Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1103 Good news about swimsuits

Chapter 1103 Good news about swimsuits
"By the way, there is one thing I want to tell everyone, especially the minors in the live broadcast room."

Luo Quan remembered something, and his expression became serious: "Recently, many anchors have reported that many minors deliberately disgust people through the operation of rewarding and refunding.

Coupled with some unreasonable terms of the previous platform, the anchors who encountered this situation will suffer considerable losses.

In order to avoid this situation, some changes have been made to the provisions on live broadcast rewards and refunds.

The first is the refund. How much the audience tipped, they will return to the original route when the refund is made, and the anchor will not bear additional losses.

The second is rewards. All accounts that want to send gifts must be bound to the ID card, and when recharging, you need to scan your face to confirm that you are the person before giving the gift.

Finally, if the system detects that you have made a malicious refund, the account will be banned. If someone wants to make a fortune from the price difference in this way, let’s see how many ID cards you can find. "

Regarding the refund of minors, it is actually a very fucking problem, but it is also easy to solve.

Some platforms don’t control minors’ gifts at all in order to make some unconscionable money. They take the gift money away and leave it alone, and then let the hosts bear the responsibility for the refund.

This kind of behavior fully exposes the appearance of capitalism cannibalism.

As for those little bastards who deliberately give gifts and refund money for fun, Luo Quan feels that it is necessary to teach them a good lesson.

If you look down on anchors and feel that this is a profession of singing and laughing, you can just scold directly on the barrage, there is no need to use this method to smash people's jobs.

There are many similar unreasonable regulations at station B, and many stupid things have been made.

In addition to refunds for minors, there are also incidents of high-priced imported dramas being removed from the shelves due to high-level reasons.

The review has been reviewed, but in the end, because the high-level person hates this show, they can't watch it.

Luo Quan was so angry that his hair almost stood on end when he found out about this, he held a meeting directly, scolded the black sheep in front of everyone, and then fired her.

Anyway, so many people have been fired recently, it doesn't matter if there is one more.

"In the future, anyone who dares to put their own interests above the company's like her, will not only be fired, but I will also post a video showing all your glorious deeds, so that the majority of netizens can get to know you well!"

Luo Quan looked at the leaders of the group of corpses and vegetarian meals, and couldn't get angry.

Well, station B was made into a mess by these people. If she hadn't taken over, station B would have been cold in less than five years.

Of course, netizens don't know the story behind each new initiative.

They only know that the management of Station B is becoming more and more humane now, and the lives of users, up hosts, and anchors are getting better and better.

"I always feel that Luo Bao seems to have changed, becoming very fierce."

"It's really fierce."

"Huh? Speak well."

"We can do an experiment, such as making some excessive demands, such as releasing a new album or something."

"Haha, the new year is here, Luo Bao should be a little bit more active."

"I want to see her give a concert, although I may not be able to buy tickets."

"I want to see new swimsuit photos."

"Among so many wishes, looking at swimwear is the most unrealistic."

"Haha, what if Luo Bao agrees."


With Luo Quan's previous personality, his wishes for new songs are almost responsive.

After all, being a singer is her debut identity, and she used to release three albums a year.

But now that there are more and more identities and more things to be busy with, the album becomes one or two a year.

As for the others, it is difficult to achieve.

The concert is too tiring, if the fans really want to hear it, she would rather open a fan club online and sing every day.

As for the swimsuit photo shoot, she didn't have this idea in the first place.

But thinking of what he had promised Ye Zhining earlier, he came up with an idea, planning to combine the two things into one.

It satisfied Ye Zhining and a group of fans, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?
So she showed a mysterious smile: "Considering that I am free recently, I can grant one of your wishes, wait for the barrage voting, and I will do it for the one with the highest vote~~"

As soon as these words came out, the fans were so excited that they almost had a cerebral hemorrhage:
"This is what you said, don't go back on your word!"

"Do you really do everything?"

"I want to watch cosplay, watch cosplay!"

"Stupid! Du Nima asked casually, of course it's a swimsuit photoshoot!"


Of course, the option to vote must be provided by Luo Quan himself, otherwise who knows what demands these people will make.

Soon, Luo Quan prepared the voting options, including new album release, concert, new movie, swimsuit photo shoot, cosplay and so on.

"I've given you the opportunity, if you want elegant art to contribute to the material culture of mankind, choose music or movies.

If it's just for instant gratification, then choose swimsuit photoshoot or cosplay. "

Luo Quan left this issue to the fans to make their own choices.

Luo Quan has always been keen to let his works satisfy fans of both elegant and popular groups.

But it is actually very difficult to achieve this. She has worked hard for a long time, but she has not achieved any particularly great results.

Now she doesn't want to work hard anymore, and directly gives the right to choose to the netizens.

See if they are elegant or lay people.

"Can we vote too?"

The fans in the Huanyu live broadcast room were very enthusiastic, and they also wanted to participate.

Not for anything else, just want to add bricks and tiles to human material culture.

Luo Quan smiled, communicated with the optical machine with his mind and typed: "Not this time, let you choose next time you have a chance."

This disappointed many Huanyu fans, but they believed that most people's aesthetics were normal, and they would definitely make the right choice.

There are already many precious works of art in this world, and one more is not that important.

But if you can see the swimsuit style of the Virgin Mary with your own eyes, it will be such a beautiful thing to improve everyone's happiness index.

Facts have also proved that lay people are indeed the largest group in the world.

The number of votes for the swimsuit photo shoot far exceeded the sum of all other options, and looking at the vote distribution, the ratio of male and female students turned out to be [-]-[-].

In other words, not only boys, but girls also want to watch it.

But this is also easy to understand. After all, everyone has a love for beauty. Boys like to look at beautiful women, and of course girls also like to look at beautiful women, but the motives are not necessarily the same.

"After voting, I decided to take a swimsuit photo shoot."

Luo Quan clicked the end button, and said with a smile: "This is what you chose, no one has any objections, right?"

The statement stunned the fans:
"Why is Luo Bao so happy? Normally, shouldn't you be shy, and then agree with it coyly?"

"It's bad, we were fooled. Luo Quan must have planned to have a swimsuit photoshoot long ago, so take this opportunity to be lazy!"

"Damn, I would have released a new album if I knew it earlier, so I can listen to new songs and watch swimsuits again."

"Luo Bao has really turned into a bad woman now."

"I used to beg her to take pictures, but now I want to take pictures directly. Is this the maturity of a person?"

"I think Luo Bao is also enjoying it, we are all being played."


It wasn't until this moment that a group of fans finally came to their senses.

It's really strange, it was extremely difficult to get her to wear black silk in the past, but now she is taking the initiative to let them vote.

It is said that it is a vote, is there anyone who does not choose a swimsuit photo?
When things go wrong, there must be a demon, but unfortunately everyone was blinded by the sudden happiness, so that Luo Quan kept smiling.

Soon a large group of fans began to regret it and demanded a new vote.

Luo Quan said with a smile: "I told you to vote carefully before, and you can't change it after voting. We have to be trustworthy in doing things, right?"

"Sure enough, there is no evil and no business, Luo Bao, you have become too cunning now!"

"As expected of you, you can always come up with new tricks."

"I told you just now that I want to contribute to the material culture of mankind. If you don't listen, it's fine now."

"It's really a mistake."

"It doesn't matter, it's a good thing to see Luo Quan's swimsuit, and it doesn't matter if you get cheated."

"Having said that, it still feels like a loss of [-] million yuan."

"It's not just a hundred million, it's an immeasurable artistic wealth!"

"It's no use regretting it now."


The matter has come to this point, and no matter how much the fans protest, it will have no effect.

Luo Quan's good decisions are rarely changed because of other people's reasons.

As for the location of this swimsuit, it is tentatively scheduled to be Hawaii.

The last time I went, I didn't have much fun. This time, she has to play around underwater and take some nice underwater photos for everyone.

Of course, before that, some people have to be notified.

First of all, Wen Xia and the others, to see if they plan to go.

Then there are Xu Yanqing and others who are still in Huanyu. If they can come, then this trip to Hawaii will be very lively.

Soon, Luo Quan contacted Bai Xingwei through the Consonance Mirror.

"Go to the beach to swim?" Bai Xingwei had a weird expression when she heard Luo Quan's proposal.

Although she can swim, she hasn't been to the beach much since she was a child, so she was quite interested to hear the invitation from Luo Quan.

But when she heard that there might be a live broadcast at that time, she hesitated again.

After all, she is not an anchor, so she would still be a little embarrassed to be seen by so many people on the Internet in such revealing clothes.

"It will be over if you don't leave the country by then." Luo Quan said with a smile.

"That's true, okay, I'll go out with you this time." Bai Xingwei agreed.

Then he told Xu Yanqing and Ye Zhining the news.

The former can be said to be familiar with this kind of activity, and he agreed without thinking too much.

And Ye Zhining has not responded yet, probably because he is dealing with the memorial.

"Okay, let's stop here today, let's talk tomorrow."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he turned off the live broadcast of Station B.

However, Huanyu's live broadcast continued, and seeing that Luo Quan finally had time to talk to them, he immediately sent a barrage and asked:
"Luo Quan, did you really plan to take swimsuit photos from the beginning?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a saint."

"Haha, this is too exciting. I didn't expect Our Lady to have such a good time in her hometown."

"Don't be an afterthought, Luo Quan said it long ago, as a star, it's normal to take some photos like this."

"That's right, and she also showed the swimsuit photos she took before for everyone to see."

"There is nothing to talk about, my suggestion is to increase the intensity!"

"In the past, there were only still photos, but now I can see dynamic pictures, looking forward to it."

"With Luo Quan's body, the earth will definitely shake when he moves."

"See through and don't say through."


Compared with fans at station B, Huanyu fans spoke much more boldly, probably because Luoquan's live broadcast style was bolder at the beginning.

Luo Quan looked at the barrage and found that everyone's questions were basically answered, so he didn't say too much: "That's all for today's live broadcast, let's continue tomorrow.

As for fans who want to see swimsuits, don't worry, it's still in preparation, about a week or so. "

Amid the farewell voices of the Virgin Mary taking care of her health and resting well, the live broadcast finally ended.

However, just as Luo Quan turned off the computer and was about to go to bed, he found a distorted spot of light suddenly appeared in the room.

With a blink of his eyes, Ye Zhining jumped out of the spot of light.

"Why are you here?" Luo Quan was puzzled.

Ye Zhining smiled all over her face: "I've been watching Aifei's live broadcast, and now I'm finally going to fulfill my promise, why don't I come?"

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "How can it be so fast, I still have to climb a few days first."

"Ah, don't you leave tomorrow?" Ye Zhining was disappointed.

In her imagination, if Luoquan issued a notice today, she could pack up and leave tomorrow.

"Don't be so anxious." Luo Quan sat on the bed and said with a smile: "I still have to book a plane ticket, wait for someone, and buy clothes. It will probably take five or six days."

"Oh..." Ye Zhining sighed, and sat down on the bed, "I thought I'd be able to see Aifei's swimsuit tomorrow."

After speaking, he lay down on the bed and began to undress to prepare for sleep.

"Does Your Majesty have any government affairs to deal with?" Luo Quan's eyes widened.

"It's been dealt with a long time ago, but I don't have anything to do now." Ye Zhining laughed, with only a bellyband left on her upper body.

"What morning?" Luo Quan continued to ask.

"Tomorrow the king will not go to court early." Ye Zhining pulled the quilt and fell asleep gently on the pillow.

"That's fine, I hope you don't pile things up until the day after tomorrow." Luo Quan didn't ask any more questions, and lay down too.

It's just sleeping, it's not like I haven't slept before.

I just hope this time it won't be like before, where she was fine before going to sleep, and then suddenly hugged Ye Zhining like a koala after waking up.

Considering that the previous problems were caused by practicing at night, Luo Quan decided to sleep seriously this time and do nothing else, to see if a similar situation would occur.

If there is, then Ye Zhining is very suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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