Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1091 Angels descend to earth

Chapter 1091 Angel Descends ([-])
Amidst the long-awaited calls of fans, Luo Quan finally appeared on the stage.

Different from the Madonna costume with fluttering skirts last time, the clothes she wore this time were a little bulky, and the trouser legs and jacket were quite large, mainly for the convenience of movements.

After coming to the ring, Luo Quan was finally able to observe his opponent up close.

Kalek, the Rhine of Held.

The humans of this group all have brown hair, and adult males and females are very easy to distinguish.

Adult Rhineland men often have a very thick black beard, long and fluffy, which at first glance looks like a scarf, while Rhineland women do not have this feature.

Kalek's beard is quite long, and the longest end has even spread to his chest, and his hair is also very thick. Those who don't know it think that the men of this species are all hirsutism.

As opponents, Luo Quan and Kalek waved friendly after meeting, and then each returned to their own half of the court under the reminder of the host, ready to start the fight.

At the same time, the outcome of the two also began to receive a lot of betting.

The odds of the two did not fluctuate much. Luo Quan is currently at a disadvantage, and there are not many people who are optimistic about her.

"Every Rhine is a master of melee combat. Their bodies are extremely tyrannical, and they also have an extremely powerful racial ability called Rhine Roar. Remember not to be hit by this move at close range. Once you see his mouth open, cover it immediately. Shut your ears and retreat!"

This is the information that Bai Xingwei gave her before she came on stage. To sum it up, don't fight at close quarters, but fly a kite on the opposite side.

But almost all of her attack methods are close-fitting bunts, so it is almost impossible to do this, so she can only pay more attention to Kalek's mouth, and guard against his killer move.

"Game start!"

As the host shouted, a circle of red lights lit up around the arena, indicating that the battle had begun.

There was a crisp sound, and a circle of air ripples visible to the naked eye swayed from where Karek was. He himself came to Luo Quan with a flicker, and his right leg swept across like a whip.

"So fast!" Luo Quan's pupils shook, and he raised his arms to block, but he didn't expect to be directly swept away by Kalek's unparalleled strength.

They are also warriors at the Bone Tempering Realm, and Kalek's strength has already exceeded this limit too much, far exceeding his normal self.

However, Luo Quan didn't panic after being kicked away, and immediately opened seven doors in a row, his complexion instantly turned pink, and fiery qi began to emerge from his whole body.

After her strength increased suddenly, she quickly controlled her body, turned around and kicked in the air, and kicked Kalek back who wanted to pursue him.

Kalek probably didn't expect that Luo Quan could increase his strength so many times in an instant. He was still worried about whether his move was too ruthless after kicking just now, but now it seems that he really can't hold back at all.

After coughing twice, the surging blood in his chest was calmed down by Kalek.

At this time, Luo Quan still landed on the ground, and pushed forward with his hands together: "Day Tiger!"

The gigantic white tiger soared into the sky, and while roaring deafeningly, it rushed towards Kalek.

Facing this overwhelming power, Kalek let out a low shout, his fist glowed with a brilliant golden light, and then twisted his waist and threw a punch.

A ferocious lion head appeared out of nowhere, and collided fiercely with the day tiger released by Luoquan. The two beasts roared and fought, and finally died together.

As soon as the day tiger disappeared, Luo Quan took a deep breath, and then exhaled a large ball of bright orange flames.

This is a simple use of the True Fire of Samadhi in her body, but unlike Hong Hai'er, she does not need to punch her nose twice before making this move.

Here we can also see the advantage of the loose top. If you change to a close-fitting sweater or T-shirt or something, the audience can see her upper body, which becomes the same as the charter woman who is using the lion's roar.

Especially after her figure became more plump due to the diet pills, the visual effect can only be described as bursting.

Of course, the audience has not seen these things now, after all, the jacket Luo Quan chose is too roomy.

And Kalek was sweating a lot on his face at this time.

The real fire of Samadhi, which claims to burn when it encounters fire, when it encounters water, and when it encounters wood, has finally exploded its power as a mythical flame after being nourished by Luoquan for several months.

After spraying from Luo Quan's mouth, raging fire immediately swept across the entire venue, as if it was going to burn up the air as well.

Kalek felt the great heat brought by the true fire of Samadhi, and while swinging the golden lion head fist to extinguish it, he shifted his position.

And Luo Quan's mouth was as bulging as a pimple, and he kept spitting out the true fire of Samadhi.

Her dantian has been refined to an immeasurable size, and it lacks everything, but it does not lack the true fire of samadhi.

If the situation continues, she can keep spraying like this for a day!
However, Kalek obviously didn't intend to let his situation be so passive. After discovering that his fist shadow was limited, he quickly found the root of the problem, which was Luo Quan, who had turned into a fire-breathing toad.

Although the Virgin Mary's bulging mouth is still beautiful, it still reminds Kalek of the alien brothers on Held - the Folgers.

These people are usually not much different from Huanyu people, but their cheeks will bulge very big when they are excited.

And their trick is to take a big breath, use the mouth to push the thruster, and then use the butt to hit the enemy.

Of course, the dignified Virgin would definitely not use such a funny way to confront the enemy.

After thinking about it, Kalek decided to take a risk and rushed directly into the flames.

Seeing this scene, the audience thought that Kalek was too reckless, wouldn't it be a proper barbecue to just rush in like this?

However, when Luoquan's flames came, Kalek's beard suddenly swelled, completely enveloping his body in an instant, and completely blocking the flames from the outside.

This is what Luo Quan did not expect, that is, in such a blink of an eye, Kalek has already rushed in front of Luo Quan.

Seeing this, Luo Quan could only stop breathing fire, and threw his fists to meet him.

Unexpectedly, the huge fur ball suddenly opened, and Kalek's beard and hair were stretched out like a hedgehog.


The deafening roar turned into ring-shaped shock waves, blasting towards Luo Quan while crushing the ring.

Luo Quan couldn't dodge in time, and was directly bombarded by this lion's roar.

Even with the defense strength of the Wugou Glazed Body, it still made her throat feel sweet.

Although there seems to be no injury on the surface, in fact, all internal organs have suffered internal injuries.

However, this injury wasn't enough to make her lose her ability to fight. After resisting the letter's roar, she jumped back and distanced herself from Kalekla.

Kalek didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but panted heavily on the spot. It seemed that this move was quite exhausting to him.

After pulling away, Luo Quan rubbed his tingling ears, his face looked a little pale.

Neither was bleeding and neither was in great shape, so for a moment it was hard for the audience to tell who had the upper hand.

But warriors who are a little bit more knowledgeable are cheering for Luo Quan at the moment:

"My fiery horse, Luo Quan's body is too vigorous, and King Kong is not bad, that's all!"

"It's full of Rhine's roar at close range, even a metamorphic warrior will have to vomit blood. Besides, Luo Quan is still alive and kicking, it's outrageous!"

"Who says it's not? I haven't seen anyone who can endure Rhine's roar without vomiting blood. This is the seventh-ranked racial ability!"

"It seems that our Holy Mother really has two brushes. This physique is so strong that it is unscientific."


In fact, it wasn't just the audience who were surprised, Kalek himself also yelled that he had seen a ghost.

His Rhine Roaring move has always been invincible. Long-distance hits may have limited effect, but like the face-to-face hard attack just now, no martial artist of the same level can stand still, not even a single one!

But Luo Quan sat down, and it seemed that he still had enough strength, Kalek almost burst out of his mind because of this.

But after seeing Luo Quan's legs trembling slightly, Kalek finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, how could it be ineffective, it's just that she is holding on, as long as she does this again, she can win the game.

Thinking of this, the beard that was half burned by the real fire of samadhi opened again, and Kalek prepared to follow the same pattern for the surprise attack just now.

Luo Quan was on guard this time, and jumped into the air with a flick of his legs.

But Kalek's speed was far faster than she imagined, and he teleported to her in the blink of an eye.

I saw his hair stand up and his mouth opened wide.

Seeing that he was about to be seriously injured, a burst of dazzling white light suddenly lit up on Luo Quan's body.

"Ow!" With a roar, the sound wave completely covered Luo Quan.

Both Bai Xingwei and Ye Zhining clenched their fists as they watched from the audience, but the red lights around the ring did not go out, which meant that Luo Quan's life was not in danger.

Kalek also noticed this, his eyes filled with disbelief.

It's okay to suffer from the Rhine Roar twice. Is this Holy Mother made of ultra-high-strength alloy? !

Of course Luo Quan is not made of iron, but she is just a gentle girl like water.

At least in the eyes of fans, she is quite gentle.

She herself was also surprised by the appearance of this white light, but when the system reminded her that this was a special ability she had obtained after praying to believers, she immediately understood.

In the civilization of the universe, everything can enter the Tao, singing, painting, taking photos, and even rustling.

In comparison, collecting believers' beliefs is even one of the most common ways.

Enter the Tao with song, you can summon the song spirit to attack the enemy.

Kalek has such potential very much. With his rhine roar and high-pitched singing spirit, his power can definitely be raised to a level that ordinary people can't understand.

It's a pity that he has no talent for singing.

Although Luo Quan has it, he doesn't have the racial abilities that only Rhine people can master.

So, God is fair sometimes.

However, sometimes God is eccentric and concentrates all his love on one person.

Luo Quan is such a lucky man who is favored by thousands of people, he can enter Taoism in everything, even a prayer that he chanted casually to fool believers at the beginning, it also created the holy light source.

What's even more outrageous is that after entering the Tao before, all he got were phantoms, but this time the Holy Light Spring brought real ones, through which Luo Quan obtained skills that could be used in battle.

Because the power comes entirely from Heavenly Father, the main god of the Church of Dawn, the system failed to detect this power until it was triggered by the deep danger in Luoquan and finally detected it clearly.

"So, am I hitting right?" Luo Quan was wrapped in the holy light and couldn't move for a while, but he was quite happy in his heart.

"It's just good luck, but sometimes luck is also a kind of strength, and maybe the old man really likes you." The system replied.

Luo Quan's hairs stood on end all at once: "Doesn't it mean that I'm really going to become a Madonna and give birth to a Son?"

"There's no need to worry about it. With the system and the queen's protective circle, you can't get pregnant."

The systematic answer reassured Luo Quan a lot.

"Speaking of which, what's the meaning of this holy light shield?" Luo Quan reached out to touch it, and found that it was quite soft, like cotton.

"This is the cocoon of the Holy Light, in which those who believe in the Holy Light will recover from all injuries and gain the ability to incarnate as an angel.

All your attributes in angel form have been greatly improved, and the degree of improvement is related to your faith. You can intuitively observe through the wings on the back, the lowest pair is one pair, and the highest is six pairs.

A pair of wings is multiplied by two, and if there are six pairs of wings, the attributes of the whole body are multiplied by twelve, with no side effects. "

"My god, is it so fierce!" Luo Quan covered his mouth in surprise.

"There is a time limit, and it can only be used once every seven days. It cannot be used as a regular recovery method."

The system splashed cold water on her face without any accident, but even if it can only be used once in seven days, this ability is already very strong.

At this time, the hatching of the Cocoon of Holy Light was finally completed.

The white shell shattered with a crackling sound, and the dazzling light pierced through the cracks and pierced in all directions.

At this moment, all the dawn believers at the scene half-kneeled to welcome the legendary angel.

During the most difficult period of the Dawn Church thousands of years ago, it was countless sages who turned into angels and guided the lost believers to the other shore of salvation.

Times have changed, and the believers have not seen angels for a long time. They did not expect that the Virgin Mary would become an angel this time, which has never been preceded before.

According to the records of the Dawn Scripture, the appearance of angels is very grotesque.

The most common image is that the body is a huge white ball, covered with eyes symbolizing wisdom, and surrounded by several golden rings.

Of course, the most obvious thing is the pair of astonishingly long white wings on the ball.

It is said that this is what the Angel of the Father looks like.

However, despite the somewhat terrifying appearance of the angels, each one is very kind.

Therefore, the believers are not afraid, but rather look forward to what the angel transformed by the Virgin Mary will look like.

But when the cocoon of the holy light shattered and a barefoot peerless beauty appeared in the air stepping on the holy light, everyone was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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