Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1105 Hot on the Internet

Chapter 1105 Hot on the Internet
"If I had the looks of your boss, I would wear topless outfits every day!"

Xu Yanqing said this to Luo Quan through the optical machine.

The cause of the incident was that after Luo Quan took a photo of the swimsuit he bought and showed it to Xu Yanqing, Luo Quan asked if it was too revealing.

But Xu Yanqing's answer was that this one-piece swimsuit did not reflect the advantages of her figure at all.

That's right, everyone bought bikinis, only Xu Yanqing had a one-piece swimsuit.

It's not that Luo Quan is prejudiced against her, it's just that she doesn't want her to be too revealing.

After all, the Internet atmosphere in China is not so open yet, if some boxers stir up public opinion, it will be quite a trouble for Xu Yanqing's development.

And Xu Yanqing was very dissatisfied when she saw the swimsuit Luo Quan gave her.

As one of the best sexy goddesses in the world, how can she not know what the audience wants to see.

What is the value of this kind of one-piece swimsuit? If you take a photo with this kind of thing, you will only be scolded by the audience for being too arrogant.

I have already taken swimsuit photos, so be bold.

Earth's unique bikini is very good. It can not only highlight the figure, but also be conservative. As soon as the same model was launched, it became the hottest swimwear in the world.

Of course Xu Yanqing also wanted to wear it, but the boss was more conservative than she imagined, that's why she said such a thing.

If she could have the good looks of the boss and casually wear some large-scale evening dresses, she would have become a top actress in the entertainment circle long ago.

"Since you're so persistent, let's go for a bikini." Luo Quan finally nodded in agreement, planning to change Xu Yanqing into a new swimsuit.

"Well, let me tell you that Xu Yanqing won't agree." Ye Zhining laughed at Luo Quan, "The customs in the universe are different from those in your hometown. Sex is not something to be shameful. Show it off." What's wrong with being born in a beautiful place?"

"Indeed, I'm too superficial." Luo Quan lowered his head with a look of self-criticism.

After speaking, I placed an order again on

This time she was indeed a little too self-assertive, and she should fully consider other people's opinions.

As a boss, you can make decisions about many things, but before making decisions, you still have to discuss with them to some extent.

Her company is not a monopoly, and Luo Quan does not want everyone to think she is a dictator.

After introspecting in this way, Luo Quan started to pack the changed clothes, and then lay down on the bed again.

"My concubine, don't get into my arms this time." Ye Zhining looked at her with a smile, obviously speaking ironically.

Every time she wakes up, Luo Quan is in her arms. Although there must be something wrong, she has not found any evidence.

Asked the system, the system said that she moved too much at night and moved into the arms of the empress by herself.

This answer made Luo Quan completely speechless, not knowing how to answer.

"It will definitely not be like this tonight!"

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he turned his back to Ye Zhining and stopped facing him.

"The concubine must keep her promise, otherwise she will be guilty of deceiving the emperor and must be severely punished." Ye Zhining smiled, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Waking up the next day, Luo Quan found sadly that he was sleeping with Ye Zhining again.

Even this time, the fingers are still intertwined, which is even more exaggerated than yesterday.

Luo Quan didn't know how to describe it other than outrageous.

"Aifei, what do you think we should do about this?" Ye Zhining laughed so hard that she almost couldn't straighten up.

Luo Quan said angrily: "This is the time to temper my will. Sooner or later, I will be able to practice to the point where I can control my body even when I am asleep!"

Ye Zhining smiled but said, "Then I will accompany you to practice, and see if my concubine can do what she says."

Luo Quan didn't speak, but got up to pick up the courier.

"Why did you buy a swimsuit again?" Wen Xia asked curiously when she saw Luo Quan returning home with a suitcase in her arms.

Luo Quan explained: "Yanqing was not very satisfied with the dead reservoir water I bought before, so I asked to change it into a bikini."

"Hey!" Wen Xia opened her mouth wide in surprise, "I didn't realize that Xu Yanqing is still a hot girl."

"Don't people in the United States wear bikinis?" Mia interjected, "Elementary school students rarely see things like dead reservoir water."

"The national conditions are different." Luo Quan sat on the sofa, "I thought Yanqing would be more conservative, but it seems that she is much more open than I thought."

"It's material to be a star." Mia gave a thumbs up, "It's hard to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry if you can't let it go, unless you are like you and don't accept any kissing scenes."

"I'll take it once." Luo Quan immediately explained.

"Borrowing a seat and adding ps is counted?" Wen Xia complained directly, "By the way, is your first kiss still there?"

"Of course it's still there." Luo Quan replied without thinking.

"I'm 24, is my first kiss still there?" Mia's eyes widened in surprise, "I have a lot of classmates"

"So the national conditions are different." Luo Quan continued to explain.

In fact, the atmosphere in China these years is not much worse than that in Europe and the United States, and it is also very open.

In terms of thinking, the current post-05s are much more liberated than the old-fashioned post-90s and 00s.

Of course, this is definitely not a good thing, but it's really rare to have a first kiss like Luo Quan who is almost 24.

"You're still laughing at me. Could it be that your first kiss is gone?" Luo Quan glared at Wen Xia viciously, "I don't remember you ever having a boyfriend, could it be that you had an underground love affair?"

"What, Wen Xiajiang has an underground love affair." Junzi heard the gossip, and her ears immediately pricked up as high as a rabbit.

"There's no such thing as an underground relationship." Wen Xia denied it with a smile, "It's just that when I was an idol of a girl group in Korea, I was on a romance show, and I mistakenly kissed a female guest while playing a game.

That female guest is quite popular now, her name is Pei Hexuan.

When I met me before, I called out one senior at a time, but now she should be someone else's senior. "

Wen Xia's eyes were full of memories and nostalgia.

Of course, what she misses is not the female junior, but the years when she worked hard in the Korean girl group.

When a person is successful, a smooth and easy life will always make them want to return to exciting days.

Nostalgia for the past is a way of expression.

"Nostalgia is a sign that a person's heart is beginning to age." Luo Quan reminded Wen Xia.

"Bah, bah, you're old." Wen Xia frantically scratched at the air, as if she could deny the fact that she was old.

"I practice martial arts every day now. I don't know how young I am physically and mentally. I feel more energetic now than before!"

Wen Xia said aggressively, that is indeed the case.

Although she started practicing kung fu relatively late, she still has good talent, and with so many baby assistants at home, she can be considered a master now.

Moreover, true qi has the ability to make people calm down and replenish qi and blood. Of course, she now feels that her physical condition is better than when she was young.

In the past, Wen Xia always lamented that she was old again from time to time, but now she seldom hears such words. This is the change brought about by practicing.

Of course, Luo Quan made such a sudden remark, of course Wen Xia didn't like to hear it.

After all, it is a fact that the older you get, the better you get, and it has nothing to do with the level of practice.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about this, okay." Seeing Wen Xia's reaction was so strong, Luo Quan changed the subject with a smile.

"Is everything packed? We can leave after dinner." Luo Quan looked towards the kitchen and began to think about what to have for lunch and dinner.

Wen Xia looked at the phone without looking up: "It's been packed a long time ago. If you forget to bring something, you can buy it in Hawaii then."

"How about chicken curry for lunch today?" Luo Quan remembered this special delicacy of Ah San that he hadn't eaten for a long time.

"Wow, wow." Junko clapped her hands in agreement.

When I was in Tokyo before, Izumi made chicken curry several times for her and Wen Xia.

The taste is really fragrant and smooth, and it can last for several days after eating once.

"I can do it."

"Me too."

The girls didn't make much sense, so Luo Quan placed an order in the household group and bought the ingredients for curry chicken online.

Although curry chicken is a special delicacy of Ah San, the local recipe has long been very different from Ah San's authentic recipe.

The current Asan cuisine, the favorite addition is not curry, but masala and a lot of cheese.

I don't know if this habit came from the UK, anyway, no matter what Ah San does now, he will add a lot of these two materials.

And no matter what the ingredients look like at the beginning, it must be a greenish reddish paste in the end, which makes people lose their appetite at all.

Chicken curry is actually similar, a yellow-green paste with chicken and potato pieces mixed in.

However, after local improvement, at least in terms of taste, it is very in line with the tastes of Chinese people.

The smell is spicy, the taste is soft and smooth, and it also has a kind of fragrance after the fusion of multiple spices.

A well-made chicken curry is really addictive and goes well with rice.

Moreover, the most important ingredients are very cheap, and the production process is very simple.

Luo Quan's favorite food in school used to be tomato fried rice and chicken curry.

Basically, it is the level of eating two bowls of rice with one dish.

Soon, the ingredients were delivered to the door by the property, and Luo Quan also cleaned, cut into pieces, marinated the chicken, and then began to adjust the curry sauce.

Twenty minutes later, there was an extremely strong smell of curry from the kitchen, and even little Arthur stretched his neck, greedily inhaling the aroma from the kitchen.

"As expected of Quanjiang, this taste is so refreshing." Junko closed her eyes, and her mind had already begun to think about the appearance of curry chicken.

"I have to find an opportunity to learn this skill." Wen Xia didn't speak, but her imagination was even bolder.

Although she knew that it was difficult to learn Luoquan's craft, but if she didn't try it, how would she know that she couldn't do it.

If you learn [-]-[-]% of the skills, you can cook by yourself in the future.

This kind of sense of accomplishment when you cook your own food is something you can never experience when you eat someone else's food.

"If you want to learn, then I will teach you some time."

At the dinner table, Luo Quan readily agreed to Wen Xia's request to learn how to cook.

"But you have to be mentally prepared. This is not an easy task. It requires a lot of thought." Before the teaching, Luo Quan greeted him in advance.

"Am I like the kind of person who gives up halfway?" Wen Xia raised her lips dissatisfied, a little dissatisfied with Luo Quan's questioning her behavior.

Wen Xia was not the only one who wanted to learn how to cook. Hearing that Luoquan's New Oriental classroom was about to start, a group of girls scrambled to sign up.

Yoona wants to learn French cuisine, Junko wants to learn Japanese food, Mia wants to learn barbecue, and Leon just wants to lie flat and open his mouth.

Luo Quan agreed to everything except Leon, who was stared at and criticized by everyone.

Teaching cooking is not difficult, what is difficult is to practice on your own.

The heat, seasoning, and stir-frying are all things that can only be grasped after trial and error. Everyone's situation is different, and they can't be learned just by listening to the master.

Now the big guys seem to be very enthusiastic. I only hope that they can maintain the same enthusiasm after making dark dishes.

In the evening, two black cars parked outside the community, and six girls with several large suitcases bid farewell to Mia, who was holding Arthur, and Leon, who was extremely tired.

"Hahaha, it's really hard work for you Leon, next time you have luggage, sister will help you carry it!" Luo Quan patted his younger brother's shoulder with a smile, smiling so happily.

"What the hell are you putting in here? I'm about to break my hand." Leon gasped and said weakly.

If he had known it was so heavy, he would not have volunteered to help everyone carry their luggage.

"You underestimate girls' suitcases, let alone six." Luo Quan looked at his younger brother sympathetically, "Your body is still not good enough, you have to hurry up and exercise, Wen Xia's cultivation level is higher than yours."

"I'm busy with Arthur, I'll be free in a few days." Leon straightened up and explained.

"Then send it here, and I'll contact you when I get to Hawaii."

Luo Quan said and opened the car door, and waved goodbye to the couple and the little nephew.

"Arthur, say goodbye to aunt." Mia lowered her head and squeezed her son's little hand.

"Bye...bye..." Arthur opened and closed his mouth, not knowing whether to say byebye or dad.

In short, it was regarded as saying goodbye, Luo Quan showed a bright smile: "Goodbye, Arthur, don't be naughty at home, and listen to your parents."

After speaking, he got into the car and closed the door.

From Shanghai to Hawaii, it takes nearly ten hours to fly.

To relieve boredom on the road, Luo Quan downloaded a lot of stand-alone games and movies on the computer.

This time, she didn't let Wang Lan go with her as before.

On the one hand, Wang Lan has been busy with her work exhibition recently and has no time to help.

On the other hand, Ye Zhining recommended himself to be the photographer.

"Why didn't I know you could take pictures?" Luo Quan was still surprised when he heard this proposal.

"There are a lot of things I know, and I will show them to my concubine one by one in the future." Ye Zhining smiled confidently, "Don't worry, photography is one of my hobbies, and I will definitely take beautiful pictures of you, my concubine." .”

Luo Quan curled his lips: "I hope your camera doesn't just stop at one place."

(End of this chapter)

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