"The title of the song is "Poignant Land". It seems that Luo Bao's mentality is still very broken. He chose such an emo song title."

"Don't tell me you just finished writing the song in such a short time."

"How much effort does it take to re-arrange a dung song? The remaining time is more than enough for Luo Quan to write a song."

"Haha, it seems to be true."


Seeing that the fans thought of her so much, Luo Quan also smiled helplessly: "Everyone thinks too much about me, I don't have the ability to create while being mentally polluted.

This song has been written before, and now I just have the opportunity to sing it for everyone. "

Luo Quan paused, and continued: "Isn't this the competition yesterday, when everyone kept arguing to hear me sing?

But as a mentor, it is really not appropriate for me to compete with the players for the limelight.

But now there is still a while before the start of the competition, let’s sing a few songs to warm up the scene, and it can also be regarded as showing my strength as a mentor to the new audience.

I believe that many new users will also be very puzzled when they see me. Why does a young man dare to sit here as a mentor, and then let everyone know why I am. "

As Luo Quan spoke, he began to adjust the microphone.

And the bullet screen is also scrolling rapidly at this time:
"Are there really new users who don't know your level?"

"No way, there won't be any netizens who don't know about Luo Quan?"

"What's the last name in the Chinese music scene?"

"I'm a rookie, I only know that Luo Quan is very talented, but I really don't know how good it is."

"Jiayi, from TikTok, I don't know Luo Quan very well, but I have downloaded every one of her swimsuit photos."

"You boy (funny.jpg)"

"Soon you will know how powerful Luo Quan is."

"Let's put it this way, Luo Bao's singing skills and voice talent are at the ceiling level in the entire world, and they are not inferior to those ancient gods!"

"The current pop female singer's ceiling-level singing skills span five octaves, and her skills and performance are impeccable."

"Amazing, new users expressed shock."

"Is it the national team?"

"National team? World-class!"


Seeing the fans brag about this excitedly, wishing to praise her to the sky, Luo Quan thought about it, but didn't stop it.

After all, she does have such strength now. As early as a year ago, her singing skills had reached the point where Dugu was seeking defeat.

It's a pity that she hasn't contributed many song scenes in the past few years, which has caused many netizens, including many fans, to not have a particularly clear concept of her singing skills.

If you think about it, you know, the ability to sing the singing spirit phantom in the universe, can it be worse on the earth?

It's just that she usually puts her effort into holding fan clubs, after all, it's very tiring for the capital to go all out.

But this time, I definitely can't keep my strength. I have to show my strength and let everyone know that she is not a mentor for nothing.

After debugging the device, Luo Quan opened the folder where the songs were stored.

Although Luo Quan's hands were fast, the sharp-eyed audience still saw that there were quite a few completed songs in the folder.

Someone with a quick hand has already taken screenshots, and I believe there will be a detailed playlist soon.

"Many of them have only written the lyrics or accompaniment, which is only half-finished. It can be regarded as preparation for the new album. If you want to listen to it, you may have to wait for a while."

Without waiting for fans to ask, Luo Quan explained himself first: "Recently there are a lot of things, so the matter of the album can only be put on the back.

But like today, if you release a song from time to time, maybe it will be enough for an album after a while, so don't worry. "

This explanation is quite pleasing, so the fans did not question the fact that Luo Quan has so many songs hidden.

When everyone was unprepared, Luo Quan clicked to play the accompaniment of "Poignant Land".

Without any prelude, the sudden aria struck like a forced kiss, and Luo Quan's lazy singing immediately swept over all ears.

The tempo of this song is medium to fast, and it sounds like a lyrical love song.

However, towards the climax, the progressive emotions start to become heated, until the lyric becomes a cry

At this moment, Luo Quan's incomparably loud and clear vocal range almost knocked everyone's caps off, and the resonance brought by the voice made the souls of the audience tremble.

And such a high pitch is not just a few words, a large part of the climax part of the aria is such a long high pitch, ordinary people would probably be short of breath if they can yell out a sentence, Luo Quan even continued seven or eight sentences, still not The breathy kind.

This inhuman lung capacity directly made the listener wear a mask of pain. When he saw the reminder of "Don't forget to breathe" on the barrage, he remembered that he could breathe.

After singing a song, I don't know how many people let out a long sigh of relief.

Those who sang were still unsatisfied, but everyone who listened to the song was relieved, which shows how much they listened.

"How about it, is this singing skill invincible?"

"This is Luo Bao's unique suffocation singing method, with continuous and dense super high pitch, the audience is also brought into it and can't breathe."

"It's outrageous, I can't hear her breathing sound at all, as if singing from the beginning to the end in one breath."

"Luo Bao must be a top expert in the field of French wet kissing. This breath can suck anyone to hypoxia."

"Haha, don't say it's a wet kiss, even if you kiss me lightly, I'll be deprived of oxygen."

"Sloppy, Luo Bao doesn't get dizzy when he kisses anyone?"

"I'm convinced of this singing skill. I didn't expect it to be so amazing before listening to it."

"So-so, this isn't Luo Bao's most difficult song. You won't know what it means until you listen to the torment."

"I don't know if there are any contestants challenging this song today."


After the song was sung, the depression in Luo Quan's heart can be regarded as completely expressed.

It is really not a good job to adapt "Love Like Fire", the more you study, the more you will explode.

Fortunately, her way of adjusting her mentality is also very simple, just sing a song happily.

He looked down at the time, and there was still a while before the start of the game, so he said, "It's still early, let's have a look at the interesting news in the past few days to get rid of it."

As he said that, he clicked on the news hot search list of station B, and a big headline "Internal entertainment makes me laugh to death" occupied the first position.

"Is there something new about internal entertainment?" Luo Quan smiled and clicked in, and found a video with more than 200 million hits.

After taking a closer look, it turned out that it was a film festival held yesterday, and the scene of stars walking on the red carpet caused a huge amount of ridicule on the Internet.

This is probably the most serious car rollover among celebrities in recent years, and the cause of the accident has to start with a foreign photographer.

It is said that a foreign photographer invented a slow-motion shooting technique of focusing on red carpet stars, which can greatly show the charm of stars and is very suitable for concave shapes.

Because this lens was first used at the Grammy Awards Ceremony, it is also called the Grammy lens.

Later, people discovered that the short films shot by the Grammy lens are quite good, and a simple action can make the star look very aura, so all the important occasions in foreign entertainment circles have begun to follow suit.

Gradually, the Grammy lens has become a fashion in the entertainment industry, but for any event that is a bit crowded, a high-speed camera will be arranged when walking on the red carpet, allowing the stars to come and take slow-motion shots one by one.

Domestic entertainment, which has always kept up with international trends, of course did not miss this fashion, and soon tried it out at evening parties in major entertainment circles.

At the beginning, netizens felt that it was quite novel. After all, this was the first time they saw celebrities posing in slow motion, and they thought that this whole job was quite good.

But it was quickly pointed out that this was the slow motion of the Grammys used.

And after the foreign Grammy slow-motion collection was brought over, everyone found that the gap between the two was not usually large.

The background, atmosphere, and actions of others, compared with the domestic one, immediately reminded everyone of Handan's toddler and Dongshi's imitation, so ridicules kept coming and going.

And last night's film festival red carpet scene made the ridicule of netizens reach its peak.

Because the slow-motion shots on the red carpet this time were really bad, except for a very few shots that were better, the rest made everyone want to laugh.

"It's not that we worship foreigners, but this slow motion really gives people a low-level feeling of the earth."

"At least I have improved compared to before. I dare to make moves. It was awkward to stand and do nothing before."

"Other people's backgrounds are full of stars in suits and leather shoes, while your background is full of passers-by. This difference in atmosphere is the biggest flaw."

"There are so many places to complain that I don't know where to start."

"Let's learn more, or if it doesn't work, invite the photographer who invented this lens."

"Actually, there are a few celebrities who have done quite well in their movements, but it's not that there are no merits."

"But most of them are funny."


The ridicule of the netizens filled the comments, and Luo Quan also watched the slow motion of all the stars when he was free.

"Haha, I don't think it's as bad as I imagined. It's pretty nice to have a few sisters lifting their skirts."

Luo Quan didn't join the troop of ridicule this time, after all, she had never shot such a slow-motion shot herself, who knows what it will look like.

If there is a mockery here, the effect is similar to that of others when I shoot myself, wouldn't I be ridiculed even more?

But there is one thing to say, most Chinese people are more reserved, and places like this that require individuality and distinctive personality are indeed relatively disadvantaged.

If you wear an evening dress in China, you will be scolded if the V is lowered.

In foreign countries, these are nothing. Some female stars even dare to dress cooler, but what they get is surprise and traffic.

This kind of atmosphere is doomed. In the entertainment industry that desperately needs exaggerated and luxurious pictures, internal entertainment cannot compare with external entertainment.

But fans are not very satisfied with Luo Quan's gentle remarks:
"You're starting to talk to Chinese customers again, aren't you?"

"Luo Bao's recent aggressiveness needs to be reduced."

"Since when did Luo Bao become so buddhist? Where did that crazy superwoman go?"

"Haha, it's actually a person who imitates others well, so what's there to hate?"

"Indeed, if you say a few words about everything, you will easily gain weight if you are angry."

"Obviously, Luo Bao, who is about to turn [-], has also started to plan for his body and skin."


The fan's explanations in the first few sentences were actually what she wanted to say, but after the last sentence came out, her eyes almost turned black.

Why did this tone make her seem to be getting old soon? Is it so serious?

According to Xiaohongshu, she is a tender little fairy at her age, and she is still early from thirty.

But she still couldn't say such hypocritical words, and explained with a smile: "Don't make me sound like an old aunt, I just don't think this kind of thing is worth complaining about.

Everyone should laugh if they should, after all, this is what celebrities eat.

And I want Neiyu to take a bold step in the use of foreign advanced technology. This is a very encouraging behavior, and it is better than standing still.

It's really funny to look at now, but maybe it will become very tall after you get used to it. "


This is the case with everything, without practice there will be no progress, not everyone has Luo Quan's ability to ignore the foundation and build castles in the air.

Therefore, Luo Quan has always been encouraging towards such things, and rarely joins the crowd of ridicule.

And the fans were a little uncomfortable seeing that Luo Quan had become so talkative.

But it's not too serious, after all, it's just a little fun.

What deserves the most attention in the current internal entertainment, of course, is the feast of collapsed houses with major traffic.

It is a pity that after experiencing the large-scale and continuous collapse of houses last year, this year's traffic stars seem to have restrained a lot.

The first half of the year is almost over, and there are no particularly big melons. The internal entertainment is unbelievably calm, and the eyes of a group of people who eat melons are almost dry.

Watching liveliness is one of the greatest hobbies of human beings, and of course Luoquan is not exempt from it.

In fact, she also likes to see people in the industry collapse, especially those who are in the top or top-tier celebrities.

Although this kind of thinking is a bit dark, but the collapse of the house must be earth-shattering to be interesting.

I believe that many people who eat melons have the same idea as her.

It's a pity that such thoughts are destined not to be shared with others, lest the big guys say that she is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

From the Grammy footage of internal entertainment, Luo Quan searched for news and found Weibo, most of them were trivial matters, and he didn't see any big melons.

Just chatting with fans until one o'clock at noon, the audition for the Bilibili fan club started again.

Compared to yesterday's one which was a bit deserted, today's YY participating channel can only be described as bursting.

The number of applications to enter the channel has exceeded 999, and Luo Quan believes that there are definitely more than 999 contestants.

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