Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1106 Hot on the Internet

Chapter 1106 Hot on the Internet ([-])
After getting off the plane, Luo Quan once again felt the enthusiasm of Hawaii.

The sea breeze in June, mixed with the heat, has a smell that only belongs to the ocean. It is salty, and the smell is not bad at all.

The hotel's bus to pick them up has already arrived. For Luo Quan and the others who spend a lot of money, the hotel's service is very good and considerate.

Several little girls took turns loading their luggage into the car. Cheng Nuo, who was at the beach for the first time, kept taking photos, pointing at the birds in the distance and exclaiming from time to time.

"It's a pity that Su Yu didn't come because of something." Wen Xia looked out the window with a regretful tone.

"She has already seen her parents. If there are no accidents, she will be able to arrive in Hawaii in three days."

As the first group of sisters who followed him, how could Luo Quan forget her.

It's just that Su Yu was filming outside a while ago, and then went back to his hometown to meet his parents, so he couldn't come with them.

But now that things are all over, Su Yu is of course free.

"What about Xu Yanqing and the others, when is their flight?" Wen Xia remembered that there were three more, so she asked Luo Quan.

"They should be here in a while." Luo Quan touched the bag on his waist, and the Consonance Mirror was in it. As long as she wanted, Xu Yanqing and the others could appear in front of the big guys now.

However, this way of appearance is too shocking, and it is not yet time to expose it.

After a small chat, everyone arrived at the Coconut Queen Hotel where they stayed in Hawaii last time.

I remember that the indigenous girl who received them last time was Liluo, but Luo Quan scanned the faces of these people in front of him and found that it was not.

She may have resigned, or it may not be her turn to receive.

After arriving at the hotel, the girls immediately went to their respective rooms and began to change clothes.

The weather here is not generally hot, only short-sleeved shorts can barely make the body a little more comfortable, and there must be a swimsuit inside.

"Luo Quan, let's go to the beach first." After changing her clothes, Wen Xia said to Luo Quan's room, she couldn't wait to go diving, which was one of her few hobbies.

In the past, Luo Quan complained that it was not safe, so the number of times she went to the beach to dive became quite small.

Now that she possesses strong martial arts, she thinks that no matter what situation she encounters, she will be able to protect herself, so she has become more courageous.

"You guys go first, I'll come over later." Luo Quan was actually waiting for them to leave first, if there were too many people around, it would be difficult for her to take out the consonance mirror and let them go.

After hearing Wen Xia and the others' voices gradually moving away, Luo Quan took out the Consonance Mirror.

There was a flash of light, and three figures emerged from the light and came into the room.

"That's okay, you kept us waiting for a long time." Bai Xingwei began to complain as soon as she came over, she was still wearing spring clothes.

"Wow, the climate here is unusually hot." Bai Xingwei tugged on her collar, feeling her body was heating up rapidly.

"This is a tropical climate, if you don't change your clothes quickly, be careful..."

Luo Quan originally wanted to say be careful of heatstroke, but considering Bai Xingwei's physique, such a negative situation should not occur, at most it is just sweating from the heat.

"The clothes are here." Luo Quan drew the girls' attention to the bed, where there were three piles of swimsuits and a change of clothes.

"The one on the left belongs to Xingwei, the one in the middle belongs to His Majesty, and the one on the right belongs to Yanqing." Luo Quan pointed and said, "Are you going to change in your room or just here?"

"What's there to avoid?" Xu Yanqing smiled, picked up the bikini and put it in front of her for a gesture, "The fabric is really very little, and I don't know what the effect is."

"That must be about to explode." Luo Quan quickly opened his fingers, making an explosion.

Hearing this, Bai Xingwei and Ye Zhining both looked at Xu Yanqing, their eyes full of expectation.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm just a female star who is about to die." Xu Yanqing lowered her head modestly, but the happiness in her eyes was already overflowing.

Sure enough, the capital is strong enough to cover no matter what kind of girls they face.

Afterwards, the three girls began to change their clothes.

Luo Quan unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, trying to suppress his excited mood.

After 3 minutes, the change of clothes is over.

Xu Yanqing brushed her hair, confident and beautiful.

The eyes of the other three girls, including Luo Quan, were already straightened.

"Is there any problem?" Xu Yanqing looked down at her surroundings, thinking that she was wearing the wrong clothes

It's a pity that if you don't bend down, you can't see the scenery below your legs at all.

"If I were a man, I would definitely get you no matter what!" After being stunned for a while, Bai Xingwei finally came back to her senses, and said viciously.

Ye Zhining also shook her head and sighed: "In my court, there are countless beauties from various civilizations like stars in the sky, but there is really no one like Yanqing."

"If I had your figure, I'm afraid no one would care about my talent." Luo Quan also said.

"Hahahaha, it's such an exaggeration that I'm embarrassed to say it." Xu Yanqing laughed happily, and the movement made the pupils of the three girls constrict.

"Didn't you say we're going to take a photo shoot this time? Who's the photographer?" Xu Yanqing asked curiously.

"I'm the photographer, please Yanqing later, you must cooperate with my request." Ye Zhining raised his hand, and he didn't know when he had already taken the photo album into his hand.

"Since it's His Majesty's request, Yanqing dare not disobey." Xu Yanqing made a salute with a smile on her face.

Then Luo Quan took all kinds of beach supplies and brought everyone to the beach.

If the beach in Hawaii is a large-scale swimsuit show, then Luo Quan and the others are undoubtedly the most beautiful girls in the show.

When they appeared, hundreds of eyes swept over them.

Especially Xu Yanqing, I don't know how many words "holy shit" have been elicited.

"Wen Xia, do you think that's Luo Quan and the others?" Lin Youli seemed to have seen something, and patted Wen Xia's butt which was currently being searched.

"What?" Wen Xia turned around fiercely, and saw four beautiful girls walking towards them.

Junko and Yoona also looked over, and then the sunscreen in their hands fell quietly.

Cheng Nuo was already dumbfounded, the youngest she had never seen such a scene before, her hands started to shake.

"This... this is too exaggerated!" Cheng Nuo screamed in an unbelievable tone, which was also the voice of the other girls.

Xu Yanqing, who was wearing a bikini, was undoubtedly the focus of the audience. Her figure, which could only be described as majestic, had murdered countless men's hearts against the backdrop of the bikini.

In comparison, although Luo Quan, who was wearing sunglasses, was also very tall, he was still a level behind Xu Yanqing.

From the perspective of the golden ratio, Luo Quan's figure is perfect, well-proportioned and flawless.

But Xu Yanqing reached the extreme in a certain aspect, which made this symmetry less prominent.

"The scenery by the sea is really nice. I feel relaxed." Xu Yanqing took a deep breath, and the people around him also took a breath, their eyes widened.

"Yanqing, can you tell me what you ate to grow up?" Wen Xia walked over with teary eyes, holding Xu Yanqing's hand and refused to let go.

Xu Yanqing smiled in astonishment: "It's just some home-cooked food, the kind you can buy in supermarkets."

"Damn it, why do you and Luo Quan both answer like this." Wen Xia let go of her hand reluctantly, "Since it's a normal diet, why are you and Luo Quan exaggerating so much?"

"Because people's physiques are not the same." Luo Quan said with a smile.

At this time, all the girls took a look and found that the size of their boss was also amazing. It seemed that they were not lying when they said that they had developed again some time ago.

An F and a J. Girls probably have never been so envious of these two numbers in their lives.

But if they had to say which one they wanted more, they would prefer to choose Luoquan.

Xu Yanqing looked exaggerated, and the visual impact on people was ridiculously large, but from the overall aesthetic analysis, it was still not so perfect.

In addition, the burden on the body is also amazing, so Luo Quan's figure is actually the best in their minds.

Xu Yanqing also thought so in her heart.

Among all the people present, she was the only girl who had just seen the boss's swimsuit with her own eyes.

Looking at those photos before, I only knew that the boss was in good shape, but I didn't expect it to be so ridiculously good.

The sharp curves on the body outline an astonishingly beautiful body, and the pure white and flawless skin blooms with a holy light that makes it almost impossible to look directly at.

The vest line on the abdomen is even more beautiful, giving people a healthy aesthetic feeling.

This is a perfect body that only gods have. It is really hard to imagine it on a mortal. Now she can see the legend with her own eyes.

"Don't be dumb, you should put on sunscreen, you should go swimming, go swimming."

As Luo Quan spoke, he shook out the folding chair and lay down on it.

"Boss, let me apply sunscreen for you." Ye Zizhi held a brown jar in his hand, and showed his big white teeth with a smile.

Luo Quan pulled off his sunglasses and glanced at her, hesitant.

With her current Wugou Glazed Body, not to mention ultraviolet rays, even if it is baked directly with fire, it will not turn black, and she no longer needs any skin care products.

But seeing Ye Zhining's sincere look of "don't reject my kindness", Luo Quan still didn't refuse.

The dignified empress has taken over the role of assistant, and she has given her face like this, so she has to give the empress face, otherwise it would be too unreasonable.

"Okay, it's okay to wipe it off."

As Luo Quan spoke, he changed his position and lay down directly on the beach chair.

Ye Zhining laughed when he heard this, and directly wiped the sunscreen all over his hands.


There was a rhythmic impact sound, and the spray of sunscreen splashed and landed on Luo Quan's dazzling white shoulders again.

"Didn't you wear sunscreen? Why did you use it?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Ye Zhining immediately explained: "This method allows the sunscreen to penetrate into the skin and play a protective role."

Luo Quan was completely overwhelmed by these words: "But I remember that sunscreen oil will form a protective film on the surface of the skin, and this thing must go deep into the skin so that the underlying tissues can absorb it?"

"This is a high-end product I brought from hometown. It is meant to be absorbed by the skin and last for a long time." Ye Zhining explained, and by the way completely switched her identity to Luo Quan's assistant.

"You say yes." Luo Quan knew that Ye Zhining was talking nonsense, and he didn't bother to argue with her. He put his chin on his arm, closed his eyes and began to enjoy Ye Zhining's service.

After clapping her hands for a while, Ye Zhining began to wipe her back like Tai Chi again.

"Be careful, don't tear the knot for me." Luo Quan felt that something was wrong, and reminded him.

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Ye Zhining said, rubbing some oil on her hands again.

"Sister Wen Xia, what is Master doing with Sister Zhining?" Cheng Nuo looked at the two women next to him ignorantly, his eyes full of doubts.

"Just put on sunscreen, do you want some too, or else your skin will be very tanned after your vacation is over." Wen Xia said with a smile.

"Is that an exaggeration?" Cheng Nuo became impatient when he heard that he would get tanned, and lay down on the beach chair, "Then sister Wen Xia, please wipe it off for me."

This side just started, Luoquan's side is over.

Xu Yanqing walked over with her mobile phone and asked, "Boss, do you think I should take a selfie directly, or let you take a picture, a distant view?"

"The selfie is too close, it doesn't look good, let me help you." Luo Quan took Xu Yanqing's cell phone, and pointed at her to find the best distance and angle.

Press the shutter to save the photo.

"How about this?" Luo Quan returned the phone to Xu Yanqing.

In the photo, Xu Yanqing put her right hand on her hips and put her left hand on her forehead, looking out, her beautiful figure can be seen at a glance.

"That's right, boss, you know how to shoot." Xu Yanqing praised with satisfaction.

"Just kidding, your boss, I'm notoriously omnipotent!" Luo Quan lifted up his two-day-long slender white legs, and wriggled his two jios triumphantly.

Two minutes later, Xu Yanqing posted the photo on Weibo and Bilibili's dynamics, and attached a copy:

"I went to Hawaii with my boss. I have worn swimsuits many times, but this is the first time I wear a bikini. What do you think?"

As soon as this photo was posted, it took only half an hour for it to become a hot search on both platforms.

Ever since Luo Quan, there hasn't been a female star with such explosive talent in the entertainment industry for a long, long time.

And compared with Luo Quan, Xu Yanqing's talent is even more exaggerated.

"Mama Mia, please allow me to call you Mom!"

"Yanqing is too exaggerated, I am completely convinced by you."

"Very good figure, love comes from the capital."

"It's not in vain that I've been looking forward to it for so long. I knew that Yanqing would amaze everyone in a swimsuit."

"It's not amazing anymore, it's frightening!"

"The throne of the number one figure in domestic entertainment is none other than you, even Luo Quan has to stay away!"

"You two should be the only ones in the world with your appearance and figure."

"Hurry up and take more photos, the opportunity to increase the number of fans has come!"


It can be seen that the emotions of netizens have reached an uncontrollable level.

(End of this chapter)

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