Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1118 Wenxin Carving Dragon

Chapter 1118 Wenxin Carving Dragon
Originally, Ye Zhining thought that what Luo Quan said just now was just bragging.

But after Mr. Xu finished asking, Luo Quan really nodded: "Do you need that kind of long article, or just write something casually?"

Xu Fuzi stroked his beard and said with a chuckle: "A good article does not lie in its length, the key is its talent.

If you have enough talent, even ten words can shake the world.

On the contrary, even if you write hundreds of thousands of words, it will be of no use.

In addition, the article for His Majesty is to attract Wenlong, so the layout must be large, and it will not work if it is too petty. "

"Then let me try it first, if it doesn't work, I'll change it."

As soon as Luo Quan finished speaking, Mr. Xu said, "I will serve you with pen and ink."

Then, before her eyes, the Four Treasures of the Study really appeared.

Is this the art of shouting what comes, Luo Quan is really envious now.

Master Xu saw the yearning in Luo Quan's eyes, and said with a smile: "If your talent can reach half of the old man's level, you can also do the same."

"Haha, the little girl has always been ignorant, and I'm afraid she won't be as talented as you, Master."

Luo Quan said modestly, then lightly dipped the pekoe brush into the inkstone, and then picked up the brush and dropped the ink.

"Set up a heart for heaven and earth..."

Only five words were written, and the originally clear sky suddenly became violently windy.

Xu Fuzi's originally calm eyes also trembled twice: "The pattern of the first sentence is so big, can we still have it later?"

Few people know how to write words like heaven and earth at the beginning of the article.

Unless you are talking about ancient myths, such as the opening of the world, and you add it later, but this kind of article usually has nothing to do with talent.

Mr. Xu didn't expect this young girl to be so courageous, and she could cause visions after writing. It must be an extremely amazing article. Let's see what she writes next.

Master Xu was surprised that Luo Quan didn't pay attention, she just wrote the most awesome article in her mind.

In terms of atmosphere, who can compare with Hengqu Four Sentences?
Although these four sentences are shocking, it is a pity that the author who wrote them never did it in his entire life, and even after 5000 years in China, there are almost no people who have done it.

What does this mean?
It shows that the author may not be able to pretend that he is awesome in the article, but it does not prevent it from setting a standard for other scholars.

Anyway, the four principles of a scholar have already been placed here, if you can't do it, it means your level is not good enough.

The students of the Taiyuan College obviously haven't realized what kind of mental torture they will face next, but Luo Quan has already accomplished it overnight under Master Xu's astonished gaze.

"Build a heart for the world and a life for the people.

Inherit the unique knowledge for the past saints, and bring peace to all generations! "

When Master Xu read these four sentences, every beard on his face trembled.

He has lived for thousands of years and taught nine emperors, but he has achieved the ultimate in both the literary world and the imperial court.

But as soon as these four sentences came out, Master Xu felt that he had lived his whole life on dogs.

What is a real scholar, these four sentences are the final answer!
"Peerless article, is this the real peerless article?" Master Xu exclaimed in a hoarse voice, and looked at Luo Quan with almost adoring eyes.

The sage said: If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.

Master Xu felt that he had finally seen the Tao, but it was in the body of a young man whose grade was dozens of times younger than him, and he couldn't help feeling that the world is really wonderful.

At this moment, Luo Quan felt that there seemed to be a special energy in his body.

It is like a white mist, and it is very comfortable to be in it, and the mind seems to have become more sober.

"This is talent. It can make you think quickly, and you can always maintain a high-efficiency learning state. Unfortunately, it doesn't have much combat power bonus." The system's prompt sounded just right.

"Don't you have the guts?" Luo Quan was a little disappointed.

The system explained: "If you want to be bold, you have to really agree with it. Obviously, you yourself think that these four sentences are a lie, and no one can do it."

"It's a pity." Luo Quan shook his head and sighed.

And Mr. Xu couldn't bear it anymore, he walked up and asked, "Mother Luo, dare you ask if you wrote it yourself?"

Luo Quan thought for a while, there should be no one named Zhang Zai in this world, so he nodded shamelessly and said with a smile: "I wrote it."

"That's really strange."

Mr. Xu scratched his head, looking puzzled: "If it was really written by you, such a top-notch article will definitely give you the courage to write, but why don't you?"

"Because I wrote it, I felt that no one could do it." Luo Quan gave a very reasonable explanation.

Master Xu nodded slightly: "Yes, the structure of this sentence is really too big. Only the first sentence is for the world, and there are not many people who can do it, let alone the latter."

"Actually, I have another version. This version should be the state of most readers."

Luo Quan said with a smile, and picked up the pen again, and then it was done overnight.

"Build a heart for capital and a life for life.

Continue to learn for the exam, and make peace for the prince! "

Master Xu took a deep breath after reading it: "This, this, this... this is a piece of writing that has disrupted the world!"

As soon as the words fell, a white light appeared on Luo Quan's body, covering his whole body.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the guts."

The prompt from the system made Luo Quan happy: "This is it? Tell me what effect it has!"

"A literati with a strong character, would rather bend than bend. Bravery protects the body, which can greatly enhance your physique. In layman's terms, you are more resistant to beating than before."

"And then... that's it?" Luo Quan was disappointed.

"It's good to have the guts. The defense of this ability is no worse than that of the Wugou Glazed Glass Body. And after you have cultivated the Vajra Indestructibility, you will be able to obtain a more powerful physique by fusing the three physiques."

Luo Quan was still disappointed: "If you say [-] words, it's just that you can get beaten more than before."

"Being beaten is also a skill. When one day no one can beat you, then you will be invincible?"

Luo Quan chuckled: "I want to have the power to knock everything down. It's not my style not to fight back when I'm beaten."

"Then we can only wait for the lottery."

Luo Quan rolled his eyes at the system's answer, and was too lazy to chat with it any longer.

Looking back at Master Xu, his smile is uglier than crying now.

The four sentences of Hengqu are obviously so great, who knows that the article that evolved is so outrageous.

"If the scholars all over the world saw this, it would be amazing." Master Xu was very angry, but he didn't dare to say that Luo Quan was trying to deceive the public.

Because the vast majority of scholars, isn't that the case.

How many people said when they were young that they wanted to study for something, and that they wanted to be scientists or writers when they grew up.

But times have changed, and most people have accepted their mediocrity, and become a fundamental part of the big machine called "society."

"I think the first four sentences are pretty good. As for the last four sentences, I don't want to publish them."

After Ye Zhining finished speaking, she looked at Luo Quan: "What does the Holy Mother think?"

"Don't ask me, I just wrote it for fun, this was originally given to His Majesty, you can make up your own mind." Luo Quan directly dumped the blame on Ye Zhining, and chose to hang up .

The last four sentences were originally intended to be witty, although she quite agreed with them in her heart.

But in an extraordinary world like Huanyu, she still knows how much impact these four words will have, so she will definitely not leak them to the outside world.

"With your words, I'm relieved." Ye Zhining smiled with satisfaction, and continued: "Tomorrow, the Taiyuan Academy's article will be held next to the imperial palace. You are the author of the leading article. Are you going to join in the fun?"

"Let's forget it." Luo Quan shook his head, "I'm afraid that after I go, the first thing that group of students will think of is me in a bikini, so they don't have any interest in studying like that."

"What's a bikini?" Xu Fuzi spends most of his time in his study, how could he know the new style of swimsuit that is now popular on the Internet, let alone that the inventor of this new swimsuit is Luo Quan.

"If the teacher doesn't know, then don't try to find out, it's not good for your heart." Ye Zhining advised kindly.

Master Xu didn't know why, but he didn't ask any further questions.

The sage said, don't see injustice, don't listen to injustice, don't ask inappropriate, so it's better to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

After getting the article, Ye Zhining followed Mrs. Xu to Taiyuan Academy to prepare, and Luo Quan also returned to Bai Xingwei's home.

At the same time, Fang Mo suddenly put down the book in his hand on the giant ship of the Star Sea in the Kingdom of Heaven and Kun: "I sense that someone has gathered the courage to write, it's that direction!"

Fang Yitian next to him looked up and said with a slight smile: "There is the Imperial College, which is full of the best scholars in the world, and it is not surprising that some people have the courage to write.

However, compared with your innate gall, niece, your acquired gall is still far inferior, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it. "

Fang Mo said softly: "But I think this writing seems to be a little different, and I don't know if it's a psychological effect."

"It's been so long since I sailed here from the kingdom of heaven and earth, it's normal to be a little sensitive when I'm physically and mentally exhausted." Fang Yitian patted his daughter's shoulder with a gentle smile.

"Speaking of which, what my aunt thinks of the Virgin next to my cousin, I always feel that she seems a little too mediocre.

But reason tells me that it is impossible to be such a person. "Fang Mo asked with deep eyes. She has been brooding over Luo Quan since just now, and always feels that she has been deceived by something.

"Of course it's not easy." Fang Yitian smiled lightly, "You haven't seen her appearance when she is disguised as a man, even my aunt is a little moved."

"What else?" Fang Mo's eyes widened in surprise.

Then Fang Yitian told Fang Mo that Ye Zhining asked Luo Quan to pretend to be her husband in order to avoid the blind date in an attempt to make her give up.

"It turned out to be like this. I said why my cousin's face was so weird when she came over." Fang Mo finally realized suddenly, "So the Virgin I saw probably wasn't her real face."

Fang Yitian nodded and said: "It should be some camouflage. I have seen photos of her showing her true face, and she is indeed impeccable. Anyway, no one in the kingdom of heaven and earth can be more beautiful than her."

"Prettier than you, aunt?" Fang Mo covered his mouth in surprise.

In Fang Mo's perception, there is no one more beautiful than aunt in this world. Even though the hidden world mask modifies her true appearance, aunt is still the number one beauty in the kingdom of heaven and earth.

If it weren't for marrying the emperor of Shengtang, there would be countless suitors in the universe.

And such a proud aunt actually admits that someone is prettier than her, which makes Fang Mo a little unacceptable.

"You can see for yourself." Fang Yitian sent Fang Mo the video link of Luoquan's New Year's Eve party performance.

After reading it, Fang Mo changed from questioning to admiring: "It turns out that there is really someone in this world who can beat my aunt. It's really hard to believe if I didn't see it with my own eyes."

Fang Yitian sighed softly: "In the past, I definitely wouldn't admit it, but now that I'm old and decrepit, it doesn't make sense to admit it or not."

Fang Mo retorted: "Auntie just said such depressing words, your face has been permanent for thousands of years, how could you be old and fading."

Fang Mo regretted it when he said it. How could a person who is eternally young be old and decrepit? My aunt said that, she was admitting defeat in disguise, but for the sake of face, she was unwilling to let go, so she threw the blame to time.

If I said that myself, wouldn't that have lifted my aunt's fig leaf?

So Fang Mo quickly explained: "Auntie, that's not what I mean, time will definitely have a great impact on your appearance, and it's uncertain whether you will still be in your current state after 1000 years from the Holy Mother.

And if there are no accidents, she should be pregnant and give birth to a holy son soon, and she will definitely gain weight quickly by then! "

"Only you will believe this kind of stupid talk, and I haven't seen how fat I have become after giving birth to your cousin." Fang Yitian chuckled, "Okay, stop flattering me, and do your own thing. "

After finishing speaking, she went to the other side again, watching Luo Quan's performance on stage, her eyes full of reminiscence were full of her youthful appearance.


"You are not as good as Tai Academy's Heaven Sacrifice Conference?"

Bai Xingwei listened to Luo Quan tell about the articles she wrote in the harem, and her eyes widened: "If there are such articles, then you may see the real Wen Xin Diao Long, ordinary scholars may not be able to see such an article in their lifetime. The spectacle!"

"What is Wen Xin Diao Long?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Bai Xingwei shook her head and said, "Use the literary spirit of the world's scholars to guide the destiny of the country, carve it into a dragon, and under the shadow of the literary spirit of the dragon, everyone can get a big boost.

Although most of the heads were taken away by the Tai Academy, if you are the author of the article and you are still the leader, you should also get a lot of benefits. "

"Are these benefits as bold as writing?"

Luo Quan spread out his right hand, a white oval luminous body appeared in the palm of his hand, he said with a smile, "Look what this is?"

(End of this chapter)

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