Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1102 Magic Universe

Chapter 1102 Magic Universe
"Is Harry Potter the protagonist?"

"It's actually named after the protagonist."

"What actors have you decided on? Will you appear on the screen?"

"Since it's a type of Western magic, Luo Bao can definitely play it."

"Alright, we can also see Luo Bao acting as a big beauty."

"Haha, it's hard to say, with Luo Quan's bad taste, maybe he will play you some ugly character."

"Like a job she can figure out."


It seems that these fans know Luo Quan very well. Luo Quan really wanted to play the role of Trelawney, who looks a little crazy and not very good-looking, that is, the teacher who can predict.

Later, I thought about the possibility of adding some new characters in the future. It would be better for me not to act in a certain role hastily, so I recruited another actor.

In short, she will not participate in the first part of Harry Potter, and most of the actors will be found in the UK.

After finishing talking about Harry Potter, Luo Quan went on to say: "I'll tell you another piece of good news. Didn't the game version number come down recently? Station B has introduced a lot of mobile games from abroad, such as casual games, card games, There are rounds.

At that time, what do you like to play, just go to make an appointment, and you will get a gift when you make an appointment.

In addition, station B is also communicating with steam, watching the live broadcast of the stand-alone game area can get free games and so on.

Although you may not be able to receive a 3A masterpiece, the size is also a benefit. If you are interested, you can pay attention to the details of the event. "

This news made a group of game fans very excited. What game fans care most about is that there are always new games to play.

In the previous period of time, whether it was developing new games by itself or introducing those excellent mobile games from abroad, they were doing very badly.

In addition, the version number is cold winter, so that the mobile game page is turned over and over again, it is those old guys.

No matter how fun these games are, they will eventually get tired of playing. Fresh blood is still very important for a website that started off with games.

Therefore, Luoquan has been sparing no effort to contact the manufacturers of relatives and friends in Japan, and prepares to launch a few mobile games with high concentration of Two-dimensional and relatively excellent.

South Korea also has a mobile game that she is very optimistic about, called Destiny's Child.

The reason why I am optimistic is because the character Lihui in this mobile game is very explosive, from the clothes to the figure that explodes.

As a Two-dimensional mobile game, its vertical drawing is at the top level, and it will definitely be popular in today's environment.

It's just that it's too explosive, so it's hard to pass the review, and no one has introduced it before.

Now that the scale is different, Luo Quan is going to give it a try, to see if he can make this game a national server.

If it succeeds, the benefits brought by this game will only be trivial, and she can also use this to test the bottom line of the review and pave the way for the development and introduction of subsequent games, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, game fans still don't know what kind of turbulent game tide will be ushered in next.

But even if you know it, you won't divert your attention too much, because the original god is about to be tested.

Judging from the two internal tests, this game is almost the best mobile game in China at present, not even one of them.

The number of reservations has now exceeded 2000 million, and thanks to the man who smashed the ps4, Yuanshin's popularity overseas is also skyrocketing.

It is true that foreigners have played a lot of games, but how have they seen open world games that can be played on mobile phones?
And as soon as I heard that it was a work of a sub-studio branched out from Unreal Studio, I immediately showed a smile that everyone knew.

In the West, where political correctness is rampant, European and American game manufacturers have not produced such eye-catching female characters for a long time.

Either an aunt or a black man, anyway, they are not very good-looking.

It's hard to come up with a watchable one, but it turns out that it's all kinds of orientations, and it's not male or female.

As for the fair-skinned and beautiful long-legged plump beauty, it has become an unattainable myth.

The good news is that Unreal Studios is still adhering to the I want busty beauty principle.

Whether it's World of Warcraft or Overwatch, or Resident Evil, or even the original work Final Fantasy.

Which of the female characters in these games is not killing people in the 3D area?

Known as Tifa of Jerusalem in the 3D area, the three sisters of Angel Widowmaker Diva, the mainstay of the 3D area, as well as Jill, King Ida, and Alice, these are the female characters who are often on the list.

So much so that Unreal Studio got a nickname, called the Jerusalem of the game world, which means the last holy place for game fans.

This is the greatest compliment countless game fans have offered to Unreal Studio. When they see the two huge letters XH, game fans are as excited as seeing the serial number.

The idea of ​​playing games is very simple. If you give me a girl, I will give you tickets. As for those politically correct aunts, whoever you like will pay. Anyway, I will not pay for this kind of castrated work.

Now Unreal Studio has a new work, and it is still an open world game with Two-dimensional style.

For players who are tired of playing 3D games, this is undoubtedly an opportunity to change their tastes.

In addition, another fool gave away a lot of enthusiasm for nothing, so Yuanshen's evaluation abroad is even higher than that in China.

If it can achieve both Chinese and foreign blossoms, it will be a successful completion of the mission entrusted to it by Luoquan.

In order to ensure that there will be no moths after the original server is launched, Luo Quan has been conducting stress tests on the server for the past few days, and at the same time made a plan to give players holiday benefits.

The game is superficial, but the players are not. In reality, everyone likes to celebrate festivals and give some benefits. A mobile game with excellent quality itself, there is no need to be stingy in these places, which will damage your reputation.

Now everything is ready, just wait for Yuanshen to open the server five days later, what kind of surprises can it bring her.

If Liushui achieves great success, it will be a great booster for her to build a two-dimensional entertainment empire.

In fact, from a long time ago, she wanted to build a business empire of her own.

With so many works in mind, this empire can continuously export and attract users.

Now that the most important platform, Station B, has been acquired, the next step is to build a real community ecology through online content such as games, dramas, and videos.

Two-dimensional otaku are not really social terrors. When chatting with netizens who share the same language, they sometimes directly become social terrorists.

It's just that Two-dimensional is not the mainstream in daily life after all, and there are not so many people who like it, so it seems social fear.

But if it’s at Station B, where everyone likes Two-dimensional, then this problem doesn’t exist, and everyone can speak freely, and there won’t be an embarrassing scene where I say an anime or a game, and no one understands what I’m talking about.

In fact, since Station A became lonely, Station B has a unique advantage in the Two-dimensional area, and it has long been able to start ecology.

As a result, there is such a golden mountain instead of development, and it is necessary to follow the trend and make some short videos to compete with Douyin for jobs.

Have you ever snatched it?There is no such ability at all.

From Luo Quan's point of view, this strategy is completely chasing after the end.

Now that she is the boss, she naturally wants to set things right.

In short, preparations for the construction of the Two-dimensional online community have already begun. By then, she hopes to establish a separate community for each game, each drama, and even each Two-dimensional character.

It sounded like they were grabbing jobs at the Post Bar, but Luo Quan felt that it was very normal for old things to be replaced by new ones.

The old stuff should have burst into gold coins long ago.

If the two-dimensional ecology is completed, then all commercial activities related to two-dimensional in China will basically be inseparable from Bilibili.

Maybe in the future, like Disney, they can build a B park offline and become a giant with the same name.

Although there may be a long way to go, Luo Quan feels that as long as he keeps going, it will definitely be realized, and it will not take as long as ten or fifteen years.

The society is developing very fast now, and if it goes well, it will be achieved in about six or seven years.

At that time, I had just turned 30 years old, and I might be able to stand on a building called Bilibili, overlooking all living beings under my feet, and become a truly domineering president.

Perhaps the system was also shocked by his great ambition, and issued a reminder:

"The desire of the host has been detected, and now the challenge of the big president is started
Achievement condition: Increase the market value of Bilibili to 800 billion US dollars within ten years! "

Achievement reward: Unknown, every time you complete a milestone, you will unlock a stage reward. After all stages are completed, you will be given an extremely rich ultimate reward!
Current overall progress: 65/800
The current progress of the first stage: 65/100”

Hearing this, Luo Quan almost jumped up excitedly.

This was the first time she heard of the system, describing the mission rewards as extremely generous.

This means that if she completes the task, the reward she gets will definitely shock her jaw.

But the difficulty is also amazing, and the market value must reach 800 billion US dollars to get all the rewards.

What is the concept of $800 billion?
The total market value of penguins is more than 4000 billion US dollars, ranking eighth in the world.

This is already one-fifth of Penguin's total market capitalization, and it is definitely among the top [-] in the world!
Luo Quan imagined that the company would be ranked among the top in the world, but it was only the top [-] in the world.

In the top [-], to be honest, she really doesn't think she has such ability.

But now that the task has been released, and the time limit is as long as ten years, Luo Quan feels that it is still possible to challenge it.

If a person has no dreams, what is the difference from a salted fish?What if it happens?
So Luo Quan clicked Yes on whether to accept the task.

Then, the countdown began, and the numbers began to count down slowly from nine years, 360 and four days.

"What's wrong with Luo Bao, is he in a daze?"

"During the blood rage period, the mood is unstable, that's how it is."

"How did you know that?"

"You can know this kind of thing after counting the days. As long as she is not pregnant, I will know it every time I come to my aunt."

"I've seen a pervert, but I've never seen such a pervert."

"How can you say it's abnormal? We counted the time to protect Luo Bao during the special period and keep her from getting angry."

"Haha, if you don't take the initiative to provoke her, it is already the greatest care."


Luo Quan, who was busy with the task, didn't see the ridicule in the barrage, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that this group of people was so outrageous.

But it's not surprising that my aunt's days are counted. After all, there are really such boring people in this world who specialize in remembering such days, and even send paid barrage to make her drink more hot water.

What can I do with this kind of barrage that is all about being funny, it can only be given the fan title "Shrimp Head Man" by Luo Quan.

Because the bullet screens in the live broadcast room are becoming more and more outrageous, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. In order to stop their behavior, Luo Quan designed an exclusive title for the anchor, called Shrimp Head Man.

Whoever goes out to speak with this title can let other Bilibili users know what she is doing.

However, instead of being ashamed, her fans took it as pride, and took pleasure in posting fishing barrages one after another, and the shrimp head man became an honorary title.

This made Luo Quan very tense: "Who knows the family members, that is to say, can you stop being so interested in these things every day?"

"Your tone really makes me want shrimp heads."

"Give her a punch and see if she's still going crazy."

"The main thing is to care about you. Drinking more hot water is the highest standard for a boy to care about a girl."

"The game benefits are finished, does Luo Bao have any other benefits for us?"

"Won't there be another seven-day bonus? Then I'm really going crazy."


Faced with such comments that want to eat farts, Luo Quan chuckled: "You really think my place is a welfare institution, don't you? You want to have a good meal, and you will get benefits every day. In a few days, I will have to sell my pants at a loss, right... ...In short, it’s going to be a big loss.”

Thinking that something was wrong with the words, Luo Quan quickly changed the adjective.

If you really sell pants, maybe you can really make a lot of money.

But the words were out, the fans were of course excited to ask Luo Quan to elaborate on the sale of the pants, and also said that if you sell them, we will definitely spend a lot of money to buy them.

Luo Quan ignored them, and just said to himself: "In short, it is true that a lot of foreign classic film and television dramas will be introduced recently. In addition, station B will develop more professional and easy-to-use music playback functions, buy more copyrights, and strive to It covers all the things that several software can do."

"That's a good idea."

"I just want the animation and the external network to be updated synchronously. It's uncomfortable to have to wait for several days every time."

"It's much better now than before, at least the cuts aren't so outrageous, and the lineup of the new show in July is so strong, it's the chainsaw man and the bloody battle of the god of death."

"It is said that the complete works of Shinigami Naruto One Piece are ready to be previewed and launched."

"Damn it, really?!"

"That's good, when the time comes, you can watch all the Shinigami Naruto One Piece Conan at station B."

"Good days are coming."

"I hope this is not the last supper. It was the same when Station B was at its peak. It filled people with infinite hope, but later..."

"If it doesn't exist, isn't Luo Quan still trustworthy?"

"Indeed, trust Luo Bao and it's over. Luo Bao is an omnipotent goddess."

(End of this chapter)

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