Chapter 1100

The Internet is so magical, some people can't get popular no matter how they do marketing.

Some people can become a huge hit just by uploading their daily routines with their babies.

Originally, Luo Quan thought that her younger brother's increase of 5000 million fans in half a month was the limit, but she admitted that she still underestimated the public's love for the combination of handsome dad + super cute baby.

After breaking through 5000 million fans, Leon's Douyin fans are still growing at a rate of at least 300 million per day.

If there are no accidents, it will officially break through [-] million in half a month.

The last person to achieve such a feat was a man who took his wife to do aerobics.

This time the scene changed slightly, from aerobics to bringing a baby.

"I'm not here these days, how does your account work?"

Luo Quan refreshed his younger brother's Douyin account, 1 times he couldn't figure it out.

I think she is also the number one big star in China, but the Douyin fans only have about [-] million fans.

Although it has something to do with her seldom posting videos on Weibo, she also rarely posts updates on Weibo, and she has more than 8000 million fans.

This made her very puzzled.

"I don't know, I just wanted to share our family's daily life with you, but somehow it became popular." Leon smiled and showed his big white teeth.

"I seem to have heard this saying somewhere." Luo Quan thought about it seriously, "Isn't this the idiomatic way of saying those who pose for pictures?"

"If you insist on posing, it's okay."

Leon thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Put the baby there to shoot the video, isn't it just a posing?"

"Small fire depends on support, and big fire depends on fate. It is obvious that Leon's life is coming." Wen Xia patted her best friend's shoulder and comforted: "Don't be sour, at least your position in station B is still very stable."

"I'm already the boss of Station B, do I still need to consider my status?" Luo Quan looked at Wen Xia helplessly.

"It just so happens that everyone is here. Shall I start a live broadcast?" Leon suddenly suggested, "The TikTok staff has been urging me to start a live broadcast before, and even said they want to sign me, but I have a contract with Universal, so I didn't agree."

Luo Quan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, just open it directly, and you can live broadcast without signing a contract, but the gift share will be a little less."

"I'm not short of that money." Leon waved his hand and started the Douyin live broadcast on his mobile phone.

The camera is aimed at Arthur who is taking a nap in the stroller, and Leon is watching the barrage with another mobile phone beside him.

Because his current popularity is very high, even without any notice, the live broadcast will immediately become a million hits.

"Damn it, why don't you have a premonition when you start the live broadcast?"

"I like this kind of sudden surprise."

"Is Arthur sleeping, so cute."

"Across the stroller, how did you see his sleeping face?"

"Imagination, I've watched so many videos before."

"Mom and Dad, come out."


Amidst the barrage of calls, Leon adjusted the camera and aimed at the family on the sofa.

There are actually a lot of girls in the family, but most of them are busy with their own affairs in the room, and they only come down when they are eating or when they are bored in the room.

Sitting on the sofa now, besides Leon Mia and his wife, are Luo Quan and Wen Xia.

Seeing the unexpected character, the Douyin audience immediately sent out a bullet screen in surprise:

"I'll go, Luoquan Wenxia is here too."

"The appearance of this family is really high, just looking at it is a kind of visual enjoyment."

"If you add Luoxi, it will be even more lively, and Arthur can also have a company."

"Although the two babies are only two years apart, Luoxi is Arthur's third aunt."

"When these two go to elementary school, Arthur sees Luoxi calling her third aunt. I don't know how surprised the classmates will be."

"It's interesting just to think about it."


In China, this kind of seniority cannot be messed up no matter what, so the audience likes to make fun of it.

But Leon didn't particularly care, after all, it's hard to say whether Luoxi and Arthur will be in the same school in the future.

"By the way, you have been asking me what kind of milk powder Arthur is eating before, and the frequency of suffering is so low."

Lyon said, pulling the old lady over, and introduced in a serious manner: "This is the boss of the milk powder production and sales company, today I paid for it out of my own pocket, and got a discount for my family.

Boss, tell me, how do you plan to sell it! "

"You have a talent for bringing goods." Luo Quan laughed, "Recently, Quanshui brand milk powder is doing an event, no matter new or old users, you can buy up to three barrels of milk powder at a [-]% discount.

If you buy more than ten barrels at one time, you can also enjoy an additional [-]% discount! "

Luoquan is very confident in the quality of its own milk powder, so the company rarely offers promotions.

But June [-] is coming soon. In order to promote sales, an event plan was drawn up. It happened that Lyon was working, so Luo Quan finalized the plan and announced it.

Leon himself did not expect this situation at all. He thought that the elder sister would draw ten lucky ones to give away a bucket of milk powder and that would be the end of the matter. This is a normal reward activity.

As for bringing the goods, he did have a link to milk powder in his live broadcast room, and he gave the lowest price on the market.

In his opinion, this price is already equivalent to a promotional price.

The other anchors who brought goods clearly said that they would give benefits to their families, but it turned out that they were cheating on their families.

A necklace with a cost of 20 yuan was priced at more than 1 yuan, and after a quarrel with the merchant, he forcibly lowered the price to [-] yuan, and said that he was to blame for any losses.

Then the family members frantically placed orders as if they had picked up a big deal, and the anchor who brought the goods made [-] with tears in his blood.

Leon had seen too much of this kind of ups and downs, so he just wanted to make a mockery of it, but he didn't expect the old lady to be so cooperative.

[-]% off on items priced at hundreds of yuan, you can save tens of dollars by buying a can, and the more you buy, the more discounts you get. This kind of discount is not available all the time.

Lyon became popular through the baby-raising videos. A large part of the fans who watch the videos are parents who are also raising babies, or expectant parents who are about to have babies. There is a considerable demand for high-quality milk powder.

As for the spring brand milk powder, there is no mention of the miraculous effect of alleviating the baby's distress. The certificate of authorization stamped by the British royal family has already killed many imported milk powder in seconds.

And the cover of this milk powder is the British crown, or is it exclusively authorized, what kind of layout is this?
Anyway, the family members in the Lyon live broadcast room have never seen it. As long as they have needs, or relatives and friends have needs, they can enter the Taobao official website through the link of the live broadcast room, and click frantically to place an order.

"Sales exceeded [-] million!"

Luo Quan, who is a manufacturer, also imitated his peers and began to scream at this moment, while Wen Xia laughed happily beside him.

"Do you want to pretend to be so exaggerated, Luoluo." Wen Xia rolled on the sofa, "You might as well squeeze some more tears, I'm dying of laughter."

Luo Quan also smiled: "Doesn't this make the atmosphere in the live broadcast room a little more lively? I see other anchors who bring goods are doing this for effect."

The audience also laughed at Luo Quan's funny acting skills:

"I haven't seen you for a few days, Luo Quan's acting skills have obviously deteriorated."

"Shocked, two consecutive Oscar queens have become screaming emperors, and the god-level acting skills are gone forever."

"You know the shock department of UC."

"One thing to say, Luoquan Company's milk powder is really good. My baby has been drinking this since birth. He is half a year old and has never been sick."

"The most important thing is that it is cheap, only about [-] yuan per can, unlike those imported ones, which can cost thousands of yuan."

"Wouldn't any technology be added?"

"Luo Quan's nephew is using this milk powder, what technology can be added?"

"Who dares to tamper with milk powder now?"

"Tell a horror story, Lyon TikTok has over 6000 million followers!"


It was still in the barrage reminder that Lyon realized that his fans had reached a new milestone.

"It's awesome, my family, the first live broadcast gave me so much popularity, it seems that I will live broadcast frequently in the future."

Lyon is in a very good mood, although most people will associate it with making a lot of money when they see the popularity.

But he is not short of money, and what he values ​​more is the realization of self-worth.

If you can really get [-] million fans with this, that kind of sense of accomplishment, just thinking about it will make you very motivated.

Soon, the news that Lyon's Douyin fans had 6000 million fans also appeared on Weibo's hot search.

Recently, his popularity has exploded, and he can be on the trending searches almost at the slightest sign of trouble, which is almost the same as when Luo Quan was at his peak.

"The Adventures of Daddy Leon is really amazing, has so many people watched it in the sixth issue?"

"Lyon is the perfect husband in my heart. What he said is really correct, but it's a pity that the name has its owner."

"Hahaha, even if there is no owner, it's not your turn, Jimei."

"I can't get Leon, just like you can't get Luo Quan."

"Hurt each other, right? This is really heartbreaking."


Netizens can't stop working, because of the fire in Lyon, the type of videos about bringing babies has become the most popular category at the moment.

Many men have also begun to follow Leon's example, uploading videos of themselves and their mothers raising their babies together on the Internet.

Although the quality of the works varies, the number of hits is actually pretty good.

Probably this is the so-called sitting on the tuyere, and pigs can soar into the sky.

Lyon took the lead, and capital also quickly aimed at this piece of fat that not many people eat, and began to copy and learn from it.

Of course, Lyon himself is the biggest piece of fat.

Since the fire, countless companies have found him.

Some wanted to sign live streaming contracts, but Lyon was from Universal, so of course all of these contracts were rejected.

Some wanted him to bring the goods, but Leon looked at the goods and felt that the probability of cheating his family was 90.00%, so he didn't accept them either.

Apart from these two, there is no better project for the time being.

But that was before, with the delivery of the old sister's milk powder this time, the sales exceeded 1 million in one minute, and finally made those big manufacturers realize the economic strength of Lyon fans.

Internet celebrities are like this, traffic and making money are two different things.

Some people have tens of millions of fans, but their monetization ability is not as good as those with millions of fans.

Lyon's fans are all young parents. Those who dare to have children at this age are more or less financially powerful.

At least the ones who have the money to buy a house and can afford the bride price.

And it is also the group that is most willing to spend money on babies, and the spending is quite generous.

Therefore, when they see a can of cheap and high-quality milk powder on sale, they will be so decisive.

In addition to Bao's parents, Lyon's fans are those young star-chasing girls.

The krypton gold ability of this group is also one of the best in China, otherwise it would not be possible to raise a fan circle alive.

These two groups are owners of good money, so they quickly attracted the attention of two major manufacturers of maternity and baby products and women's products.

After seeing the well-known brands one by one, Lyon finally realized what kind of resources he had.

Now he has nearly [-] million fans on Douyin and Weibo, and it is still growing rapidly.

If you choose to bring the goods, as long as one in ten thousand people is willing to pay, that is a huge sum of money.

"It's no wonder the stars in Huaxia are so keen to bring goods now, many of them don't even make movies."

Lyon looked at the data in the background and muttered to himself.

"You only know now." Luo Quan chuckled, "Actually, people nowadays have a very strong ability to pay, especially when it comes to buying products that look great but are actually useless."

"Then why didn't you bring it?" Leon asked curiously.

Luo Quan smiled and shook his head: "My fans are a bunch of two-dimensional nerds, if they pay for my photo album, it will certainly be a sales explosion, but it will be extremely difficult for them to buy Chanel, which I endorse. .”

As a matter of fact, what otaku like is completely different from that of ordinary people.

Figures, models, photobooks, comics, computer equipment, and virtual products on the Internet.

They are willing to spend money on these, if it is a good thing, it doesn't matter if they spend a lot of money.

As for the kind of things that are deceiving at first glance, they may be very popular on Douyin, but it is difficult to sell them on station B.

Luo Quan also knows this, so he hardly brings goods during the live broadcast, even if he does, he brings his own milk powder or car.

After all, it is produced by our own company, and the quality can be guaranteed.

"In short, if you want to bring it, you must ensure the quality of the product, so that if there is a problem with the product, you will be scolded." Luo Quan sounded the alarm for his younger brother in advance.

"It's still the same thing, I'm not short of money." Leon didn't think about it at all, "Spring brand milk powder is the only shopping link in my live broadcast room, and there will be no second one."

Luo Quan smiled: "That's hard to say, maybe the company will release new products in the future, such as baby anti-side leakage diapers."

"Pfft!" Wen Xia, who was drinking water, burst out when she heard this, and Mia couldn't help laughing.

Leon, on the other hand, looked at the three women in confusion, wondering what's so funny about this diaper.

Anti-leaking, very good design.

(End of this chapter)

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