Chapter 1097 Good People Are Rewarded (Part [-])
"Luoquan suffered a serious car accident, and the driver was seriously damaged!"

Sure enough, when Luo Quan came out of the police station, he saw that his car accident had become the number one hot search, and the popularity had exploded.

In fact, when she left with the police, many passers-by took pictures of her not being injured, but the car was slightly damaged.

Of course, the media that reported the incident knew this, but what gimmick could an ordinary car accident have?The headline party can earn a lot of traffic.

So, a rather misleading news headline came out.

Passers-by and fans saw the car accident as serious. If the main driver was damaged so badly, wouldn't it be worse for me?
As a result, many people didn't even read the detailed news content, and began to spread rumors.

Luo Quan was critically ill, Luo Quan was sent to the ICU, Luo Quan passed away, all kinds of false news were flying everywhere.

In the end, it was too much trouble, and Luo Quan had to take a photo of himself and send it on Weibo to report his safety to his fans: "I'm fine now, everyone, stop spreading random news."

"Ah, isn't this good? Who told me that Luo Quan is critically ill?"

"I saw it on Zhihu."

"Isn't it a hot topic on Weibo saying that there was a serious car accident? The main driver was deformed."

"The car accident was serious, but everyone was fine, there was no conflict at all."


"Damn headline party, now these media really dare to say anything for the sake of popularity."

"Although the title party is hateful, Luo Quan has done a great thing this time."

"Ah, didn't it mean that the electric car she drove was out of control? Now all these new energy vehicles have this problem."

"That's a Tesla, and Luoquan drives a Nikola, which doesn't have so many faults."

"Let's wait for further news. There are too many fake news now."


In the information age, news is transmitted very quickly, and everything that happens on the other side of the ocean can be known in just a few tens of seconds.

But because the speed of news transmission is too fast, when rumors appear, they will have a huge impact in a very short period of time.

Fortunately, Luo Quan had already been troubled by similar rumors before, so the fans were not in a hurry, but let the bullets fly for a while.

After seeing the new news posted by Luo Quan, they all knew that this was the case again.

With the release of a detailed report on the incident, the public finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that Luoquan's car accident was really just like what some netizens said, it was a righteous act.

In the morning, in order to retaliate against the society, a man who lost money investing in Bitcoin drove his BMW on the road.

And this scene happened to be seen by Luo Quan who was passing by. Without thinking about it, she stepped on the accelerator and stopped the BMW with her body.

As the strongest woman on earth, her skills are of course extremely vigorous.

She had been transferred from the driver to the co-pilot before the collision and was not injured.

The perpetrator even wanted to brandish a kitchen knife to continue the attack after getting off the car, but was subdued by the onlookers bravely and was seriously injured. He has been controlled by the police for further investigation.

After reading the complete story, even those little black men in Luoquan had to give her a thumbs up at this moment.

Acting bravely is often accompanied by risks, not to mention this incident, almost completely disregarding one's own personal safety. Such a spirit of self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice is really admirable from the bottom of my heart.

"I used to blackmail Luo Quan because I was jealous of her beauty, but this time I decided to turn black into a fan."

"Luo Quan has done this matter so bravely and beautifully. She deserves to be rich and star-studded in the world."

"Donated billions of dollars, worked hard to spread Chinese culture, won gold and glory for China, and acted bravely many times. I think Luoquan can be considered as an outstanding young man."

"Although Luoquan has indeed made a lot of contributions, the outstanding youth is a bit exaggerated. You may not know the gold content of this honor."

"An outstanding young man aged 24 is unheard of. Luo Quan may not have enough qualifications."

"It's not good in the whole country, but the outstanding youth of Shanghai can always do it."

"If Luoquan is not a Shanghai registered permanent residence, can it be judged?"

"It doesn't matter if you comment or not, I believe Luo Bao shouldn't care about these."

"Although that's what you said, don't be generous to others. How do you know that Luo Bao doesn't want it?"

"But it doesn't really matter what we say."

"That's true."

"The main reason is that there are too few academic contributions."


Regarding the fans' imagination, Luo Quan is actually very grateful to them.

But this kind of thing can't be forced, and she didn't do it for any reward.

Although she has always encouraged rewards for those who do justice and bravery, this reward is nothing to her.

She had no other thoughts on her mind when it happened, she just didn't want to see tragedy happen.

If that person didn't drive, but directly stabbed someone with a kitchen knife, I'm afraid she would have rushed up and kicked him.

A scum like this is not qualified to stay in the world, and sending him to hell for punishment is the only option.

After returning home, the whole family came to ask about their health, and Wen Xia even took the opportunity to do something, touching and asking to see if you were missing any parts.

"I think you just want to take the opportunity to eat my tofu!" Luo Quan slapped Wen Xia's hand away dumbfounded, "If I lose parts, can I come back?"

"What about your car?" Wen Xia blinked.

She looked at the news photos, and the Nikola was almost scrapped, and the maintenance cost would not be much better than buying a new one.

"Of course it's cheaper to dispose of it as a scrapped car." Luo Quan spread his hands helplessly, "It's all crashed like that, it's better to buy a new one after repairing it."

"It's a good thing that it wasn't your Lamborghini that drove out this time, or it would have cost you [-] million yuan." Leon had a lingering fear on his face, and those who didn't know thought the car belonged to him.

"Let's stay at home in the future. It feels like you are always prone to trouble when you go out, either being kidnapped or getting into a car accident." Wen Xia sat on the sofa and complained with a smile.

"It seems to be like this." Luo Quan also felt that this matter was a bit metaphysical, as if he would encounter unexpected situations every time he went out, and it seemed that he would have to buy an almanac and hang it on the door in the future.

"By the way, have you eaten yet?"

It was only then that Luo Quan remembered that he had originally gone out to buy vegetables this time, but he forgot about it after he got out of the police station and took a taxi back.

"I ordered takeaway. There are still a lot of leftovers in the refrigerator. Do you want to make do with it or order new ones?" Wen Xia asked as she got up and walked towards the refrigerator.

"Just let it go, I'm too lazy to order more." Luo Quan waved his hand, and asked Wen Xia to beat the dishes in the microwave to prepare for dinner.

Wen Xia and the others ordered steamed pork ribs + large dry pot chicken + shredded fish-flavored pork for lunch. There were a lot of leftover dishes, and Luo Quan tried a little of each.

The steamed pork ribs tastes good, but the dry pot is too dry and the taste is not oily, while the fish-flavored shredded pork has too many side dishes and the taste is not authentic.

However, you can't expect too much from the dishes ordered on Meituan.

Originally, Luo Quan wanted to chew slowly to facilitate digestion, but the sudden reminder from the system made her eat faster, and she finished the meal in threes and fives.

"I'll go upstairs to take a nap." Luo Quan ran upstairs after speaking.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden [Good man is rewarded], gaining 20 attribute points, [-] popularity points, advanced random draw once, and randomly obtaining a way to complete the hidden achievement."

This is the prompt from the system. In fact, she has completed many hidden achievements before, such as [Famous in Asia], [World Famous], [Wealthy] and so on.

The rewards of these hidden achievements are very good. If she can accurately know the achievement conditions of each hidden achievement, then she may get a lot of attributes and advanced random draws in a short time.

These are all important ways to improve your strength. Unfortunately, the system does not have anything similar to the achievement bar. Every time you achieve it, you will tell her.

But this time it was an unprecedented opportunity for her to be reminded, that's why Luo Quan wanted to see it so anxiously.

After returning to the room, Luo Quan immediately lay down and began to study the rewards given by the system.

The first is how to achieve random achievements:

【Boundless Fascinators】, you have successfully made one trillion fans obsessed with you. (current progress [-]%)
After completing the achievement, you will get [-] attribute points and the trait: Brilliant Eyes.

"One trillion fans, isn't this number too outrageous?" Luo Quan asked with a frown.

The system replied in an emotionless tone: "Because this is a hidden achievement that only appeared after entering the universe, the base number is of course calculated based on the number of people in the civilization of the universe.

Although it is difficult, the Eye of Brilliance is quite powerful, so it is recommended to work hard to complete it. "

"Then what is the specific effect of this Brilliant Eye?" Luo Quan showed curiosity, feeling that this thing should be very powerful.

"It can make you have the power to make others love you to death with just one look."

Hearing this, Luo Quan's face darkened: "I don't have this bright eye now, so I can do it well."

This is not a joke at all, as long as she is willing to be a bad woman who goes around flirting, she will definitely capture the hearts of countless male fans.

Especially in Huanyu, with her status as the Holy Mother, it is completely possible for those believers to give up on her in various senses.

It's just that Luo Quan has always believed that playing with other people's feelings is a very disrespectful act, so he hardly does similar things.

If the Brilliant Eye only has this effect, then the difference between having it and not having it is actually not very big.

"Don't worry, the bright star is not only used to seduce men, it is also a magical eye with powerful fighting power.

It is said that once it is opened, it can simulate the terrifying power of the collision of galaxies. It is bright and powerful, and it is a symbol of beauty and strength. "

"So if I get it, I can have the corresponding combat power?" Luo Quan chuckled, not thinking that things would be so simple.

"Of course not. You need to conquer 99 people with the Bright Star before you can unlock its ultimate ability, which is Galaxy Bloom."

"I knew it." The corner of Luo Quan's mouth curled up, "Sure enough, no matter what skill you have, you need to accumulate proficiency, right?"

"This is very scientific. How can you unleash its true power if you are not skilled?"

Hearing the system's rebuttal, Luo Quan didn't say a word for a long time.

Because there is really nothing wrong with what this bastard said.

"You don't need to think about these for the time being, the key is to complete the achievements and get the bright star." Seeing that Luo Quan was silent, the system began to remind her what to do now.

"One trillion is too much. I thought that after staying in Huanyu for so long, I would have hundreds of billions of fans. I didn't expect it to be so small."

Luo Quan sighed, she admitted that she thought too highly of her own influence.

He thought that by relying on the Virgin Mary and the most beautiful title in the universe, he could gain a large number of fans like he did on Earth.

But the current completion rate is only more than ten percent, which means that there are more than 1000 billion fans.

Huanyuxing has such a large population, but there must be more than Huanyuxing people watching her live broadcast, so the scope needs to be expanded to the entire Huanyu civilization.

After such an analysis, Liu Neng knows that her fans are actually not very many.

"Is there any way to quickly make passers-by fall in love with me?" Luo Quan thought for a while, the head anchor of his live broadcast platform, fans are all with trillions of skills.

She is currently considered a third-rate popularity at best, not to mention comparing with the progress of the entertainment circle, the gap will only be bigger.

"It can't be answered, the host needs to study it himself."

Luo Quan was quite disappointed by the system's answer, so he contacted Bai Xingwei with the Consonance Mirror and asked her to ask how Xu Yanqing gained a large number of fans.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Bai Xingwei conveyed Xu Yanqing's original words:
"Wear less clothes, and show more of your snow-white flesh, especially your thighs.

There are many ordinary people in this world, and there are only a few things they like to watch. Boss, you have such a good talent, as long as you do this, you will definitely get a lot of fans.

And you still have the identity of the Virgin, the conflict produced by the combination of debauchery and holiness will be even more eye-catching! "

If it wasn't for Bai Xingwei who was on the opposite side, Luo Quan would have thought that the person who said this was a demon, tempting her to fall.

After Bai Xingwei finished speaking, she laughed: "Luo Quan, you really plan to do this, don't you? If you plan to be a bad woman, please tell me in advance."

"What are you thinking, I'm a decent woman." Luo Quan pouted, and didn't argue with Bai Xingwei much.

Xu Yanqing's method is actually quite correct, because it conforms to objective laws.

That is, lay people occupy the vast majority in this world, and lay people like to watch vulgar things.

But if she really did this, Pope Benjamin might send her to the stake.

Which Virgin can do such a thing, just thinking about it makes people feel exciting.

Besides, it's hard to say whether Ye Zhining can agree.

Although the xp of this empress is very strange, it is not so strange that she is allowed to be a female anchor.

"Hey, let's wait for a while." Luo Quan shook his head, putting the matter aside for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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