Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1089 Beautiful Zhang Yi

Chapter 1089 Beautiful Memories

Luo Quan has grown up so much, she really has never been in contact with things related to match-fixing, what she hates most is match-fixing.

So Bai Xingwei didn't need to ask this question.

I originally thought that I would meet with many teachers and directors at the start of the school report, but it turned out that the management here is looser than that of the university.

As long as you can pass the final exam, it doesn't matter even if you miss class every day.

After finally finding a desired exercise, but being told that he couldn't get it in a short time, Luo Quan suddenly lost the intention of staying in Huanyu Academy for a long time.

After the report was over, she went back to prepare for the battle with Kalek.

Before that, her mailbox had received a large number of letters from well-known Huanyuxing companies, basically wanting her to act as a spokesperson for their own products and advertise.

Since she became popular at the New Year's Eve party, her popularity has soared to the top level in just a few months.

In the past two days, it continued to dominate the rankings because of the incident at Notre Dame's Summer Palace.

It is no exaggeration to say that she must be one of the hottest female stars in the world right now.

The only pity is that she doesn't seem to have released any official audio-visual works so far, so she doesn't have any actual performance as a support.

But based on traffic alone, Luoquan is quite attractive enough.

That's why these brands of Huanyu value her so much.

However, Luo Quan, who is well aware of her commercial value, did not sign contracts indiscriminately. She is now on the rise, and her popularity will only increase in the future.

Of course, different levels get different signing fees. Luo Quan plans to delay for a while, the longer the delay, the more he will earn.

Of course, on the other hand, her current status is really not good enough to accept any endorsement.

After all, she is also the Holy Mother of the Dawn Church. Even if she doesn't discuss it with the Pope, she must know it in her heart.

Therefore, faced with the attractive prices offered by these big brands, Luo Quan declined them one by one on the grounds of focusing on his studies.

Although I don't know what conflict there is between filming commercials and reading books, but since Luo Quan is not free to pick up, it can't be forced.

There is no righteousness in business, and despite being rejected, these brands still wish Luo Quan good health.

After returning from the academy, Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room and planned to broadcast it longer tonight.

After the game, she will have to return to Earth, and then she will not be able to meet the fans here for a while.

When saying these words, the fans of Huanyu were of course very reluctant:
"Why can't you live here forever?"

"It's only broadcast live for a few days each time, which is really too little."

"I really want to see you every day."

"Ah, ah, it's so uncomfortable."


In the face of fans' complaints, Luo Quan can actually understand.

But there is no way, if the live broadcast signal can be connected to the earth across hundreds of millions of light years, of course she is willing to broadcast live to them every day.

But it's a pity that she can't, and she really can't stay in Huanyu for too long, after all, the purchasing power of popularity gained here is too low, far inferior to that of Earth.

The longer you stay in the universe, the slower your upgrade speed will become.

So she can only go back, and she must go back.

After a lot of effort, Luo Quan finally calmed down the fans.

At this time, several LSPs clamored for her to hand over the swimsuit photos as compensation.

This request is very unreasonable. As a viewer, not being able to watch the live broadcast does not mean a loss. Why do you want to compensate?

Luo Quan immediately refuted, but the fans just didn't listen, and they chanted scriptures.

Helpless, she said after careful consideration: "Do you really want to see it?"

"Want to see, want to see!"

"I, Nima, dream about it!"

"I swear, I will look at it from a critical perspective, without any color."

"Yes, this is a green and healthy live broadcast room, love comes from God Bless Federation."

"Haha, what machine translation."

"Why are the federal people here to join in the fun? You don't respect the Virgin, do you?"

"To cheer for the beauty of Our Lady is to show her the greatest respect."


After the fans were moved with emotion and reasoned hard, Luo Quan was finally persuaded: "Let's take a look, in fact, they are some photos taken when we first debuted, and nothing was revealed, I don't know why So many people like it.

This is true for Earth fans, and it is also true for Huanyu fans. "

This made the audience laugh out loud:
"Haha, it seems that we have the same aesthetics as fans on Earth."

"Just kidding, Luo Quan's appearance is invincible anywhere in the universe."

"Actually, I'm just curious about what Luo Quan's real body looks like."


Amidst the cheers of the audience, Luo Quan took out a thick photo album from the storage ring.

This was taken by myself on South China Sea Island.

I have been to three islands for vacation, but I only took pictures of Maldives and South China Sea Island.

After thinking about it, Maldives has not yet reached the peak of body and temperament, so Luo Quan took out Nanhai, which has a better impression.

As for this photo album, the photos in it are selected from the photobook, which will be printed and given to lucky fans.

At that time, more than 1000 copies were printed, but they were not sent out, and Luo Quan himself kept a few copies as souvenirs.

"Come on, this is the bikini you all want to see." Luo Quan turned to the first page, and it was a photo of himself stepping on a surfboard.

In order to take this photo, she temporarily lit up her surfing skills.

In the blue and turbulent ocean channel, she walked against the waves, and the sun slanted in, making the sea sparkling, and making the confident smile on her face even brighter.

"The design of this bikini is very interesting. It's quite alluring."

"Luo Quan's skin is really white, and it's not that sickly pale, but that healthy, radiant white."

"This calf feels like it could kick me to death."

"Want to be rewarded? Go live your dream!"


Luo Quan didn't pay attention to the comments of the fans, but continued to read them.

If the content of the first photo was relatively ordinary, the quality of the second photo began to soar.

This is an underwater photo, among the colorful reefs, colorful tropical fish swim in groups.

In between, there is a "mermaid" with blond hair and black eyes. She swings her two slender legs and sneaks down.

The thick wavy hair spread out behind her beautiful face, at first glance it looks like a golden jellyfish.

Several transparent bubbles float above her head, and the whole composition looks so beautiful and natural.

"This is my favorite one, called Mermaid."

Luo Quan pulled the camera in triumphantly, wanting fans to see it more clearly: "I don't know if you have mermaids here, but in our place, mermaids are a legendary creature.

They are beautiful, living in the ocean, with a human upper body and a fish lower body.

It's a pity that I didn't get props at the time, otherwise what you saw would not be legs, but a blue fish tail. "

This statement was immediately rejected by fans:

"How could it be? I only care about these long legs."

"I'm all paying attention to Luo Quan's face, but I think these legs are really beautiful, there is no blemish at all."

"Indeed, I would call it the first leg in the world."

"I hope there will be more leg photos in the future, and then continue to flip through!"


Under the urging of fans, Luo Quan turned to the third page.

After seeing the content, she blushed a little and pulled the camera away a little.

Even with her current thickness of skin, she would still feel a little embarrassed facing this photo.

In the photo, she is lying on the beach in the posture of a royal concubine.

The camera is very close, the picture is very clear, and she is very majestic and well photographed, just like the rolling waves in the distance.

"By the Holy Mother, this figure is really good."

"Why is the camera zoomed out, hurry up and get closer!"

"Okay, let's watch today's live broadcast here."

"Ah this..."

"It's time for the sage, isn't it?"

"Where is this?"

"I have to say, this bikini is really a sexy artifact, the closer the distance, the stronger the feeling."

"I didn't feel much about the large scale when I heard from the Virgin. Now I know that the Virgin was so unrestrained before."

"Normal scale, which celebrity doesn't wear swimsuits now? It's just that their swimsuits are not as good-looking as bikinis."

"Indeed, if this is on a large scale, what are those passionate scenes on the screen? Eighteen bans?"

"Those ancient oil paintings, sculptures, and nude ones, I think these portraits of the Virgin Mary are art that can be compared with them, no matter how large the scale is, it is acceptable."

"My evaluation is that everything is normal, and it is recommended to increase efforts!"

"Your abacus really resounds through the sky."


When encountering this kind of photo, the audience's barrage is prone to some tiger and wolf words.

But fortunately, after all, it is just a swimsuit photo, which belongs to the normal category.

The word sexy can help block many criticisms.

If I let them see the public welfare photo I took before, I think they will go crazy, after all, that photo is a real full-time export.

But it's hard to say, after all, the photo I took was so artistic, and if I got it from Huanyu Star, there might be some phantom of Venus, which can directly increase the combat effectiveness.

The main reason is that it is difficult for her to grasp the speed here. If she can know in advance what can enter the Tao and what can't, it can save a lot of trouble.

In short, the scale of swimsuit photos is here. The third photo lying on the beach is basically the largest, and the photos after that are nothing more than different poses.

Generally speaking, the whole photo is to record the life of playing on the beach, and the artistic conception is not as good as the first one.

But the first figure was not as good as this one, so Luo Quan didn't consider it.

Because of Ye Zhining's repeated begging, she will make a third film next time. Considering that she has improved to a higher level now, the effect of the filming by then will probably be even more astonishing.

It's really not that she deliberately wanted ghs, it's because the capital is too rich, there is no way.

When an F-level girl wears a swimsuit, even sitting like this can make people feel too astringent.

In the same way, no matter how you show off at an airport, it probably won't make people feel that it has anything to do with sexiness.

This is the natural observation gap brought about by the body.

"Basically that's all. They are a selection of photo materials, and the rest are not as good-looking as these."

Luo Quan turned to the last page, turned his head and said to everyone.

"Ah, is this over?"

"I haven't seen enough of it at all, and I want to watch it again."

"It would be great if there was a video, the effect of Luo Quan's body will be even more explosive when it moves."

"I'm sitting right in front of you, how can I move?"

"Can it be the same? This is a swimsuit!"

"My suggestion is that Luo Quan quickly apply for a patent on the bikini, this thing can sell for a lot of money!"


Just as Luo Quan put away the photo album, she suddenly saw that the barrage was asking her to apply for a patent, and she wondered, "Can this swimsuit also be patented?"

Fans are in a hurry:

"Of course! Huanyuxing doesn't have this style of swimsuit!"

"As the only earthling on Planet Huanyu, you have the right to directly apply for a patent on your behalf."

"This swimsuit is so sexy, whether it's at the beach or not, there are definitely many people who are willing to wear it, and there is absolutely no worry about not selling it."

"Yes, let Luoquan shoot some commercials at that time, and it will definitely become the best underwear brand in the world."

"Haha, it turns out that you all made this plan."


Although I don't know if these fans are joking or really giving her ideas, Luo Quan has no reason to refuse.

So she called the patent application website of Huanyuxing, and under the guidance of fans, she successfully applied for a patent for the bikini on the earth.

If anyone wants to produce swimsuits or underwear in the same form in the future, he must pay her corresponding copyright fees.

And if she sells her own brand, she can also get the commercial protection of the patent owner.

Although I don't know if that underwear can make a fortune, there is no harm in applying.

As for fans trying to get her to shoot underwear commercials, that's really overthinking.

How can the majestic Virgin, the embodiment of purity and love, be able to shoot underwear commercials?

If it is really filmed, it will not be talked about by others for a lifetime.

It can only be said that Luo Quan has a heavy burden of idols now, and he has not completely let go.

When she has Xu Yanqing's mentality and realizes that her figure is her most intuitive advantage, she will probably be able to use the sexiest clothes to attract attention.

Of course, this day is estimated to be difficult to come.

Her skin is thick and thick, and she is thin and thin.

In the environment of the earth, especially in China, it is okay to be sexy, but it is not realistic to be too sexy.

Therefore, the scene of "The Fall of the Virgin" that fans are looking forward to can only exist in some YY novels on irregular websites.

In fact, someone is writing it now, and quite a few people have read it.

But because it was a gray area, no one cared about it, and Luo Quan turned a blind eye.

After continuing to chat with fans for about three hours, Luo Quan ended the live broadcast and prepared to check the news and watch funny videos of alien sand sculptures.

At this moment, Bai Xingwei pushed the door open again, pointed to the photo album in Luo Quan's hand and said, "Is there any extra for this, I want a copy."

(End of this chapter)

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