Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1092 Angels descend to earth

Chapter 1092 Angel Descends to Earth ([-])
"It's so beautiful!"

This is probably the only thought on the minds of most Dawn believers at the moment.

In the Codex of Dawn, angels often have strange shapes, so when they appear on the scene, they will first say: "Don't be afraid."

And the images of demons are often handsome men and women, very attractive, that's why they lure countless human beings into the abyss.

At this moment, Luo Quan completely subverted the common sense of the believers. Her face was as dazzling as a holy light, and the two pairs of white wings nearly four meters long spread out in four directions. The urge to touch.

The most astonishing thing was her blonde hair, which had turned into a burning golden flame at some point, fluttering and surging above her head.

At this moment, Luoquan is sacred, majestic, and beautiful. Countless believers worshiped with their heads bowed, chanting the name of the Holy Mother.

Even Pope Benjamin III was a little stunned by this scene. The creation of the Holy Light Fountain a few days ago was already outrageous, but he did not expect to become an angel today.

The miracles are really one after another, if it continues like this, let her be the Pope.

"Master Virgin can really surprise us at any time."

The saint was also watching the live broadcast. After seeing Luo Quan turned into an angel, her eyes were full of envy.

With the Holy See technique she practiced, she can become an angel after reaching a high level.

However, she is still far from this level, and she will not be able to show up in front of people like Luo Quan in a short time.

"Probably this is a gift from the Heavenly Father to our believers." Benjamin III sighed softly, and at the same time, he was also grateful for his ability to overcome all opinions and recognize Luo Quan, a virgin without any beliefs.

If it weren't for this, I'm afraid all the miracles today would not have happened.

And just as the believers bowed to Luo Quanxing, Kalek in the field wanted to kneel a little bit.

Playing Rhine's Roar twice in a row had cost him quite a lot, and Luo Quan's angelic form had skyrocketed his body's attributes. Only those who faced the mountain-like coercion at close range knew how terrifying it was.

Especially when he felt that Luo Quan's aura was still rising, Kalek knew that he was no longer his opponent.

With this kind of strength, he could already face-to-face with the masters of the Mortal Transformation Realm, and there was no chance of winning if he continued to fight.

"I admit defeat." Karek raised his hand to look at the referee, and ended the battle with self-knowledge.

"Damn it, are you giving up now?!"

"Daddy's money!"

"Tmd crack down on match-fixing, refund money!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over."


In the live broadcast room, there was a lot of barrage like venting anger in an instant.

These are all bets that Kalek will win if he overwhelms Kalek before the game. According to his strength on paper, Kalek is better, and it can be seen from the first half of the battle that he has indeed grasped the situation.

But these people obviously didn't take Luo Quan's status as the Virgin Mary into consideration, and this transformation into an angel was beyond everyone's expectations.

Some happy and some sad, the lucky ones who bet on Luoquan have already opened champagne at this moment.

Because of the obvious difference in strength, Luo Quan's odds are quite high.

Under such circumstances, those who dare to suppress Luo Quan, except for the fans who are not short of money, are the gamblers among the gamblers, so they all bet more money.

Luo Quan won, and these people made a lot of money directly.

Bai Xingwei laughed so hard backstage that she almost burst into laughter. This time, she bet 5000 million Universal Coins. Luo Quan's odds were [-] to [-], which is almost a profit of [-] million!
This amount is quite impressive even for a wealthy family like her, which means that she can buy and buy as she pleases in the next year or two.

"Luo Quan, I love you!" Thinking of this, Bai Xingwei couldn't help cheering.

If Luo Quan was by her side, she would have hugged her and kissed her hard.

However, after the competition, Luo Quan did not return to the backstage, but was taken to the VIP room by the director of the Martial God Trial, saying that a big man wanted to call her.

Luo Quan's first reaction was that some second generation took a fancy to her beauty and wanted to recommend herself as a pillow mat or something.

Originally, Luo Quan started to raise words of rejection, but after seeing Empress Wei, she immediately felt relieved.

There are 24 guards in the imperial capital, and the prince will take six out of six. In addition, there are bad people and city defense forces responsible for the security of the imperial capital and daily patrols and defenses.

The remaining sixteen can be regarded as the emperor's personal guards.

Among the sixteen guards, the Empress Guard is the personal guard among the personal guards.

Where they appear, there are either orders from the empress or the empress herself.

Since there is a big person meeting him, it must be the empress herself.

Luo Quan pushed the door open and entered, and sure enough, he saw Ye Zhining sitting on the sofa, smiling at himself with her slender legs up.

"I have seen Your Majesty."

In front of the guards, Luo Quan still behaved very politely and took the lead in saluting and saying hello.

"Free from courtesy." Ye Zhining's tone was flat, and then with a light wave of his finger, the royal lady and the empress exited the room.

After all the outsiders went out, Ye Zhining couldn't bear it anymore, straightened up and came to Luo Quan's side.

"When did Concubine Ai learn this trick? It's so beautiful." Ye Zhining stroked Luo Quan's wings lightly, her eyes full of surprise.

The reason why he didn't put away his wings was not because Luo Quan wanted to show off, but because he was using it for the first time, and he wasn't particularly proficient at dealing with the extra organs on his back.

The system said that it would disappear automatically when the time was up, so Luo Quan didn't care about it, but Ye Zhining started playing with it unexpectedly.

"I also used it by accident today. I didn't know I had such a skill before." Luo Quan said blushing, "Your Majesty, don't pick it, it feels a little itchy."

These wings are very strange, they are obviously as hard as steel, and they are completely capable of fanning each other with a melee macho like Karek.

But if you touch it lightly, it will feel a little itchy.

And this kind of itching has never happened before, it started from the organs that appeared out of thin air, and then spread to the back and even the entire spine.

So whatever happens to the wings, the whole body will react.

Out of curiosity, Ye Zhining scratched the ends of the wings a few times with her index finger, wanting to see what would happen, but unexpectedly she did.

"Is it that sensitive?"

Ye Zhining withdrew her hand with a smile, but quickly touched it again: "Speaking of which, are these feathers real or fake?"

"I don't know." Luo Quan shook his head, and touched it himself.

It's the same as the itchy flesh on your waist, it's okay to touch your fart, but it itch when others touch it.

It was entirely for the purpose of experimentation that Luo Quan grabbed one of the feathers and tore it off.

"How?" Ye Zhining asked nervously, as if pulling her own hair.

"It feels a little bit, but it doesn't hurt, it's almost like pulling a hair out."

Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief, so that she didn't have to worry about feeling pain because of the intense fighting and shedding too much hair.

"That's it." Ye Zhining said with some disappointment.

Although he didn't know what Ye Zhining was disappointed about, Luo Quan didn't ask carefully.

Don't think about it, it's definitely not a serious thing.

Soon, the duration of the angel form expired, the wings on the back disappeared, and the golden flame hair returned to its original state.

It is obvious that these two pairs of wings grow out of the body, because there are four large holes on Luo Quan's back, and the snow-white willow waist is looming in the holes.

The good news is that the heart is not broken, so Luo Quan took off his jacket and put on a new one.

"Aifei's competition is over, is she going back to Earth?"

Ye Zhining sat back on the sofa and asked Luo Quan softly.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've been here this time, and there's still a lot of things waiting for me over there." Luo Quan nodded, "Besides, I don't have anything else to do in Huanyu recently, and the next Martial God Trial is coming up again." Wait a few months, there is no need to stay here any longer.

However, if your Majesty has any important matters, such as birthdays, you can tell me in advance, and I will definitely come to celebrate you when the time comes. "

"You reminded me that my birthday is on the fifth day of September, so there is less than half a year left." Ye Zhining smiled slightly, "When is my concubine's birthday? What a great gift."

"My birthday has passed, Your Majesty, wait until next year." Luo Quan expressed a bit of regret, because he missed the opportunity to receive the gift from the Empress.

The previous few birthdays were a big deal, and I received a lot of gifts.

But this time Luo Quan was too lazy to bother, so he ordered a big cake to celebrate with his family and fans, and he didn't ask everyone to give him any gifts.

However, Ye Zhining didn't intend to just let it go, and said loudly: "Next year is really too long, I'll make it up for you, whatever my concubine likes, feel free to mention it!"

Luo Quan replied shyly: "It's fine if you want it, it doesn't need to be too expensive."

"I really don't want to be polite." Ye Zhining smiled helplessly, "Since you don't tell me, then I will arrange it myself.

I remember you like shiny gemstones, right? "

"I really like this one." Luo Quan nodded and admitted.

"As long as you like it, just wait for it, I will deliver it to you in a few days!" Ye Zhining patted the sofa and settled the matter.

After chatting about making up for the birthday gift, Luo Quan returned to Bai Xingwei's home through Ye Zhining's teleportation circle.

Only then did she have time to read the message from Bai Xingwei: "You don't need to go to the backstage to find me, I'm already home."

Bai Xingwei didn't wait for Luo Quan in the backstage, and after some searching, she saw Empress Wei, and understood what was going on, so she went home early.

As soon as Luo Quan arrived home, Bai Xingwei knocked on the door and entered.

"Where's the Empress?" Seeing Luo Quan alone, Bai Xingwei asked curiously.

"She still has something to do, so she didn't come here." Luo Quan lay down on the bed, and stuffed a pill to restore true energy into his mouth.

Although the Cocoon of Holy Light healed her injuries, this battle still consumed a lot of Qi.

All buffs now wear off, and fatigue sweeps along with it.

Fortunately, her family is extremely rich now, and she has all kinds of pills and medicines provided by Bai Xingwei, the pope, and the empress. Now she eats these as jelly beans for ten years before she can finish them.

It's a pity that these medicines are all resistant, and more or less have side effects, otherwise, if you keep taking them, even if you don't practice, you can break through to the mortal state in a short time.

But with this or that nature, it can only be used simply as an auxiliary cultivation and recovery function.

Facing the fact that Luo Quan wanted to return to Earth, Bai Xingwei did not show her reluctance as before.

Anyway, there is a consonant mirror, whenever you miss each other, you can see each other directly through the past.

Maybe you can also enjoy the most beautiful changing clothes and bathing scenery in the world.

Thinking of this, Bai Xingwei even had some expectations.

"Then I'll go back to Earth first." Luo Quan took out the fully charged arbitrary door, turned to Bai Xingwei and said.

Bai Xingwei waved her hands with a smile: "Go back, go back, pay more attention to your diet, you see that you are getting fat again, and the size of your underwear is one size too big."

Luo Quan suddenly became angry: "Am I called fat? This is development, okay?"

Bai Xingwei nodded: "Okay, okay, I hope you will develop another size when we meet next time."

"Get out!" Luo Quan gave her a supercilious look, then stepped into any door without looking back, and then slammed the door shut.

"It's one size too big, so it won't be a cow?" Luo Quan muttered, and then put the matter of diet control on the agenda.

Judging from the changes in my body, I don't think I can't get fat, but it's not easy to get fat.

Wen Xia and the others were envious of becoming plump after eating fat.

But now it seems that it has gradually become a burden, and if it continues like this, sooner or later there will be problems.

The diet pills given by Ye Zhining must not be eaten outside, and high-calorie foods such as fatty meat and fried chicken must also be controlled, so that you can't overeat like before.

In fact, this is also very fair. If you want to maintain a perfect figure, you must pay something.

What I did before was already against the laws of nature, and it is impossible for people to go against the sky forever, so I had to make changes.

After tidying up his clothes, Luo Quan began to scan his room.

Through the light coming in through the curtains, it can be judged that it is daytime.

Dahei Xiaoyu was not in the room, and he didn't know where he went.

The quilt and pillow are still the same as when he left, it seems that no one came in during the period.

Pushing open the door, I could hear Arthur's laughter. It seemed that during her absence, Mia had already mastered the skills of raising a baby.

Luo Quan went downstairs, Wen Xia, who was eating a strawberry sundae, was the first to spot her, and immediately stood up: "Hey, you're leaving so soon this time?"

This time she went to Huanyu and didn't stay for too long, less than a week, which was indeed much faster than the previous few times.

Luo Quan walked over with a smile: "Yes, this time it went well."

"So is there any new breakthrough?" Wen Xia naturally grabbed Luo Quan's shoulder, and handed over another unopened blueberry sundae.

"I don't eat, I want to lose weight." Luo Quan waved his hand.

Wen Xia was startled: "Oh, when did you change your sex? You used to be a vegetarian."

"I can't help it. If I eat any more, I will turn into a cow." Seeing that his younger brother was no longer there, Luo Quan chatted about this topic with a few girls.

(End of this chapter)

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