Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1115 The Unexpected Blind Date

Chapter 1115 An Unexpected Blind Date ([-])
People who play politics are dirty, Luo Quan feels that he does not have such a talent, nor does he need to learn.

She is the boss of a company, even if she learns the emperor's mind, she is useless.

In her opinion, the power of the CEO of a company is greater than that of the emperor.

Below the emperor, there are still prime ministers, powerful ministers, princes, generals, relatives and many other aspects to consider. You can't do whatever you want.

But a company is different. If you have more than [-] holdings, you can do software development today, and let the whole company go to the countryside to raise pigs tomorrow. That is a true sense of freedom.

Just like Ye Zhining, if he doesn't go to court for a few days, he will be talked about by several ministers.

If it were her, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

I was originally a relatively lazy person, and I would definitely not be diligent if I could fish, not to mention being a stressful occupation that is almost year-round.

Therefore, Luo Quan was not interested in Ye Zhining's all-in-one gift, so he directly refused.

After communicating with the Empress, Luo Quan returned to Bai Xingwei's house.

She used to live here every time she came here, and she may not live here in the future, after all, she will soon have her own family.

But it's not certain, if she is not satisfied with the construction of Notre Dame's summer palace, she still has to come back and continue to live.

It is said that clothes are not as good as new ones, and people are not as good as old ones.

In fact, Luo Quan thinks that the first half of this sentence is wrong, and few people will update the tools they are used to.

The impact of not using it smoothly is too great, so Luo Quan seldom updates his mobile phone and computer indiscriminately.

The basic necessities of life must also be the same.

"I'm going to go out later to see how my Summer Palace of Our Lady is being built."

Luo Quan went back to the room, took a look around, and then said to Bai Xingwei: "You should go to retreat, right?"

Bai Xingwei smiled and replied: "Not for now, let's go to your big house together."

Luo Quan teased: "It's really rare, a martial idiot like you actually has a day of slacking off."

"Practice also pays attention to the combination of work and rest, practice for a while and rest for a while, what's wrong?" Bai Xingwei said in a natural tone.

"Then let's go." Luo Quan didn't leave any ink marks, and after changing his outfit for going out, he opened the portable teleportation circle.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei appeared outside the construction site of the Summer Palace of Our Lady.

Despite advanced technology, most of the work on the construction site is still done manually.

The reason for this is actually an instruction from the top layer.

Because intelligent robots are too developed, they can eliminate the vast majority of human beings regardless of physical or intellectual work.

If robots are really used on a large scale, it will lead to a wave of unemployment in a large area.

And people will become decadent without the motivation to struggle.

As the capital of Huanyuxing, it certainly doesn't want its core residents to be a bunch of waste that needs robots to walk.

Therefore, there are quite a lot of restrictions on the use of robots. Construction teams like this are basically a combination of man and machine.

Dust removal and brick removal have to be done by the workers themselves, but it used to be purely manual, but now the workers are wearing mechanical exoskeletons, and the ash removal at one time is more than ten times that of before.

But as long as it is a construction site, the environment cannot be too good.

The workers at the entrance were all disheveled, and the mechas on their bodies were also covered with a deep layer of dirt.

There are several machines filled with gray sticky matter on the ground, constantly rotating and stirring, and it is not known whether it is a building material similar to concrete.

Soon Luo Quan saw a group of leaders pointing the country beside a building.

The leaders were potbellied and plainly dressed, with a bowler hat emblazoned on it with Safety First on it.

But looking at how they pointed Jiangshan, Luo Quan didn't know why, but the words "eating and taking cards" came to Luo Quan's mind.

"We have to thoroughly understand the drawings, come up with the basis, get stuck in the specification, and have a basis!"

The leader's lectures reached Luo Quan's ears, and their spotless attire formed a sharp contrast with the surrounding workers.

"Did you notify in advance that you are going to the construction site?" Bai Xingwei could tell at a glance that this was a face-saving project.

How can anyone give lectures next to the Banla project? Isn't this affecting the progress of the project?

"No, it's a temporary idea." Luo Quan also felt very strange, "Could it be that the leaders of these construction teams are really responsible?"

Bai Xingwei sneered: "That's hard to say, nine out of ten foremen are traitors, and one is particularly traitorous."

"What are you doing!"

At this moment, a roar came from behind the two women.

Turning to look, it was the security guard who was patrolling the construction site, looking angry.

It's really hard to make him angry. The sudden appearance of outsiders and others in the construction area will deduct money at least, and they will pack up and leave immediately.

But after seeing clearly who it was, the security guard knelt down directly.

Even when encountering the top leaders, the security guards would not immediately kneel down.

But it was Luo Quan who was standing in front of him, so he knelt down sincerely.

"Holy Mother, I didn't expect you to come in person, please forgive my rudeness!"

"Hahaha, why don't you just kneel down as soon as you meet, doesn't it mean that you have long since given up on this kind of thing?" Luo Quan took the security guard's hand and lifted him up again.

The security guard said excitedly: "This is the only thing your humble follower Kalei can do, please don't refuse."

Having said all this, Luo Quan could only let go of his hand, and accepted the gift of the devout believer.

Bai Xingwei's scalp felt numb as she watched from the side, thinking that she didn't perform such a grand gift when she celebrated her ancestor's birthday. Does Luo Quan have such a great influence?

Soon, the movement here attracted the attention of the leaders.

When they saw Luo Quan coming, they immediately took a step forward and trotted over.

Compared with Kalei's piety, several leaders obviously couldn't reach such a level, and they just greeted each other by touching their chests.

In this case, Luo Quan does not need to return the gift.

Not to mention them, even if the Pope came to kneel and salute, she didn't need to reply, she just needed to say: "Get up, my child".

The "Mother of the Holy Son" is so amazing. In the God Blessed Federation, you don't have to believe in the Church of Dawn, but you must not take the Church of Dawn seriously.

Because of the thirteen rotating chairmen in the Federation, twelve of them are devout Dawn believers, at least superficially very devout.

And the status of the Holy Mother is a level higher than that of the "spokesman of God" like the Pope, and belongs to the family of God's own.

In a sense, Luo Quan can do whatever he wants in God Bless Federation.

But the premise is not to go too far, otherwise the heavenly father, the old man, will not be able to see it, and maybe he will send down divine punishment.

Of course, the divine punishment may be thunder, or an earthquake, or a planet in the neighboring galaxy was hit by a meteorite.

In short, if this kind of thing happens, it means that the Holy Mother must have done something wrong. It is the heavenly father who is warning her to restrain herself. She needs to pray to heaven in front of all believers, admit her mistakes, and ask the heavenly father for forgiveness. forgive.

However, there are very few saints who have done this in history, because the saints are very kind and do not participate in any struggles at all.

If he is not hated by others, naturally no one will place these inexplicable disasters on himself.

Judging from the current situation, Luo Quan is still quite popular with everyone. Apart from not being pregnant with the Holy Son and having a more sexy figure, there are basically no shortcomings.

So this set of mutated celestial-human induction should not be able to trap her.

Facing the sudden arrival of the Virgin Mary, the leaders showed great sincerity and fear. While reporting the progress since the start of work, they asked their staff to go down to prepare the banquet and entertain them well.

"If you have any difficulties, you should inform the church in time, and the wages of the workers must be paid in time. If there is an injury, it must be treated immediately, and compensation for the injury must be arranged."

Luo Quan didn't know anything about the construction site, so he could only emphasize a few places that were prone to problems in personnel affairs.

After the leaders heard it, they nodded repeatedly, expressing that they would definitely follow through.

The workers' representatives were also quite moved, saying that the Virgin Mary is so kind.

However, it is too difficult to think about accidents on the construction site now. The mechanical exoskeleton on each worker has emergency functions, and can respond quickly to most dangerous situations.

So so far, no one has been injured at the construction site.

After walking around, Luo Quan had a general idea of ​​the Summer Palace.

From a macro point of view, it is very spectacular, and it should be second only to the Holy City's Pope's Palace.

The details are also very delicate, and the sculpture that was agreed before was actually made by a group of master sculptors.

She was quite satisfied with the results of this inspection, and she also spoke highly of the leaders responsible for several tasks.

With the evaluation of the Holy Mother, the promotion and salary increase of these leaders after returning home is basically a certainty.

It was only later that Luo Quan learned from the workers that since the start of construction, these leaders have come to the construction site to put on a show every day.

In fact, I didn't give any pointers, but I just wanted to pretend that I was very responsible, and then ran into the higher-level leaders who came to inspect the construction site.

They had already received good reviews from the two archbishops in this way before, and now they have met the Holy Mother, and they don't know how many awards they will get after returning.

After Luo Quan knew the truth, he was quite helpless.

While these foremen behaved rather slickly, there was really nothing to criticize.

As long as there are no problems on the construction site, they are well managed.

And every time someone inspects, they are also on the scene. If this is not called responsibility, what is responsibility?

Even if they are putting on airs, they are definitely worthy of praise.

How many people are unwilling to even pretend to be a project in the God Blessed Federation.

So Luo Quan didn't care too much about this matter.

As for the fact that the foremen wanted to invite Luo Quan to dinner, she refused.

"I'm not very hungry, let's use the money to pay the workers for food."

With Luo Quan's words, the workers couldn't be more grateful to her.

The foremen all said that they were right, but they felt a little uncomfortable.

Inviting the Holy Mother to dinner is to use the money from the construction site and use your own relationship.

Now that the cost of extra meals for workers has increased, it is simply thankless for the workers to be grateful to others.

But since the Holy Mother has spoken, no one dares to obey.

So on the construction site for the next three days, every meal was a sumptuous buffet. The workers happily shared their joy on the Internet, and attributed everything to the merciful Virgin.

In fact, Luo Quan just moved his mouth, and he should be grateful to the generous foremen.

While that may not have been their intention either, the end result is good.

After leaving the construction site, Luo Quan went to a nearby gathering place of believers to have a look.

The construction site is dusty and the noise is harsh. I don't know if it will have a big impact on the believers here.

When I arrived, I found that the environment here was still the same as before, and everyone lived a poor but happy life.

Every day is praying, reciting scriptures, or meditating in situ.

Every person who meditates is in a different state. Some may just start this kind of practice, and after sitting for a long time, they will tremble all over and have painful facial expressions.

Some are full of beards and unkempt. Although their bodies can be still, they can still see the rise and fall of their chests.

There are a few that are very powerful. Sitting there, it is completely impossible to tell that they are still alive, as if they are a stubborn stone, fused with nature.

The beards and hair of these people have all fallen out, and golden lines of light appear on the dark faces from time to time.

Luo Quan, who is already very familiar with the holy scriptures, knows that this is a kind of holy rune, which can only be seen on very devout fanatics, which is quite rare.

"Those bald monks are the best of the best."

After visiting this village of believers, Bai Xingwei said in a calm voice.

"Master, how tall is it?"

Luo Quan didn't feel anything special about those old people, and said suspiciously: "After I passed by, these old people still opened their eyes and greeted me, and their attitudes were quite kind."

"That's because you are the Holy Mother!" Bai Xingwei glanced at Luo Quan speechlessly, "Those old men are definitely masters at the third level, they can easily crush a hundred half buckets of water like me with one finger!"

Hearing this, Luo Quan's eyes widened immediately: "So exaggerated?!"

Then he laughed again: "From now on, the Summer Palace of Our Lady should not have to be afraid of thieves."

"You really have a big heart." Bai Xingwei rolled her eyes, not knowing what to say.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, spread out his hands and said in a nonchalant tone: "Oh, what is there to care about, as long as these people are believers in the dawn, they won't do anything to me.

What does it matter if our well water does not violate the river water? "

"I always feel that the Pope sent these people to watch you, otherwise how could there be so many masters in a village?" Bai Xingwei directly started the conspiracy theory.

"Don't think too much, why is the Pope spying on me?" Luo Quan laughed, "Will you be watching me when I'm pregnant with the Son? As long as I don't want to, it won't happen."

"You really look like a virgin." Bai Xingwei glanced at Luo Quan, implying something.

"What do you mean?" Luo Quan really didn't understand.

"There is a hint of stupidity in the kindness."

"You're stupid. I'm called Buddhism, okay? If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Be careful and I'll sue you for insulting my name!"

It was the first time in Luo Quan's life that someone scolded him for being stupid, and he was very emotional.

(End of this chapter)

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