Holy Mother is a full-fledged female man, and her martial arts style is quite violent."

"Anyone who has watched Luo Quan fight knows that looking at the entire universe, there are not many people of her level who can fight her."

"Damn, is Luo Quan so strong?"

"Don't be fooled by her beautiful appearance, she is actually quite ruthless!"

"But this time her opponent is not an ordinary person."

"I don't know anything else, this buddy must be under a lot of pressure now."


As netizens said, Kalek is indeed under a lot of pressure now.

This pressure did not come from his next opponent, Luo Quan, but from the believers of the Dawn Church.

As the Holy Mother, Luo Quan is the face of the Dawn Church, and her physical safety is even more important than the Pope.

After all, the Holy Son is counting on her. If something goes wrong, who can bear the responsibility?
Anyway, Kalek only knew that he couldn't afford it, so after learning that his next opponent was Luo Quan, he no longer thought about whether he could win, but directly considered whether to abstain immediately.

If you abstain directly, the trial will be repeated at worst. Anyway, it is only the second time, so the loss is not too big.

If you don't abstain and choose toughness, let alone whether you can fight, if you get hurt by Luo Quan, the templars of the church will probably not let you go.

This is quite fucked up, why can't it be Luo Quan who can't fight well.

Thinking of this, Kalek couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and curse three times.

However, what he didn't expect was that Luo Quan took the initiative to post a Weibo, which brought a chance for himself who was in a desperate situation.

After seeing the plan proposed by Luo Quan, Kalek was completely convinced, no wonder he was able to become the Holy Mother, he was really kind-hearted.

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