Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1121 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

"Mina-san, his great aunt. (Hi everyone, I'm back.)"

Luo Quan turned on the camera and found that there were quite a lot of viewers in the live broadcast room, so he greeted enthusiastically.

"Damn it, neon language."

"Jun's Japanese book should be mastered."

"As expected of station B, the second child is the stinging ape."

"Hasn't the competition started yet? Several platforms are advertising in the afternoon, and the battle is quite big."

"It seems that there is no reward."


Luo Quan's greeting attracted many complaints from fans. After looking at the questions that everyone was more concerned about, Luo Quan replied: "The reward for this competition, No.1 can get a bonus of 200 million, and the traffic support of station B, Coupled with some mysterious rewards, in short, there are many benefits.

In addition, as long as it enters the final day, all kinds of rewards will not be bad, and a detailed plan will be given later, in short, it must be quite generous.

As for the qualifiers, it will start tonight and will last for three days. As long as you have the courage, you can come and participate. "

After speaking, Luo Quan entered YY's dedicated game channel.

The ranking of personnel has been adjusted. Although anyone can participate, in fact, there are still a small number of people who have the courage to show themselves in front of hundreds of thousands of spectators.

Even if it's a whole job, not everyone can have the cheek to do it, let alone a serious performance.

If you don't sing well, you will be ridiculed to death by the audience in the live broadcast room.

So those who dare to sign up are all talented music students or music anchors.

After announcing the start of the game, the first player introduced himself first:
"Hello, viewers, Mr. Luo, I'm Huanxiong Jiang, the anchor of Douyin. I have studied vocal music for several years. The song I will perform for you today is "October Golden Autumn."

After a few words, there was no sound, and he introduced himself quite neatly.

"Do you make a big move as soon as you come up?"

"The difficulty of "October Golden Autumn" is not low."

"This competition is quite inclusive, and Douyin anchors can actually participate."

"Anyone know this raccoon sauce?"

"A small anchor with 10,000+ fans on Douyin. She doesn't show her face. The leather case is very nice. I don't know the rest."

"Leather man, then our brothers in the V circle must help out this time."

"You're right, but pay attention to Jiaran and satisfy your hunger."

"Damn it, Ran!"


Obviously, a little-known anchor can't attract everyone's attention, but prefers to interact with fans of a popular leather anchor in the barrage.

As the leather case anchor with the most fans at station B, Jiasan is also a representative of the V circle.

But judging from the current point of view, energetic girls like Jia Ran are no longer popular, and big-breasted sisters who can drive seem to be more attractive.

The virtual image of Raccoon Sauce has not kept up with the version, and is still mainly cute.

Just when the big guy thought that this was the first cannon fodder of the game, the raccoon sauce calmed down everyone with a loud chant.

"October Golden Autumn" is a piece of folk music. Many folk music will sing a section when there is no accompaniment at the beginning.

Whether a singer has a level can be heard from the beginning of the singing.

The chanting of the raccoon sauce really showed the three words "golden voice" vividly. The high-pitched sound pressure is not only extremely penetrating, but also not harsh at all, quite round and full.

This level is definitely not something that can be learned by studying vocal music for a few years. The years that the big guys think may be two or three years, but for the raccoon sauce, at least ten years!
Relying on his stunning voice, Raccoon Sauce made all the absent-minded fans start to focus.

And the following aria, the sound is also higher than the wave.

In addition to treble, the handling of turn, vibrato, and long tones is excellent.

With Luo Quan's level, if he wanted to pick a thorn, he would definitely be able to pick one.

But in the ears of fans, it is completely perfect.

After a song is sung, the barrage is completely different from when it first started.

""Only Learning Vocal Music for a Few Years""

"What kind of online competition is there to participate in at this level? Just go to the Youth Song Competition."

"Singing skills are really good, let me cry."

"The first contestant is so fierce, the pressure on the latter contestants is so great."

"Do you still need to score? We have directly advanced to the final!"


Although the barrage was full of walks to the finals, the points that should be scored still had to be scored.

The tutor and the audience score at the same time.

At present, in addition to Luo Quan, who is live broadcasting at station B, there is also Lyon, who is live broadcasting on Douyin.

20.00% of the total score of the fan show for the two, and the remaining [-]% is determined by the audience's score.

Lyon doesn't know much about Chinese national singing, but his vocal knowledge is quite professional, and he knows how difficult it is to sing to this level.

To put it bluntly, few popular singers in the United States can sing at this level.

So he gave 93 out of [-].

In fact, he thinks that 93 is relatively conservative. For an amateur, it is not too much to give 95 or 96.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, has a higher level, and heard that the intonation of some of Huanxiong Jiang's pronunciations is flawed. In addition, the long notes at the end of the high-variation part lack breath, and the emotion is not particularly full, so she gave it an 89.

If another judge gave her a score of 89, the enthusiastic fans would definitely greet her well, and maybe even say "you can do it, why don't you go up".

But I really dare not say such things to Luo Quan, because she is really good at going to her.

Luoquan, known as a "walking CD player", has always been synonymous with singing.

Although at least halfway through I am a singer variety show, not every episode won No.1.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that as long as Luo Quan continues to compete, she will be the king of singers in that season.

The god-level performances she contributed to many times at the party also proved her strength. That is no longer the national team, but a presence that can be ranked among the best in the national team, a proper world-class singer.

With such a level, of course he can point out the country at will.

Moreover, after Luo Quan commented on these deficiencies, Huanxiong Jiang himself immediately admitted that he did not do a good job, and thanked Teacher Luo for his guidance.

"After going down, do more breathing training to make up for this part, and you will definitely be able to go further." Luo Quan has completely transformed into a teacher of the Conservatory of Music at this moment, and began to teach the players.

Raccoon sauce is also very cooperative: "Good teacher, I will practice hard after I go down."

Soon, the audience's score came out, as high as 98 points.

Combining the scores of fans and mentors, the final score is 96.6, which is already a very high score. It is only the first contestant, and it is probably the peak at the beginning.

"Ms. Luo's serious look is so scary, it reminds me of my head teacher."

"Luo Bao has great potential to be a class teacher. I don't know what she looks like when she picks up the teaching stick to teach others."

"It is recommended to wear black silk and high heels."

"Haha, what a little neon movie plot."

"By the way, Luo Bao doesn't seem to cosplay this kind of image yet, right?"

"It is recommended to release this next cosplay!"


Teacher is originally a sacred profession, but because there are too many teachers in Nihong, sometimes it can always cause such associations.

Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it: "Everyone, be serious, don't go too far."

After a pause, he continued, "Next, let's ask the second contestant to introduce himself."

"Hello audience, hello webmaster, I'm brother Cheng, the up master of the music section at station B."

When you hear the name Luoquan Station Master, you know that you are from Station B.

"Dare to call Brother Cheng, little brother, you are very brave."

"Call Xiyuan Temple World."

"Kanaximi oh~~~"

"Haha, Brother Cheng is going to sing this song, right?"

"That's too programmatic."

"Is there any fan of Brother Cheng to introduce you?"

"Brother Cheng is very good at singing, but he always likes to work hard, so everyone is ready to listen to Brother Cheng's execution song."

"Ah this..."

"Brother Xiaocheng died early..."


Amidst the laughter, all the fun people are ready to start playing tricks.

However, YY's chat area shows that Cheng Ge's singing song is "Unravel", which is a song that few people at station B dare to try.

Even if someone can perform, it is with a piano or other instruments.

Because this song is so difficult, with a lot of treble and a lot of real-to-false voice changes, it is very difficult to sing according to the original key, so many up masters will choose to lower the key or directly change when singing the cover.

I don't know which one Cheng will choose.

However, everyone was surprised when they heard cheers from the accompaniment played by Brother Cheng.

Only one version of "Unravel" will have cheers, and that is the live version sung by Luo Quan at the Dongda Campus Music Competition. That is also one of the pinnacle of Luo Quan's singing skills, and it is still one of the famous scenes of Station B. The playback volume exceeds 3000 million.

This is the only version that has been sung by many, but no one has ever been able to surpass it.

And Brother Cheng dared to challenge this version, not because he wanted to make a big living, but because he had a very high level.

As Brother Cheng spoke softly, people held their breath, wanting to see how many things he had.

Facts have proved that when a person who likes to work hard gets serious, the power that erupts is quite amazing.

It is not easy to perform a song with a difficulty as high as S+, but Cheng Cheng is perfect in handling most of the details, which really surprised everyone.

At the end of the performance, Brother Cheng was panting heavily, and the audience also expressed their inner shock and love with a full screen of 100 points.

"This has put my 'Unravel' on its own, worth 95 points!"

Luo Quan thought for a while, and gave a very high evaluation, and then she asked: "Brother Cheng should be from a major, is it convenient to talk about your experience?"

Brother Cheng adjusted his breath, and replied: "I am a senior graduate of Shangyi Pop Music Department, and speaking of which, you are still my senior sister, the station master."

"Yo, so it's my family." Luo Quan laughed, "But the singing skills are really good, and the elementary school students are pretty good. If I knew earlier, I would give you an extra 0.5 points."

"Damn it, openly soliciting relationships, right?"

"I protest and hope the game will be fair and open."

"I declare your protest invalid, because station b belongs to Luo Bao, and people can do whatever they want."

"Good guy, are you so arrogant?"

"I'm sorry, the station master is so arrogant."

"Jokes aside, brother Cheng's singing skills are obvious to all, and he is definitely capable of competing for the championship."

"I scored 100 points anyway, but unfortunately 100 points is my limit, but not his limit."

"Should I go with a total score of 98.2, it should be the highest score."


Amidst the laughter, Brother Cheng, who likes to work hard, got the highest score so far.

However, everyone originally thought that this was already the peak of today, but unexpectedly, it was just the beginning.

Every time a newcomer appears on the stage, it can bring a huge surprise to everyone, and just when everyone thinks that this is already the best in the game and no one can surpass it, the next newcomer will slap everyone in the face severely.

The atmosphere of the competition was just like the waves in Hawaii, one after another, they kept hitting the shore.

The first twelve contestants basically have online singing skills, and each has its own characteristics. The songs they sing cover Chinese, English and Japanese, rock and roll folk rap and pop, and they can sing everything.

Then I asked about their origins, and they also come from all over the world, including Shangyi, Guoyinyang, and Yin, the top three, and some from world-renowned schools such as the Juilliard School of Music or Berklee College of Music in the United States. All of them have mediocre education.

The key point is that there is a high probability that these academic qualifications are not bragging, because singing like this is definitely not a level that can be achieved by self-study at home. It must be taught by professional teachers and scientific training.

It can be seen that there are indeed many masters among the people, but the fact that the masters are among the people does not mean that the place where they studied art was a pheasant university.

The market is saturated, not every music student can become a singer after graduation, and becoming a singer does not necessarily make him popular.

But I chose to take this path, and I only have these skills, so I can only be an anchor and a holster.

So on Douyin and Station B, there are many young people with such hidden strengths. They don't lack strength, what they lack is a platform for everyone to see them.

And now Luoquan happened to give such a platform, and they just seized the opportunity, so their popularity came.

This is a reward for their years of honing their skills. It is a pity that not everyone can get rewards for their hard work. Compared with other students, they are more lucky.

The fan club audition at Station B didn't end until two o'clock in the morning, and lasted for a full six hours.

However, the popularity of the live broadcast room continued to rise, and it didn't start to drop sharply from the popularity of 6000 million until two o'clock.

If it was in the afternoon, I believe the popularity of the live broadcast room would be even more terrifying.

Such data can definitely be called a good start.

Tomorrow, I will promote it on Weibo and have a linkage with Douyin. It should not be difficult to reach [-] million popularity.

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