Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1107 Hot on the Internet

"The response is very good!"

Luo Quan looked through the comments on Weibo, and basically didn't see any glaring negative comments, they were all boasting.

It seems that her thinking is also a bit feudal, and she underestimated the acceptance level of the current netizens.

Perhaps because of being suppressed for too long, netizens have become a lot more tolerant of this behavior of showing off their bodies.

This is definitely good news for her and Xu Yanqing.

With these few swimsuit photoshoots, Xu Yanqing has become completely popular on the Internet. Not only have the discussions on related topics exceeded 100 million, but the number of followers on her account has also soared by more than [-] million in a very short period of time.

This is much faster than Luoquan's fan growth rate. As long as he maintains the momentum, he can make two popular and well-received movies or TV series, and he can directly become a first-line star.

In the current entertainment industry, it is difficult for some people to become popular, but with countless superstars, they still can't make any waves, and even get ridiculed and attacked by netizens.

But some people are very easy to become popular, sometimes only need a photo, you can get the pursuit of countless male and female netizens.

Because of her special figure, Xu Yanqing suddenly became the spokesperson of countless plus-size girls.

There are 14 billion people in China, and girls with a figure like Xu Yanqing are actually not uncommon.

However, because their figures are too exaggerated, they often encounter the gaze of others in their lives, and they also encounter many bad comments on the Internet.

This situation makes many people feel inferior to their body.

But Xu Yanqing set a very good example, boldly showing her figure, and didn't care about other people's evaluation.

As a result, those girls with similar plus-size figures directly regarded Xu Yanqing as their spiritual leader.

Don't underestimate the number of these people, in fact the number of this group is quite large.

People with a perfect body like Luo Quan are, after all, one of the few in the minority.

The rest are either lean or fat.

Therefore, girls who are overweight, even if they are less than one-third, are not much different.

If Xu Yanqing can digest this huge group, the influence will be terrifying.

Among other things, those luxury brands abroad would definitely be very willing to find her as their spokesperson.

Now these big names have been using transgender plus-size models to show their inclusiveness and correctness.

There are many Chinese people who don’t follow this set, and there are also many people who follow this set. It depends on whether these brands have any ideas in this regard.

"If the response is good, then I will shoot a few groups every day and add some videos, the effect should be even better."

Xu Yanqing herself started from scratch in Huanyu and knew how to do marketing, so Luo Quan also agreed with the suggestion she made.

"Boss, when are you going to take the photo?" Ye Zhining helped Luo Quan apply sunscreen, and asked about her business here this time.

"The day after tomorrow, the weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow." Luo Quan lay on the chair with a contented expression, thinking that he could fish for another day with confidence.

"What's wrong with the rain?" Ye Zhining didn't intend to take a break at all, "My equipment is waterproof and can work completely, and if the rain is not heavy, it will definitely be very artistic."

"Wet body temptation, isn't it?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes, wondering whether this kind of subject matter could pass the trial on station B.

After thinking about the current atmosphere of opening up, I felt that it would not be a big problem just to get wet in the rain, so I nodded: "That's fine, if the rain is not heavy, let's take a picture and see if we can get a good picture." Photo."

"Lolo, I'm going to go diving, do you need me to bring you a shell or a conch?" Wen Xia had already found a rental place for diving equipment, and said enthusiastically.

"I don't want those things." Luo Quan said while throwing a string of red string necklaces to Wen Xia, "The amulet is very effective, you must wear it before going down."

"It's useless to clean these up." Wen Xia complained, and tied the necklace around her neck.

Tried it out and found it to be pretty solid.

"Then I'll go, you can continue basking in the sun here." After Wen Xia finished speaking, she turned her buttocks and walked away.

"What's the point of diving? It's so nice to bask in the sun. It's warm and relaxing." Luo Quan put his hands behind his head and smiled happily.

However, at this moment, Ye Zhining's finger suddenly poked Luo Quan's smooth armpit.

"What are you doing?" Luo Quan looked over suspiciously, then scratched lightly.

"Aren't you itchy?" Ye Zhining was also very puzzled. It stands to reason that a person who would feel sensitive even if he touched his waist should have similar armpits.

"It's not particularly itchy."

Luo Quan shook his head, then saw Ye Zhining's eyes sweep down, and immediately covered his waist and said: "Only here, absolutely not, you know what my only weakness is."

Ye Zhining said with a strange expression: "That's too strange. Normal people are ticklish in their armpits. Your physique is quite interesting."

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "People's physiques can't be generalized. Some people are afraid of scratching the soles of their feet. Some conditions don't necessarily exist."

Ye Zhining moved a folding chair and lay down next to Luo Quan: "So you have to practice a lot, if you don't desensitize, you will suffer a lot if you do it with others in the future."

"It's still the same sentence, no one will know if you don't say it." Luo Quan pulled off his sunglasses and continued to close his eyes to rest.

"That's not sure, it will be troublesome if the opponent finds out." Ye Zhining began to alarmist.

Luo Quan shook his head lightly: "Even if you want to practice, it will take time, it can't be done in a day or two."

"I can help you, you know I like to help people."

"I knew you had such thoughts." Luo Quan gave her a helpless look, not knowing how to complain.

Sleeping on the beach is obviously not a good choice, although her physique no longer feels hot, no matter how much the sun shines, it will not affect her body temperature.

But the attractive figure also makes many male tourists around salivate.

It is already very rare to have one or two big beauties on the beach, but now a class appeared directly, and each of them had a better figure than the other. It was impossible for the men to have no idea.

So the people who strike up a conversation follow one after another, and the types of strike-ups are also strange.

There is a sporty model who is carrying a surfboard and showing off his muscular figure.

There are those who show off their wealth intentionally or unintentionally by wearing famous watches worth millions.

There is also a handsome type who has a more outstanding appearance and comes directly to want to add a friend.

But no matter what kind it is, Luo Quan has seen it countless times and rejected it countless times, so he is familiar with it.

"I don't know why, but when I see you, I always have a feeling of déjà vu. We must have met somewhere." A middle-aged uncle who was rejected said affectionately. The tone of this veteran clearer, I don't know how many people have been captured. The heart of an ignorant girl.

Luo Quan thought to himself, I am a big star, of course you have seen it somewhere.

But she definitely can't show her identity now. If she does this, she will never be at peace. Countless fans will flock to her, asking for a group photo to be signed.

So her answer was: "It's a pity that I don't have any impression of you. If there is fate, let's meet again in the future."

As soon as these words came out, it was tactful to see off the guests.

The middle-aged handsome guy was also very witty, and left after smiling.

After sending away the last man who struck up a conversation with, Luo Quan's side was finally clean.

Ye Zhining sighed: "You are really patient, if I had stomped them all away already."

Luo Quan said helplessly: "Being a celebrity is like this, when you don't reveal your identity, many people will strike up a conversation.

When you show your identity, more people will come to take a group photo, so when I want a relaxing vacation, I tend to prefer the first situation.

After all, there are only a small number of people who dare to strike up a conversation, and if there is one fan who takes the lead, the rest will often have the courage. "

"I've never encountered such a situation." Ye Zhining chuckled, "No one has confessed to me in person since I was a child."

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "That should be your regret. The girl has not been confessed. Sometimes when I think about it, it is quite sad."

Bai Xingwei, who was drinking coconut juice next to her, couldn't help it, and sprayed it out.

"Oh, would I care about this?" Ye Zhining lay back proudly, "Whatever I want, I take the initiative to ask for it. Do I need to wait for others to open their mouths first?"

"That's true. With your status, who would dare to confess to you." Luo Quan continued to tease.

"Speak more, I'll desensitize you now." Ye Zhining seemed a little annoyed, and stretched out her hands towards Luo Quan's waist.

This action startled her, and she quickly turned around and begged for mercy.

"Hmph, if you dare to taunt me like this in the future, be careful of your weakness!" Ye Zhining smiled with satisfaction.

Now she suddenly doesn't want to desensitize Luo Quan, if she keeps it, then she can eat Luo Quan's weakness for the rest of her life.

If Luo Quan knew what Ye Zhining was thinking at this time, he would probably think of a way to solve this somewhat "fatal" problem immediately.

It's a pity that people's hearts are so close, she didn't know that Ye Zhining already knew how to handle her.

After being troubled by those who struck up a conversation for so long, Luo Quan didn't have the mood to go back to sleep, and took out his phone to check the trending searches.

After taking photos of Ye Zhining just now, she also took one.

Ye Zhining was standing, while she was reclining on the chair, her two long and bare white legs were very eye-catching.

But in order to let Xu Yanqing gain more popularity, she didn't post it immediately.

It's been more than an hour now, and the hot searches that should be on have also been posted, and the popularity that should have been gained has also been obtained, and it's time for her to "show off".

So she posted her first photo after arriving in Hawaii to Bilibili and Weibo.

In the past, when she posted these things, she was often scolded by female fighters for being a flirtatious man, and then there were all kinds of trembling and personal attacks.

At that time, the Internet atmosphere was not as open as it is now. Luo Quan realized that the current Internet atmosphere has been somewhat different since the public opinion situation after he launched the vote.

More open, bolder.

I hope this time, she won't be accused by so many people again.

The good news is that what greeted her this time was rave reviews from netizens:
"I've been playing with this leg for a year."

"The skin is really good, but just basking in the sun, is it really a man (it doesn't matter)?"

"I heard that the whiter the skin, the easier it is to cause damage when exposed to the sun."

"It's okay. It's not the first time for Luo Bao to go to the beach. When did he come back and turn black? Isn't it so white that it shines."

"Usually I don't think so when I sit in front of the camera, but when I lie down, I find that Luo Quan is quite tall, with slender hands and feet, and a thin and fleshy waist, just like those statues of goddesses in ancient Greece."

"A height of 1.7 meters five, what do you think, wearing high heels, can instantly kill more than half of the men in the entertainment industry."

"Haha, domestic entertainment male stars are all 1.8 meters tall, but Weibo Night is in the same row as Luoquan Station, and no one is as tall as her."

"Bold, are you questioning our brother's height fraud!"

"Don't be embarrassing, brother chicken, I don't know anything else, there is still no black spot in terms of height, a real 1.8 meters five."

"But other male stars may not be as sincere as Ji Ge."

"That's why he's so hot, he's getting emotional all the time."

"The topic is wrong, everyone, today's theme is to appreciate the graceful bodies of all the beauties in the Spring Water Company."

"The boss and the new employee Xu Yanqing have posted photos, what about the others?"

"I remember that there are several people who went to Hawaii this time. Is there no news at all?"

"There are so many beauties, I want to see them now!"

"Quanshui Entertainment, I would like to call it the world's number one beauty company, all employees are top-notch, and none of them are hip."

"I'm asking for a group photo for the company's team building. I don't mean anything else. I just want to see how many employees your company has."

"Are you rushing to count the employees? I'm too embarrassed to break the rice."


The discussion among netizens is very intense, and I really want to see everyone's swimsuit photos.

As the boss of the company, there is actually a very high degree of overlap between Luoquan's fans and employees' fans.

Because she is a role model, everyone else is like her, keeping a low profile, pampering fans, and not being a demon.

Coupled with the fact that he does not accept endorsements and film and television dramas indiscriminately, his word of mouth has always been very good.

It is also the good image that Luoquan has deliberately maintained since its debut, which makes Quanshui Entertainment almost become a gold-lettered signboard in China.

Find an actress, go to the fountain for entertainment.

I'm talking about them, because the actresses here are not only dedicated but also have good acting skills. They also have a large fan base and a strong willingness to spend money.

Among domestic entertainment, it may be difficult to find such a harmonious and beautiful economic company.

Other companies are either mercenary or intrigue, and there are all kinds of negative news.

As for Quanshui Entertainment, they usually live in the same house, and their relationship is like relatives. Fans like to watch their group activities the most.

As for this seaside group building that took place after a long time, both fans and passers-by really want to see everyone appear on the scene.

I can’t even say very, but very and extremely!

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