Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1086 Miracles

Chapter 1086 Miracles
"This must be Heavenly Father watching us!"

"A miracle, an out-and-out miracle!"

"Praise be to Our Lady!"


Countless believers knelt down excitedly, shouting prayers.

The pope Benjamin III who suddenly appeared also attracted Luo Quan's attention.

This was the first face-to-face contact between the two. The pope was younger than she had imagined, and he looked like he was in his early thirties.

After appearing, he was suspended in the air like this, the luxurious robes on his body, and the scepter in his hand exuded a pure white halo, at first glance, he looked like an expert.

"Good day, Our Lady."

Benjamin III walked up to Luo Quan, bowed his head and saluted Luo Quan as he stroked his chest.

"Good day, His Majesty the Pope." Luo Quan also replied with the same etiquette.

"Forgive me for my ignorance, may I ask where the prayer just now came from in the scriptures, and why I have never seen it before."

Benjamin III asked with a smile, his eyes full of desire for knowledge.

Under such circumstances, Luo Quan would definitely not be able to truthfully explain its true origin, so he could only continue to fool around and say, "I'm just a blissful soul, and if it violates the rules of the church, I will never mention it again in the future."

"Of course there is no violation." Benjamin III laughed. "This prayer is comparable to the famous sayings left by ancient sages. It is so sacred that it can directly give birth to the source of light!"

Talking about the direction of Benjamin III's finger, Luo Quan saw the big ball of light in the sky, and suddenly said: "So that is called the source of light."

"Yes." Benjamin III nodded lightly, "In the ancient times of ignorance, pious pilgrims could create a source of light when they prayed, bringing light, baptism and a sense of security to believers.

It is a lighthouse that guides the direction in the dark, and can save countless lost lambs, and every source of light can give birth to a holy place.

The current Difanxi was originally built on the source of light, but time has passed and the source has dried up, leaving only the spring of the source of light.

But even so, it still made the holy city of Difanxi brilliant for tens of thousands of years.

And now, a new source of light is finally born, and it is you who brought it, my lord, you are really the lucky star of our Dawn Church. "

"Hahaha, am I so powerful? Many people have praised me for my good luck since I was a child." Luo Quan was confused when he heard this, but he felt that this should be a good thing, and at the same time, he was thinking about whether to ask this person. The pope asked for more rewards.

"This cannot be described as good luck. This is a miracle, a miracle created by you and the devout prayers of the believers!"

As Benjamin III spoke, his voice became louder, and then he opened his arms to face all the believers.

Professional magic sticks are different. A few words ignite the emotions of all believers, and the groundbreaking ceremony instantly becomes a large-scale missionary scene.

Luo Quan, who had been robbed of the limelight, didn't have much to say at this time. In fact, if she had reacted quickly just now, all the believers could have cheered for him.

But the pope suddenly appeared, and then diverted everyone's attention with a few words.

Everything happened so fast that she didn't expect it at all.

But no matter what, I still reaped benefits this time, at least my prestige in the Church of Dawn is higher.

After the deception was over, Benjamin III announced the continuation of the ceremony.

The next step is basically the time for the head of the construction team.

There are two construction team captains in charge of on-site command, from God Bless Federation and Shengtang Dynasty respectively. After taking the stage, besides mobilizing the workers, they are assuring Party A that what will happen this time.

To sum it up, it's faster, better and more economical, striving for the top, and the whole big red banner is set up on the construction site, and then let the workers shout labor slogans together.

In short, the atmosphere is quite good, but whether it can be done quickly and economically is a question mark.

However, Luo Quan did not have the energy to supervise the progress of the project, so he could only hand over all matters to Bishop Varena.

After the ceremony, Benjamin III took Luo Quan aside, ready to chat a few words behind closed doors.

"Is the Virgin Mary in good health recently?" Benjamin III opened his mouth to ask this, and Luo Quan directly pressed the old man's face.

Everyone knows the reason for asking this question. After all, I still bear the flag of "I will definitely give birth to a son in the future", but I didn't expect Benjamin III to get straight to the point.

"The body has always been quite healthy, and nothing else matters." Luo Quan replied calmly, without revealing any information.

In fact, she had a big belly once before, which caused her family to misunderstand and almost had an oolong.

But Ye Zhining diagnosed her with stagnation of true qi after calling her pulse, and then quickly cleared it up by dredging her meridians.

Luo Quan himself didn't suspect Ye Zhining's behavior, but if he told Benjamin III about this kind of thing, it was hard to guarantee that he wouldn't think too much about it, so he just concealed it.

But after concealing it, Luo Quan worried whether the powerful Pope would see that she was lying.

After all, she has seen Ye Zhining's cultivation above Taoism before, and he is no longer a superman, but a proper god, the kind who can follow the words.

Even if Benjamin III is not as powerful as the empress who has the faith of the people of a unified dynasty, it is estimated that he is not far behind, so Luo Quan is still a little bit drummed in his heart.

But at least there is no change on the surface, all the performance of the body is like telling the truth.

The good news is that Benjamin III has no doubts about Luo Quan's answer, but he just warned: "You shoulder the future of the Church of Dawn, and you can't be careless about any discomfort. If ordinary hospitals can't solve it, the Sacred Heart of the Church of Dawn Ren'ai Hospital will be happy to serve you."

"If there is a physical examination in the future, I will definitely come." Luo Quan said with a smile.

"The entire Holy City is looking forward to your visit, Our Lady. All of us believers are your children who love and respect you the most." Benjamin III lowered his head with a devout expression.

When Luo Quan saw him leaning down, he thought he was going to kiss the ground at his feet like other believers.

But just bowed his head and performed a kneeling salute.

Respect is respectful, but not as devout as other believers.

"The light of dawn shines on you all the time." Luo Quan sent blessings to Benjamin III according to the scriptures, and the conversation between the two ended here.

The ceremony ended smoothly. Although there was a small episode in the middle, it was a good thing in general. Now everyone on the Internet is talking about his mahatma, and those fans shouted "Mom" even more happily.

Thinking of these guys calling "Mom" while looking forward to their bikini photos, Luo Quan felt uncomfortable.

When I explained to fans about my style change after my debut, I mentioned that I took a swimsuit photo shoot.

It was nothing at the time, but after the big guys understood what a bikini is, they all wanted to see these photos like a chicken blood.

"Can you see it so easily? Let's talk about it later."

This is Luo Quan's answer. She feels that she is so popular as a virgin now, if she suddenly took out her swimsuit photo, it would ruin the atmosphere too much.

It's not too late to take it out after the limelight has passed, now is just the time to whet the appetite of fans.

Who knew that this hanging made them bewildered, and they begged for this in the live broadcast room every day.

Now it has even worsened, and it has directly become a large-scale filial piety scene.

Luo Quan felt that if he continued like this, he would probably become the first host to be banned by the platform.

That is to say, I didn't wipe anything, but I was affected because the barrage sent by these fans was too outrageous.

But in this case, no matter what you say, it will cause a greater reaction from the fans, so the best way is to play dead.

After watching the trending news for a while, Luo Quan returned to the room from the teleportation circle.

"Zhi Ning, when did you come?"

As soon as he returned to the room, Luo Quan saw Ye Zhining lying on the bed with bare legs, a pair of snow-white jade feet swinging back and forth, smiling happily.

"What are you looking at, smiling so rippling?" Luo Quan moved over curiously, and found that Ye Zhining was actually looking at him.

To be precise, it was the swimsuit video I took on the beach before, no wonder Ye Zhining's eyes lit up watching it.

"You're all boring, haven't you seen these countless times on Earth?" Luo Quan complained with his mouth puckered.

Ye Zhining shook her legs triumphantly: "I can't see enough of Aifei's ketone body, every time I watch it, I can have a new experience, it can be said that it is always new.

And compared to yesterday in the bathroom, I think the concubine in a swimsuit is more sexy, the shy look with her head bowed, like a water lotus flower that cannot withstand the breeze, is so beautiful. "

"Water lotus?" Luo Quan chuckled, "I took this picture in the early days, and I couldn't let it go very well at that time. Let me take pictures now, and I will show you what is called the Overlord Flower of the Abyss!"

"Ba...Bawanghua?" Ye Zhining was dumbfounded when he heard that, "What the hell is this?"

"A kind of carnivorous plant, it looks quite vigorous." Luo Quan smiled and showed the photo of Bawanghua to Ye Zhining.

Overlord flower, scientific name Rafflesia, is famous for its huge petals, and it is extremely smelly...

After reading the introduction and photos of this thing, Ye Zhining said with a look of disgust: "How can you use this thing to get a nickname, it's so ugly!"

"Ask my fans, it's all their work." Luo Quan shrugged helplessly, and sat down beside the bed.

"But speaking of it, Aifei, it seems that you haven't taken a swimsuit photo for a long time. I really want to see what it looks like to take a photo with your current style."

Ye Zhining moved closer to Luo Quan, and said in a tone of temptation and expectation.

Luo Quan glanced at her: "Is there any mistake? I've seen all the ones that are fiercer than swimsuits, and this one or two photos are missing?"

"Then how can it be the same?" Ye Zhining chuckled, "As I said just now, the highest level of sexiness is to hide and reveal. What's the point of taking off naked?"

"It's really strange xp." Luo Quan shook his head, expressing that he couldn't understand.

Ye Zhining rubbed Luo Quan's shoulder: "How can this be called strange? If you do a questionnaire survey to fans, you will definitely get the same answer as me."

Luo Quan had the urge to faint: "I'm crazy to ask these questions.

But it's true that I haven't filmed for a long time, but I'm not free during this time, so let's talk about it after the things at hand are done. "

"The concubine is going to take a picture and tell me ten thousand times, and I will go with you when the time comes." Ye Zhining said excitedly after receiving a definite answer.

"Understood, I will definitely not miss you when the time comes." Luo Quan nodded and replied, "Speaking of which, did you escape to come here again?"

"Is I so stupid in your heart?" Ye Zhining was very dissatisfied with Luo Quan's attitude, "I am so virtuous, how can I not go to court every time?"

"That's why I blamed you wrongly." Luo Quan said hehe.

"Actually, the morning morning is once every three days, and tomorrow is the new morning." Ye Zhining laughed.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, and started groping around Luo Quan's stomach.

"What are you touching?" Luo Quan was puzzled by Ye Zhining's behavior.

"I was so obsessed with talking about swimsuits just now, I forgot to come here to find your business." Ye Zhining lowered his head and muttered, "I saw you created the source of light, and thought you were pregnant with the Son, so I just took a look."

After speaking, she raised her head: "Fortunately, Concubine Ai is still the same."

Luo Quan was curious: "Is there any necessary connection between this source of light and the Holy Son?"

Ye Zhining replied seriously: "Not necessarily, but I'm not afraid of [-], just in case. The appearance of miracles is usually accompanied by some kind of change. This kind of change may be brought about by yourself, or it may be brought by the Son.

If it's the former, it's okay, but if it's the latter, it's more troublesome. "

"Why, you also believe in this so-called coming of the Son?"

Luo Quan rubbed Rua's own belly, and said with a smile: "No one can make me get pregnant against my will, not even you."

This is not only the confidence brought by the Wugou Glazed Body, but also the system most importantly.

Since the system was upgraded, it has been absorbing spiritual energy.

Although the system itself does not have any attack capabilities, it can provide powerful protection.

Even Ye Zhining couldn't do anything to her under the protection of the system.

Of course, in front of Ye Zhining, the duration of this protection will be very short.

And Ye Zhining didn't quite understand where Luo Quan's self-confidence came from, but she was relieved to hear her say this: "I am so happy that my concubine has this awareness."

However, Luo Quan quickly changed the subject: "But there are no absolutes in this world. If I really got pregnant one day, what would you think?"

"Impossible." Ye Zhining's answer was the same as Luo Quan's, "I can't let this happen."

As he spoke, he slapped Luo Quan on the head.

A golden light descended from the sky, covering Luoquan in it, and then Ye Zhining laughed loudly and said, "With this great formation of mountains, rivers and land, even Benjamin III would never want to hurt a single hair of your hair, don't worry, my concubine." Alright."

(End of this chapter)

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