Chapter 1122
PS The extra episode will be completed within this month, and the theme is the story that Luo Bao and the Empress have to tell.


Originally, Luo Quan thought that he still needed to spend some money to make the Bilibili Fan Club the number one hot search.

After all, this show was originally just for her self-entertainment, and there was not much publicity beforehand, not even any advertisements on station b, it was all based on her own fame and popularity.

However, she still underestimated the fame of herself and Leon. The next morning, the relevant entries were already "exploding". After the highlights of the contestants were edited by enthusiastic bloggers, they were released for everyone to enjoy.

Because there are no special restrictions on copyright, this kind of clip is allowed to be reposted, which also allowed more people to see the fairy fight in yesterday's audition.

Since the end of "I Am a Singer", netizens haven't seen a similar singing feast for a long time.

Although there have been a lot of music comprehensives during this period, they are not particularly outstanding in terms of lineup or stage performance, and there is no enthusiasm.

Although the players in the fan club at station B are all amateurs, the most famous ones are just some anchors with millions of fans, so they are not very famous.

But the strength shown by each one is really not much worse than those well-known singers.

Moreover, although the songs sung were varied, they were all surprisingly good, allowing the audience to enrich their own playlists.

This is only the result of the first day, and the name of the competition has not been fully opened.

The audition will last for four days, and there should be more capable players participating in the competition, and the grand fight between gods should continue.

For such a variety show that brings unexpected joy to everyone, the first feeling of netizens is joy and expectation:
"Sweeping the decadence of domestic entertainment, the contestants are very capable, and they are worth looking forward to."

"Except for the rough format of the auditions, everything else is basically perfect."

"Why don't you just build a bigger stage? Luobao Station B has already been bought, so it shouldn't be so sloppy, right?"

"It doesn't matter if the audition is simple, and it's not too late to go on a high stage in the main competition."

"Luo Bao and Leon are the mentors. I feel that the lineup is a bit thin. There are only two people."

"Isn't that thin? These two have won more than [-] Grammys!"

"There is nothing to say about the strength, the main reason is that the number of mentors is small, and it seems that it is not very lively."

"The protagonists of this show must be the contestants. It's not interesting for the instructor to dominate the show."

"Haha, indeed."


Luo Quan started to pay attention to the comments of netizens as soon as he woke up.

The public opinion evaluation is quite good, and no sunspots have been seen.

However, considering that I may have already touched someone else's cake, it is foreseeable that a large number of navy will attack next.

As for the grassroots team that netizens complain about, it is indeed a bit informal to hold competitions on YY channel.

Moreover, the equipment of each player is different, some have a megaphone, and the sense of hearing is even better than the microphone used by Luo Quan himself.

Some are current mics, and if the sound is slightly higher, there may be howling, which is simply torturing the ears.

Considering that this show will definitely become more and more popular in the future, Luo Quan still ordered his men to go down to prepare the stage, taking advantage of the fact that there were still a few days before the main match.

Fortunately, Station B has engaged in music synthesis several times before, and has relatively rich experience. There are ready-made venues, personnel and equipment, and a little planning is enough.

Facts have proved that it is indeed a good move to conduct auditions in the form of webcasting, because the traffic of the anchor is too large.

If it had been broadcast in the form of a variety show from the beginning, there would definitely not be such an exaggerated popularity.

Of course, the cooperation of vibrato also occupies a considerable part of the reason.

Among the current video software, Douyin has the greatest influence. It can even boost the gdp of a region with a few videos of innocent smiles. Compared with it, station B is still a lot worse.

Station B, which started with ghosts and animals, still has ghosts and animals as the video that can break the circle in the end.

However, Changqing's shortcoming is that the popularity cannot explode. Now the hottest ghost star at station B has become the new four kings of music.

These four heavenly kings are not considered newcomers anymore, they were already "little famous" as early as last year, and now they are completely popular, which is the result of accumulation over time.

The name "Four Heavenly Kings" was first passed on from Xiangjiang. It was originally used to describe the four hottest people in the entertainment industry at that time, and it was a compliment.

Later, it was also used to describe the four most accomplished talents in the Chinese music scene, and they also left many good memories.

But now, after the new Four Great Heavenly Kings were born, this title has completely become a black name.

"Sharply comment on the new four kings of the music world?" Luo Quan just started the live broadcast, and saw many fans asking her to make the show.

Luo Quan replied helplessly: "Let me make a sharp review, aren't you making me offend people?"

"Haha, I already know what Luo Quanzhang said when I heard this."

"Luo Quan's evaluation is easy to offend people, do I need to say more? (狗头.jpg)"

"If you are like us and think that the Four Heavenly Kings are relying on the defense, then I think this matter..."

“Thai pants are spicy!”

"As we all know, there are the following levels of spiciness: slightly spicy, medium spicy, extra spicy, abnormally spicy, Thai pants spicy, and Fengshen spicy."

"Then here comes the question, who is better at Thai Trousers or Fengshenla?"

"What's the last name in the Chinese music scene? Who is the eternal god? I think you can't tell the difference between big and small kings."

"Don't let Luo Bao come to this muddy water. Now that the variety show has just started, it's easy to recruit black people."

"It's okay, black and red are also red."

"Haha, you guys are really afraid that the world will not be chaotic."


Seeing that the fans have matured, Luo Quan felt relieved: "You finally know how to save me some trouble.

So I have been telling everyone, to be a rational, neutral and objective listener, just leave what you don’t like, there is no need to provide any enthusiasm.

The more you scold, the hotter it will be, so your verbal criticism will have the opposite effect. "

In fact, it's nothing to make a sharp comment. The four heavenly kings have returned to the fire, and they really don't have the ability to black her out.

However, it is meaningless to criticize them sharply, because their fan circle is cute and beautiful alone.

In the world of fans, these four are the best singers and the best brothers. As long as they don't force other people's heads and change the public's aesthetics, there is no need to criticize them.

As for the frequent appearance of the four heavenly kings on music variety shows and the possession of resources, this is completely a market choice, and no one can blame it.

Only when capital earns money can they get notifications. If no one is watching, who will invite them?
If something exists, there is a reason for its existence, although it is not necessarily reasonable.

"Luo Bao, I heard that you are good at arranging, composing, and composing songs. Then you must be very good at arranging songs. I have a song that I want to test you with. Do you dare to take it?"

Luo Quan had just been a Lizhongke here, and a paid barrage appeared on the top of the live broadcast room.

"Haha, I don't dare to boast about anything else. Music is definitely omnipotent, and tell me the song you want to adapt." Luo Quan said confidently, his tone seemed to give Fans show how good they are as mentors.

Then, there was another paid barrage, the content was "Love is like a fire".

After Luo Quan saw the title of the song clearly, she felt a little familiar. She seemed to have seen it on the homepage before, but she didn't click on it.

I didn't have any special ideas at first, but the fans in the live broadcast room became extremely excited:
"Don't go, Luo Bao, it's hell ahead!"

"I suggest Luo Bao not to listen to it, I'm afraid it will pollute your music library."

"Listening to this song is really easy to lower the level of composition."

"I would like to call this song a poop in the defense, without any nutrition, pure feces!"


Seeing the fans' comments, Luo Quan was stunned: "Is it so exaggerated? Since it's an Internet celebrity song, at least many people like it."

Luo Quan has never believed in evil, and did not listen to the dissuasion of fans, and searched for the song B Xiaoliang.

There are still a lot of views, several million. The tags are magic, dance music, and brainwashing. The comment area is also okay, and there are not many scolding.

"It feels quite normal." Luo Quan clicked play without knowing it.

"When the heart is beating, love is like fire. When you are laughing, it is me who is crazy.

Love like fire will warm my heart, I see the flame of love flickering..."

Just after the first stanza, Luo Quan took a deep breath and said with a trembling mouth: "This...this...can this be called a song? Don't tell me its melody is just like this from beginning to end. a paragraph?"

"Haha, I told you not to order it, you must believe it."

"It must have been retribution."

"Adapt it, you can change anything you just said."

"I have to pretend to be bragging with tears in my eyes."

"A second of condolences for Luo Bao in advance"


Seeing the ridicule of the fans, Luo Quan took a deep breath, resisted the discomfort in his heart, and finished listening to the song.

Originally, she thought that this song might just have an outrageous beginning. Since it is so popular, there must be something special about it.

Turns out she was wrong, utterly wrong, and the song was a full-fledged vindication without any redeeming qualities.

After listening to the song, Luo Quan put on a mask of pain, and then bit the bullet and made an adaptation.

She tried to transform the skeleton of this song with arrangement styles such as drama, rock, electronic music, jazz, and R&B.

But it is an ugly melody that completely violates the laws of music. No matter how elements are added or subtracted, it is still ugly in the end.

This was probably the biggest problem Luo Quan encountered in music. For the next full hour, he was in a state of mania, sadness, and despair.

Her blond and shiny hair was blown up by her, and she leaned on the chair sluggishly, staring blankly at the ceiling with out-of-focus eyes, those who didn't know thought she had been ruined.

"Luo Bao, say something."

"Is this broken heart?"

"The status is a bit scary, is there a virus in the database?"

"Haha, it's all your fault. If Luo Bao can't write a song in the future, it's all your fault."

"Anyway, in the end Luo Quan adapted this song."

"It sounds pretty good, and it's even more brainwashing."

"It's really hard for her to carve flowers on shit."

I burst out laughing.


Yes, Luo Quan tortured himself for an hour, and finally found the direction of the adaptation, which is to adapt this song to make it more brainwashing and dynamic.

But to her, it was still a reply within a reply.

"I take back what I just said."

Luo Quan sat up suddenly, and said emotionally: "This kind of music shouldn't exist. It's completely polluting the public's aesthetics and audiovisual. I can't understand why this song is so popular!"

The fans can be regarded as having caught the handle, and immediately laughed:
"Who told us just now to be rational, neutral and objective?"

"Luo Bao, this is your fault. Everyone has the right to like different music. There is no distinction between high and low music."

"You said it yourself. (狗头.jpg)"

"Haha, this can really be called music."

"Your opinion of this song is our opinion of the new four heavenly kings."

"Every time the knife hits me, it really doesn't hurt."

"Looking at Luo Bao, I have never heard of the scene of the Four Heavenly Kings. That kind of cancer and snow are not much stronger than this love like fire."


After being taught by the fans, Luo Quan finally realized how outrageous his mistake was.

Indeed, such a defense should not have a reason to exist, and if it is left alone, it is poisoning the Chinese music scene.

Now she finally understands why fans hate these songs and these singers so much.

The Chinese music scene has become what it is now, which really makes people itch with hatred.

But seeing the hundreds of millions of hits on the hit list, it gives people a sense of magic that doesn't seem to be particularly bad.

So is it the song's problem or the audience's problem?

Luo Quan thought for a long time and felt that he couldn't answer, but he still said: "No matter what, I think a singer should at least understand the music theory and singing skills first.

The popularity brought by the traffic is false after all. Not only fans will listen to the works you publish, but netizens will also listen to them. You have to know whether it is good or not.

The defense won't turn into gold just because of fans' pursuit of it. No matter how gorgeous the decoration is, it will be a beautiful defense at best, but it will smell bad after all. "

At the end of the speech, the barrage was full of voices of approval:

"Haha, I finally spoke the mind of the big guy, but it's a pity that the aggressiveness needs to be improved."

"If you want to hear Luo Bao swearing, you must be very imposing."

"Severe scolding from the queen, isn't it, your operating system is a bit strange."

"It is recommended to scold harder next time, otherwise it will be useless at all."

"Speaking of, can Luo Bao write good songs again? I'm a little worried that she will be assimilated by love like fire."

"Stop talking, I'm a little scared."


Seeing that the fans were so worried about her mental state, Luo Quan laughed and said, "I'm not so fragile, why don't I sing a song for everyone right now, the song is called "Poignant Land"."

(End of this chapter)

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