Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1117 The Unexpected Blind Date

Facing the hand grabbed by the Empress Dowager, Luo Quan's first reaction was to hide.

But thinking that his identity has been exposed, it seems that it doesn't make any sense to hide or not.

On the other hand, the hand that the Empress Dowager grabbed looked slow, but when she wanted to move her body, she was already caught by the collar.

Seeing the empress dowager pulling down, Luo Quan's slender collarbone was exposed, and a large snow-white area underneath was also exposed.

The Empress Dowager sneered: "Hehe, Ning'er's Mr. Ruyi has really good skin, whiter than our mother and daughter."

Ye Zhining said calmly: "Leon is of mixed race. I believe my mother can see her face clearly. It is normal for her skin to be fair."

"Then why are her pectoralis major muscles so exaggerated?" The Empress Dowager continued to ask, and then pulled down the collar a little, revealing Luo Quan's extremely tight tube top.

In order to make his body shape more normal, Luo Quan specially wore a corset, and it was very, very tight.

But it's F after all, even if you can't tell it through the clothes, most of the collar has been pulled down now, if you can't tell it, it's not blind, it's blind.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Luo Quan turned his head to look at Ye Zhining helplessly: "We can't hide it, let's stop being so stubborn."

Ye Zhining glared at Luo Quan angrily: "Why are you so weak-willed? If you just question you a few times, you'll get all the tricks. Before that, you'd be a traitor every minute!?"

Of course, Luo Quan also had his own reasons: "If I don't recruit again, I'm afraid my clothes will be stripped off by His Majesty the Empress Dowager."

"You two think you can hide this little trick from Ben Gong's eyes?"

The Empress Dowager let go of Luo Quan's collar, folded her hands on her chest and said with a smile: "This is all leftover from the palace's play in the past. If you guessed right, you should be the Holy Mother of the Liming Church."

Luo Quan stared: "Does everyone know this?"

The Empress Dowager smiled and said: "Although I am not in Huanyu, I have been paying close attention to the big and small news here.

I heard before that there appeared in the Church of Dawn a peerless beauty who seemed to be the reincarnation of Luoshen. Your appearance after disguised as a man is so outstanding, it is hard not to make people think of it. "

"Mother is worthy of being the most intelligent woman in the world. My daughter's little trick is really out of class." Ye Zhining sighed, and finally stopped pretending.

"Stop these unnutritious flattery."

The empress dowager waved her hand, and asked with a serious expression: "Ning'er, if you don't want to marry, you can just say so, why do you use this way to deceive your mother?"

Ye Zhining replied: "My daughter just wants to take her freedom into her own hands. Mother's heart may be good, but such things as marriage proposals should not be mentioned."

The empress dowager was stunned for a moment, and then a look of sadness flashed in her eyes: "Wouldn't you think that the relationship between our mother and daughter has reached this point?"

"Daughter definitely doesn't mean that." Ye Zhining hurriedly explained, "Other daughters can listen to you, but I want to be the master of life."

The Empress Dowager asked softly: "But how do you know that the one your mother found for you is not suitable for you?"

"I only trust my own feelings about this kind of thing. If someone else finds it, no matter how good it is, it will definitely not meet my wishes, even if this person is my mother." Ye Zhining's answer was also very firm, and she did not intend to compromise at all.

"If the talisman doesn't match, it's not too late to make a decision after seeing each other. If you come here from thousands of light years away, if you don't even see it, it would be too rude."

The empress dowager stood up and said in a tone of refusal: "Go and see your mother, the majestic Tang emperor, don't lose your courtesy."

For this sake, Ye Zhining certainly couldn't refuse.

"Then I won't go, I'll just wait for you here?" Luo Quan rubbed his face, feeling that he could start to remove his makeup.

Ye Zhining nodded: "Just stay here for a while, I'll come back as soon as I go."

Luo Quan chuckled: "Ask the maid to bring something delicious, I'm a little hungry."

Ye Zhining rolled her eyes, not knowing how to complain.

After the mother and daughter left, the first thing Luo Quan did was to take off the corset that had tortured her for a long time.

Ye Zhining said that this thing is very tough, no matter how tight it is, it will not break.

The fact is indeed the case, Luo Quan felt like wearing a fairy rope when she put it on, it made her unable to breathe at all.

Now restrained and touching, Luo Quan immediately felt a sense of comfort returning to land from the water, and fresh air filled his lungs.

After a while, maids in golden dresses came over with pots of melon and fruit cakes, filling the table in front of Luo Quan.

"Please the Holy Mother to enjoy." The leading maid saluted shortly and said crisply.

"Haha, thank you." Luo Quan stared at these fragrant snacks with bright eyes, not knowing which one to eat first.

After the maids left, Luo Quan began to eat...

The mother and daughter said they would go and come back, but when Luo Quan swept away all the food on the table, they still didn't come back.

Bored, Luo Quan went shopping on Huanyu Internet again.

The news of the empress dowager's return has spread all over the Internet, and the people are cheering, and they also said that they will open the emperor's capital to participate in the "Return to Fengchi Kua".

The so-called return to Fengchi praise is the name of the banquet held by the empress dowager.

Because the main meal is lotus root soup made from lotus roots that go back to Fengchi, so wait for you to go back to Fengchi to boast.

Every commoner who comes to the imperial capital to participate in the banquet can share a bowl of delicious lotus root soup, and if you drink it, you can prolong your life by 30 years.

For Huanyu people with an average life expectancy of more than 30 years, [-] years is not too much.

But for people on Earth, this number is absolutely terrifying.

It is said that when the Empress Dowager comes back this time, she will hold the Return to Fengchi Kua, which has been closed for a long time, which makes her heart become hotter.

If you bring a bowl back home for everyone to taste, wouldn't everyone be 30 years younger?

Of course, things like age cannot be simply added and subtracted.

It may be 30 years of beauty, or it may be from middle age to youth.

But in either case, there's certainly no harm in eating such a bowl.

So Luo Quan planned to ask Ye Zhining carefully later to see when the banquet will be held.

In addition, Luo Quan also knew the real name of the empress dowager on

The surname is Fang, and the name is Fang Yitian.

A domineering-sounding name and a strong personality, no wonder she was able to counterattack and become the empress dowager of a great civilization in the universe from the blood of a big family in the kingdom of heaven and earth.

In comparison, Ye Zhining was too graceful, and it didn't sound like the name an empress should have.

If you don't tell others the real relationship between the mother and daughter, if 100 people choose the name of the empress, 99 people will choose Fang Yitian.

Just thinking wildly, the mother and daughter came back, followed by a woman in a black and white skirt.

Ye Zhining's expression was a bit weird, and there was a bit of laughter in the funny, as if he had encountered something that made people laugh.

"Don't tell me this is a girl, she's your blind date." Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining and asked with wide eyes.

Fang Yitian nodded and said: "That's right, this is the good helper I picked for Ning'er. She is the daughter of the third elder of my Heavenly God Kingdom, named Fang Mo."

"Little girl Fang Mo, I have seen the Holy Mother of Luo Quan." Fang Mo stepped forward and said politely to Luo Quan.

Fang Mo's appearance is very beautiful, like a classical beauty who has stepped out of the ink painting industry, with eyebrows and red lips, embellishing the beauty of the country and the city on the snow-white face.

And the temperament is also very outstanding, with a hint of tenacity in the weakness, which makes it easier for people to arouse the desire to conquer.

In terms of appearance alone, Fang Mo is no worse than Ye Zhining.

Of course, he was three points worse than Luo Quan himself.

However, she has already put on earrings now, causing her appearance to plummet. Compared with the other three beauties present, she is a big level behind.

After Fang Mo saw Luo Quan, he was also a little disappointed.

Before I came here, I heard that there was an unparalleled beauty in Huanyu, and after some conversation just now, I learned that this beauty is in the harem.

As a result, it turned out that the gap between expectations and expectations was much larger.

However, Fang Mo is also a child of a rich family, no matter what thoughts he has in his heart, he will not express them directly, so he is still smiling on the surface.

"So is your matter settled?" Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining and asked.

"It's all right."

Ye Zhining glanced at Fang Mo, and said, "Fang Mo is now a member of my Tang Dynasty, she no longer has to worry about being arranged by her family, and can do what she likes.

At the same time, I will not restrict her freedom. "

Hearing this, Fang Mo said with gratitude in his eyes: "Your Majesty's great kindness, Fang Mo will never forget it. If there is a need in the future, he will definitely repay it like a cow and a horse!"

Now it was Luo Quan's turn to be puzzled, so it didn't sound like he was here for a blind date, but rather he came to hide from the orders of his own adults, and Ye Zhining was completely used as a tool.

"As you can see, I just became a toolman." Ye Zhining laughed, "Mom is very optimistic about Miss Fang and wants to take her as an apprentice.

But those old immortals in Qiankun Divine Kingdom felt that Miss Fang was of great use, and refused to let her go.

In the end, my mother could only use the name of a blind date to bring her out, and then put her name here, which can be regarded as helping Fang Mo solve the problem of personal freedom.

As for the blind date, it was done out of necessity, and there was no need to take it seriously. "

"So that's what happened." Luo Quan looked at Fang Mo with sympathy in his eyes.

Born in such a big family, although life can be much better than others, but many things are not in their own hands, and they are almost always controlled by family members.

But if they could choose, most people would want to be born in such a big family.

If your family is rich, then you at least have the energy to fight against fate.

And if your family is poor, then all your strength can only be used to compromise with survival.

Thinking of this, the cheap sympathy in Luo Quan's eyes also dissipated.

There are so many poor people in the world, there is no need to use it in this kind of place.

Besides, Miss Fang probably doesn't need others to sympathize, after all, she is now on Ye Zhining's thigh, and those old men in the family can no longer control her.

It must have been a good thing, but because she had concealed it beforehand, she and Ye Zhining were busy for a while, and they were still in fear after being exposed just now.

But looking at Ye Zhining's appearance, it seems that there is nothing unhappy.

Could it be that there is another one in the harem, so the mood is very happy?

Sure enough, the emperors all over the world look the same, but if she can focus on Fang Mo, it will be good news for her.

After chatting for a few more words, Fang Yitian, Fang Mo, and his aunt and nephew left, and Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan with helplessness in his eyes.

"You seem to be quite unhappy." Luo Quan laughed.

Ye Zhining immediately said: "Of course I'm not happy, I've been worrying about such a trivial matter for so long!"

"But one thing to say, this Fang Mo is really pretty." Luo Quan recalled the appearance of that classic beauty again, thinking that if she were to act in a costume drama, she would definitely be popular.

"You're still too superficial." Ye Zhining shook her finger, "Beautiful appearance is only the most superficial advantage of her, you must know that this is a Confucian scholar with literary courage!"

"Literature?" This is the first time Luo Quan has heard of this concept, but in Huanyu, it is not surprising that anything appears.

Scholars can also enter the Tao. For example, the emperor, one of the three red-robed ministers in the court before, is a scholar who entered the Tao through learning.

It is said that the headmaster of the Imperial Academy, who is full of peaches and plums, can say what he wants and do whatever he wants, and has completely left the scope of materialism.

"Do you still remember the emperor's master? His old man has acquired the literary courage, while Fang Mo is born with it. It can be said that he is a natural literary sage material."

Ye Zhining's emotion was a testament to Luo Quan's conjecture.

"That is to say, in terms of reading, he is more talented than others." Luo Quan made a relatively popular summary based on his own understanding.

Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan: "Hearing your tone is not serious, could it be that you have also made achievements in the article?"

Luo Quan proudly puffed up his chest: "I told you a long time ago, I am the Almighty Goddess, there is nothing in the world that I can't do, writing some articles is not a child's science, have you heard of it?"

"I didn't expect the Holy Mother to study the article?" An old voice suddenly came from behind.

The two turned their heads to look, and found that it turned out to be the emperor teacher mentioned just now.

"Teacher." Ye Zhining greeted respectfully, "I don't know why the teacher came to see me?"

Master Xu stroked his beard with a smile: "The new year is here. Tomorrow, Taixue students will sacrifice their articles to the sky and lead Wenlong to descend to the earth. As the leader of Taixue, your Majesty, have you thought about how to write the dragon head reform?"

Ye Zhining suddenly showed embarrassment: "This, I really forgot, these days are too busy..."

Master Xu smiled: "How busy are you? The old minister has never been absent from the morning court, but His Majesty has been absent many times during this period."

Speaking of this, Master Xu looked at Luo Quan again: "The Holy Mother has such a good relationship with His Majesty, and she has made a lot of achievements in articles, why don't you come and think of a way for Your Majesty?"

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