"You don't have to tell us the truth."

"Since it gave us fantasy, why did we have to pierce it with our own hands?"

"Luo Quan, you are so cruel, you are such a bad woman."

"Although your younger brother is already a married woman, according to the tradition, I'm still willing to be young."

"It's been a tradition since then."

"I don't care, I don't care, you return my handsome milk dog!"


In the face of fans' snarky speeches, Luo Quan was actually very helpless: "Don't blame me for being cruel, I'm just telling you the truth first, so as to reduce the damage.

It’s a fact that my brother is married, not that it doesn’t exist if I don’t say it. If you deliberately conceal it and wait until you are really fascinated by him, the mood will only get worse. "

Luo Quan paused, looking at the camera with clear eyes: "So I'm doing this for your own good."

But the female fans in the barrage obviously didn't buy it:

"For my own good, I shouldn't be allowed to see Leon."

"Don't you know how uncomfortable it is to see what you can't touch?"

"Luo Quan, do you have any younger brothers? They are both younger brothers, so their looks shouldn't be too different."

"If there is, please introduce it."


"I do have a cousin." Luo Quan thought of his second uncle's son, Stuart, "but he should also be married, and even fell in love earlier than Leon. You asked too late."

This answer made countless female fans feel sad, Luo Quan shook his head and smiled: "Okay, there are so many handsome guys in the world, why bother to hang on my brother's tree.

Forget about that for now and show you the movie I made. "

Luo Quan intended to divert everyone's attention, so he searched for the silent lamb at station B.

"This is a movie I wrote, directed, and acted in." Luo Quan pointed to the movie poster without blushing and said, "With this movie, I won many awards including the best actress. Best actress, I don't know if you can understand."

"In the Holy Tang Dynasty, we should take care of you Avalokitesvara with Thousand Faces."

"Thousands of people with thousands of faces can act in anything, and you have to act like a thousand-faced Avalokitesvara. Can Luoquan have this level?"

"This poster is quite interesting. A moth landed on a woman's mouth. It looks like a horror movie."

"I just like watching horror movies. This is synonymous with pornography. It's the first choice for thrills!"

"If you say this, then I won't be sleepy."


Before playing the movie, Luo Quan needs to download the text converter through Huanyu's network.

Input the translation of Chinese and universal language through the system, so that the audience can understand the character's conversation.

After tinkering for 3 minutes, the converter was installed, and Luo Quan clicked to start playing.

In the next two hours or so, Luo Quan accompanied the fans to watch the pinnacle of her acting skills.

Even though I filmed it myself, even if I know the ending, I still feel nervous after watching it after many years.

Especially at the end, when Officer Starling faced Buffalo Bill alone in the dark, her heart rate even exceeded 120.

Fans of Huanyu were equally excited. At that time, the barrage was full of "fear" and "dare not to watch". It was not until Buffalo Bill was shot that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As the film's subtitles began to appear, the fan discussion became heated:
"This movie is not something ordinary people can make, let's kill those crude garbage horror movies on Huanyuxing!"

"Luo Quan, the perverted doctor, is really good at acting, his eyes are really scary."

"This acting is really good, it can be called the level of thousands of people, and it is definitely a work that can be entered in the world."

"It turns out that Luo Quan was not bragging when he said that he knew everything that day."


When drawing a picture last time, Luo Quan casually mentioned that he is decathlon, can do everything, and is still proficient.

At that time, fans only thought she was joking. After all, a person can be called a master if he can enter the Tao in a certain field. How can he be proficient in multiple fields at the same time?
Although Luo Quan has already performed similarly, singing and composing are good, but they still don't believe that Luo Quan really has such an exaggerated decathlon.

But when fact after fact came before them, fans finally realized she wasn't joking.

"Actually, I haven't starred in too many movies. This one is my best performance, which is considered to be at the peak level. I may not be able to achieve the same effect in another movie." Luo Quan looked at the camera and smiled, The expression is very humble.

"Don't be humble, Holy Mother, how many actresses nowadays can't explain a character overview."

"This acting skill is definitely at the top level in the Universal Star entertainment industry. It's the kind of movie that makes a hit."

"Almost, and the Herenthal Company is currently preparing a large-scale series of "The Crusader Crusade". The Holy Mother can definitely run for the heroine, which is the only female general Karsa in the history of the Crusaders!"

"It's really very interesting. The works of Herenthal Company are still guaranteed."

"Except that the plot is more pornographic and the heroine must show some points, it is basically perfect."

"Isn't it better to have these?"

"Hahaha, that's true."


Originally, Luo Quan was a little interested in this TV series, but when he saw the fans' description of the characteristics of the company's works, he lost his mind in an instant.

Isn't this the universal version of HBO? It's completely the same genre.

Just talking about HBO may not be known to many people, but it has a very famous series called "Game of Thrones".

This TV series can be regarded as one of the hottest TV series in the past ten years. In addition to the ups and downs and fascinating plots, some content that is not suitable for children has also brought considerable popularity to it.

When HBO was planning the first season, the heroine Long Ma was still undecided, and she had found herself.

However, Luo Quan directly rejected the script after looking at the script, because there are a lot of plots dedicated to art, she couldn't accept it anyway.

And since Huanyu's Hellenthal Company has the same channel as HBO, even if "The Crusaders" becomes popular in the future, it is impossible for her to touch it.

So Luo Quan just pretended he didn't see the recommendation in the barrage: "It's getting late, I have to go to bed, let's see you tomorrow."

"Sleeping in broad daylight, be careful not to become lazy."

"There is jet lag. Luoquan's hometown is definitely not as big as Huanyu Xingda, and the sunshine hours should be different."

"It feels pretty good. This way the working hours of the day can be shortened a lot."

"Actually, it's still the same. After all, one day for us may be two days for someone else."

"Then good night, Luo Quan, see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Holy Mother, may the Holy Light protect you forever."


In the midst of saying good night, Luo Quan turned off the broadcast.

She got a lot of rewards for this live broadcast, adding up to several black holes.

But this is not the key point, because the advantage of Huanyu Civilization in the number of people, she gained a lot of popularity during the live broadcast, which was converted into attributes, and today she gained more than ten points.

Now her strength is almost 1600, she doesn't know the exact strength, but it shouldn't be a problem to lift a heavy truck.

This is just under normal conditions. If various skill buffs are added, it will cost dozens of times at least.

I just don't know how long it will take to break through the mortal state. Only after reaching this state can I truly bid farewell to the mortal body.

Not only the lifespan is greatly increased, but the strength can also get a huge leap.

Although her strength cannot be quantified by the level of attribute points, Luo Quan faintly feels that she should be about to break through.

In short, the pace of cultivation cannot be stopped.

Taking advantage of the few hours before dawn, Luo Quan seized the time and started to meditate.

The next morning, Luo Quan looked at the weather outside.

Sunny, cloudy to sunny, suitable for going out.

However, because of the accident yesterday, Luo Quan didn't plan to go to the mall for the next few days, so he directly asked the employees to buy ingredients through the owner group.

It only took 15 minutes for all the goods Luo Quan ordered to be delivered to the door.

Luo Quan checked it and found that it was quite fresh, but the quality was not as good as the price tag.

But she wasn't cheated of too much money, so she didn't care too much.

After thanking the delivery guy, Luo Quan took all the bags and clicked Receive.

"Wow, are you going to cook us a big meal today?"

Wen Xia ran over when she heard the movement, her face was full of smiles, Luo Quan could even see the drool hanging from the corner of her mouth.

"Didn't you guys say yesterday that you haven't tasted my craft for a long time? I'll make a few good meals today and let you have a tooth-beating ceremony."

As Luo Quan said, he took out a large piece of pork belly.

The first dish today is stir-fried twice-cooked pork.

This is a side dish. Luo Quan used to have three bowls of rice for a plate of pork belly.

Later, in order to control my weight, I seldom ate and drank like this again, and I really miss it when I think about it.

Of course, even today is a tooth-beating festival, and you can't be too indulgent.

She can't care about others, anyway, her own amount has been set, and she can't eat too much, lest she gain weight, and she has to hesitate to lose weight.

After a busy morning, when Luo Quan said that the last dish, shredded pork with green peppers was on the table, Yun'er and Chun gave her a big hug respectively, which was a thank you for her hard work all morning.

"What about you?" Luo Quan looked at Wen Xia, with his hands open, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"It's all about feelings, do you still need this?" Wen Xia was still very arrogant, sitting on the chair unwilling to move.

But Luo Quan just opened his hands and looked at her eagerly, which means that you won't eat unless you hug me.

"All right, all right, thank you dear Luo Quan for making us a sumptuous lunch on this big table." Wen Xia finally got up, hugged Luo Quan fiercely, and then rua twice.

After they all hugged, Luo Quan sat down contentedly and began to eat.

Neither adults nor children could resist the smell of the food, and Arthur, who was in the stroller next to him, raised his head and sniffed non-stop.

"Hey, it seems that you still know what a good thing is."

Leon pinched his son's soft face, and said with a smile: "But it's too early for you to eat these now, eat your milk powder honestly."

As he spoke, he stuffed a bottle full of spring water brand milk powder into his son's mouth.

Arthur smelled the smell of twice-cooked pork, and his mouth kept wriggling, obviously swallowing.

But he has no teeth yet, so he can't eat meat.

Even soft egg custard is not enough, all organs are developing, and I can't eat other food for the time being, milk powder and breast milk are the best food.

After the adults had enough to eat and drink, Leon Mia and his wife rushed to greet their son again.

This kid is not honest with his meals, he has been holding the pacifier for a long time, but he can't see him drinking the milk in it.

"Looking at it, when I grow up, I'll be a tosser. I'm not honest at all." Leon grabbed the bottle and let it connect with his son's mouth at a gentle angle, and he had to pay attention to whether he choked on it from time to time.

As a full-time dad, Leon is even more professional than his wife in taking care of his son.

Every day he will record a video to share with his fans his daily life as a dad.

Seeing him take good care of his wife and children, fans directly call him a good American man.

And Leon's answer was: "Actually, I just want to tell the girls that men can take care of their babies well. Whoever earns money to support the family and who takes care of the housework is not fixed. Husband and wife should be considerate of each other, rather than assigning the most credit to each other." .”

As soon as this remark came out, the male compatriots praised his pattern one after another.

As a star who often plays abstract culture, Lyon knows that the contradictions between these two groups are relatively large.

In the past, he could only talk about it, but now that he has really become a father, he can finally take care of the baby by himself, and then speak out from his own experience.

Of course, in addition to speaking for boys, he also spoke for girls.

Pregnancy in October is very hard, and postpartum recovery is also prone to mood swings. Taking care of the baby is a double burden on the mind and body. Girls are more prone to emotions, so it is normal to lose your temper at this time.

As a husband, you should be more considerate and patient at this time, instead of talking about how tired you are outside.

After all, the family is not a water park in Liangshan, and it is meaningless to reward meritorious deeds.

Patience, understanding, and mutual love are the keys to living in harmony.

"You are much better than our dad." Luo Quan gave his brother a thumbs up when he heard the theory after theory.

"Probably because those who have been exposed to the rain are more willing to hold umbrellas for those who come after." Leon's eyes were deep. After all, although he has always lived with Eric, he was basically brought up by his grandfather.

Like Luo Quan, both of them lacked fatherly love since childhood.

Leon said it was even worse, after all, his mother disappeared after giving birth to him.

Through the parenting videos made during this period of time, Leon has become popular at a speed that ordinary people cannot understand.

Just like aerobics that became popular all over the Internet before, people don't understand why the daily routine of bringing a baby can get hundreds of millions of hits, and even a bunch of people are swiping in the comment area every day to update quickly.

Anyway, Lyon's fans on Douyin have broken through 5000 million like a rocket, even more than his sister's fans.

Moreover, the growth rate is not slowing down at all, and there is still huge room for improvement.

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