Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1090 Angels descend to earth

Chapter 1090 Angels descend to earth
"Why do you want this?" Luo Quan looked at Bai Xingwei speechlessly.

Bai Xingwei smiled badly: "Of course it's for collection, this is the most beautiful exclusive private house photo in the universe, and you can look through it when you are free."

"Since you like it so much." Luo Quan said and handed the photo album in his hand to Bai Xingwei, and then took out the one he took in the Maldives before, which is "Aphrodite by the Sea".

In the comments of fans, the first book is the pinnacle of Luoquan's swimsuit photography, and the second book has good scenery and artistic conception, but it loses the true meaning of swimsuit photography.

What is the true meaning of swimsuit photos?Of course, the girl who saw through the bikini showed her good figure, and the second photo did not implement this well.

"There are actually two books." Bai Xingwei was a little surprised, and then opened the first book.

She covered her mouth in astonishment without flipping twice, and bumped into Luo Quan with a smile: "Yes, you can actually take such a rough photo."

In the first photo album, there are quite a lot of yoga movements. This kind of secret technique from India is said to be for health preservation. In fact, many movements can be related to intercourse techniques.

So if a girl does it, it will look very lustful, not to mention that Luo Quan is still wearing a swimsuit.

"Why didn't you take out this book just now? It's better than the second book." Bai Xingwei turned over and marveled at the various difficult poses Luo Quan made.

"Can you do this again with your head through your legs from behind?" Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan, her eyes full of expectation.

"Are you kidding me!" Luo Quan wanted to slap her on the head, but considering that he was not her opponent, he could only refuse verbally.

Bai Xingwei shook her head for a while: "Your body flexibility is too ridiculous. I think these movements are called tree poses and frog poses. Could this be some kind of secret technique?"

Luo Quan nodded: "It is indeed a body-refining secret technique of an ancient country, but most of them are very harmful to the body."

"I think so too." Bai Xingwei agreed with Luo Quan's statement, and then looked at Luo Quan's legs, "So it should be possible to put your legs directly behind your neck, right?"

"Oh, why do you always care about these strange issues." Luo Quan was a little dumbfounded, "And what you said is not a yoga movement at all, okay?"

Bai Xingwei looked upright: "I'm curious, I've seen some movies where the heroine can do this, but it's not standard, and it won't last long."

Luo Quan rolled his eyes at her: "Watching any movie will only hurt yourself, watch more green and healthy ones."

Bai Xingwei curled her lips in disdain: "Cut, you still have the nerve to talk about me. Before, Your Majesty the Empress would say that you found a lot of things in your drawer..."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Quan had already rushed forward, covering Bai Xingwei's open mouth.

"The hero doesn't mention the courage of the past, so let's stop this topic, why don't we talk about something else, just blink when you understand."

Bai Xingwei blinked with a smile, and Luo Quan let go of her hand.

Fortunately, these things were discussed in the girls' boudoir, and only a few people knew about them. Otherwise, no matter how thick-skinned Luo Quan was, he would have to taste what it was like to die in society.

This is the end of the topic about toys, Bai Xingwei carefully put away the two photo albums Luo Quan gave her: "This thing can be a family heirloom, don't worry, I will definitely not show it to others."

"It doesn't matter if you look at it, I have something even more explosive." Luo Quan shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, there is such a thing?" Bai Xingwei's eyes lit up immediately.

"It's nothing more than a public welfare photo. It uses the illusion of light and shadow to create a naked feeling, which is beautiful and full of artistic conception." Luo Quan described it solemnly, as if she was describing a work of art.

"If you say that, you might be able to condense a frozen phantom." Bai Xingwei was quite excited, "Can you show me?"

Ye Zhining also mentioned the same request, Luo Quan of course did not treat it differently, and turned over the photos.

Half a minute later, Bai Xingwei smacked her lips: "That's it, that's all."

Luo Quan sneered: "If you suck the saliva from the corner of your mouth, the credibility of this statement may be higher."

"Fuck!" Bai Xingwei immediately sucked back her saliva when she heard this, "Haha, I'm just kidding, this photo is really good, it's both artistic and sexy!"

Luo Quan smiled smugly: "Let's just take it as you are praising me, but this kind of photo is not suitable for broadcasting in the live broadcast, because it is a public welfare photo, so it cannot be abused."

"That's a pity." Bai Xingwei expressed deep regret, "You missed the opportunity to become the goddess of the whole people."

"I don't need to expose my body if I want to become a goddess." Luo Quan raised the corners of his mouth confidently, "I have a lot of talents to make people fall in love with me, and the lowest one is relying on my appearance and figure."

"But it is also the simplest and most effective one, and this is your greatest advantage." Bai Xingwei retorted.

Luo Quan corrected: "If you don't need it, it doesn't mean you just throw it away. If you have an advantage, you are a fool if you don't need it. I mean that you can succeed without relying on your appearance and figure."

"That's true." Bai Xingwei didn't sing against the tune this time, "Speaking of which, besides this, do you have any more exciting photos?"

"No more." Luo Quan shook his head decisively, not letting Bai Xingwei squeeze out anything more.

It's really gone, after all, she doesn't have any eccentricities, she will twitch her head and take some strange photos.

Since her Apple mobile phone was hacked before, she knew that no matter how safe these mobile phones were, there was still a risk of information theft.

And the best way to protect information is not to create it.

Whether it's for solitary admiration or for the fun of a couple, don't take such photos or videos.

Because you can never imagine the way these things will leak out.

The boys are fine, but the US team just leaked the pictures, and it was a blessing in disguise to gain a lot of fans.

But if it's a girl, it's a trivial matter to lose face and cause a blow to her career. If she doesn't do it well, she will be nagged for a lifetime.

Although girls are usually the victims after being leaked, netizens don't care about it. The curiosity of eating melons will stir up the matter and eventually make the victims suffer the most.

So in order to avoid this from happening, Luo Quan's photos and videos are very normal selfies, even if they are exposed, it doesn't matter.

Of course, Bai Xingwei was dubious about Luo Quan's words.

In her heart, Luo Quan is a rather sullen girl.

On the surface, it looks very serious and conservative, but after getting acquainted with it, it is really a wild and unrestrained husky. You can never imagine what kind of dirty words will come out of her mouth.

Of course, maybe she and Luo Quan are the same kind of people, that's why they can get along so harmoniously and casually, which kind of means "they smell like each other".

Then the two sisters who share the same smell share the same bed again tonight.

After waking up the next day, Luo Quan, who was about to sleep in, was pulled up anxiously by Bai Xingwei.

"What are you doing? There's a competition today, so I'm recharging my energy." Luo Quan rubbed his eyes, his expression filled with the words "I have the energy to get up."

"Why are you still sleeping? The more you sleep, the less energetic you will be. It will be more effective to breathe more fresh air and sunbathe."

Relying on her great strength, Bai Xingwei directly pulled Luo Quan up: "Wash up quickly, I have prepared a special battle breakfast for you!"

"Battle breakfast?" Luo Quan blinked, "Is it a breakfast that can increase your combat power in a short time after eating?"

This effect sounds like some kind of medicine in online games. Although it is a bit outrageous, Huanyu definitely has the ability to develop it.

"What are you thinking about? What's the difference between eating this before a game and taking doping in an athlete's game?" Bai Xingwei was a little speechless, "It's just some nutritious meals to adjust the body to the best state. After eating, it can improve your mood and wake you up. Muscle, improve concentration.

They are all things that are allowed to be eaten before the competition, and they will definitely not violate the rules. "

"Is it delicious?" Luo Quan asked a very important question.

Bai Xingwei smiled: "You will know after eating."

Five minutes later, Luo Quan sat at the dining table, looked at the colorful pastries and fried food in front of him, and moved his nose: "This smells a little strange."

"Oh, it smells stinky and tastes delicious." Bai Xingwei picked up a yellow round pastry and put it into Luo Quan's bowl.

Luo Quan ate it with a frown, and immediately revealed his pain mask.

This thing is not simply unpalatable, but an unpalatable combination of sweet, bitter, spicy and salty.

And it's not outright unpalatable, you can feel a scent after chewing it twice, but it's cool and quickly washed away by the strange taste.

In layman's terms, it is fragrant and smelly, but it is far inferior to stinky tofu.

"What is this, it's so unpalatable, I almost vomited." Luo Quan swallowed this piece of yellow cake forcefully like taking traditional Chinese medicine.

"How is it? Are you refreshed and don't feel tired at all?" Bai Xingwei asked proudly.

"I think it might be better if you don't eat this." Luo Quan held his forehead with his right hand, feeling a little dizzy.

"Good medicine tastes bad. If you're not used to it, you can change it to something else." Bai Xingwei clapped her hands, and the maids immediately came over to replace the so-called battle breakfast with a normal breakfast.

After the scent hit, Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief, and then started to eat with a big appetite.

But because she was going to be in the ring soon, she didn't eat too much.

In case of stomach cramps caused by strenuous exercise later, it would be too painful to vomit out the whole morning meal.

Since becoming the Virgin Mary, Luo Quan's idol burden has also increased day by day, and now he cares about image very much in everything he does.

After breakfast, the two arrived at the venue of the Valkyrie Trial through the teleportation circle.

As the only companion, Bai Xingwei obtained the qualification to enter the contestant's backstage.

"By the way, will the Empress come to the scene?" Bai Xingwei asked curiously when she saw Luo Quan put on a loose tracksuit.

Luo Quan immediately shook his head: "The empress is busy with government affairs, so it is unlikely that she will watch my match live, and everyone should watch the live broadcast."

"Maybe." Bai Xingwei was noncommittal.

At the same time, the VIP room of the Valkyrie Trial welcomed a distinguished guest.

Hou, the highest person in charge of supervising the Martial God Trial, was outside the room, pacing anxiously during the meeting.

With the sound of "the empress has arrived", the fat and fat person in charge immediately turned his head. He originally wanted to bow and salute, but who knew that he just knelt down on one knee and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Director Yang, the kneeling ceremony has been abolished for so many years, but there is no need to perform this grand ceremony." Ye Zhining chuckled.

"Weichen is too excited, please forgive me for being rude in front of the imperial court." Director Yang was trembling all over, he didn't expect that he would have a day to receive the empress in person with his little official.

You must know that this is not Huanyu Star, it is Iron Horse Star hundreds of light-years away from Emperor Li Shengtang. The fifth-rank officials are here, and they can be regarded as the most senior officials that can be seen.

And even if he was a fifth-rank member, he would rarely see him, let alone someone higher than a fifth-rank member.

He couldn't figure out why Her Majesty the Empress came here, and he was even more afraid that the vip box was too simple and would dirty His Majesty's golden body.

"Excuse me." Ye Zhining waved his hand, pardoning Director Yang's crimes.

In fact, he didn't do anything wrong, it's just that this is the idiomatic way of low-end courtiers when facing the emperor.

Ministers like those in the court are usually neither humble nor overbearing when facing themselves.

But it is also normal, after all, officials of different classes have their own rules of survival.

As the old saying goes, put on socks first, then shoes, and be a grandson first, and then a master.

"I'm traveling low-key this time, so I don't need to alarm too many people." Ye Zhining didn't say much nonsense, and directly asked the imperial lady to push away from the room.

"It's a wild place with poor facilities. Please forgive me." Director Yang followed into the room. Although the interior decoration was already very luxurious, he still wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The luxury of ordinary people and the luxury of royal families are two concepts, and he has seen it before.

"It's okay." Ye Zhining didn't care at all, because her attention was on the ring.

Luo Quan hadn't appeared yet, but judging from the countdown on the ring, it should be almost here.

"Since that's the case, I won't bother you any more, and I'll leave first." Director Yang bowed his fat body and retreated to the door step by step.

Afterwards, the imperial female officer closed the door, and the female emperor guard in the corridor outside looked forward, and no one looked at him.

But the prison-like aura of the female emperor guard made him tremble with fear, and he hurriedly left the room before he was scared to pee.


"Seven six five four three two one!"

With the countdown completely over, the second round of the Martial God Trial Ding Shen Group officially began.

The first one to appear was Karek. As the favorite of the dealer this time, he was nearly three meters tall and had quite muscular muscles. He was at the same level as those guys in the training system of the Huanyu Academy.

After taking the stage, he excitedly raised his hands and cheered, which aroused applause from the audience.

However, when the host reminded that the second contestant was about to debut, the audience did not cheer, but screamed excitedly.

"Ahhhhhh——Luo Quan, I want to give birth to you!!!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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