Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1085 I finally saw the Virgin Mary herself

Chapter 1085 I finally saw the Virgin Mary herself

"In order to reflect the founding philosophy of the Valkyrie Trial being absolutely fair, I hope that my fans and believers will not put any pressure on my next opponent.

The whole process of the Valkyrie trial is controlled by a special person, no matter whether you win or lose, it will not cause any damage to the players, so don't worry about my safety.

As for my opponent, you don't need to pay too much attention to my identity, just treat me as an ordinary opponent, and use your full strength. "

This is a news that Luo Quan posted on the Internet. It is not only a message to the netizens, but also a message to the next opponent, Karek.

What she wants is a fair and just game without any controversy, and she does not want any interference from the outside world.

In the comment area, countless fans of course liked this post, and promised to only cheer for her and not launch any attacks on Karek himself.

In fact, few fans did this before, but everything is just in case.

It's good that Luo Quan wins, but if he really loses, some extreme fans will definitely do bad things, which is not what she wants to see.

Before the fight started, let's say hello to the big guys in advance, and reduce the importance of this battle as much as possible, so that the fans will not be too emotional after the result comes out.

But the fans are not doing well, Kalek is quite excited.

As an alien who is not from Huanyu's own planet, this is the first time he has been valued so much by people on Huanyu, and this person is also the honorable Virgin of the Dawn.

For the fairness of the game, she was even willing to post a post just for herself.

This is a treatment that other fans do not have.

And after seeing the picture of the Virgin, Karek cried.

This girl is so beautiful, she is like an angel.

I heard that she used to be from the frontier, and her background was worse than her own, but she was able to counterattack and become what she is now.

Kalek felt that he could do it too. Even if he lost this time, he still had full confidence in the second Valkyrie Trial.

Thinking of this, he no longer had any worries in his heart, and began to prepare for the battle in a few days.

As for Luo Quan, after posting the news, he didn't stay up all night anymore, and went to bed early to rest.

The groundbreaking ceremony is not a big deal, but meeting the believers is very important to her.

After all, compared to fans, these believers are easier to cultivate to become their own force.

Early the next morning, Saint Fafreya brought a large group of maids to wash and change her clothes.

"The specification of the Holy Mother is different from that of ordinary believers. Your bath water must be the essence of the fountain of light plus the nectar of the fiery red lotus.

In addition to improving the holy power in your body, these can also strengthen your body, which is a great tonic. "

While talking, Fafreya directed the maids to pour these two things into the bath.

"Can you eat it?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"Ah?" Fafreya obviously didn't expect Luo Quan to ask such a question, "Your Majesty, you are really humorous, these treasures can be eaten directly, but after going through other processes, the taste will be even better.

You will not feel delicious if you eat these directly. "

"It smells very sweet." Luo Quan arched her nose, she smelled a scent of nectar, it should be the fiery red lotus that the saint mentioned.

Favreya replied with a smile: "The scent of the hot red lotus is like this. Its nectar is one of the raw materials for the best perfumes on the market, but generally only dignitaries can afford it.

As for this kind of bath essence, I am the only one who has enjoyed such treatment in the whole church. "

"Why don't we go together?" Luo Quan stretched out his hand to invite.

She found that getting along with people and taking a bath is the fastest way to promote relationships.

Bai Xingwei and Ye Zhining became friends after only one date, so she also wanted to have one with Fafreya to enhance their relationship.

But Favreya was obviously frightened by Luo Quan's openness, she waved her hands repeatedly and said, "This can't make the Holy Mother, how can we share the same bath."

"What are girls afraid of?" Luo Quan was like a demon, smiling and tempting the blushing saint.

"Being frank in front of the Holy's too shameful!" Fafreya took a step back, "Besides, I have already washed before coming here, so you should take a shower quickly."

"Hey, it seems that I'm a little too cautious." Luo Quan shook his head and sighed, then undressed and walked into the bath.

Fafreya never expected that the Virgin would be so unrestrained, and she went straight into the bath before she even got out.

Feeling very shy, Fafreya hurriedly left the bathroom, and when she came out, she touched her face with her hands, feeling that her skin was so hot that it was about to burn.

"Didn't you say that the Virgin Marys of all ages are dignified and conservative, why is this one like this?" Favreya looked at the door of the bathroom and muttered to herself.

The maids didn't have any special expressions when they came in and out, and they probably got used to it.

About half an hour later, Luo Quan had already changed his clothes and came out of the bathroom.

Her wavy blond hair shone brightly under the light, making people's eyes dazzle.

In Huanyu, blond hair is a very rare hair color, even the royal families with noble blood cannot have it.

In ancient times, those who could have blond hair were either heroes who saved the country and the people, or saints who made great contributions to civilization.

And this is also the reason why Luoquan was considered the Virgin Mary in the first place.

"My Lady, you are so beautiful."

Fafreya walked over and said enviously.

Before Luo Quan appeared, she and Ye Zhining shared the title of the most beautiful in the universe.

Because of the different races, they are all the most beautiful in the eyes of the people of their respective countries.

But since Luo Quan appeared, this title has been taken away by her without any dispute.

Even Luo Quan, who hadn't taken off the earrings, was already shockingly beautiful. It was hard to imagine what she would look like after taking off the earrings.

"Thank you for the compliment, Ms. Shengda. You are also very beautiful. If there is a chance, I will definitely let you sign with my company." Luo Quan put his hand on Fafreya's shoulder with a smile, with an intimate attitude.

"Company?" Fafreya looked at her suspiciously.

Luo Quan explained with a smile: "An entertainment company, you have many beautiful girls, and the purpose is to make each of them a big star who is popular among thousands of people.

According to your conditions, you can have a very high popularity when you debut on the spot. If you sing a few songs and act in two dramas, then you will be definitely top class! "

Fafreya shook her head after hearing this: "But my job is to be a saint. This celebrity doesn't sound very suitable for me."

"Hua can't say that. How can a job be said to be unsuitable before you try it." Luo Quan shook his finger, and the face of the seductive saint was like a procuress.

"Speaking of which, what exactly is the holy woman's accusation, can you tell me?"

"The Holy Maiden is the purest person in the Church of Dawn, in charge of the Judgment Cross, specifically to save those believers who are in suffering."

Facing the questioning, Favreya gave a crisp and forceful answer, obviously familiar with this set of sayings by heart.

"Then are there any believers in the universe who are living in misery?" Luo Quan continued to ask her.

Fafreya shook her head lightly: "That's not true, everyone's life is better now, unlike before, we have to face many troubles."

"That's it." Luo Quan slapped his hands, "So you must be free now, and basically have nothing to do, otherwise you wouldn't come to take care of me yourself.

After all, in the church, our status is almost at the same level, but now it looks like you have become my maid. "

"Is that an exaggeration?" Fafreya smiled awkwardly, "It may be that I am too enthusiastic, after all, there are not many people in the whole church to talk to.

Now with you, Madonna, at least not everyone treats me with reverence. "

"This is really good news. If you are willing to come to our company to be a star, you will gain more friends in the future." Luo Quan began to prescribe the right medicine after knowing Favreya's troubles.

After the saint heard this, she showed a look of excitement, but she didn't make a decision immediately: "I have to think about this matter. Although I am very free now, I can't just leave the church casually."

"This kind of important matter really needs careful consideration." Luo Quan patted the saint's shoulder lightly, "My door is always open to you.

In fact, you may not know that even if you don’t show up very much, you are quite popular on the Internet. Both netizens and believers are very eager to meet you.

Listening to your chat, sharing the happiness in life, singing songs and drawing pictures can make them happy. "

"Is it really that simple?" Fafreya was very surprised.

"Trust me, it's that simple." Luo Quan nodded sincerely, after all, she has too much right to speak about this.

"I see, I'll go back and study it carefully." Fafreya clenched her fists, and began to have a little yearning for the new life Luo Quan described.

After being a saint for so many years, I repeat the same things every day, and sometimes I still feel a little boring.

It must be a good thing if stardom can be used to relieve the boring life.

I just don't know if the Pope can agree, after all, this kind of behavior sounds a bit deviant.

"It's getting late, let's hurry to the construction site of the summer palace." Fafreya finally remembered the business of today, and immediately asked someone to open the portal.

Soon, the two arrived at the construction site of Notre Dame's Summer Palace.

This is the first time she has visited here in person, and unlike the messy appearance piled up with various materials in her imagination, this place is a plain full of flowers and plants.

It seems that the foundation has not even started to be laid. As expected, it is indeed the construction team of the God Blessed Federation, and the efficiency is really low.

If it was the Holy Tang Dynasty, I am afraid that when the groundbreaking ceremony begins, the place will already be dusty and busy.

The good news is that although the construction team was not seen, the scene was still very lively, and countless believers gathered, occupying almost all the surrounding hills.

There must be a considerable number of fans among these believers, because Luo Quan saw many people holding up signs of support:

"I want to cry at night during the day, and I want to see the Virgin in my dreams."

This kind of jingle-mouthed behavior is only done by those fans.

But no matter what, they were willing to come here to wave the flag and cheer. Luo Quan was still very moved. When he came to the center of the open space, he first raised his hands to say hello to the big guys.

Seeing that the Virgin seemed to have something to say, the believers immediately fell silent.

The originally crowded construction site instantly became audible.

"This appeal." Luo Quan looked surprised, and then took a cylinder shaped like a microphone from Fafreya's hand.

He coughed twice at its round end, and found that the 360-degree surround sound appeared immediately, so Luo Quan was relieved:

"Thank you, thank you believers for coming here to witness the groundbreaking ceremony of Notre Dame's Summer Palace."

"Papa papa..." The audience applauded.

After everyone took pictures for a few seconds, Luo Quan raised his hand to indicate that it was almost done, and then continued: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you see or not witness this ceremony.

From the moment you recognize my identity as the Virgin Mary, your heart is my summer palace, and I am with you at this moment, no matter how far away you are.

It's like there is no road in this world, and if there are too many people walking, it will become a road. "

After becoming a magic stick, the tone of speech is different.

This kind of remarks would never have been made by Luo Quan in the past, but now he can speak so well without a teacher. Ye Zhining, who was watching the live broadcast, couldn't help but want to give Luo Quan a thumbs up.

As for the believers at the scene, they were even more excited when they heard this, and shouted at the top of their voices, how fanatical the battle was.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm." Luo Quan thanked again, and then said in the classical dawn sage:
"Our father in heaven,

May your name be hallowed,
may your kingdom come,

May your will be done on earth,
Like walking in the sky.

our daily diet,
give us this day,

Forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors,
Do not lead us into temptation,

Deliver us from evil,
For the kingdom, power, and glory are all yours,
Forever, Amen! "

The classical Holy Language of Dawn is a language that can only be spoken during prayers. Few people are proficient in it. Only the Pope, Bishop, Holy Mother, and senior priests can fully master it.

The prayers read in this language are the most authentic and most resonant among believers.

However, the few prayers that Luo Quan recited were quite believable, and few people present had heard of them.

But although I have never heard of it, it fits the atmosphere at this moment very well.

So every time Luo Quan recited a sentence, the believers, including the saint and Bishop Valena who was in charge of the project, also recited a sentence.

When the last sentence was finished, a huge white ball of light appeared in the sky of the open space.

The undulating halo on the surface of the light sphere exudes an incomparably pure light aura.

This miraculous scene made countless people gasp in amazement, wondering what it was.

And the appearance of this ball of light also alarmed the Pope himself who watched the groundbreaking ceremony remotely.

He suddenly got up, tore apart the space and came directly to Luo Quan.

(End of this chapter)

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