Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1113 Where is the morality

"How decent is this!"

Archbishop Fasha's heartbroken voice resounded throughout the hall.

Benjamin III can't remember how many times he got into trouble because of the incident of the Virgin Mary wearing a swimsuit. It happened almost every day, and the noise made his brain ache.

Although it is a good thing for an archbishop to attach so much importance to the morality of the church, Benjamin III felt that he was overkill.

"Calm down, my archbishop." Benjamin III sighed helplessly, "It's just wearing a swimsuit, and it's not a serious crime of deviance. As for being so excited?"

"Your Majesty, isn't this worthy of attention?"

Faxia looked at the Pope in disbelief: "The Holy Mother has taken a very bad lead now. If the nuns and pastors in the church follow her example, what will happen in the future?!"

Benjamin III did not answer directly, but said in a deep voice: "According to the data, the number of general believers in the diocese where the nuns with more outstanding looks is also significantly higher.

What does this mean?It shows that good-looking priests can completely attract ordinary people to believe in the church.

I think what Our Lady is doing now is the right thing to tell the world that the Church of Dawn is no longer the rigid and conservative old religion it was thousands of years ago.

We can also move with the times, and the ethos is also very open. "

After listening to the Pope's explanation, Archbishop Fascia was stunned, not knowing that he could interpret it like this while wearing a swimsuit.

"Okay, don't bother me with such trivial matters in the future."

Benjamin III lightly raised the scepter and slammed it on the ground, making a loud impact: "Let me ask you, did the behavior of the Holy Mother cause people on the Internet to scold the Church of Dawn?"

"That's not true." Fasha shook his head.

"This is the end." Benjamin III laughed, "Go on, I hope you will spend your energy on supervising the construction of Notre Dame's summer palace, not on these details."

After speaking, he left the hall without looking back.

Archbishop Fasha looked at the Pope's back with complicated emotions.

Also having mixed feelings were Luo Quan's fans in Huanyu.

Before the video was released, many of their fans were believers who gathered in the name of the Virgin Mary.

During the live broadcast before, everyone shouted "Holy Mother" and "Mom".

Now that "Mom" has posted a swimsuit pic, it's up to them what to do.

Whether you look at it or not, it is disrespectful to the Virgin Mary, which is really a dilemma.

For ordinary fans of Luoquan, there is no psychological pressure at all. They will happily open the video and post comments:
“The current social atmosphere is really bad.

Girls post such videos, where is the morality, where is the bottom line, and where is the contact information? "

Typical prudence and cleverness.

Leaving aside the fact that Luo Quan's fame in the universe is like riding a roller coaster, he is climbing extremely fast.

Station B also relied on the series of videos of Quanshui Entertainment Group Building Diary this time, which generated a lot of traffic.

In the past, Luoquan released resources through Xunlei and online disks, allowing everyone to download them by themselves.

Now as the boss, the situation is different.

Send it directly to Station B without worrying about being blocked.

At the same time, many netizens flocked to station B, just to see the real picture of beautiful girls playing on the beach.

The single video playback volume of this series has exceeded 2000 million, and the total playback volume is heading towards the [-] million mark.

In the beginning, Luo Quan just planned to give benefits to fans, but he never expected to attract so many passers-by.

Maybe after all, I still underestimated the yearning of netizens for a better life.

After reacting, Luo Quan directly turned the video into a variety show.

It just so happens that the big guys are basically artists of the company, and while traveling this time, they also have a job, which kills two birds with one stone.

Turning it into a variety show is of course to expand the influence, and at the same time, it can also receive several advertisers.

The little money earned from receiving advertisements is actually not important, what is important is to let those advertisers see the current traffic of station B.

Now is the era when traffic is king, and only by taking out the data can we attract more sponsors.

If Station B wants to achieve positive revenue without accepting blood transfusions, it must introduce advertisements.

But since it was agreed that there will be no commercials in the opening title, it must be carried through to the end.

But think about it from another angle, since the opening title cannot be added, it should be added at the end.

In addition, the ad can also be made into a reduced version of the gif, which is placed in the lower left corner of the video.

This not only achieves the effect of publicity, but also does not affect the normal viewing of users.

In fact, there are still many compromises like this, and it is completely possible to conduct experiments one by one, and finally find the correct answer.

In addition to the turmoil caused by the beach-themed variety show, the supercar driven by Luo Quan in the latest video also attracted the attention of the world.

This is an unprecedented cool car, which brings the beauty of technology to the extreme.

The most surprising thing is that this car has not even been claimed by any brand, so that many luxury car collectors can't find a seller if they want to buy it.

Seeing the exaggerated popularity of the Moyu Kirin, Luo Quan immediately applied for a design patent for this car.

Then it was announced that this is a limited-edition model specially made by Nikola Motors for her, the only one in the world so far, so don't even think about me buying it for the time being.

However, Nikola Motors is developing a new sports car model recently, and it will meet with you soon, please don't worry.

Hearing that it is the only one in the world, netizens feel much better.

If only Luoquan can open it, it is still acceptable. The fear is that those rich second-generation people can get in, and they can only watch from the beginning to the end.

There is another question, that is, is it really okay for the sports car to run wild on the beach?
Seawater is quite corrosive to cars, and if you accidentally sink into a pit, you may have to ask a tow truck to help.

And Luo Quan's answer was: "Don't worry, my car is made of very good materials, corrosion-resistant, and the power is also very strong. There are only one or two deep pits, and it will come out as soon as you step on the accelerator."

Such an answer made a group of sports car enthusiasts feel envious and amazed at the same time.

Even indirectly played an advertisement for Nikola cars.

Sports cars can reach such heights, even if ordinary models are inferior, they are not far behind.

Moreover, the word-of-mouth of this car has been very good since it was launched. Coupled with the recent sharp contrast with BMW, it is still worth giving priority to when planning to buy a car.

Because of this series of reasons, the sales volume of Nikola Motors in China has increased by more than 30.00%.

In the absence of a new model, such an increase in sales is nothing short of a miracle.

Cars sold well, and the stock market was of course bullish, so Nikola Motor's stock price also began to skyrocket.

And Luo Quan, as the trader of all these, is of course seen by countless stockholders.

Without her, Nikola Automobile and Bilibili would not be so prosperous now.

And as long as she is there, this kind of prosperity should last for a long, long time.

Ever since, the stocks of Station B were also topped up by confident stockholders.

Seeing the momentum of the two companies he controlled so well, Luo Quan was of course very happy.

It would be perfect if fewer tourists came to strike up a conversation with them when they were playing on the beach.

It’s like this every time I come to the beach. After rejecting a few, I will come again soon. It’s really endless.

"I think you can put up a sign, that is, men and single dogs should not be near."

Ye Zhining heard Luo Quan's complaint, and directly approached her.

"Your Majesty, do you have female fists?" Luo Quan chuckled.

"What female fist?"

Luo Quan replied: "It is a group that only asks for power but does not fulfill its obligations. The most common external manifestation is that it hates men."

Ye Zhining shook her head directly: "That should not be the case, because this is too double standard. Whoever dares to do this, the netizens are not used to her, and they will directly start complaining."

"We have it here." Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "And your act of putting up a sign can easily be regarded as an act of female boxing.

If you really do this, you will be scolded very easily. "

"Then what should we do? Have you been putting up with these people to disturb us?" Ye Zhining said, and saw a male passenger looking at her with an eager expression on his face.

If this is in Huanyu, how can anyone dare to do this.

It would be considered courageous for him not to kneel down and shout long live.

In such a situation, Ye Zhining was not polite, and directly returned an extremely fierce look.

The male passenger seemed to have been invaded by an indescribable thing, his expression suddenly became frightened, and then he stumbled and ran away.

"Your Majesty, it's easy to cause accidents if you do this." Luo Quan noticed what Ye Zhining had done. Although she also thought it was right to do so, she was still a little worried.

Ye Zhining waved his hand: "Don't worry, it's just a small punishment. Scaring him won't cause any irreversible consequences."

Luo Quan's eyes suddenly lit up: "Then can you scare away all the people who want to strike up a conversation?"

"What do you think of me?" Ye Zhining pouted unhappily, "I'm a bodyguard, yet I dare to order you around like this. Concubine, you've become more and more daring lately."

"I just said it casually, if you don't want to, Your Majesty, forget it." Luo Quan shrugged his shoulders with an innocent expression.

"If my concubine has this request, it's not impossible for me to do it reluctantly." Ye Zhining laughed, "But it's very expensive for me to make a move. I don't know if my concubine can afford this price."

Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining: "So you could have made a move a long time ago, and you deliberately delayed it until now, right?"

"My concubine, you didn't ask me before." Ye Zhining said with a nonchalant expression on her face, "If you had asked earlier, I would have helped right away."

Facing such a cunning answer, Luo Quan had nothing to say except giving a thumbs up.

"How about my concubine, are you willing to make this deal with me? As long as you nod your head, no one will bother us anymore." Ye Zhining continued to sell with a smile.

"Then what's the price?"

"Play a play with me."

Ye Zhining's answer caught Luo Quan by surprise.

Originally, she thought that Ye Zhining would continue to push forward on the basis of sharing the same bed, but it was an excessive request anyway.

She was ready to resolutely reject and reprimand Ye Zhining's idea, but she didn't expect that Ye Zhining's request was just to put on a show.

"Isn't it a love action scene?" Luo Quan asked cautiously.

"If it's normal, my concubine, your question may be exactly what I want to say."

Ye Zhining smiled lightly, and said in a deep voice: "But this time, I really need the help of my concubine for a serious matter.

My mother has returned with a mission. "

"It's not here to urge you to go on a blind date." Luo Quan laughed.

When girls get older, they will be urged to marry by their families in various ways.

She has been urged by her mother to find a partner more than once, and she has called for a blind date countless times, but she has blocked her every time.

"It seems that concubine Ai has a lot of experience in this area." Ye Zhining smiled, "My mother's empress is here for a blind date this time, and when she came back from her mother's house, she brought a nephew of her own.

According to her reply, this is the person she selected out of thousands of thousands and is the most suitable candidate for my marriage. From what that means, she basically wants to arrange my marriage. "

Luo Quan was very surprised when he heard this: "My nephew, isn't that a close relative? Is this kind of thing possible?"

Ye Zhining shook her head and said: "The family my mother belongs to is very big, even the blood of the same ancestor has become very weak after tens of thousands of years of dilution.

The only thing they have in common is probably the same surname.

So it is said that they are relatives with my mother, but in fact, there are not many blood relations with me and my mother. "

"Then what do you mean?" Luo Quan frowned slightly, "With your current cultivation, Your Majesty, no one should be able to force you to do what you don't want to do, right?"

"Of course." After Ye Zhining finished speaking, she lowered her head lonely again, "But if we can get married, it will be a good thing for the entire Holy Tang Dynasty.

A powerful and blood-linked ally, Aifei, you should know what that means.

But I don't want to just accept someone else's arrangement, even if this person is my mother. "

"So what does Your Majesty want me to do?" Luo Quan probably understood what Ye Zhining meant.

"I hope that my concubine will pretend to be my queen, so that the guy who came all the way to pick up the ready-made ones will return in vain, so this blind date can be rejected logically."

Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan and smiled sincerely: "I don't want you to do this favor in vain. After the matter is completed, I will give my concubine a treasure that can't be seen as a reward."

"Let's talk about it first, don't make fake plays real." Luo Quan was very excited about Ye Zhining's reward, but he still had to make an appointment three chapters in advance.

"Don't worry, I'm a gentleman!" Ye Zhining stretched out his hand and hooked Luo Quan.

Although it looked like a joke, it was still a kind of contract.

With Ye Zhining's cultivation, this kind of contract should be witnessed by the Dao of Heaven, so it must be no problem, so Luo Quan felt relieved.

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