Chapter 1124

"It seems that everyone's enthusiasm for signing up is very high." Luo Quan said with a smile on his face.

Although so many people signed up, she couldn't take care of it alone, but she had expected such a result a long time ago, and had prepared a plan to deal with it.

She and Leon are not the only teachers who can comment. They just divide the contestants into several groups, and each person only needs to score in one group, which can greatly reduce the workload.

And judging from the quality of yesterday's contestants, today's contestants will definitely be mostly busy.

After all, folks are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, but it is impossible for everyone to sing so well, so Luo Quan has a hunch that today's show will be quite joyful.

Facts have proved that when the number of contestants increases, the ratio of active contestants also begins to climb.

Almost everyone was a god yesterday, and even if there were some, it was only the selection of songs and the way they sang were more interesting.

And today's whole-job contestants are Chunlezi people.

Some told jokes, some confessed to Luo Quan, and some came to advertise.

In the face of such a player who affects the perception, Luo Quan will cut it off with a few words at most, and let the next one enter the arena quickly.

However, if there are too many times, it is easy to affect the overall perception.

"There is no way, the audition live broadcast is like this, any situation that arises will be broadcast, unlike the recording and broadcast, only the best pictures will be kept."

Luo Quan turned off the microphone of another Le Ziren, and said this to the audience.

However, instead of complaining, the fans were all very happy:
"Haha, let that old man finish the joke."

"I think it's quite interesting. Entertainment variety shows sometimes need some well-rounded people to provide jokes for everyone."

"Watching too many master duels will easily lead to aesthetic fatigue. It's actually quite good to watch chickens pecking each other once in a while."

"The audition is like chocolate, you never know what kind of contestant will be next."

"The next contestant is invited!"


In the entertainment era, whether there is fun is the biggest key. After all, most people don't like too serious atmosphere, and watching variety shows is just to pass the time and have fun.

Originally, Luo Quan was worried that doing so would greatly reduce the perception of the show, but now it seems that she was worrying too much.

No wonder Douyin Kuaishou has so many earth-flavored videos and their popularity is still so high. It turns out that the current audience likes to watch them.

Just when Luo Quan was thinking about whether he should invite a few fast-handed earth-flavored celebrities to participate in the competition and create a show effect, today's first heavyweight guest appeared.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lu Yuan, a newcomer singer."

Very concise and powerful self-introduction, and the name Lu Yuan has attracted the attention of many viewers:

"Is it the Luyuan one on the Blueberry Terrace?"

"Is it the runner-up of The Voice of China last time?"

"Damn it, this is a master."

"Is it really me? I actually came to compete."

"666, here's a good show to watch."


Luo Quan didn't hear much about this player Lu Yuan.

The main reason is that she had a feud with Blueberry TV before, and most of the news related to it was automatically ignored by her.

"The Voice of China" is Blueberry Channel's flagship program, and its influence has gradually declined in recent years. The barrage said it was last year's runner-up, but she didn't even know who last year's champion was.

However, if the show's reputation doesn't blow up completely, then the champion and runner-up contestants are still quite valuable.

But it stands to reason that even the runner-up should be able to get good resources, which can be regarded as a bright future, and I don't know why I came to her to participate in this kind of folk talent show.

But since they are here, they must be treated equally and fairly.

It's one thing for her to have a grudge against the Blueberry Stage, but she won't take her anger out on the contestants who came out of this stage.

"Please start your show."

Luo Quan's tone didn't change, and he said to Lu Yuan with a smile.

The song that Lu Yuan challenged was a very difficult pop song, and the climax part had a lot of treble and real-false voice transitions.

It can be said that this song is used to show off skills, but unfortunately, I don't know if it is because of nervousness. Lu Yuan's performance has some flaws to Luo Quan's ears, but they are not serious problems, so she finally gave it 90 points.

However, because the difficulty of the song is too high, and the effect of Lu Yuan's interpretation is also very good, so the audience gave it a perfect score.

As soon as Luo Quan's score, which was obviously lower than that of the audience, came out, it immediately aroused everyone's doubts:
"Luo Bao, what about you????"

"It shouldn't be, this performance is not full marks."

"Luo Bao, you are a little rebellious."

"I don't understand, I think this should be the only full-score singing so far."

"Can you tell me why you only give 90 points?"


Luo Quan knew that his score would be controversial, so he said immediately after scoring: "Contestant Lu Yuan's singing skills can be said to be very good, but some trebles are not full enough, and the pronunciation position is too forward, and needs to be adjusted appropriately. "

"Thank you, Mr. Luo, for your guidance. I will work hard." Lu Yuan's family knows his own affairs, and he knows exactly which place he sang just now. Luo Quan pointed it out accurately, and he must accept it humbly.

However, Lu Yuan fans who watched the live broadcast couldn't accept it. After all, since his debut, Lu Yuan's personality has been the ceiling of the singing skills of the new generation of Chinese music.

Before that, the most frequently used adjective in Lu Yuan's performance was "perfect", followed by "impeccable". As a result, they were picked on at the first show here, how could they bear it.

As a result, voices of questioning and making up for it immediately appeared on the barrage:

"I don't feel that I sang badly, I feel that I am a bit picky."

"It's like this online, it may be because the equipment has not been debugged well."

"I feel like Luo Quan is targeting Lu Yuan a little bit, because of the Blueberry TV station?"

"Isn't it? If it's really targeted, why don't you just find a reason and brush it off for you?"

"I have told you all the reasons for the scoring, and Lu Yuan himself has no objections. Why are there so many people chattering?"

"Don't come here for the fan circle. As a mentor, Luo Quan's points do not account for a lot of points. The main thing that can decide whether Lu Yuan will stay or not is to look at the fans."

"That's right, we passers-by have already given the answer."

"And Lu Yuan himself didn't say anything, which proves that Luo Quan's advice is correct."


Controversy arose. Originally, Luo Quan thought that the audition would continue in a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere until the end, but the dispute arose the next day.

And this is just my own place, there are several other stages, I don't know if a similar situation has happened.

But there are controversies that are interesting. Other variety shows directly create scripts to actively create disputes and conflicts, just to increase interest.

And she doesn't have any script here, what she plays is a reality.

And she didn't intend to respond to the question in the barrage.

After all, those who understand these technical things understand everything, and those who don't understand don't know what to say, so there is no need to waste words.

Therefore, after Luo Quan announced that Lu Yuan had advanced, he asked the next contestant to perform on stage.

However, the news of "Luoquan comments on Luyuan" quickly became a hot search.

Of course, the point of controversy is whether Luo Quan's score is personal or not.

After all, her bad relationship with Blueberry TV is well known, and Lu Yuan also happens to be from Blueberry TV.

In the eyes of most people, it is impossible for Luo Quan not to show any emotion, after all, she is famous for vengeance.

Many music professionals came out to speak out, saying that there was nothing wrong with Luo Quan's comments, and a score of 90 is indeed a very pertinent score.

But there are also many people who think that Lu Yuan is also a genius with a bright future, and he is not much younger than Luo Quan. In terms of singing skills alone, Luo Quan should not be qualified to comment.

However, this sentence was immediately refuted by netizens:
"Being able to say such things only proves that you haven't heard Luo Quan's songs at all, you only know that she is a young man."

"As long as you have heard the scenes of Luo Quan, you will know that she and Lu Yuan are not at the same level."

"Let's put it this way, anyone in the country who can compete with her in singing can be counted with a single slap."

"Don't speak if you don't understand, it's easy to make jokes, you know?"


So you can be a teacher only if you have the ability. When you have real achievements, even if your remarks cause controversy, there will be a large number of passers-by to defend them.

Luo Quan's fans are still watching the fun in the live broadcast room, but they have no intention of joining the battlefield.

This is the same as Huaxia's rap. When Lyon is commenting on a bunch of rappers, who dares to say that he is not qualified.

If it were the former sponsor of this show, I'm afraid there would have been a lot of quarrel.

It can only be said that Lu Yuan's fans in the fan circle really don't have any brains. They only know how to protect their idols, but they don't want to think about the result after the maintenance.

This is also the reason why Luo Quan hates fan circle culture so much. There is only sensibility and no rationality. Once it gets angry, it can directly defeat passers-by.

This is also why there are so many traffic stars, because a small matter finally turned into an enemy of the world, because they did not restrain their fans, causing them to make enemies everywhere without scruple.

The good news is that Lu Yuan himself is quite up-to-date.

After seeing the hot searches on myself and Luo Quan, I immediately sent a Weibo to clarify, saying that when I sang that song, it was indeed not perfect, and Teacher Luo’s comments were not made out of nothing, and I also hope that fans will treat it rationally .

The matter would have ended here, but Lu Yuan's manager called and accused Lu Yuan of participating in the competition privately without discussing it with the company.

"I just thought it was very interesting, and it was more convenient to compete online, so I signed up." Lu Yuan was like a child in front of the manager, and he naturally admitted his mistake.

The agent said angrily: "You have to remember your current personality. It's fine to participate in this kind of grass-stage variety show, but you still perform abnormally. This will be extremely fatal to your future development!"

"I... I didn't expect it to be so serious." Lu Yuan lowered his head guiltily, "Then what should we do next?"

"Originally, I wanted you to retire directly, but this will easily offend Luo Quan."

The manager sighed, and said in a serious tone: "Since you have already participated, you must get a good ranking, remember your current status, you are the best singer of the new generation of China!
In addition, you have to pay attention to it now. Now that the industry is in a downturn, there are not many good news throughout the year.

Although this fan club is not very formal, it still has some traffic. I heard that many people in the circle have come to participate. The main competition will definitely be very intense. If you continue to perform like today, you will be suspended. "

"I see!"

Encouraged by the manager, Lu Yuan's eyes became confident again: "I can't guarantee anything else, but singing is the only skill I know, just watch it!"

"Okay, very energetic." The manager smiled, and his tone softened, "Choose a few songs that are popular and practice hard, and when the main match starts, give the audience a shocking opening."


Similar conversations actually happened to other participating singers, or singers who planned to participate.

Just like what Lu Yuan's manager said, the industry is in a downturn now, there are fewer variety shows, and even fewer music variety shows.

Although Luo Quan's online variety show is indeed relatively simple, she is the king of traffic anyway, and the variety show has a certain degree of attention.

And the subsequent production will be carried out by the team of station B. If there is no accident, it should still be able to catch fire.

First- and second-tier singers who have been famous for a long time will definitely look down on them, but newcomers like Lu Yuan who have just debuted will definitely not let go of such an opportunity.

But there are only so many places, and now they not only have to compete with many peers, but also compete with a larger number of amateurs.

During the audition, it is allowed to perform abnormally once. If they enter the main match and make a mistake, not only will they be eliminated, but they will also be easy to laugh at.

After all, you are a professional singer who can't sing for amateurs, and you will be laughed at by passers-by wherever you put it.

Therefore, the next performance is very important. The singers who participated in the competition did not dare to be lazy at all, and went all out from the beginning of the audition.

Such a competitive environment finally made Luo Quan cheaper.

After an afternoon of abstract work, the fan club audition at Station B finally ushered in the moment when the gods fought. The masters came out one after another, bombarding the eardrums of the audience.

And compared to yesterday, the quality of today's players is obviously higher.

If you don't count the whole army in the afternoon, the quality of today's singing is obviously higher.

"It's awesome, I originally wanted to hold a public competition, but I didn't expect everyone to sing so professionally!"

After commenting on the bel canto singing at the end of the concert, Luo Quan began to express his inner excitement.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also so powerful that it felt like the national team went to the countryside to perform collectively. As long as they were on stage, no one was a rookie.

(End of this chapter)

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