Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1119 That Must Be Me

Chapter 1119 That Must Be Me
ps. Chapter 1123 is sealed. The specific content is that Luo Bao wore a bikini and went out to live drag racing. After interacting with the fans in the live broadcast room, he went back to the room and chatted with the empress about his childhood memories.


"Damn it, where did you get the courage to write!"

Bai Xingwei's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.

She herself has similar things, so she is very sure that this is the gallbladder, the gallantry that cannot be condensed without the talent of heaven!

"It's just a simple article, maybe God just favors me."

Luo Quan smiled smugly, making Bai Xingwei's teeth itch: "It's just luck, what are you pretending?"

"Haha, your tone is really sour than eating lemons." Luo Quan laughed even happier when he heard this.

"Will I be sore?" Bai Xingwei raised her chin, "Wen Dan can only defend passively after all. In terms of attacking, my sword gut must be stronger!"

This Luo Quan couldn't deny it, she had heard Bai Xingwei boast about her natural sword courage a long time ago, and she had also experienced how powerful she was in actual battles.

With such a talent, the power of sword energy is indeed several grades stronger than that of ordinary swordsmen.

In fact, she herself also has the opportunity to acquire this special talent. She can gain sword courage by practicing swords, gain heart by playing the piano, and unite singing spirit by singing.

She can dig deep in many aspects, maybe by then, she will be full of talent.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan couldn't help laughing smugly.

Bai Xingwei saw Luo Quan smiling so proudly, she stretched out her hand and waved in front of her eyes: "What are you laughing at, my saliva is almost coming out."

Luo Quan wiped the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "I'm just thinking about how powerful it would be if I could combine the courage of writing, the spirit of singing, the spirit of painting, and the heart of piano in one body."

Bai Xingwei subconsciously wanted to say, "You are daydreaming", but after thinking about it, it seemed that Luo Quan did not lack the ability to achieve these achievements.

During the live broadcast before, she had already demonstrated her achievements in many skills, all of which were at a level that could condense ghost images.

With her age of less than 25, within a hundred years, it is entirely possible for her to go further.

After thinking about how one person can have so many talents, Bai Xingwei swallowed hard with a "gudong".

If it was done, how fierce would it be?
Looking at the smiling Luo Quan, Bai Xingwei felt jealous towards someone for the first time.

But after thinking about it, luckily Luo Quan doesn't practice swords, at least she has the advantage in this aspect.

"Xingwei, do you think that if I work hard on swordsmanship, can I gather sword courage?" Luo Quan asked on a whim.

"You know how to do swordsmanship?!" Bai Xingwei seemed to have seen the scariest horror movie in the world, and her hair stood on end.

"Didn't I tell you?"

Luo Quan thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I remember I used swordsmanship when I was sparring with you."

"You mean... that Excalibur?" Bai Xingwei's back twitched, "What kind of swordsmanship is that kind of holding his face and shouting?"

Luo Quan immediately retorted: "You don't care what posture it is in, as long as it can cut down the enemy, it is good swordsmanship.

We have reached our level, so is skill important? "

"That's true, but I don't think you can condense your courage with this kind of thinking." Bai Xingwei crossed her arms and wrote the words "I don't agree" directly on her face.

In fact, she was still a little flustered in her heart. She said these things just to dissuade Luo Quan from practicing swordsmanship.

If Luo Quan was really able to condense his sword courage, then he would have no advantage at all.

However, Bai Xingwei was a little conflicted at the same time, because if Luo Quan really had such a talent, it would seem too petty to obstruct others by herself.

Forget it, let Luo Quan try it, if she really condenses the sword courage, it must be a good thing for her.

Bai Xingwei sighed, and was about to speak, but Luo Quan shook his head: "Forget it, I have so many things to do all day, how can I have the time and thought to study swordsmanship in depth.

Even if it is the literary courage this time, I got it accidentally when I was helping the Empress. If it wasn't just for the emperor's master and his old man who came to ask for an article, I don't know when it will come out. "

"So you gave up?" Bai Xingwei asked curiously, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

"Of course I gave up. After all, my best fighting method is to use fists." Luo Quan raised his hard fists, "By the way, do boxers have a talent like sword gall?"

Bai Xingwei nodded: "Of course there is. Entering the Tao with fists can condense the soul of fists. With the soul of fists, your fists are as strong as your will."

"It sounds so abstract." Luo Quan frowned, "It stands to reason that my boxing skills are so good, and I should have gathered my boxing spirit, why is there no movement at all?

Could it be that I punched in the wrong direction? "

"I can't provide any reference for this, after all, I was born with sword gall." Bai Xingwei said, showing a proud expression again.

"Tch, my beauty is still born with me." Luo Quan curled his lips and retorted.

Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan's face, her mouth was trembling for a long time, but she couldn't find a reason to refute, so she said "Going to practice", and left the room.

Luo Quan, who once again gained the upper hand in the bickering, smiled happily.

And the sudden notification sound from the system made her smile even more happily:

"Congratulations to the host, the awakening of the first talent (literary courage), and a high-level random drawing!"

"Oh, is this another hidden achievement?" Luo Quan rubbed his hands excitedly, and immediately started the lottery draw.

Because the system is not its own krypton gold mobile game, there is no ten-game guarantee mechanism, so there is no need to accumulate the number of lucky draws you get, and you can draw as many times as you can.

And from a metaphysical point of view, single draws are more prone to miracles.

After a flash of light, the number of lottery draws returned to zero, and what appeared in front of him was a figure that looked like a figure.

"What is this?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"This is a random character figure. Use this figure to draw a lottery. Not only can you get a beautifully shaped figure, but you can also get an ability of the figure."

"Does that mean I have to smoke again?" Luo Quan's face darkened, feeling a bit like a certain routine.

If it was a good friend, I would come to help me chop one knife, one knife after another, but that [-]% just couldn't be chopped off.

"Not at all, just draw again to determine what character it is, and it's absolutely not cheating."

With the words of the system, Luo Quan felt relieved: "Then what role can we get?"

"It is possible to draw anything, and the drawn character abilities can be adapted to your current strength."

"That's so comfortable." Luo Quan whistled happily, and then touched the unformed colorless figure.

A burst of blue light flickered, and the figurine gained shape and color while trembling.

"That must be me!"

With a hearty voice, Luo Quan's pupils suddenly shrank: "Fuck, jerk!"

There are cowards, but no cowards.

The hand-figure drawn this time is the most popular new hero last year—Wu Hao!
As for Mrs. Jin, it is his nickname, but because the way he got it is not very glorious, so it is basically not allowed to call it now.

But you just need to know that the wrist man is the purest man in the world.

"Then, next, please extract one of the abilities of the master of the wrist. The host can choose the abilities of battlefield arrogance, subjugation, deliberate punching, strong hands, and amazing."

"Is there still a choice?" Luo Quan almost burst into laughter, "That must be a deliberate punch, this is the soul skill of the wrist man."

As soon as the words fell, a white light shot out from the figure and injected into Luo Quan's body.

Luo Quan clenched his fist, feeling as if something was too much.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the skill [Deliberate Punch]

Skill effect: The damage you receive will be stored in the energy tank. After releasing the skill, it will cause huge damage according to your own life value, and get a rapidly decaying equivalent shield!
Upgrade: After reaching level five, it can cause real damage that ignores defense!
Current progress: 0/10"

"Sure enough, we have to upgrade again." Luo Quan pouted dissatisfiedly, but soon smiled.

Although it is not a full version of deliberate punching, it is only missing a real damage, and the impact is not very big.

It can be said that this skill is really suitable for her.

After all, the route she used to point attributes before was to go for high blood and defense.

Because I was too afraid of pain, I put all the attributes on the defense. I originally thought it was the opposite of the shredded meat, but it also caused the embarrassing situation that the current attack power is not enough.

It's barely enough to deal with warriors of the same level, but if you want to deal with a master like Bai Xingwei, it's not good enough.

But now that she has a deliberate punch, she can unscrupulously follow the blood bull route.

The special feature of this skill is that the thicker the blood, the higher the damage.

She doesn't dare to say about her attack power now, but her blood volume is definitely much thicker than that of a warrior who is one level higher!

Thinking of this, she couldn't wait to try how powerful a deliberate punch with a full energy bar could cause.

But after thinking about it, if it wasn't for the ring, no one would dare to fight her. Bai Xingwei went to practice again, and now she couldn't find anyone to experiment.

"Oh, it's not a good thing to have too high a status. I can't find anyone to practice with me." Luo Quan sighed regretfully while sitting on the bed.

If you are at the bottom of the society, you can go to the underground black boxing arena to fight. Not only can you conduct experiments, but you can even improve your skills, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

But she is already known to everyone in the universe, which underground boxing arena dares to let her enter the ring?
The Church of Dawn knew about it, so why not immediately send Holy Crusaders over to encircle and suppress it.

"Maybe the church can send some melee masters to compete?" Luo Quan thought for a while, and then sent a message to Pope Benjamin III.

"Is the Pope there?"

This is the way young people greet each other. No matter what they do, they will first ask if they are there.

People who are present dare not ask anything, and they will definitely reply immediately. People who are not there will not reply no matter how much you ask.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty the Virgin Mary." Benjamin III's reply was respectful and decent, and Luoquan felt like a spring breeze.

"I want to ask you for a favor. I wonder if there are any close combat experts in the church?" Luo Quan continued to type with a smile.

"Of course, there are as many powerful believers in the Dawn Church as there are stars in the sky, and they are all ready to dedicate their devotion to Your Highness the Holy Mother!"

Without saying a few words, Benjamin III's magic stick attribute was fully exposed, but Luo Quan didn't care, and typed: "I want to compete with some masters, and they must deal damage to me, so don't hold back too much." planted."

"How can this be done!"

Benjamin III sent a voice directly, and the tone seemed a little excited: "Your Majesty is a golden body, which believer in the church dares to hurt you?
If I really do this, even if I don't blame, the Heavenly Father will also send down His wrath, Your Highness, please change your request.

In addition, you can take better care of your body, and don't have such thoughts of self-harm. "

"I'm not self-harming." Luo Quan was a little dumbfounded, "I just want to improve my martial arts through fighting, and I just want to learn from each other. I agree with believers who offend me, and I believe that the old man will not be angry.

Besides, my physique is very good, and ordinary attacks can't hurt me at all. "

"That doesn't work either." Benjamin III's tone was very decisive, "I can agree to other requests unconditionally, but your personal safety is the only one that cannot be compromised.

In fact, I don't really agree with you to fight in the Martial God Trial, but considering that there is a rescue field in the arena, it can be stopped in time before any danger occurs.

However, if the exchange is based on the premise of hurting you, then it cannot be tolerated. "

This was the first time that Benjamin III rejected Luo Quan's request, and his attitude was very firm.

It's not that he's not good at talking, but that if he agrees, the risk would be too great.

Now that we have agreed to the sparring, the Holy Mother will definitely not just fight like this, right?

Maybe I feel that the effect of cultivation is not bad, and I will come every day in the future. Many martial idiots are like this, wishing to soak in the ring all year round.

And the Holy Son didn't have any signs from conception to birth, and maybe the Holy Mother would not be aware of it after she was pregnant someday.

Moreover, when the Virgin is pregnant with the Son, even a master at the Taoist level will become very vulnerable.

Even if she was a little stronger than an ordinary woman, she still couldn't stand the punches and kicks of the church's masters.

At that time, if one accidentally aborts the Virgin Mary, even if he, the Pope, is burned to the stake, it will not be enough to atone for sin.

So in order to prevent problems before they happen, it is of course impossible for Benjamin III to compromise.

"Your Highness, I know that you have a deep obsession with becoming stronger, but this is an extraordinary time, so you should be patient a little bit."

Hearing Benjamin III's kind words of persuasion, Luo Quan asked helplessly: "Then how long shall I wait?"

"After the birth of the Holy Son, you can do whatever you want, and the entire God Blessed Federation will absolutely support you with your hands!"

From Luo Quan's ears, it was not much different from not saying anything.

The ghost knows when that holy son will come. According to the system, it is impossible to come at all.

So I seem to be doomed not to get any help from the Liming Church, and I don't know if I can let Ye Zhining send a few warriors to fight with me?
(End of this chapter)

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