Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1111 Forming an Idol Girl Group on an Alien

Everyone thought that Yuanshin would make a lot of money, but they didn't expect to make so much money.

The predicted turnover in the first day of the service is as high as 15 billion, so isn't it going to be 50 billion this month?
How many domestic games have an annual turnover of less than 50 billion, and this is only the most conservative estimate of Yuanshin's first month's income.

Because the real big-headed PC terminal can't count at all, and only Luo Quan knows how much he has earned.

What's even more embarrassing is that although this game is on Bilibili, the copyright is held by Quanshui Entertainment.

That is to say, the shareholders of station B don't get any money, and the money earned from the game basically flows into Luo Quan's own pocket.

This is the advantage of not compromising with the channel provider, as much as you earn is your own.

Seeing how terrifying Yuanshen's ability to absorb money is, many friends who were still hesitating made up their minds and planned to develop their own open world mobile games.

Numerous news of recruiting horses and horses was scattered in Momo's chat group, and everyone knew that the game industry was about to change.

Within three years, there will definitely be a large number of mobile games with open world labels on the market.

However, the workload of making open world mobile games and skin-changing mobile games is not the same level. It requires a lot of funds and manpower. For fresh graduates, it is definitely easier to find a job.

But for mobile game manufacturers, this is not good news.

It's not easy to say how many mouthfuls I can have left because my peers ate with big mouthfuls.

When moba mobile games first became popular, there were not many 5v5 mobile games on the market.

How much is left now?
Any type of mobile game will eventually be dominated by one family. Yuanshen has already taken the first step. At this time, others are struggling to catch up. It is hard to say whether they can catch up.

But it is definitely more stupid to sit and wait. Open world mobile games must be open.

Because if you don’t do it and others do it, the players will recharge the people who did it. No one will play your game, and you will have to shut down the server slowly.

This is the involution of the mobile game circle.

As the current king of papers, Luo Quan has already earned a lot of money. When her subordinates submitted the statement, she counted it three times before finally confirming it.

With a total revenue of 18 billion, this result has surpassed the first-day box office performance of any of her previous films.

"Making mobile games is indeed a lucrative industry. I am so familiar with it that I am dizzy." Wen Xia counted the digits of the amount beside her, and her heart was already turbulent.

"At our point, money is just a number. I make money only to make the company bigger and stronger." Luo Quan leaned on the chair, crossed his legs, and sat like a big man.

"Yo, I'm pretending." Wen Xia laughed, her tone of voice was sour as if she had drunk lemon juice.

Luo Quan raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder, and said triumphantly: "Admit it, Wen Xia, I am a business queen, and I have never lost money in any business I have invested so far!"

"I didn't deny it either."

Wen Xia sat on the side of the bed, staring at the ceiling: "Lolo, how big do you plan to make the company?"

"Bigger than Disney." Luo Quan replied without thinking.

If it was before today, she might not have been so sure.

But Yuanshen's huge success made her feel more confident in an instant. If it became famous all over the world, wouldn't the mobile games that will be released in the future be able to achieve the same grandeur?
Thinking of how many money-absorbing weapons like Yuanshen started working at the same time, how much money would they make every day.

Just thinking about it made her tremble with excitement.

She is not interested in money, but she still has a lot of interest in the process of making money.

Not to mention that now I have received the task issued by the system, making money has become more motivated.

"Your wish is really lofty." Wen Xia laughed, feeling a little melancholy.

Buddy has been sticking to her dream and even getting closer to this goal.

And her dream has been put down for a long, long time.

At the beginning, the dreams of both of them seemed unrealistic, but looking at it now, the progress of each has been very different.

Sure enough, people are different. Some people are destined to shine forever, while others are destined to just disappear in the world.

"I remember your dream is to develop the girl group, right?" Speaking of dreams, Luo Quan thought of Wen Xia, and it seemed that she hadn't heard her mention this sentence for a long time.

"Yeah, but I don't have the ability. What's the use of talking about dreams?" Wen Xia chuckled, "I've given up, and I'm trying to be an actor and actress. This dream feels more realistic."

"Don't." Luo Quan hugged his girlfriend's shoulders, "If a dream can be easily realized, can it still be called a dream?

It doesn't matter if there is little hope, because as long as you work hard, it is always possible.

But if you give up now, it's all hopeless. "

"Come and give me chicken soup for the soul, right?" Wen Xia stood up, "But I don't know where to work hard. Now that the competition can't be held, there are so many people, how can I find talents?"

Luo Quan smiled mysteriously: "There is nothing in the world that remains the same. Maybe there will be competitions again after a while?"

"Could it have inside information?" Wen Xia suddenly smiled in surprise.

She always knew that Luoquan had an inside source, but she never asked.

Now that Luo Quan said this, isn't it implying that she is about to touch the restrictions on the draft?
"I don't know, but who knows for sure. In short, you can't leave the idol thing behind. Practice more."

Luo Quan's answer was very cryptic, whether it was yes or no was completely ambiguous.

But Wen Xia at least heard the hope, and the fire in her heart was rekindled: "Don't worry, I have not lost my ability, and it is definitely more than enough to be a mentor!"

"With your words, I feel relieved." Luo Quan nodded and smiled.

In fact, she didn't know if the restriction was lifted or not, and Huaxia really didn't have the soil to run a girl group.

In the current entertainment industry, find a few good-looking ones, pack them up and make their debut, and then come to the fan circle, marketing, and traffic. If you are lucky, then you can become popular.

If you're unlucky, refrigerate and move on to the next worthy amateur.

This is the idol crash method of capital.

Like South Korea, the form of being a trainee for a few years before debuting is really too slow and not efficient at all.

So Luo Quan doesn't plan to start any girl groups in China at all, even the earth is meaningless.

Her idea is to create a girl group on Huanyu.

During the live broadcast a while ago, she discovered that Huanyu didn't even have the concept of a girl group at all.

Because every skill can be practiced, so those who are good at singing become singers, those who are good at dancing become dancers, and those who are good-looking go to make idol TV dramas.

Because the occupational differentiation is too detailed, it is impossible for a profession like idol to be born.

Only this kind of soil is Wen Xia's real paradise, and it is also the place where her dreams shine.

Maybe after she passes by, she will be the ancestor of the idol directly, and then her strength will improve by leaps and bounds.

Of course, these are still in the stage of brain testing, and Luo Quan needs to study carefully before making a decision.

But once the results of the research are feasible, Wen Xia may be the first interstellar idol on Earth.

This achievement is much more popular than any number one Chinese idol.

In short, Wen Xia regained hope here in Luoquan, and went back to her room happily to continue dancing.

Not long after, Ye Zhining walked in again.

"My concubine, do you still remember when I said I would give you a present?"

Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan with a mysterious face: "You didn't give you a birthday present on your birthday, and now I plan to make it up for you."

"What is it?" Luo Quan smiled pleasantly, "Isn't it the diamond planet you mentioned?"

"Do I look like such a vulgar person?" Ye Zhining smiled contemptuously, "Of course the gift I want to give is both elegance and refinement, beauty and practicality."

With that said, Ye Zhining took out a jeweled stick-shaped object from behind.

"This shape..." Luo Quan's smile suddenly froze.

Why does this thing look so much like that thing?

"You didn't mean to amuse me, did you? This gift is so weird." Luo Quan felt that Ye Zhining was playing an interstellar joke on her.

"Haha, I got it wrong." Ye Zhining also realized the problem at this time, "This is actually a gift I collected and wanted to give to my concubine, but after thinking about it later, it didn't seem suitable, so I canceled it. thought.

But things are too big, all of a sudden confused. "

While joking, this thing was put away by Ye Zhining.

"I'm afraid it wasn't intentional, right?" Luo Quan chuckled, expressing that he didn't believe Ye Zhining's nonsense at all.

Ye Zhining smiled lightly and said, "If my concubine likes it, I can give it to you too."

"The devil wants this kind of thing as a birthday present!" Luo Quan was so angry that his hair was flying.

Seeing that Concubine Ai was really angry, Ye Zhining didn't dare to continue joking. She reached behind her back and took out a black car model.

"What is this?" Luo Quan took the car into his hands and asked curiously.

Ye Zhining said proudly: "This is the best car company in the universe, a luxury sports car customized for you, my concubine, the overall shape is the same as that of the earth, but it is more handsome.

Don't look at it as black, but at night, its edges and corners will reflect the light, showing the luxury and sparkle like black gold, which is absolutely cool when driving on the street! "

"But it's so small, how do you drive it on the street?" Luo Quan asked curiously, "Is there any formula, such as making it bigger or smaller for me?"

"There must be." Ye Zhining took the car model and threw it directly into the courtyard.

The black sports car model swelled rapidly during the rotation, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a supercar that was so handsome that it had no friends, and landed steadily on the lawn of the courtyard.

Luo Quan walked over, his eyes were full of stars: "Wow, this is so handsome."

"How about it, isn't this gift not bad?" Ye Zhining's eyes were full of doting, "This sports car is not only powerful, but also extremely tough. Even if there is a car accident, the damage will definitely be someone else's car. You won't Hurt a hair.

In addition, its engine sound is quite sexy and silky, and you can experience it after you start it. "

"What's its name?" Luo Quan turned to look at Ye Zhining.

If there is a cool name, this car will be perfect, it is simply a super god treasure that pretends to attract attention.

"Goddess of the Night, isn't she very compelling." Ye Zhining raised her chin proudly, "I chose this myself, although it doesn't conform to the naming tradition of the Holy Tang Dynasty, but I think this is more appropriate. "

"What is the name that fits the style of the Tang Dynasty?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Although the Evernight Goddess is also good, she would like to hear if there are other answers.

"Moyu Qilin." Ye Zhining said the name reluctantly, "Isn't it very rustic! In our place, you can call it whatever you want.

The big black-skinned dog is Moyu Qilin, the big black-skinned cat is Moyu Qilin, and some people even have nicknames like Moyu Qilin. "

"I think this title is very pleasant, and it has a lot of connotations."

Luo Quan was unexpectedly satisfied with Moyu Qilin. Of course, the main reason is that no car on Earth can call it that.

However, car names like goddesses and gods are already very common.

When Ye Zhining heard that Luo Quan seemed very satisfied with the name, she didn't say much in the end, but nodded, "Anyway, the car is yours. Since you like it so much, let's call it Moyu Qilin."

While speaking, Luo Quan couldn't wait to get in the car.

After entering, I found that the experience was not ordinary comfort.

It was as if every screw in this car was built according to her preferences, and there was no fault at all.

"This tailor-made is amazing. It feels like something I brought with me after I was born. It feels like one body!" Luo Quan put on his seat belt, his eyes full of joy.

"Just kidding, this is the supreme skill of the No. [-] car factory in the universe. Except for me, few people have the ability to let those bad-tempered old men start work."

Ye Zhining folded her hands on her chest, showing off in her tone, saw Luo Quan's smiling face, and immediately asked, "Then, concubine, are you satisfied with this gift?"

"Satisfied, this is one of the best birthday presents I have ever received!" Luo Quan said emotionally.

"It's actually one of them, isn't it the only one?" Ye Zhining was unhappy.

"There are a few more belongings from family members." Luo Quan quickly explained.

"That's about the same." Ye Zhining returned to her smiling face, "Then my concubine, I have already given you such a good gift, so tonight, would you like to sleep with me at the table?"

"Okay, didn't you often sleep together at the table before?" Luo Quan agreed without hesitation.

"Then tomorrow morning, if you wake up in my arms again, don't blame this or that." Ye Zhining laughed wickedly, as if admitting something.

Luo Quan exclaimed: "Sure enough, you did it."

Ye Zhining immediately denied it: "I never said that, Aifei, don't overdo it."

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