Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1087 Academy Star

Chapter 1087 Academy Star

"So this is a different kind of chastity pants?" Luo Quan looked at the top of his head helplessly, thinking that now he is the real tenth iron crotch, but it is just forced.

Fortunately, the system told it that this is an ordinary shield, which does no harm to the body, and it will not even appear when it encounters normal attacks, and it will only be triggered in times of crisis.

All in all, it can be regarded as an insurance for Ye Zhining.

"How can Ai Fei think so narrowly of me." Ye Zhining smiled seriously, "There are so many masters in the universe, there are countless mysterious methods, and there are even more methods for taking people's lives thousands of miles away.

The formation I gave you is specially designed to deal with this method, after all, I can't be by my side to protect you all the time. "

"That's really thankful, Your Majesty." Luo Quan smiled and thanked.

"We don't say thank you." Ye Zhining waved her hand, "Speaking of which, Concubine Ai is going to enroll in Huanyu Academy soon, which department are you going to enter?"

In Huanyu, all things can enter the Tao. In layman's terms, it is 360 lines, and the number one can come out of the line.

Therefore, Huanyu Academy also has a very, very large number of departments and departments. When broken down, there are more than 360 lines, and it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of subjects.

Bai Xingwei is currently studying in the Swordsmanship Department of the Martial Arts Academy, and Ye Zhining used to study in the Qi Luck Department of the Martial Arts Academy.

Although they are all warriors, they are in different departments because of their different cultivation methods.

According to the status of the Holy Mother of Luoquan, the most suitable for her must be the Holy Light Department of the Belief Academy. After entering, she will definitely be regarded as a treasure by teachers and classmates.

"I signed up for the Martial Arts Academy refining system." Luo Quan's answer was beyond Ye Zhining's expectations.

"Refining... body... system!"

Ye Zhining said word by word, and the whole person almost jumped out of bed: "Why are you so hard to think about going to this department?"

"What's wrong with the refining system? Is there any problem?" Luo Quan asked puzzled.

Because she herself is on the road of hand-to-hand combat, physical strength, fighting skills, and body training methods are all very important to her, so of course the department she chooses must be a professional counterpart.

"I'm not joking with you, all the people in the refining system look like Brother Gui."

Ye Zhining explained to Luo Quan with the adjectives she saw on station B: "These big muscle fighters think about lifting weights, squatting, and deadlifting every day. Their arm muscles are bigger than their heads!"

Listening to Ye Zhining's vivid description, Luo Quan strongly suspected that when she was studying, she encountered childhood shadows because of refining the system.

"Is that an exaggeration? I think the seniors and sisters of Wushen Academy are quite normal." Luo Quan didn't really believe Ye Zhining's words.

Ye Zhining pouted quickly and said, "Is there any advantage for me to lie to you? Anyway, the training system is a bunch of muscular men, exercise freaks, and they are also hidden and exposed perverts. They like to use their muscles when exercising. reveal."

Luo Quan thought about the situation in the gym, and found that those fitness enthusiasts seemed to be similar.

But she can accept people like bodybuilders, what Ye Zhining said is not a big deal, so she said: "Every group of people has their own way of life, you can't deny others just because you don't like them. "

"Hehe, you are really too young."

Ye Zhining took out the optical machine, and entered "Huanyu Academy Refining System Daily Documentary" in the search bar.

The video came out soon, and there were two huge naked chest muscles.

The owner of the pectoral muscles is a super hunk with a small head but extremely well-developed limbs. The muscle contours on his body are extremely obvious, and stripes of muscle fibers can even be seen in some parts.

Moreover, the whole body was covered with lubricating oil-like liquid, and the bronze-colored skin gleamed under the light.

The camera followed him into the training room for practicing the system. Before he saw it, the voices of the students training came from inside:

"Hey! Hey! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!"

This philosophical shout directly made Luo Quan's head black.

In particular, these people's body training methods are not even limited to ordinary metal, and sometimes they will practice in groups of two or three, mainly in the form of wrestling or another situation that is difficult to describe in words.

Luo Quan pouted his lips for a long time, and finally said "foreplay" to describe it.

"How about it, are you still planning to go in?" Ye Zhining put down the light machine, and the old god looked at Luo Quan, "After going in, I will wrestle and train with this group of people. Speaking of which, I am really curious love What does the concubine look like after getting fit?"

"Forget it then." Luo Quan shook his head wildly, "I admit that I misjudged this department, I didn't expect their exercise method to be so primitive and informal, I went there and I had to eat Is it a big loss?"

"So I've been persuading you just now, and you thought I was harming you." Ye Zhining folded her arms in dissatisfaction, her expression seemed to say that she would not listen to the empress's words, and that she was suffering in front of her eyes.

"I was wrong." Luo Quan apologized quickly, "I'm going to change my volunteer right now, go to... um... fighting department."

Since body training is not successful, let's settle for the next best thing.

As a warrior, the fighting system is also quite good.

"This is an acceptable choice." Ye Zhining nodded slightly, without further objection.

But just to be on the safe side, Luo Quan searched the daily life of the fighting department first.

The good news is that this time the students' body shape is much more normal, that is, the kind of muscular athletes.

As for the training items, it is basically a point-to-point discussion in the arena, and there are teachers in the audience to guide them.

"It's decided to be fighting." Luo Quan said, entered the official website of Huanyu Academy, and changed his choice.

Volunteers can be changed before taking the entrance exam, so there is no big problem.

Seeing that Luo Quan had changed his choice, Ye Zhining laughed again: "The combat atmosphere is very competitive, and there are quite a lot of masters. After Aifei enters, don't cry because the brothers and sisters are too strong."

"Do I seem to be such a fragile person?" Luo Quan smiled disdainfully, "You just watch how I managed to fight all the invincible fighters in the fighting department."

"Then I'll just wait and see." Ye Zhining gave a thumbs up, expressing her appreciation for Luo Quan's bravery.

The next day, Huanyu Academy started, and at the same time, the entrance examination for first-year students also started simultaneously, which lasted for three days.

Ye Zhining had to go to court early, so she didn't have time to accompany Luo Quan. Fortunately, Bai Xingwei was with her.

Because she was afraid that the unfamiliar Luo Quan would get lost in school, Bai Xingwei went to the fighting department with her after registering in the class group.

Both the Swordsmanship Department and the Fighting Department belong to the Valkyrie Academy, so the classrooms of the two departments are not very far apart, only about ten meters apart.

In the same way, the refining system is not far from the fighting system.

When Luo Quan came over, he even saw a few students who seemed to be cultivating the system.

Although he was wearing clothes, he still couldn't cover the muscles under the clothes that were about to explode.

When they saw Luo Quan, they only showed kind smiles, but they didn't show any longing and yearning expressions, obviously they didn't dare to be sexually interested in Luo Quan.

"It's amazing. After the first time I met a man and saw you, there was no desire in his eyes."

After walking away, Bai Xingwei said to Luo Quan in surprise.

"If you can't hold your head down, how can you tease others casually?" Luo Quan accused her in a low voice.

"Hey, when did you become so decent, you want to make a good impression in front of your classmates, don't you?" Bai Xingwei smiled even more happily.

"I'm speaking out of righteousness!" Luo Quan looked upright.

Bai Xingwei said disdainfully: "Cut, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, I'm just saying what's in your mind."

"It's not that I don't have it." Luo Quan quickly denied it.

While talking, the two had arrived at the classroom door of the fighting department.

It is said that it is a classroom, but it is better to describe it as a practical teaching venue.

The classrooms of each department are connected to a larger indoor field. There are no people in the classroom, and the field behind is where the students really go to school.

"Classmates, are you here to report?"

A boy sitting at the door looked up at the two girls, his eyes widened instantly: "Wait...wait a minute, are you Luo Quan!"

"Hello, I am." Luo Quan was ready to be recognized.

In other words, the recognition of her appearance is a big problem if she is not recognized without a mask.

"Oh my Holy Mother, please allow me to kiss your shoes." The boy suddenly jumped up from his seat, and then crawled down again.

This action scared Luo Quan to jump back quickly: "Student, classmate, this can't be done, are you a believer in Liming Church?"

This kind of gift is usually only performed by believers in the Liming Church, but Luo Quan is completely unable to adapt.

So during the opening ceremony before, she told the believers that there was no need to perform this grand ceremony.

And don't the believers kiss the ground she walks on, why does this one just put her mouth on the shoes.

And the boy's answer made Luo Quan even more speechless: "Although I am not a believer, I am your fan. As a fan, it is completely fine for me to express my respect to you in this way."

"No need, no need." Luo Quan smiled awkwardly, thinking that this was another one who wanted to ask for a reward.

During the live broadcast before, these fans took pleasure in scolding and often said something to anger her.

She scolded these fans, and wrote "Why reward him" or "Reward me too" on the barrage.

Regarding the abnormality of these fans, Luo Quan often seems out of place because he is too normal.

The person in front of him must be his fan, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do such an outrageous thing.

This belongs to substituting things on the Internet into reality.

However, Luo Quan suspects that a considerable number of her fans will do the same when they meet her in reality.

In short, it is not easy for her to talk about this kind of thing, and it seems too much to directly scold the lower man, so she can only stop it first.

And Bai Xingwei watched the whole process from the sidelines, her expression was that although I didn't understand it, I felt very shocked.

She is also a beautiful woman with countless suitors and high popularity. She had never seen such a scene when she was in school before.

At this moment, she even imagined that Luo Quan was beating the boys with a leather whip and stepping on their faces with boots, and the boys would show a strange picture of happiness and fanaticism.

"What are you thinking?" Luo Quan patted Bai Xingwei's shoulder, not knowing what kind of outrageous scene she was imagining at this moment.

Bai Xingwei was shocked by such a slap, and the queen Luo Quan in her mind disappeared without a trace, and said quickly: "I saw that this classmate was too enthusiastic, and I was frightened."

"Some of my fanatical fans are like this." Luo Quan said, turning his head to look at the male fan, "It doesn't matter what you say online, but in reality, mutual respect is the main thing, please don't do such rude things again. "

"I'm sorry, mainly because I'm so excited to see you." The male fan bowed his head and apologized like a child who has done something wrong.

This scene made the fantasy in Bai Xingwei's mind have a tendency to revive.

And Luo Quan was quite satisfied with the attitude of the male fans, he nodded and asked, "Is the report here or inside?"

"Inside, just ask Teacher Wu Yuxia." The male fan pointed to the indoor training ground, and then said timidly, "Idol, can I take a photo with you?"

Luo Quan hesitated for a moment, but after meeting his expectant eyes, he finally nodded.

The male fan who got his wish excitedly held the light machine, and almost knelt down to thank him again.

The man has gold under his knees, but in the eyes of this male fan, he is not as valuable as his idol Luo Quan before, and he wants to kneel down to express his inner admiration if there is a disagreement.

After experiencing such a small episode, the two women finally entered the indoor training room of the fighting department.

There don't seem to be many freshmen in the fighting department, most of them are seniors who are training.

A female teacher yelled something at the two boys who were fighting above the ring.

Seen from the back, the female teacher's figure is still quite good, especially her hips, which can be seen from regular exercise.

"Teacher, I'm here to report." Luo Quan stepped forward and said.

Wu Yuxia turned her head and was obviously very surprised when she saw Luo Quan, but she still said, "Welcome."

Then he turned his head and slapped all the students: "Everyone stop, we have another female freshman in the fighting department."

Hearing this, all the students who were training looked over.

Only at this time did Luo Quan realize that the ratio of male to female in the entire fighting department was quite unbalanced.

Counting myself, Bai Xingwei and the teacher, there are only five girls in total, and the remaining 18 are all boys.

However, compared to the brothers and sisters in the refining system, this ratio is already good, at least there are a few girls.

In fact, there are several classes in refining the system, Luo Quan is assigned to the first class, and the other classes may not be more girls.

And the students all showed surprised expressions after seeing that the freshman who came was Luo Quan:
"Damn it, it's Luo Quan!"

"She actually chose the fighting department, she is worthy of the Overlord Flower."

"Such a beautiful girl will definitely cry for a long time if she is punched."

"Crying Luo Quan? I think you don't have the ability."

(End of this chapter)

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