Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1112 Crystal Palace

Regarding the misfortune of childhood, Ye Zhining and Luo Quan had reached a consensus.

But Luo Quan is better, at least she has a mother who loves her very much.

And Ye Zhining's mother is said to be the eldest princess of a powerful civilization in the distance. Like the Huanyu civilization, it is a universe-level civilization that can dominate a star field.

The marriage of Ye Zhining's parents was completely a political marriage without any emotional basis.

After Ye Zhining was born, she spent very short time with her mother.

The couple in the back said that they went out to travel around the Xinghai together, but in fact, the mother had already returned to her natal home alone.

This is a situation that only Ye Zhining knows, and the ministers in the court don't know it at all.

It can be seen from this that Ye Zhining's father, emperor and mother are in harmony with each other.

So compared to Ye Zhining who was not taken seriously since childhood, Luo Quan is actually very lucky.

However, Ye Zhining didn't feel any sadness about this. She was raised as a prince since she was a child, and her mind matured very early.

It doesn't matter how her father and queen mother treat her, she just needs to hold the power, and she can't treat anyone badly if she treats herself badly.

So when Luo Quan showed a sympathetic expression, Ye Zhining just laughed, telling Aifei not to be overwhelmed with sympathy.

Where does a majestic empress need the sympathy of others, those who deserve sympathy should be those miserable people living a precarious life on the border of the empire.

Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed the case. What is so pitiful about the Empress?It's better to have such a leisurely heart than to have pity on yourself.

After finishing today's work, Luo Quan didn't go to sleep directly.

Su Yu, Ai Wei and the others are on the plane tonight, and the time should be almost up.

It's annoying to be woken up after falling asleep when a phone call could come at any time.

So Luo Quan didn't sleep, and we'll talk about it when they arrive.

Ye Zhining also kept vigil with her, yawning from time to time.

"You're still sleepy after you've reached this level of cultivation?" Luo Quan's eyes widened in surprise.

"No." Ye Zhining chuckled, "But yawning is contagious, won't you be sleepy if you yawn on your concubine?"

"So you have such thoughts." Luo Quan felt helpless and didn't bother to talk to her anymore.

Just as he was about to take out his phone to see if there was any new news, Su Yu called.

"Have you arrived?" Luo Quan asked after receiving the call and leaving.

"We're going to the hotel soon." Su Yu's voice sounded very happy, probably because he was finally going to meet everyone after a long journey.

This time there were three people in total, Su Yu, Ai Wei and Shen Xingyu, basically all domestic artists were here.

Luo Quan hung up the phone, immediately got dressed and ran to the hotel lobby to greet him.

After waiting for about ten minutes, three young girls in two clothes came over.

"It's so hot, boss, why didn't you tell me that Hawaii is so much hotter than Shanghai!"

As soon as Su Yu saw Luo Quan, he began to complain. The jacket on his body was also taken off to his waist, but the sweat continued to seep from his forehead.

"Thinking about it, I know it's going to be very hot here, otherwise why would everyone wear swimsuits?" Luo Quan made a joke, and got gift bags from several people.

Seeing this, Su Yu quickly refused: "Don't, don't, how can the boss salute our employees."

Luo Quan said angrily: "You and the two of us are so polite, I'll settle down quickly so I can sleep."

Amidst the laughter, Su Yu and the others were led to their residence.

One room per person, and all the rooms are very close to each other, making it easy to drop by.

"What about Wen Xia and the others, they went to bed so early?" Su Yu walked into the room, leaned against the cabinet, looked at Luo Quan and asked.

"Go to bed early." Luo Quan threw the luggage bag on the bed. "Now Wen Xia doesn't know how healthy her living habits are. She goes to bed early and wakes up early, and eats a balanced diet just to rejuvenate her aging body."

"That's really the sun coming out from the west." Su Yu chuckled, "Boss, have you played all the water sports in the past two days, and are you going to check in at various attractions next?"

"Just kidding." Luo couldn't laugh or cry, "It's been raining for the past two days, and there aren't many people on the beach at all."

"So our progress is the same?" Su Yu suddenly laughed.

"It will clear up tomorrow, then go to the beach and play whatever you want."

Luo Quan walked to the door and remembered that there was one thing he hadn't said yet, so he turned his head and looked at Su Yu: "Remember to put on your best swimsuit, we will all take a family portrait tomorrow, so don't be inferior if you are compared." Blame me for not reminding you."

"Don't worry, I will make a hot debut tomorrow!" Su Yu proudly puffed up her chest, wanting to let the boss see her determination and strength.

"Hmph, I'd better practice a lot, develop my chest muscles and then tease me." Luo Quan rolled his eyes and laughed.

Su Yu still has something, but unfortunately not much.

Su Yu also said aggrievedly: "I have been working very hard, boss, you have insisted on the recipes and exercise methods, but the effect is slow, what can I do?"

"Then take your time, it's useless to be in a hurry, go to bed early, and meet at the beach tomorrow morning." After Luo Quan finished speaking, he closed the door and returned to his room.

"Oh, Your Majesty is so self-conscious." As soon as he entered the bedroom, Luo Quan saw that Ye Zhining had already taken off only a bellyband, and the quilt only covered less than half of his body, which could be called a jade body. .

"I'm sleepy, my concubine hurry up too." Ye Zhining lay down on the pillow and yawned again.

Sleepiness is indeed contagious, this yawn hit Luo Quan's heart directly, and his eyelids suddenly began to fight.

"In the future, I also want to string the whole apron, and embroider a blessing with gold thread on the front. It must be very festive."

Luo Quan got into bed with a smile, and complained about Ye Zhining's aesthetics at the same time.

Ye Zhining retorted disdainfully: "What do you know, this is the traditional costume of the Tang Dynasty, and most people can't see it if they want to see it."

Luo Quan originally wanted to say something more, but sleepiness had come to his mind, he forced his eyelids, and then he paid attention.

When she woke up again, it was already the next day.

Turning his head to look at Ye Zhining, he was indeed in her arms again.

Their chests were pressed against their backs, and the quilt had already fallen under the bed.

Such a big bed can't fit a quilt, and I don't know what happened last night.

After rubbing his back and arms, he didn't feel any fatigue or soreness, so Luo Quan sat up and stretched enough to be selected as the world's sexiest pose.

That is to say, the quality of the bikini is better, otherwise the straps would be broken.

"My concubine looks like she's full of energy." Ye Zhining also opened her eyes at this moment, with a satisfied expression on her face.

Luo Quan looked at her suspiciously: "Your Majesty's expression makes me suspect that something happened last night that I don't know."

"How come, I am a gentleman."

Ye Zhining sat up, her apron had been changed into a swimsuit: "I didn't do anything while my concubine was asleep."

"I slept so hard, of course it's up to you." Luo Quan didn't bother to care about it, turned over and got out of bed.

Wearing a bikini to welcome the morning sun, this was the first time for Luo Quan to do such a thing.

The privacy of key resort hotels is no better than that of ordinary hotels. Once the curtains are opened, the beach is outside.

And because it has cleared up today, there are quite a lot of pedestrians.

But at the beach, wearing a bikini is a very normal thing.

So Luo Quan didn't have to bear any moral condemnation after enduring the little irritation brought about by the exposure.

So the seaside is really good. For some people with special hobbies, it is a holy place to seek excitement.

But she didn't have such a habit. After stretching, she closed the curtains again, preparing to wake everyone up for breakfast.

There are no buns, soy milk and fried dough sticks at the seaside. The dishes are mostly seafood, followed by various vegetable salads.

Although I am not used to eating, but for the sake of my figure, I gave up the idea of ​​directly ordering a pizza.

That thing is too calorie-intensive, and one meal will lose a day.

"No way, why are you all dressed so sloppy?"

On the way to the beach, Wen Xia looked at the sisters around her and exclaimed.

These idol stars who are usually dignified and ladylike are now wearing hot and sexy bikinis, for fear that others will not see their long legs.

"It's hard to come out to play once, why don't you dress nicely?" Su Yu walked in front of the team, surrounded by Junzi and Yuner, all three of them were in bikinis.

Wen Xia, on the other hand, wears beach pants and a shirt with colorful coconut tree prints on it, which looks like a 40-year-old uncle.

"No, if I just show up like this, won't I be laughed to death?" Wen Xia didn't dare to show weakness, and directly attacked in bikini form.

"Hey, what's the comparison? With Yanqing and I here, what's the point of comparing this with that?"

Luo Quan put his arms around Xu Yanqing's arm directly. The combination of the two is indeed invincible.

"If you can't compete for first and second, you can still compete for third." Su Yuru said, which is also what other girls think.

Although everyone usually has a good relationship, at this time, there must be some ideas of competition, but they didn't say it.

"Okay, they are all good employees of the company, what can be compared to them." Luo Quan smiled and found a good location facing the sea, "Enjoying the beach and the sea is the theme of today, besides, we will take a family portrait later , not the Miss Beach beauty pageant."

After finishing speaking, she unfolded the folding chair, and Ye Zhining was also adjusting the equipment.

Even though that was the case, the girls were still fighting with each other, fighting openly and secretly, and the scene suddenly became like Zhen Huan's biography.

Ye Zhi stared at the girls, feeling as if he had returned to his father's palace, and finally understood why he accepted so many concubines.

This kind of visual enjoyment is indeed very enjoyable, it made her want to open the harem.

But if this is the case, I feel very sorry for Aifei. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

"Stop arguing, everyone, let's take pictures!" After adjusting the machine, Ye Zhining shouted, which made all the girls stop bickering and stand side by side.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that everyone has come out for team building in such a neat way.

In the past, if it wasn't for filming for this one, or for that one to go home and watch, there would always be a few absent.

This time it can be said that no one is missing.

The boss stood in the middle, and several other people surrounded her like stars holding the moon. Looking around, there are really snow-white fragrant bodies connected one by one, and the flowers are gradually becoming charming. The nearby tourists are dumbfounded.

However, tourists who come to the beach to play are usually in pairs, so the male tourists didn't take a long time to look at it, and their ears were soon pulled back by their girlfriends or wives.

Of course, there are also those who don't want ears, and they don't look back no matter what their wives say.

It has been said before that looking at beautiful women is good for physical and mental health, but it is not entirely true.

At least these male tourists will have trouble waiting.

"Everyone, have a good laugh—" Ye Zhining sent out a signal, and the girls who had put on their poses shouted eggplant in unison.

With the camera flashing a few times, the shooting was over.

"How about it, did it look good?"

The girls are very concerned about whether they look good in the photo, and they gather around to see the effect.

The answer, of course, is that everyone is beautiful. Luo Quan's beauty seems to be contagious, making the girls around her beautiful.

In fact, this is due to the equipment in Ye Zhining's hands. It looks like an ordinary camera, but it is actually the black technology of Huanyu, with its own beauty effect.

Moreover, with the technological level of the earth, it is impossible to detect the beauty face at all.

However, with the looks of these girls in the lens, the effect is actually the same whether they are turned on or not.

In short, this photo was taken, and everyone was very satisfied.

"Okay, I'll post it directly." Luo Quan transferred the photo to his phone, and then sent it to everyone.

Two minutes later, all the artists of Quanshui Entertainment posted this photo.

This time, the trending searches were directly bombarded. Among the top [-] trending searches in entertainment news, [-] of them were related to them.

Except for Luo Quan, everyone is usually relatively low-key. If there is no new work, it will not be very popular.

So much so that the name of Quanshui Entertainment is actually not as popular as imagined.

But until this moment, people realized that this company has so many excellent practitioners.

Moreover, practitioners who are impeccable in terms of strength, appearance, and art and virtue, so that the hot search list is so bombarded, no netizen complains or abuses, they are all exaggerating.

As for the fans of station b, they are so happy, the comment area is the same as the Chinese New Year:
"If I have a son in the future, I will show him this photo and tell him that it is his mother and all the young mothers in the photo."

"Haha, the one in the middle is my own mother, right?"

"This kind of dream is exciting just thinking about it."

"Don't think, this is my Crystal Palace?"

"It's amazing. I finally understand why everyone in ancient times wanted to be an emperor. Just a few of them already make my mouth water. What kind of a spectacular scene should 3000 beauties be in the harem?"

"Hehe, it is impossible for the ancient emperors to gather such a strong lineup."

"Stop talking, I'm going to dream, I hope I can dream of going to Hawaii."

"This is what I saw at station B today."


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