Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1120 Singing Competition

Chapter 1120 Singing Competition
"How could I be willing to send someone to beat you? Besides, you are the Holy Mother now, if one day you become pregnant and still compete with others, wouldn't it be very easy to get hurt?"

Ye Zhining's answer was not much different from that of Benjamin III, who also rejected Luo Quan's request.

Luo Quan looked at the ceiling helplessly, the universe was so big that she couldn't find anyone to compete with her.

This is undoubtedly bad news for her who has several skills that need to be upgraded.

"Actually, you can also exchange skill upgrade cards by consuming heat points, but it will be a little more troublesome."

The system suddenly made a sound, but Luo Quan didn't fluctuate much in his mood: "I've seen that skill card, it consumes too much heat value, it's not worth it at all, I don't want to save it to add some attributes."

"This is not the only way to exchange skill cards."

Then the system brought up the mall, and the interface quickly jumped to the position of the skill card. The exchange price was one million heats, and one could get ten progress points by using one.

Although she has a lot of popularity now, if she spends so much money, she will be promoted to level three at most, and her popularity will bottom out, which is completely unnecessary.

"For such high-value commodities, there are actually more than one currency that can be exchanged.

In addition to the regular heat value, there is also a real-time heat value, which can also be exchanged with this currency. "

"What is the popularity value?" Luo Quan heard this concept for the first time.

The system replied: "It is equivalent to the popularity value of your live broadcast. When there are many people and lively, the popularity value is high, and vice versa.

The popularity value will eventually be converted into popularity value according to the ratio, which is your final income.

The former is equivalent to high-level currency, which can only be exchanged for some special limited items, while the latter is a general currency, which can be exchanged for most items. "

"I understand when you say that. This is the difference between diamonds and gold coins. You need to spend money to recharge anyway."

Luo Quan quickly understood, and then asked: "Then how much popularity do I still have?"

"All of them have been automatically converted into heat values."

The system's answer made Luo Quan roll his eyes: "Let me guess, it must be because I didn't say it before, so you didn't turn off the automatic conversion function, right?"

"Congratulations to the host, you will answer quickly."

Luo Quan, who is familiar with the routines of the system, can't even scold her. Until now, she doesn't know how many functions that need to be turned off have been turned on all the time.

If she didn't ask, the system wouldn't say anything, and when she found out, it would make people's blood pressure soar.

"Turn off the conversion function." Luo Quan said weakly, and then glanced at the price of the skill card.

A ticket with 1000 popularity points does not seem to be very expensive.

Luo Quan asked in a deep voice, "What is the exchange rate for this popularity value?"

"The conversion ratio of popularity value and popularity value is 1:100. The last hot search can get about 500 to [-] popularity points. The higher the ranking and the longer the time, the higher the popularity value. The first hot search is guaranteed to be [-]. Popularity."

Luo Quan nodded lightly: "Looking at it this way, exchanging popularity points is really a bargain. Ten skill cards only have 10000 popularity points, and you can only buy one card with 100 million popularity points exchanged."

"So the host has to work hard. When the heat rises, you can exchange for more items."

"You don't need to remind me about this." Luo Quan snorted softly, sent a message to Bai Xingwei, and then returned to Earth.

In Huanyu, she can't do this now, she can't do that, she is not free at all.

It's better to go back to the earth for the whole job, and it's easier to go to the trending search.

The goal is popularity, so no matter what you do, as long as you can attract the attention of the Internet, you will definitely be able to rise rapidly.

But there are only 24 hours in a day, how to maximize the heat in a unit of time?
First of all, the two options of movie and new album can be passed, and the popularity is too short. The popularity will definitely explode during the period around the release date, but after that, there will probably be no discussion.

For TV dramas, if they are shot well, they can maintain high popularity for a long time, but the production cycle is too long, which still doesn't meet her needs.

After much deliberation, it is better to sit in a variety show.

It will be broadcast as soon as the filming is finished, and more than a dozen episodes of the previous variety show can be done casually, which can keep the popularity for a long time.

This is also the reason why many celebrities nowadays don't make movies, and they frequently appear on variety shows. The main focus is to get money quickly and show their faces more often.

So Luo Quan immediately searched for the latest popular variety shows on Weibo, but they were all too boring.

The birth of directors, actors, idols, rappers, the same scripts and routines, there is nothing to watch except watching the mentors online staring at the stars.

Sister Lang is quite popular. Last season, a childhood goddess was featured. Unfortunately, this variety show only happens once a year. Now that one season just ended, we have to wait half a year for the next season.

Brother Pi is still on the air, but she is a woman, so she can't make it to the stage no matter what she thinks.

"Stupid!" Suddenly Luo Quan patted himself on the head: "Why do I have to be on someone else's stage? I can do one myself."

Now she has the final say at Station B, she can use the platform of Station B to hold a variety show.

The first idea that popped up in my mind was to imitate the Japanese next door and make a tricky variety show with female artists.

For example, if a female artist is invited to the company to say that she wants to film or collaborate, the female artist must be very happy when she hears about it, and she will not have any precautions.

Then modify the elevator, as soon as the female artist stands on it, the floor will open immediately, and then the female artist will fall down at a high speed in a panic.

The expression during this period must be extremely ghostly. If you use slow motion to get a close-up, it will be difficult not to think of it as a hot search.

Or let them put their hands into the box and let them feel what is inside. The process should also be very exciting.

But after thinking about it, if this kind of scene happened in China, I am afraid that the planner would be scolded bloody.

The Japanese variety shows that treat people are funny, but they are actually a little disrespectful.

Just like those masters in Kuaishou, although the effect of the show is bursting, it is entirely based on the premise of humiliating yourself, a pure clown.

If it is done like this, the popularity of the show will definitely not be low, but the reviews will definitely be mixed.

Moreover, if the female stars who participated in the show did not notify in advance, they would definitely be extremely angry after the show.

But if you notify in advance, there will be no program effect.

After thinking over and over again, Luo Quan still gave up this somewhat evil idea.

In fact, she can also play in person, but if she comes and goes and is tricked by herself, it's okay to shoot one or two episodes, and it won't be interesting in the long run.

Since the whole job was not enough, Luo Quan decided to adopt an ordinary but practical solution.

Which variety show is the hottest in China?
Of course, it is the combination of music variety and talent show, Avenue of Stars, Super Girl, and The Voice of China. Needless to say, the nationality of these variety shows is hegemony in an absolute sense, and they are basically the same type of variety show.

Apart from this type of variety show, except that If You Are the One can compete with them, everything else feels almost meaningless.

If You Are the One, it is impossible for her to go to battle in person, so she can't turn off the lights of male guests every time, right?
But if it's a music audition, she can still be a mentor.

Station B held a music talent show before, asking a group of young creators to sing their own works, but unfortunately it didn't cause too much trouble.

The main reason should be that the works are not good enough. Before Channel [-], there was a similar variety show called Chinese Good Songs. The popularity of the first and second seasons was very high, and many good songs and good creators emerged.

However, the scope of the former's selection of players is too small, while the latter is a national draft, so the gap is obvious.

So Luoquan also decided to expand the scope this time and set up a B station fan club.

People from Douyin, Weibo, Bilibili, Kuaishou, YY, Huya, and Douyu are all welcome to participate, without any restrictions, and even amateurs without any fans can join in the fun.

In short, it is just one sentence: if you have a dream on the big stage of station B, come here.

Then the barrage ratings accounted for the majority, and her mentor could only account for a small amount. If you can conquer the audience, you can advance. Everyone depends on their own skills, which can also reduce controversy.

After thinking for a while, Luo Quan felt that there was something wrong with this matter, so he immediately began to draft a plan.

After working all afternoon, at dinner, Wen Xia asked Luo Quan what he was doing in his room these days.

Except for the matter of going to Huanyu, Luo Quan answered truthfully.

Hearing that Luo Quan originally wanted to put on a variety show with a tricky female star, Wen Xia was so excited: "I think it's very creative, Luo Bao, you should lead the way. As the most down-to-earth goddess, can you be tricky?" It doesn't stop everyone from laughing at you."

Luo Quan said with a dark face: "What is this talking about? Anyway, I am also a bit of an idol burden."

"Quan Jiang participated in the tricky variety show?"

Junko recalled the variety shows she saw when she was in Japan, and she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing: "Haha, that Izumi sauce is too miserable, that kind of variety shows can make people feel bad, no matter if you are a boy or a girl , the attack is not usually ruthless."

Luo Quan nodded: "It doesn't matter if it's just me, but if it's other female artists, they shouldn't get mad on the spot after being tricked like this?"

Su Yu deeply agreed with Luo Quan's words: "Judging from the delicateness of these little princesses in domestic entertainment, it's easy to go crazy, and maybe even mobilize fans to spray you."

"It seems to be the same, but I still really want to see your ghostly expression, Luo Luo." Wen Xia said with a smirk.

Luo Quan glanced at her and raised his middle finger: "It's just to cut off your thoughts, so this time I plan to hold a national music audition, and the whole process will be broadcast live online. I don't even plan to build a stage. The live broadcast room is the stage."

Wen Xia suddenly frowned and questioned: "Could it be too simple, isn't this a grass-roots team?"

"Haven't you heard a word?" Luo Quan chuckled, "Excellent ingredients often only need the simplest cooking method, and I believe the same is true for variety shows."

When Lyon heard this, he showed an excited smile: "Is there still a shortage of mentors? My favorite thing is to be a mentor."

Before he was a rapper in Huaxia, he became addicted to being a mentor. He really likes the feeling of pointing out others at will without being retaliated.

"This is a music audition, not a rapper." Luo Quan glanced at Leon with a smile, "I never heard how good your singing skills are."

"The music package doesn't include rap?" Leon asked with a serious expression.

Luo Quan nodded: "That must be included, rap is now the most popular music genre in the United States."

"Not only in the United States, it can be said that it is the hottest music genre in the world." Leon said confidently, "Especially in China, rap is still on the rise, and there are a lot of people entering the pit.

I believe that there will be many people participating in the music audition. At this time, you need a person with excellent professionalism to check for you! "

Leon said, pointing to himself with a thumbs up: "And this person, it can only be me."

"You're quite confident, but my online comprehensive is not so formal."

Luo Quan thought for a while and said, "How about this, after the show starts, you will start your live broadcast, and I will start mine, and then everyone can communicate on YY."

It might be a bit crowded if they appeared together, so it would be better to go directly to the stage to shoot.

"That's a good idea." Leon grinned, "I finally found something to do. I'm taking care of my baby at home these days, and I'm so busy that I almost lose my direction in life."

Luo Quan said earnestly: "The direction of your next life is to cultivate Arthur into a talent."

"What nonsense?" Leon laughed, "My responsibility is to give this kid the best education and the principles of life, as for whether he can become a talent in the future, that's not my concern.

He can do whatever he likes, and changing a child's preferences is not something worth advocating. "

"That's so free." Luo Quan felt that his concept of raising a baby was slightly different from that of his brother.

If it was her, then she definitely couldn't let her child grow wildly.

It may also be due to her strong desire for control in her personality. As for which of the two ways of raising a baby is better, it is hard to say.

Being too strict can easily cause psychological problems in children, and being too indulgent can easily cultivate children into playboys.

Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the degree between strictness and looseness, and not to go to extremes.

Regarding the experience of raising a baby, Luoquan has nothing to share with my brother.

After all, she doesn't have a baby, so no matter what she says, it's just on paper.

Do the thing at hand well first, and don't worry about other things so much.

After dinner, Luo Quan went back to his room and turned on the live broadcast, changing the title to "Station B Fan Club" primary election.

After finishing the plan in the afternoon, she asked Station B to promote it, and it was on the hot search list for several hours.

As more and more people followed, many people were discussing on Weibo, and anchors on other platforms also saw the news.

However, because it was a grassroots network team, it didn't get much attention. Everyone thought it was just Tu Yile, and it was just a new job that Luo Quan came up with after a few days of rest.

(End of this chapter)

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