Chapter 1096

ps. The chapter was blocked two days ago and is in the process of applying for lifting the ban.


Killing one person is a crime, but killing thousands of people is a hero.

The slaughter of 900 million is a hero among heroes.

It sounds powerful, but in fact killing people is very tiring. It is impossible to kill 900 million people on your own.

Luo Quan certainly doesn't need to kill people if he wants to fully master his skills, but he also needs to defeat more than [-] opponents.

Moreover, the tiger's hard-climbing is a real killing technique. If it is not an extreme situation, it must not be used on the earth.

Even if you use it to compete with the masters of the universe, you have to consider whether they can bear it.

And winning only one game or even ten games won't have much effect, at least a thousand games can see some effect.

Luo Quan felt a headache just thinking about it. This is simply an impossible task, unless she can be so popular that she can draw five designated attribute improvement cards in a row.

However, the reality is that she has used no more than ten designated attribute improvement cards so far, which shows how rare this thing is.

"Sure enough, it's really very difficult to obtain such a sky-defying attribute of one-hit certain kill. By the way, is there a shortcut?"

Faced with questions, the system that always gave Luo Quan a satisfactory answer failed this time:

"The characteristic of this skill is that practice makes perfect, it must be piled up with real battles one after another, there is no shortcut.

However, this is already the simplest type of upgrade, and the upgrade of some skills even requires various extraordinary materials, which cannot be found on Earth. "

"So I'm lucky?" Luo Quan chuckled.

"It depends on how you understand it. If you are a butcher, then this skill can quickly increase your proficiency. After all, it does not limit the opponent's level. As long as it is a human, it can be counted as a progress plus one."

The system's answer made Luo Quan's back chill: "This kind of thinking is not allowed to be brought up again in the future, and if I want to become stronger, I will not use this method!"

Hearing the host's accusation, the system stopped talking.

As for the tiger's hard-climbing move, after Luo Quan mastered it, he even raised his proficiency in Bajiquan from advanced to advanced.

Since arriving in Huanyu, she hasn't used Bajiquan much.

Looking back now, I found that it has a lot of moves that are quite valuable in actual combat. If you match it with your own monster power, it should be able to cause considerable damage to the enemy. She will have to study it carefully later.

The next day, in order to let the family members who haven't tasted his cooking skills for a while have a good meal, Luo Quan deliberately got up early and went to the supermarket to buy a lot of fresh ingredients.

I don't know if the property in the community has been changed. Now the quality of the ingredients they buy for them is not as good as before, but the price has increased a bit.

In the past, in order to save trouble, it didn't matter if it was a little more expensive, after all, it was a high-end ingredient.

But now there is an obvious decline in quality, and Luo Quan definitely doesn't want to be the wronged species.

Anyway, being idle at home is also idle, just going out for a stroll.

Who knew that something went wrong during this stroll.

Today is a beautiful sunny day. Luo Quan drove on the road outside the supermarket, slowing down while checking for open-air parking spaces.

As soon as she stopped, she heard exclamations from outside the window, looked up, and found that there was a black and white carriage speeding towards the crosswalk opposite.

If it makes it rush up, what's the deal?

Luo Quan almost didn't think about it, so he stepped on the accelerator and pushed forward.

She is driving the flagship model of Nikola today, and the zero-hundred-hour acceleration is even better than a sports car.

Luo Quan stepped on the accelerator with enough force to pierce the steel plate, and the electric car, just like its model name, shot out and landed directly on the opposite sidewalk.

With a loud "bang", the front of the BMW was directly and deeply embedded in the driver's seat of the electric car, and the entire door was deformed.

Soon, the passers-by, who were slightly in shock, immediately called the police and emergency calls.

The driver of the BMW got out of the car unsteadily, waving a kitchen knife in his hand, and it seemed that he was here to take revenge on the society.

The passers-by picked up their benches and began to confront him.

Soon there was a strong man sneaking up from behind, and a bench knocked on this man's hand.

As soon as the knife fell to the ground, the crowd of onlookers rushed forward and started a righteous group fight.

The man who was smashed by the bench immediately began to beg for mercy, but the crowd was in full swing, so there was no way to stop.

So the man quickly fell silent.

At the same time, Luo Quan was thinking about whether he should make some wounds on his body or not.

It was her subconscious behavior to step on the gas pedal to save people, but after saving people, how should she explain to everyone that she was unharmed?
Luo Quan, who had to shrink into a ball due to the deformation of the driver's seat, began to seriously consider this issue.

No, it's too shocking to just huddle inside and wait for rescue.

When rescuers sliced ​​open the car with a chainsaw, they found that she, who should have been at least seriously injured, was fine.

It is estimated that this miracle of life will soon bombard the hot searches at home and abroad.

Luo Quan thought for a while, let's come out first.

He moved to the co-pilot ahead of time before the collision, and nothing happened except a little dizziness. This reason sounds so pleasing to the ears.

As soon as he thought about it, Luo Quan unfastened his seat belt, then opened the deformed car door a little like pinching tofu, and then gave full play to the flexibility of his body, and began to squirm towards the co-pilot.

Although her body is already indestructible, the clothes on her body are not made of universal materials.

So her top was quickly scratched with several large holes.

Fortunately, she still had a coat in the back seat, or else she would have lost it this time.

Just when the snot-nosed murderer of the crowd outside was hammering happily, Luo Quan also managed to move his body to the co-pilot.

Pulling off the coat on the back seat, Luo Quan wrapped his upper body tightly, opened the door on the right and got out of the car.

"Everyone, come and help me, the co-pilot will come out alone!"

For the sake of confidentiality, the windows of Luoquan cars have been pasted with film, so the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Therefore, the onlookers didn't know how many people were inside, and thought that there was one sitting in the main and co-pilots.

"How is your husband? Is he still alive?"

Enthusiastic people hurriedly gathered around to ask their relatives, their faces full of concern and distress.

This electric car driver is really brave, blocking the BMW with his body, regardless of his own safety, this kind of self-sacrificing spirit is really touching.

But I was moved, the left side of the car was hit and sunken, thinking about the current situation of the main driver, I knew it would be very miserable.

"I'm the driver, I'm fine."

Luo Quan adjusted his sunglasses and wore a mask on his face, so no one recognized it.

"Are you the driver?" The people around were taken aback. "Then how did you get out? The main driver is so deflated."

"I transferred to the co-pilot ahead of time before I drove the car on the sidewalk. It may be said that I was lucky, so I didn't suffer any injuries, but I was a little dizzy."

As Luo Quan spoke, he pretended to be uncomfortable and sat on the side of the road.

"It must be a concussion!" A passerby said decisively, and those who didn't know it thought it was an old Chinese medicine practitioner who had practiced medicine for many years.

"The ambulance will be here soon, please hold on for a while." A young man shouted.

Luo Quan glanced at the perpetrator who looked like a dead dog beside him, and felt that he should need an ambulance more than himself.

"My merciful Father, I have fallen into the kingdom of sin and cannot see..."

The phone rang, and Luo Quan took it out to see that it was Wen Xia calling.

"Hey, Luo Quan, where are you now?" Wen Xia's voice sounded a little nervous, "I read the news just now, and it said that a BMW collided with Nikola outside the Dongfang Supermarket. Could it be your car?"

"Damn it, did the news spread so fast?" Luo Quan was a little surprised at the speed at which the information spread now.

In less than 10 minutes, Wen Xia already knew about it, it was a little too fast.

"So you really got hit? Why didn't you be careful?"

Luo Quan raised the corner of his mouth: "Shouldn't your first sentence be to ask me if I'm okay?"

"Your defensive power can't even be pierced by bullets, so what's a mere BMW?" Wen Xia chuckled, "Hurry up and come back when you're done, I'm hungry."

"Damn it, do you know that I did something brave just now, and you just reacted like this?" Luo Quan was suddenly a little annoyed.

"Then do you want me to give you a one-year pennant?" Wen Xia only thought that Luo Quan was joking, "Don't go out if you have nothing to do in the future, it will make people nervous."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"How is it, are you okay?" Leon asked with a smile when he saw Wen Xia finished talking with his elder sister on the phone.

When they saw the news just now, they guessed that this might be Luo Quan's car.

When Wen Xia heard about the serious car accident, Wen Xia was worried at first, but Leon was not nervous at all.

He couldn't understand the strength of the old sister very well. After all, he had watched her ascend to the top of the Europa Warriors with his own eyes. That kind of strength was no longer something that a mere car could handle.

Even a king dump truck can't resist the sharpness of Excaliba.

So Leon wasn't worried that his sister would be in danger at all.

And Wen Xia didn't finally feel relieved until Luo Quan answered the phone.

As for Luo Quan himself, it would be impossible for him to go home in a short time.

Soon the doctor and the police arrived. The perpetrator who was beaten into a pig's head was first sent to the hospital for treatment, while Luo Quan went to the police station to make a statement...

"You said you saw that BMW go up the pavement, so you went up and tried to block him.

Then before the collision, he moved to the co-pilot, and there was no injury in the end? "

The police officer recounted the incident described by Luo Quan, and scratched his head after the retelling: "It sounds like I'm watching a movie."

"Life is like a play, sir. As the old saying goes, good people get rewarded." Luo Quan chuckled. At this time, she had already taken off her sunglasses and mask, and there was indeed no wound on her fair skin.

The two policemen were both in their 40s, and they didn't recognize her at first. They only knew that the foreign girl who was fluent in Mandarin in front of her was unbelievably beautiful.

"Hey, are you a star? I seem to have seen you somewhere!"

The tall policeman stared at Luo Quan's face for a long time, and finally remembered.

Luo Quan nodded and admitted: "My name is Luo Quan, and I have been to the Spring Festival Gala a few times."

"So it's you!" When the name was mentioned, the police immediately remembered it.

Whether it is the boss of station B or the most beautiful in the world, they don't know.

But when it comes to Luo Quan, the singer with the most dazzling ethnic style, he is all too familiar. This song has swept across the country and can be heard almost every day in squares in various regions.

"I didn't expect it to be you, this is really..."

The two policemen were a little emotional, and they didn't expect such a situation at all.

At this time, the police from another interrogation room came in.

"How about Old Wu?" The tall policeman turned to look at his colleague.

"I've made it clear that it has nothing to do with this girl." The police officer named Lao Wu replied, "I said that I lost my money because of speculation in Bitcoin, so I wanted to drive to revenge society."

"As expected." Luo Quan nodded, the motive of this man's accident was not much different from what she had imagined.

The good news is that the man only hit a few cars and no pedestrians.

The bad news is that since no one was hurt, the scum probably won't get many years in prison.

But no one died because of it, which is always a good thing.

There have been cases of failed stock speculation and retaliation against society before, and that scum still chose the gate of the elementary school to attack, which is simply insane.

"There is no doubt about the case, Luo Quan, you can leave after you sign." The tall police officer got up from the stool and said to Luo Quan in the interrogation room.

"Do you want to take a group photo?" Luo Quan asked subconsciously when he heard the signature.

"What's the name?" Several police officers were taken aback, "I asked you to sign the record."

"Oh, I'm used to it. I used to meet fans asking for my autograph when I went out." Luo Quan smiled awkwardly and wrote his name on the note.

But soon, several police officers walked in with a notebook: "You reminded me, I should really ask you for an autograph."

"Simple." Luo Quan thought that signing one would be a sign, and signing five would be a sign, so he didn't refuse.

"Speaking of which, what brand of car are you driving? The anti-collision treatment is so good that you didn't get hurt at all."

While signing, several police officers asked curiously.

They have all been to the scene to see the impact. Although the cab has been deformed, the main driver still leaves a certain living space for the driver, which is much better than other cars.

"It's made by Nikola, and the model name is Jet, but not every impact can perform so well, I'm just lucky.

But this car is really good, good quality and cheap, and it doesn't consume gas. "

Luo Quan put down his pen, handed the notebooks to several police officers, and put up an advertisement for his car by the way.

"Okay, I'll take a look when I have time." Several police officers chuckled, but they no longer had the intention of buying a car.

A car that doesn't consume fuel, isn't that a new energy source?

Needless to say, Tesla's reputation now has become synonymous with accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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