Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1114 The Unexpected Blind Date

The matter of acting with the empress is not so urgent, and because the empress dowager is returning, the court will call a very grand welcome celebration.

Compared with the Supreme Emperor, the popularity of the Empress Dowager is much higher.

The people's love for the empress is completely inherited from the empress dowager.

As for His Majesty the Supreme Emperor, I don't know where Langdan has gone, and there is no news at all.

But this just happened to satisfy everyone's wishes, as long as the empress dowager came back, other people didn't care at all.

In short, the Internet has already started publicity, but not many people know about the fact that the Empress Dowager brought a few young juniors from her natal Qiankun Divine Kingdom.

Even if someone heard about the limelight, they didn't know that it was brought back for a blind date.

As the speaker, the Empress, although not in the court, still commands remotely at any time.

Fortunately, the ministers in the imperial court were quite experienced. When the Supreme Emperor was present, there were times when he did not go to court for several months, and there was no confusion in the imperial court's decrees.

Ye Zhining was away for a few days, so of course there would be no problem.

In the following days, Luo Quan traveled around the mountains and rivers, while taking pictures of his travels in Hawaii.

Now the cumulative broadcast volume of this variety show has exceeded [-] million. Compared with all variety shows this season, the advertising efficiency is among the best.

Through this success, Luoquan hopes to start the advertising business of station B, so that all up owners can share the cake.

Of course, content creation cannot be left behind, which is always the key to attracting users for Station B.

After playing for a full ten days, the trip to Hawaii came to an end.

Except for Ye Zhining, Bai Xingwei and the others, the rest returned to China on the same flight.

After the holiday is over, it is time to film and study, not everyone can play as Luo Quan wants to play all day long.

And Luo Quan, who has just had a big job, is very confident when facing fans, and any news of reminders can be ignored.

"So, Arthur has become a national baby?"

When Luo Quan returned home, he was very surprised when he heard Leon's report on the harvest of the past few days.

Because he was abroad, Luo Quan didn't pay much attention to domestic news.

It was only after I came back that I found out that Arthur had more than 2000 million fans on Weibo.

"I can't help it, probably because my son is so handsome and likable!" Leon rubbed his forehead with a helpless expression.

"You're still as bad as ever."

Seeing his younger brother pretending to be serious, Luo Quan gave him a cold stare: "But I still don't understand why Arthur is so angry, there must be a reason."

"You might not believe it." Leon smiled and held his son in his arms, "Once I started a live broadcast, because I was too tired from practicing the day before, I fell asleep while driving it.

Then Arthur himself crawled in front of the camera, rolling around.

It may be that netizens thought he was too cute, so they edited these shots and shared them on the Internet.

And then Arthur gets mad, the one-and-done kind. "

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Quan lowered his head in surprise, looking at his cute little nephew.

Arthur didn't know what was going on, he just grinned and laughed, the chubby is really cute.

I flipped through Weibo comments again:

"Little Arthur is so cute and cute, I want to give birth to one."

"If babies are as good as Arthur, who wouldn't want them?"

"Arthur is so popular now, it's right to directly dominate the short video toddler area."

"Eight of the ten videos are about him, and I clicked in and gave a thumbs up to each of them."

"Haha, me too."


It seems that Arthur is indeed very popular, and it's not the kind of marketing, but the real popularity.

In fact, it's not difficult to understand if you think about it carefully. Before that, Leon was already a mess as a dad.

And Arthur, as the key to Leon becoming a baby daddy, is of course very likable.

It only takes one chance to soar into the sky!
"Unfortunately, my company only has one milk powder. If it's a whole set of baby products, wouldn't it sell out immediately?" Luo Quan pinched Arthur's nose and said regretfully.

Leon complained: "Sister, your words are getting more and more like grandpa and his old man. It's not a good thing to use everything as a tool to make money."

Luo Quan explained: "Just kidding, do I look like the kind of person who does anything to make money?"

"Kind of like." Leon nodded slightly.

"I think you haven't slapped for three days..." Luo Quan was about to raise his slap as a gesture, but found that Arthur was looking at him with piercing eyes, and finally took it back.

"For Arthur's sake, save some face for you."

"Haha, it has to be my son, who knows how to protect your elderly father." Leon hugged his son back into his arms excitedly, and rubbed Arthur's chubby face with his nose.

And Arthur raised his slap in disgust, and slapped his father on the face.

Then he stretched out his hand to Luo Quan: "Gu...Gu...hug."

"It seems that your son will kiss me or not." Luo Quan smiled and hugged Arthur back, his face full of complacency.

Faced with this situation, Lyon was really hurt, as if he was 30 years old all of a sudden.

Fortunately, Mia came back from shopping in time to comfort her husband.

Then Luo Quan returned Arthur to Lyon, and the family of three happily broadcast live again.

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Luo Quan stepped up and said that he was going to retreat, and then went back to the room
"Master has retreated quite frequently recently." Cheng Nuo looked at the door of the room and said to Wen Xia.

Wen Xia sighed faintly: "Probably this is a genius, he will break through every time, and he will become stronger every time he comes out of the room."

Cheng Nuo's eyes were full of longing: "Master is really amazing, I'm still far behind her."

"So we have to work harder!" Wen Xia clenched her fists, her face full of fighting spirit.

Luo Quan didn't notice the thoughts of the two brain supplement masters outside the door.

After she opened any door and came to Huanyu, she only said hello to Bai Xingwei, and was taken to the palace.

This is the first time she has come to Her Majesty's bedroom, and the room she went to for the last New Year's Eve banquet should only be a place for guests to rest.

The real empress' bedroom is even more luxurious than she imagined, filled with exquisite artworks from various planets.

As for precious metals such as gold and silver, they are simply not on the table, they are all piled up in the warehouse, and in most cases there is no use for them at all.

In addition to handicrafts, there are many paintings and sculptures in the palace of the empress. The former has a melodious artistic conception, while the latter is lifelike. It can be seen that they are from the hands of masters who have already entered the Tao.

The decoration of the palace is quite gorgeous, with gold and red cloth pieces as the main elements, covering the entire ceiling, full of the emperor's domineering and precious, but also taking into account the tenderness and tenderness of the daughter.

Moreover, judging from the layout of Fengshui, the air from all directions gathers around the dragon bed, and the typical pattern of gathering air as acupoints cannot be afforded by non-noble people.

As for the fate of the empress, it can be said that it is more than enough to bear such Feng Shui.

So this dragon bed is the best place for her to practice.

Lying down on it is more effective than taking any panacea.

It can be said that apart from being too big, this bedroom cannot find any shortcomings.

"It's amazing, I don't know if my summer palace can reach half the level of this place." Luo Quan looked around and murmured enviously.

"If you like, you can come here to rest every day." Ye Zhining came in without knowing when, and made a joke to Luo Quan.

Luo Quan just shook his head: "The luck of the entire Holy Tang Dynasty is concentrated on that dragon bed. I don't have such a fate to bear. If I really go up there, I'm afraid I'll be crushed into powder immediately."

"Isn't there still me here?"

Ye Zhining hooked her finger, and two stools flew from the void, standing behind her and Luo Quan: "With me here, you can sleep however you want on them."

Luo Quan shook his head lightly: "Forget it, it's better to sleep in my own room. My summer palace is not about to be completed, so I will go there more to familiarize myself with the environment."

"Speaking of which, is Concubine Ai ready?" Ye Zhining raised her legs and asked with a smile.

"Preparing for what?" Luo Quan was puzzled.

Ye Zhining said loudly: "Of course it's a demonstration against the rival in love, but I've heard that the hero of the clan that my mother picked is a dragon and phoenix among the people. How can you compare her if you don't prepare for it?"

"With my good looks, do I still need to prepare?" Luo Quan took off his earrings, and then put on some makeup for himself. The soft and beautiful girl Jiao'e immediately turned into a handsome man.

If Leon were here, he would be surprised why the old lady suddenly resembled him so much.

Luo Quan, who is disguised as a man, is indeed very similar to Lyon, but in terms of appearance, he is much better than Lyon.

"How about it, I won't embarrass you with my attire, right?" Luo Quan spread his hands, as if you were about to praise me.

This is the first time she has tried dressing up as a man.

In fact, Wen Xia told her a long time ago that if she pretends to be a boy with her appearance, she must be very handsome, and she is so handsome that she is scumbag.

But Luo Quan never took it seriously, why pretend to be a man when he has nothing to do?It's not acting in a costume drama.

As a result, today I really encountered a situation where I had to dress up as a man, but she experimented before coming here and found that the effect was very good.

To describe it in one sentence, she herself was fascinated by herself who disguised herself as a man.

With this level of appearance, she doesn't believe that she can't hold back the scene.

As expected, Ye Zhining also looked shocked, and then he slapped his hands and said, "Aifei's dress is really good-looking, and she can be called a jade like someone from Moshang, and your son is unparalleled in the world."

Luo Quan laughed and said: "It's just a small scene, but if there is any conflict with your partner at that time, you should help out more, don't let him slap you and vomit blood."

Ye Zhining waved his hand: "Don't worry, this kind of thing can't happen.

After all, he is also a child of a rich family, how could he do such a thing that is ridiculed by others?
Besides, I'm still here, if he dares to make a move, I'll send him back immediately! "

"This girlfriend's strength is directly maxed out." Luo Quan gave the empress a thumbs up.

"Speaking of which, what kind of person is His Majesty's queen mother?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

In fact, the most difficult thing to deal with in this blind date was not the young hero, but Ye Zhining's mother.

She had planned the blind date for a long time, who knew what kind of accidents would happen after her appearance.

If her old man is unhappy and wants to force an arranged marriage, then the scene will probably be very ugly.

Hearing Luo Quan's question, Ye Zhining also understood what she meant, and replied: "My queen mother is a very domineering and self-centered person.

She has always done things one way, and in order to achieve her goals, she can sacrifice everything, including herself.

In fact, her status in the clan is not prominent, and she belongs to the collateral branch, but in order to achieve her goal, she recognized an elder in the clan as a stepmother, and successfully met at a gathering in the garden of all nations. lost my father.

I don't know what exactly happened during this period, but anyway, after that, my father announced to everyone that he would not marry unless my mother.

However, after getting married, the relationship between the two of them was not so good that they seemed to be getting what they needed.

So I never understood what my mother wanted to do, or how big the boundaries of her desires were. "

After listening to Ye Zhining's description, Luo Quan was already sweating: "I never thought your mother would be so powerful. Are you sure we can fool her with our play?"

"It should be difficult to deceive." Ye Zhining shook his head, "But as long as the world knows that I already have my own heart, that's fine.

My mother is domineering, and it is impossible for her to win over everyone in the world.

And most importantly, she can't beat me. "

Speaking of this, Ye Zhining raised the corners of her mouth triumphantly. From that look, she should have touched her mother.

"Amazing." Luo Quan applauded sincerely, "So even if your mother doesn't agree, you can use force to get her to agree, right? Then there is no difference between me and me."

"Why is there no difference?" Ye Zhining stared, "The difference is huge! No matter what you do in this world, you should pay attention to a righteous name.

If what you do is unreasonable, you will definitely be discussed by others. If you can't stop the crowd, then there is a high probability that you will not be able to do what you want to do. "

"So that's how it is." Luo Quan lowered his head, looking thoughtful.

Ye Zhining patted Luo Quan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "As the Holy Mother of the Dawn Church, you will also become a big man who leads the party in the future.

If you don't learn some things now, when you understand them later, you don't know what price you will pay.

So if you have the intention to learn, you can come here to sign up for classes, including teaching and meeting, and will not teach again.

I will train you to be a qualified high-ranking person by hand, and the fee is very cheap. "

"I'm not interested in that." When Luo Quan heard that there would be a fee, he refused without thinking.

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