Chapter 1101
The design of anti-side leakage is certainly a good design, but it seems a bit strange to use it here.

"You've been thinking about outrageous things all day long, can you stop being so abstract?" Luo Quan cast a reproachful look at his younger brother, "You're already a father, and you're not in good shape."

"Isn't my image correct?" Leon asked his sister back, "I am now recognized by the entire network as a good husband and a good father, and I am simply the endorsement of positive energy.

Besides, I'm only in my early twenties, which young man can be as stable as me? "

There is really nothing wrong with saying this. In terms of family, Lyon's performance is really perfect.

Apart from his fondness for lip service, he has no shortcomings.

Even this shortcoming can be regarded as a bonus item of humor for most women.

Seeing that he couldn't argue with his younger brother, Luo Quan didn't bother to argue anymore, and went upstairs directly.

Today it was agreed that it will be broadcast live to fans, and it will be started on two threads, and station B Huanyu will come together.

But before the live broadcast, she needs to deal with some B station affairs.

Several of the top executives who were suspended before submitted their resignations on their own initiative, and in order to avoid being liquidated, they basically returned what they had taken before.

There are also a few diehards, relying on their status as veterans, thinking that with their merits and connections, Luo Quan will not dare them.

He even said boldly at the beginning, if you dare to mess with us, just wait for all the middle-level cadres of the company to resign, and see how you will run the company when you see it!

And Luo Quan's answer was: "It's a deal, double happiness."

Bilibili is not her own Bilibili, but the Bilibili of all users and employees.

But she has the power to fire all employees who hinder the development of Station B. Luoquan will not accept employees who can obey the orders of several corrupt high-level officials to submit their resignations.

Even if this may temporarily paralyze the company, it doesn't matter, anyway, station B will not be shut down because of the resignation of dozens or hundreds of people.

So these diehards received Luoquan's expulsion email and court summons under their surprised eyes.

She said before that how much these people take, they will spit it out in the end.

For her, there is no compromise.

She gave these people a chance when they were suspended.

If it is wise enough, at least everyone can get together and get together, but the most people in this world are those self-righteous smart people who insist on making troubles like this.

So it was just one morning. The directors of the technology development department, game operation department, commodity industry department, human resources department, live broadcast management department, logistics department, finance department and other important departments of station B left more than half of their posts, and the deputy director followed suit. Poured a lot.

When the news came out, the netizens on station B were all dumbfounded:
"I'm going, is this the rhythm of running away with money?"

"Stationmaster Luo is the next ruthless person to rectify this time. The top management has almost changed all over."

"Even the finance department is gone. It seems that the company's previous problems are serious."

"It's enough to act resolutely, but what about the company's management issues?"

"Don't worry, it's just a few high-level executives. Station B relies on countless up owners. At worst, the company will be shut down for a few days. Let the manager take care of it first."

"The ministers are gone, and I don't think the managers will last a few days."


As the netizens said, everyone in the company does not say that everyone is in danger. At least those who used to have dirty hands and feet walked with their heads down, for fear that they would be fired for looking directly at their boss.

However, there are also those who walk with their heads held high. Most of them are hard-working technicians and grassroots employees.

It is difficult for these enterprising young people to get in touch with the middle and high-level circles, and they have no chance to reach out. With shrinking wages, they are counting the days before the delisting of Station B.

But Luo Quan's sudden takeover gave them hope.

Just a week after taking over, the various data of station B ushered in a skyrocketing rise, and rumors of a salary increase began to circulate among the employees, and the rate was not small, and it was possible to return to the level of the peak period of station B.

It is precisely because of this that when seeing the middle and high-level managers being cleaned up, the employees below all clapped their hands and cheered.

Being in the same company, they couldn't be more clear about what these vampires usually do.

Who spent a huge amount of travel expenses in the finance department, the planning department used some outrageous proposals to take away the budget, and the logistics department purchased office supplies that were useless but at inflated prices.

As long as these things happen, they will quickly spread to the employee base.

Station B has been going downhill before, and there are many reasons, not a problem of a certain person or a few leaders.

But these irrelevant leaders are definitely one of the biggest culprits.

For those old employees who entered the grassroots very early, they have a lot of affection for Station B, and of course hope that the place where they work will get better and better.

And what Luo Quan is doing now is what they have always thought about.

Eliminate moths, rectify the company's atmosphere, and raise wages.

The company has improved up and down, and the operation of Station B will improve accordingly. Up owners have the motivation to create good works, and everything can go on the right cycle.

So although there are many interested people in the group calling for everyone to protest and let the grassroots employees come out to oppose the dictatorial behavior of the boss Luo Quan, almost no one responded.

That is to say, the chat group cannot find out the name, otherwise the employee must report this matter to the boss.

In short, the problematic high-level officials have basically been eliminated.

A group of middle-level leaders of Quanshui Company have been gearing up for a long time, and they have directly and seamlessly connected.

Although many businesses are not very proficient, there is currently no expansion plan for station B, and internal affairs must be handled first.

After the top management left, Luo Quan turned his attention to the middle management again.

Corruption here is not as serious as above, after all, there is not so much power, but workplace bullying is almost everywhere.

Some managers do not have much business ability, but rely on their good tongue to lick and win the favor of their bosses. They flatter their superiors and bully their subordinates, which seriously damages the working atmosphere within the company.

Luo Quan originally wanted to directly ask the grassroots employees to hold a secret ballot to see which of these managers were such black apples.

However, after thinking about it later, this method of reporting is likely to lead to many unjust, false and wrong cases, so I first gathered the middle-level cadres and held an online meeting.

The focus of the meeting was to rectify the discipline. If starting today, the company started to receive reports against the boss, it would conduct a key investigation.

If it is true, everyone knows what the consequences will be.

The purpose is not to wrong a good manager, nor to let a bad manager go.

So those who still use their position to seek personal gain all day long, or even engage in some illegal and criminal activities, please weigh it carefully, your good days are numbered.

This time, no one dared to take Luo Quan's words as a joke.

At the last meeting, she said something similar to the company's top management.

But few people take it seriously, whether it is negligence or negligence.

Then you can see what the results of these people are.

Now that Luo Quan is repeating his old tricks, what thunderous tricks are waiting for the big guy next, you can think of it with your ass, so it's better not to touch her bad luck during this time.

After dealing with the company's affairs, Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room and started the live broadcast.

But before Station B, she first opened the Huanyu live broadcast room.

"I'm now broadcasting live to you and fans in your hometown, but they don't know the existence of Huanyu.

Therefore, in order not to violate the civilization management regulations of the universe, I will not answer your barrage during the live broadcast, and mainly focus on the content of the barrage in my hometown. "

In order not to misunderstand the Huanyu fans, Luo Quan greeted them in advance.

They didn't have any objection to this either. After all, they hadn't been able to watch Luoquan's live broadcast in the past few days. Now they could see people and hear the voice, which made them very happy.

After seeing a wave of understanding from the bullet screen, Luo Quan smiled, and then opened the live broadcast room of station B.

"Our domineering president finally started broadcasting."

"Looking at Luo Bao's fierce murderous look, it looks like he just experienced a massacre."

"The high-level executives of station B are really hurting their muscles and bones this time, and they won several in one go."

"If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come. The most indispensable thing in the human resources market is people."

"By the way, what does Luo Bao think of the recent shutdown of station B?"

"Yeah, it's obvious that the environment is getting better and better, but there are so many major up masters who have stopped updating. It's really confusing."


The update stop mentioned in the barrage is something Luo Quan has been dealing with recently.

The main reason is that the up master with millions of fans announced the suspension of updates due to various reasons.

It is said that it is due to personal reasons, but the release time has reached a certain point, and it seems that the reason behind it is not that simple.

After Luo Quan checked the report submitted by his subordinates, he analyzed that there were two main reasons.

The income has been cut, and the review is too strict.

These are the two most important reasons that affect the passion for creation. Station B is still in the transformation stage. Although the income has increased, not every up owner can enjoy it.

As for the review, she was actually to blame for not explaining it clearly to the staff in charge of the review.

She won the relaxed qualifications, but the employees didn't know it.

I only know that the review can be moderately relaxed, but I don't know how wide it can be, so the scale is still very limited.

After the arrival of the stoppage tide, Luoquan told the audit staff to be more courageous and make amends.

And now that fans are asking questions, Luo Quan also took this opportunity to speak out about the conflict.

"There must be some unreasonable things in the previous review. I have already held a meeting with them, and everyone can see the changes later.

As for the income, this is written in black and white, which is much higher than before, and everyone can check it in the background. "

Luo Quan's tone was very firm, telling fans about the changes at station B.

"The changes are indeed great. Recently, there have been more female Bodhisattvas on Station B."

"Damn, did you find out too?"

"It's like this. Now there are a lot of videos showing off your body. If you put it on, it will be banned if you put it in [-] percent."

"I used to see videos and open UC, but now I don't even need to go to UC."

"The changes are really big, really big."

"It turns out that Luo Bao has already said hello, no wonder these audits have become so bold."

"When I watched the videos pushed on the homepage of station B, I was a little scared. Those who didn't know it thought that station B had returned to ten years ago."

"Haha, at that time, station B didn't care about anything."


It can be seen that the recent review of Station B has won the hearts of the people.

However, because the mentality of the few up owners who stopped updating was a long-term accumulation of collapse, they will not return immediately due to sudden changes.

Fortunately, this stoppage trend did not involve too many people after all. In addition, Bilibili has recently introduced blockbuster movies and TV series, and users' attention is basically in the film and television area, so the impact is not particularly large.

"I tell you good news, the games at station B will be blessed."

Luo Quan unscrewed the lid and took a sip of brown sugar water: "Recently, Unreal Studio has three games under development, besides the well-known Yuan Shen, there are two more.

And these two are genuine 3A masterpieces, one is a highly difficult magical epic, and the other is a passionate adventure where you can become a magician and release various spells, both of which are open world types. "

This sudden premonition made the barrage immediately boil:

"Damn, I already knew that Unreal Studio was holding back a big move, but I didn't expect that there would be two of them."

"Tell me about that magical epic."

"Both are magic, will the types overlap too much?"

"A product produced by Unreal must be a high-quality product, even if the genre is the same, I will buy it!"

"Is there a demo, I want to watch the demo video now!"


Facing the players who couldn't wait, Luo Quan laughed: "The magic epic is still under development, and there is no demo for the time being.

However, the magician game has already entered the testing stage, and the plot of this game will be adapted into a movie in the future.

To be more straightforward, this game, like the Resident Evil series, will create an IP universe.

In addition, this universe and the universe under one person are the same, and the two plots almost take place in the same timeline. "


"Finally there is new news under one person!"

"I've been thinking about Luo Tian Dajiao, who I've been waiting for for a long time!"

"The trailer for the second part has already been released, and it will be launched soon."

"After waiting for almost half a year, I finally heard Luo Quan mention something. Those who didn't know thought it was a eunuch."

"Haha, this is the hottest drama of last year, and the plot is getting better and better. How could there be no sequel?"

"The Huaxia side is martial arts and Taoism, and the West side is magic. This world view is a bit awesome."

"I think this is likely to become a big IP that is as popular as the Marvel Universe!"

"So, what is the name of this magician game and movie series?"


Facing fans' inquiries, Luo Quan said word by word: "Its name is "Harry Potter"!"

(End of this chapter)

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