Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1116 The Unexpected Blind Date

Chapter 1116 An Unexpected Blind Date ([-])
Luo Quan always believed that those old people were just ordinary believers, because the system did not detect any hostility, so Bai Xingwei must be thinking too much.

But Bai Xingwei couldn't be blamed for this, after all, she didn't have a system, and she would definitely feel suspicious when she saw an abnormal situation.

So Luo Quan didn't argue much, but it must be serious to be complained about being a bit stupid. She is not stupid, and she is even quite witty most of the time.

Bai Xingwei's behavior is a slander to her.

However, considering that he was far from her opponent, Luo Quan chose to be patient. After all, this is also a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.

"Haha, you're just cowardly." Bai Xingwei laughed when she heard Luo Quan talking to herself and making excuses.

Luo Quan raised his chin and retorted: "I'm called Cong Xin, I'm not cowardly, rest your words!"

"Don't agree? Hit me if you don't agree." Bai Xingwei made a face at Luo Quan, looking like he deserved a beating.

The key point is that Luo Quan really has nothing to do with her, just like when facing Ye Zhining.

After playing around, Luo Quan stayed at Bai Xingwei's house for one night, and was summoned to the empress' bedroom early the next morning.

"My mother and the others have already reached the border of Huanyu, and they may appear on Huanyu at any time. You can start preparing."

Ye Zhining's expression was calm, but Luo Quan was still a little nervous.

I heard that Empress Ye's mother is also an entry-level master, so I don't know if my disguise will be fully effective.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, so Luo Quan immediately began to change clothes.

After a while, she changed from a slim and graceful girl to a plump and handsome boy, but she still wore a mask on her face.

"Why are you wearing a mask?" Ye Zhining asked curiously.

Luo Quan replied: "No matter how I change clothes and make up, my face is too recognizable.

Almost all the ministers in the court have seen me, so it is better to cover your face in this case.

In private, take off the mask, not only can you give your mother and the blind date a little shock, but you don't have to worry about being recognized by others. "

"I can't tell, you're quite clever." Ye Zhining praised with a smile.

"Just kidding." Luo Quan and others stared wide-eyed, "Although I'm considered a child in Huanyu at my age, don't really treat me as a child."

As soon as the words fell, Ye Zhining's optical machine vibrated.

After calling it out, her expression changed: "My mother has arrived."

"So fast!" Luo Quan stared at him, "Then get ready to greet him."

Ye Zhining glanced at her speechlessly: "Thinking about my current status, we both have to go!"

"Don't worry, I won't lose the chain." Luo Quan took a few deep breaths, showed his two-time actress status, and vowed to give Ye Zhining a flawless performance in this scene.

"Are you ready?" Ye Zhining glanced at Luo Quan and asked for the last time.

"Let's go, it's all right." Luo Quan spoke again, not only his demeanor, but also his voice completely changed into a gentle male voice.

Ye Zhining waved his sleeves and moved to Xuanlong Terrace in the blink of an eye.

This is the Martial Arts Arena where the champion of martial arts is contested. Because there are more people from the Heaven and Kun Kingdom this time, we chose a relatively spacious place to receive them.

As soon as Ye Zhining arrived, everyone present immediately found the backbone, and shouted at her in unison: "Welcome Your Majesty."

"Excuse me." Ye Zhining waved her finger, and immediately four maids walked over with two chairs.

One for Ye Zhining and one for Luo Quan.

When the ministers saw this blond man with fluttering hair suddenly appearing beside His Majesty, they immediately cast curious and searching gazes.

"Who is this person, have you seen it?"

"Never seen it before, don't know where 9 popped up."

"Could it be His Majesty's concubine?"

"I haven't heard His Majesty announce it."

"Even if the concubine has to be canonized first, isn't that a little bit out of order?"

"Your Majesty is in the prime of life, is it worth talking about taking a male favorite?"



Maybe the prime minister couldn't bear to listen to everyone's gossip about His Majesty's private affairs, so he coughed heavily.

In an instant, the officials fell silent, bending over and not daring to raise their heads.

"This old man with a white beard is so powerful." Luo Quan whispered to Ye Zhining, but kept looking at the minister in red official uniform.

The official uniforms of the Holy Tang Dynasty were graded by color.

From high to low, they are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, and those below the seventh rank are all black, and they are not eligible for super.

The red official robe is equivalent to a first-rank official, and Luo Quan only saw three people wearing such clothes in the whole Xuanlong stage.

The other ministers all bowed and bowed, with a humble attitude.

Only these three held their heads high, and they were not ordinary ministers at first glance.

"This is my uncle, the prime minister Zhang Youjue, he is the biggest when I'm not around, don't tell him everything when you meet in the future."

Probably only when meeting elders, Ye Zhining would be so cautious.

After Luo Quan heard this, he took another look at the old man with white beard.

Next to him stood two equally old ministers, one was as thin as a bamboo pole that would fall down in the wind, and the other was as strong as an altar emissary.

Ye Zhining said that the thin one is the emperor's teacher, who leads the Taixue.

The other is Taiwei, who commanded the three armies on behalf of the emperor.

Seeing a row of ministers standing behind each of the three old men, Luo Quan roughly knew the division of power in the court.

But Ye Zhining doesn't even have an heir now, and it seems useless no matter how much all these people form a party.

Just when Luo Quan was curious about whether there was a Dongxi factory, there was a loud noise in the sky.

The space was torn into a pitch-black jagged crack, and a few seconds later, a huge black and white ship appeared out of the sky.

This ship is definitely the largest human creation that Luo Quan has ever seen.

As soon as it appeared, the entire sky was shrouded in its shadow.

It was as if Mount Tai was growing wings, which made Luo Quan feel extremely shocked.

But what is even more shocking is that the Holy Tang Dynasty only sent a bodyguard riding a golden dragon to stop this huge ship.

"According to the law of the Celestial Dynasty, except for Your Majesty, any car that exceeds the specification is not allowed to take off, and the Empress Dowager is requested to land immediately!"

The guard's tone was quite polite, after all, the emperor's own mother was sitting inside.

If it was any other spaceship that dared to fly like this in the imperial city, it would have been shot down long ago.

The empress dowager obviously knew that the guards were no longer joking with her, so the beautiful black and white ship quickly landed on the ground.

As Ye Zhining stood up, all the ministers came behind her and walked to the black and white giant ship together.

I saw a hole of about three meters opened on the side of the giant ship's head, and then an automatically running ladder stretched down from the inside, and dozens of people walked down one after another.

The leader was a beautiful young woman in a black and white dress with cold eyes.

Out of curiosity about beauties, Luo Quan glanced quickly and found that this young woman was imposing and her figure was too good to be true.

No wonder to be able to give birth to such a great beauty as Empress Ye, as expected, every daughter must have a mother.

"Congratulations to the queen mother." Ye Zhining knelt down excitedly to greet her long-lost mother.

The emperor knelt down, and none of the ministers dared to stand, so they also knelt down and shouted: "Welcome to the queen mother, the queen mother is a thousand years old."

"Free from courtesy." The empress dowager glanced at everyone, then bent down and raised her daughter's hand, and said affectionately: "I haven't seen you for many years, and Ning'er has become much thinner than before. She must be busy with government affairs. You can't do what you want."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly changed the subject and showed a stern expression at the prime minister next to him: "Zhang Youjue, didn't the late emperor ask you to take good care of the emperor when he left? That's how you took care of him?!"

"The old minister is guilty." The old prime minister just stood up, and immediately knelt down again.

Ye Zhining quickly excused him and said: "My mother is worrying too much, uncle has been devoted to his duties these years, and he has helped my son share a lot of affairs, and he has never neglected his duty in the slightest.

Erchen looks thinner, but in fact he is healthier than before, and has nothing to do with others. "

"In this way, I blamed the Prime Minister by mistake." The Empress Dowager looked at Zhang Youjue, but there was no intention of apologizing in her words.

Zhang Youjue also chuckled: "It's human nature for the Empress Dowager to care about Your Majesty. The humble minister failed to notice the changes in His Majesty. It is indeed dereliction of duty. I would like to punish myself with three years' salary."

"It's good to know." The empress dowager snorted softly, took Ye Zhining's hand and walked towards the harem.

Now it was inconvenient for the ministers to follow. It seemed that the empress dowager had no intention of continuing to get along with them, so under the order of the prime minister, they each went home.

Soon, there were only a group of people brought back by the empress dowager left in the harem.

Luo Quan still stood beside Ye Zhining, thinking in his heart why the empress dowager lost her temper at the prime minister as soon as she came back.

"System, why did you say that the empress dowager gave off power to the first-rank officials as soon as she came back?"

"Can't you understand this?" The omnipotent system has already seen through everything, "Obviously, this prime minister belongs to the empress dowager, and is specially used to monitor and report the emperor's whereabouts.

Now that I dereliction of duty at work, of course I will be scolded. "

Luo Quan still didn't understand: "Then how did she know that the Prime Minister had neglected his duties as soon as she came back?"

"Because of you." The system then replied, "You came out today with a brand new identity that no one has seen before.

Since the empress dowager is monitoring the emperor, she naturally knows who is around her very well. When I saw you today, I realized that the prime minister never mentioned you.

If it can't be concealed, it is a huge dereliction of duty. No matter what it is, it must be beaten. "

"Damn, I didn't expect there to be so many twists and turns." Luo Quan felt a little dizzy when he heard it.

But if you take a closer look, it seems that this is really the case.

But then a new question arises, why is a mother monitoring her daughter?
"There are too many possibilities, I suggest you ask me directly." The omniscient system couldn't answer this time, and then fell silent.

Luo Quan glanced at Ye Zhining's mother, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this woman was too majestic, and even sitting there made people feel like kneeling down.

If he changed clothes with Ye Zhining, Luo Quan felt that the empress dowager looked more like an empress.

"Ning'er, haven't you introduced who this is to this palace?" The Empress Dowager took a sip of tea, and finally cast her eyes on Luo Quan.

"Mother, this is Lyon, we fell in love at first sight."

Ye Zhining's answer was concise and to the point, and the Empress Dowager looked at Luo Quan with a slightly unfriendly look: "I've never heard of Ning'er talking about it before, did you just meet each other recently?"

Ye Zhining nodded: "Leon and I really only met this year."

The Empress Dowager asked: "Since Ning'er chose her husband, why did she wear a mask and not show her true colors?

Judging by the color of your hair, you don't look like a native of the Shengtang Dynasty. Could it be that you belong to the God Blessed Federation? "

"Lyon is actually from the frontier, so he's half a star from Huanyu at present." Ye Zhining helped explain, "As for why he doesn't show his true face, the main reason is that Leon is too handsome, and if he shows his true face, it will easily cause trouble, so he usually Wearing a mask."

The empress dowager smiled disdainfully: "Joke, your mother and I have traveled the universe, what kind of handsome man have we never seen?"

"In that case, Leon, take off your mask." Ye Zhining turned her head and said.

Luo Quan didn't speak, and took off the mask directly.

Then, there were gasps all around.

A group of natal family members of the Qiankun Kingdom who followed the empress dowager were all shocked by Luo Quan's "beauty".

If being handsome is a punishment, then they have all been sentenced to life imprisonment at this moment.

Facts have proved that the appearance of [Star Charm] is indeed not something everyone can stand up to.

Even though the makeup has been applied to make her look more like a man, it still makes a group of men look different.

The Empress Dowager also coughed lightly twice, and said: "It seems that Ning'er's vision is really good, she can find such a handsome husband-in-law."

As he said, his eyes turned to Luo Quan, with an inexplicable light shining in them, as if trying to see through her body and mind.

"Warning, the charming eye is detected, and the charm judgment is started.

The charming eye is only effective for men, the judgment fails, and the host escapes. "

The sound of the system suddenly sounded, making Luo Quan completely unaware of what happened.

She stared blankly at the empress dowager for a second, then immediately pretended to be fascinated.

But even though he was only stunned for a second, he still revealed his secrets.

The empress dowager sneered: "Ning'er, your husband-in-law is very interesting."

Although Ye Zhining still didn't understand what happened, but seeing her mother's sudden change of face, she already realized that something was wrong.

However, considering that the mother might be defrauding her, her expression didn't change at all, and she said doubtfully, "Mother, why did you say that?"

The Empress Dowager waved her hand and told all the idlers around to retreat, leaving only Luo Quan between the mother and daughter.

After everyone left, the empress dowager reached out and grabbed Luo Quan's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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