Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1104 Maximizing Human Happiness

Chapter 1104 Maximizing Human Happiness
Thank you book friend Xue Huo Lian for the book currency rewarded by Jingyue, thank you for your support!

"What do you think of Luo Quan announcing the third swimsuit photo shoot?"

This is a popular question on Zhihu today. Earlier, this topic was also hotly searched on Weibo, and the discussions among netizens were quite enthusiastic.

After all, it has been several years since the last swimsuit photo shoot, and of course there are many people who pay attention.

In Zhihu's answer, everyone's views are not very consistent, and some people don't think this is a good thing:
"This is a great loss for the music industry, Luoquan put the opportunity of artistic creation in people's hands, but people's eyes are only superficial.

What's so good about a swimsuit photoshoot?It's not like I haven't shot it before, so what new tricks can I shoot with this thing again?

Obviously not, but Luoquan's music can bring new surprises to everyone every time, and may bring new trends to pop musicians every time.

From retro style to rock style to electronic music style, the popular elements in the past five years are all related to Luo Quan's new album.

Without her music, many of the best songs on the market probably wouldn't exist.

But now, an opportunity that can produce a large number of excellent works is abandoned by LSPs like this. How can this not make me sad?
What a pity! "

There are voices of opposition, and of course there are voices of support. The answer with the highest praise is singing the praises of Luo Quan's behavior:

"Looking at the previous answer, I thought there would be a reversal in the end, but it turned out that I really felt that taking swimsuit photos was hindering the progress of pop music.

Let me say, if the progress of popular music depends entirely on one person, it is better not to make progress.

He also said that this is a damage to the music industry. In my opinion, if Luo Quan does not take swimsuit photos, it will be a loss of life for the world!

Now Luo Quan is almost 24. He has gone through so many trials and tribulations since his debut, and has finally been sculpted by the years.

Now this is her youngest and most charming time. At this moment, she is like a ripe fruit on a branch, exuding a charming and seductive aura all over her body.

With such a beauty in such a state, it would be a great thing if she could take a set of swimsuit photos.

I believe this will bring great love and peace to fans all over the world and resolve many disputes.

As for the so-called music and art, as long as Luo Quan wants to create these things, isn't it easy to come by?

But the opportunity to shoot swimsuit photos is not so easy to come across, so gentlemen tell me, what should be the most correct choice? "

Immediately, a large group of people in the comment area began to cooperate:

"Of course it's a swimsuit photo shoot, so why not think about it?"

"Don't think it's so vulgar, it's for the maximum happiness of people all over the world."

"And this is everyone's choice, the minority must obey the majority."

"I'm done looking forward to it. I've already signed up for Xunlei and Baidu members."

"Haha, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools, right?"


Generally speaking, the supporters of Luo Quan's decision to shoot a photo shoot this time still account for the majority.

A considerable number of those who object are actually just playing tricks.

Of course, there are indeed a small number of people who have no interest in this matter and feel that Luo Quan should release more albums.

This kind is a relatively pure fan, without that worldly desire.

But no matter what everyone thinks now, anyway, Luo Quan has already told his family about his idea of ​​going to Hawaii.

But it wasn't the family members on the Internet, but Wen Xia Leon.

"Okay, we can go to the beach again."

Wen Xia has been rusting away from staying at home for the past few days, and she is planning to go to some beautiful place for a stroll, Luo Quan's proposal can be said to be exactly what she wants.

"Leon and I won't go. The baby is still young, so it's not easy to fly." Mia glanced at Leon and declined the invitation.

The couple have played at the beach since they were young, so their interest in going to the beach is not as strong as others.

Finally, Luo Quan counted the number of people. Except for Leon Mia and Arthur's family, everyone else went.

That is, Wen Xia, Junzi, Yun'er, Cheng Nuo, Lin Ruoli and herself, plus the three people from Huanyu, that's nine people.

However, Ye Zhining didn't have an ID card and could only travel through the Consonance Mirror, so there were only six air tickets to buy.

"How about it, is it arranged?"

After returning to the room, Ye Zhining asked Luo Quan excitedly.

Waking up this morning, Luo Quan found that his sleeping position was still a bit bold, and he hugged Ye Zhining without knowing it. There must be something tricky last night that she didn't know about.

"It's been arranged. There are six people on my side, including Huanyu, there are nine people." Luo Quan nodded and began to book the plane ticket.

"Are you ready for the swimsuit? You haven't bought it yet."

Ye Zhining picked up the phone and said with a very loyal look: "I know your size, so let me buy you a swimsuit!"

"Are you coming?" Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining with some distrust, "You won't mess around, will you?"

"How is it possible!" Ye Zhining frowned aggrievedly, "What kind of person does Aifei think of me, and I am very sincere."

"I think you have bad intentions." Luo Quan pouted, but still agreed to Ye Zhining's initiative.

Then the two of them book a plane ticket and the other buys a swimsuit.

The flight ticket is booked to take off the day after tomorrow, and the swimsuit will be delivered tomorrow, which is completely in time.

"Come on, let me see what swimsuit you bought." Luo Quan took the phone from Ye Zhining's hand after booking the ticket.

After swiping and pulling her fingers a few times, her expression turned into that of an old man in the subway: "What did you buy? Can this thing be worn?"

The first few pieces Ye Zhining bought were quite normal, but the latter ones were a bit outrageous.

It's completely a sexy swimsuit, the kind with a few pieces of cloth and a loincloth. Luo Quan doubts whether such a small amount of material is enough.

This kind of thing is said to be a swimsuit, but it is absolutely impossible to appear on the beach, at least not on a public beach.

"I didn't say that I must wear this live broadcast. Aifei can take some photos by herself as a souvenir. If you don't publish it, it's over?" Ye Zhining chuckled and proposed a seemingly reasonable explanation.

"I take a souvenir?" Luo Quan sneered, "I think you want to take a souvenir."

Ye Zhining waved her hand: "Aifei said it herself, I didn't say it."

Seeing this, Luo Quan pondered for a moment, then raised his head and smiled and said, "I can wear it if you want, but it's not interesting for me to wear it alone."

Your Majesty is also a girl, so why not wear a swimsuit when you go to the beach?
I pay the fee once, and buy a few more pieces. If you want to shoot, you can shoot together. "

Ah, do I want to wear this too? "Ye Zhining suddenly showed embarrassment.

"Your Majesty wants me to wear it, which means I like this style very much, isn't it so?"

Luo Quan directly turned against the customer, and smiled happily: "Since His Majesty likes it, then choose this set. Let's go into the water and take pictures together. How fun it is."

"However, I've never seen such a fancy dress before, I'm afraid it's not right?" The majestic empress finally blushed at this moment.

What impressed her the most about this kind of dressed woman were the concubines of her father.

When she was young, she saw some concubines wearing similar clothes, which caused a huge shock to her young heart, so she was always eager for someone to pass it on again, so that she could appreciate it.

Luo Quan is undoubtedly the most perfect candidate, with impeccable perfection from appearance to figure.

But it was a bit difficult for her to let her wear this herself.

The majestic king of a country can just wear an ordinary swimsuit, how can he wear this.

"Hehe, you know it's wrong." Luo Quan sneered again, "If you don't mind me wearing this, it's fine? After all, I'm also the Holy Mother, and many believers worship me every day. If I wear this, what will they think of me? "

"Of course I opened my eyes while exclaiming." Ye Zhining joked.

Luo Quan couldn't help laughing because of her: "In short, compare your heart with your heart, when you ask me to do something, you also think about the consequences of doing it yourself.

You can't take all the benefits, and let me eat all the losses.

As long as you can do it, I'm sure it doesn't matter. "

"Since Concubine Ai said so, forget it." Ye Zhining lowered her head in frustration, "Do I need a refund for these clothes? I've already placed an order."

"I bought everything, so let's do it. Maybe you will figure it out in the future?" Luo Quan showed an excited smile instead, "The dignified empress wears a sexy swimsuit. I am afraid that this kind of treatment has only been enjoyed by me throughout the ages."

"Impossible!" Ye Zhining said angrily, "Well, you are a rebellious minister against Tiangang, so this is what you came up with. I never realized that you have such a bold idea before!"

"How can I be a traitor?"

Luo Quan spread his hands innocently, and explained: "If you want me to wear it, do you have to agree to it yourself?

You agree, you can't find a third person to take pictures, right?Maybe it's just me.

In this case, am I the only one who can describe the beauty and beauty of the Empress? "

"It seems to be the truth, but I always feel that my concubine is plotting something." Ye Zhining was very sensitive, and felt that there was some ulterior secret in Luo Quan's mind.

Luo Quan said sternly: "Your Majesty, don't beat me up, you are the only one who wants to plot against me from the beginning to the end, how can I plot against you.

Do you dare to say that you have no plot against me? "

Ye Zhining snorted softly, but didn't answer, obviously acquiescing.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I haven't seen anything while taking a bath, it's nothing new, there's nothing to be excited about.

Just think of going out for a trip together, with a normal heart, there is no need to think so much about what you have and what you don’t have. "

Luo Quan patted Ye Zhining's shoulder, trying to dispel those weird thoughts in her mind.

I don't know what this empress has been exposed to in the court since she was a child, but now she is regarded as an experiment object, and she wants to try any means.

If things go on like this, how can this be so great?So why not be spoiled by Ye Zhining?
So Luo Quan didn't intend to spit on her, so he had to refuse.

"Okay, this time it's my whim." Ye Zhining waved his hand, and finally stopped insisting.

"By the way, your Notre Dame's summer palace is progressing very quickly, and it is estimated that it will be completed in a short time."

"Really?" Luo Quan's eyes lit up, "Didn't you say that the construction team of the God Blessed Federation can delay as long as it can, why is it so efficient this time?"

Ye Zhining smiled and said: "Your believers are very fanatical, and they put pressure on the company where the construction team works every day, telling them to do it fast and well.

In addition, there are many followers of you in the construction team, and the work is as if you have been beaten with chicken blood, and the progress is of course fast. "

"It seems that no matter what you do, you have to have faith." Luo Quan smiled and was in a good mood.

Originally, she thought that she would have to wait at least until the end of the year for the construction of Notre Dame's summer palace to have a slight clue, but she didn't expect that it was almost completed.

I don't know what it will look like in the end, but I hope it will be the sacred and magnificent appearance in her mind.

It would be great if there were more gold and silver treasures of all kinds.

Thinking of his slightly vulgar wish, Luo Quan couldn't help but want to ask for the repentance of his heavenly father.

I hope he can forgive himself, the holy mother of six impurity, Amen.

After the air tickets were booked, the girls were also shopping for new swimsuits.

Because they are usually very busy at work, unless the filming location of a movie or a variety show is at the beach, they actually rarely have the opportunity to go to the beach.

A year and a half is enough to make some changes in the body.

Wen Xia has the most say. Since practicing martial arts, she found that she finally got rid of the title of airport.

Sure enough, as Luo Quan said, eating more meat and exercising frequently will always pay off.

Hard work is indeed useful, Wen Xia now just wants to increase the intensity of exercise.

The next day, the swimsuits everyone ordered arrived.

Luo Quan's mail is much more, because she bought four people's mail, and there are some swimsuits that she can't wear.

"Luo Luo, did you buy so many?" Wen Xia asked curiously seeing that Luo Quan's carton was much bigger than others.

Luo Quan replied: "This is for Bai Xingwei, Xu Yanqing and the others. They will also come this time, but it's just not on the way."

"Wow, Yanqing's figure won't explode in a swimsuit?" Lin Ruoli felt a little dizzy when she thought of Xu Yanqing's dominant figure.

Not only Lin Ruoli, but also other girls have almost the same idea.

After seeing too much of Luo Quan's good figure, they didn't feel much at first.

It wasn't until Xu Yanqing appeared that they finally knew what a mountain was and how high it was.

"Awesome, I can't help but look forward to their swimsuit styles." Wen Xia rubbed her hands excitedly, smiling from ear to ear.

There are many fans of Luo Quan who have similar thoughts.

They still can't stop thinking about Xu Yanqing until now. After all, her figure is so memorable, so they asked her more than once if she would appear on camera.

When Luo Quan answered yes, all of Xu Yanqing's fans were ecstatic, celebrating that she had met a good boss.

This kind of remarks is really dumbfounding.

(End of this chapter)

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