Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1125 Completion

Chapter 1125 Completion
"Haha, if you do it like this, the gold content of my variety show is almost comparable to the Youth Song Competition."

When the performance of the last singer of the day ended, Luo Quan looked at the camera and made a joke with a smile.

As the most influential professional singer competition in China, any contestant who can stand on the stage of the Youth Song Competition is one of the best singers in the country.

Many of the great masters in the national team have won awards in the Youth Song Competition.

It's a pity that such a highly valuable competition has been suspended for several years, and those talented singers lack a very good opportunity to make their debut.

As for the Bilibili Fan Club held by Luoquan, yesterday, many people regarded it as the host's play house.

But when everyone found out how big the popularity potential of this show was, everything started to explode.

Today is another day when hot searches are being bombarded by fan clubs. One god-level stage after another is staged one after another. Even Luo Quan himself is excited to hear it, and at the end of the show, he sang "My Heart Is Eternal".

Then it logically reached the top of the hot search, which aroused the praise of countless passers-by and fans:
"A mentor is a mentor. Today there are at least three contestants who sang "My Heart Is Eternal". Although they all sang well, compared with Luo Quan, the gap immediately became apparent."

"Just kidding, she is Luo Quan."

"The texture of Luobao treble is too silky, and the High C goes up easily, and there is no feeling of tearing and squeezing. It is round and full, and the words are clear."

"Tell a ghost story, Luo Quan is sitting the whole time, and smiling all the time."

"Haha, since the mouth of the abyss, Luo Bao has been paying attention to the management of her facial expressions, so don't even think about capturing the moment of her beauty."

"Ugly photos, if you slow down and pause for a while, there will always be."

"Little Heizi, be careful, Luo Quan will seal you for a month."


Luo Quan didn't know that it was a good thing, so why did he talk about the mouth of the abyss.

It's been a few years ago, is it necessary to keep mentioning it?
Although she understands the principle that classics will last forever, isn't it a bit boring to keep mentioning it?
The answer is obvious. Netizens are not bored, and even like to save this classic photo and use it as an avatar or emoji.

Fortunately, these are the actions of fans, they prefer to do things that embarrass Luo Quan.

After two days of fermentation, the Bilibili fan club has already surpassed 3000 million popularity on the entire network. Douyin, Bilibili, and Weibo are highly discussed, and it has already demonstrated the foundation of becoming a phenomenon-level variety show.

You must know that this is only the audition stage, and the real period of strength should be after the start of the main competition. It is difficult to predict how popular this variety show will be.

Anyway, countless brands have been eyeing it, and the email to apply for advertising franchise has also been sent to Luo Quan's mailbox. She is now comparing which one pays the most.

And there is no need to worry about this kind of thing at all. As the fan club at station B becomes more and more popular, the bargaining chips of the franchisees will definitely increase higher and higher, and the initiative is completely in her hands.

The audition lasted for five days. From the very beginning, only fans of Luoquan and Lyon paid attention to this competition. Now it has exceeded [-] million discussions on the whole network. It can be said that it has completely become one of the most popular variety shows at the moment.

One of these can even be taken away as soon as the race starts.

However, it is probably due to the lack of some conflicting plots, which caused the popularity to be a little less than a big hit.

But the players have distinct personalities. As the fans gradually become fixed, they will soon start to fight each other, and the topic will naturally increase by then.

The only pity is that when Luo Quan announced the end of the audition, there were still many players who did not get the chance to show themselves.

But there is no way, there are too many people participating this time, Luoquan's mailbox is full all day long, all of them are registered for the competition, and more than half of the day is spent watching the stage, there is absolutely no laziness.

But auditions cannot last forever, and now the first batch of students has reached 100, and there can be no more.

"Let's end the audition here." Luo Quan's tone was very apologetic, "It's impossible for everyone to get a chance, but don't be discouraged, there will definitely be a second season next year, and you can come if you haven't participated yet. , so please be patient."

Luo Quan's drawing of big cakes is probably the only way to comfort the singers who did not participate.

Inspirational words such as "Don't lose heart", "Continue to settle down", and "The future is yours" are also very witty in the barrage.

After comforting the contestants who failed to participate in the competition, Luo Quan turned the topic back to the program: "After the audition is over, the main competition will start in about three or four days.

This time it is not a live broadcast, it will be played in the form of a weekly episode, and the construction progress of the stage has come to an end.

Everyone knows my speed, the official program will be available to you soon, and you will definitely hear more and better works by then. "

In the "anticipation" full of fans, Luo Quan turned off the phone and downloaded it.

The high-intensity grading these few days has exhausted her a lot.

If I were to change to my previous body, it would be too much for me to do this.

But today is different. Let alone working more than ten hours a day, even working around the clock without getting tired.

Of course, although the body has to recover quickly, mental fatigue cannot be ignored, and only a certain degree of relaxation can ensure high efficiency.

So while the stage was still being set, Luo Quan prepared to take a good rest.

But as soon as this idea came up, things came to him.

"Lolo, your Holy Mother's summer palace has been built, His Majesty asked me to let you go for inspection and acceptance."

This is a message sent by Bai Xingwei through the Consonance Mirror. Luo Quan, who was lying on the bed, was surprised and happy when he saw it: "So fast?!"

"Hurry up, I heard that many important figures have come here, you are the host, don't be rude."

"A big shot?" Luo Quan looked suspicious, wondering why these people are here?

With doubts in his heart, Luo Quan came to Bai Xingwei's room through any door.

Only then did she realize that Bai Xingwei had changed into a long fringed dress with wide sleeves that she would only wear on important occasions. She was all white, like a fairy Chang'e descending to earth.

"What do you mean by this attire?" Luo Quan suddenly wanted to laugh when he saw Bai Xingwei being so serious.

Bai Xingwei explained with a reasonable face: "This is a big scene recorded in the annals of history. Thousands of media have focused on it. How dare you appear on the scene if you don't wear formal clothes?"

Luo Quan was puzzled: "Is that an exaggeration? I thought that the Virgin Mary has never passed away, and it's not a rare thing."

Bai Xingwei patiently explained: "You are different. After all, you are the first Holy Mother to build a summer palace in the imperial capital, and just in time for the Empress Dowager to come back. Now both the Holy Tang Dynasty and God Blessed Federation are very concerned about the completion ceremony of the summer palace.

As the absolute protagonist, you must dress up beautifully today, and take off your earring, it would be too inappropriate to wear it on this occasion. "

"With my good looks, do I still need to make a special effort to dress up?" Luo Quan smiled confidently, "Choose a random dress and it won't overwhelm the audience?"

"Hehe." Bai Xingwei crossed her arms and sneered, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, the empress dowager will also be present this time. She was a super beauty who was famous all over the universe. You and her won't be sure who will win. Who is to blame."

Luo Quan took out the Consonant Mirror with a smile, and held it up in front of him: "Mirror, mirror, tell me, within a radius of [-] light-years, who is the most beautiful?"

Lingxi mirror did not speak, but Luo Quan's appearance was only reflected in the mirror.

"See, even the magic mirror knows who is the most beautiful in the universe." Luo Quan laughed triumphantly.

Bai Xingwei gasped after seeing this scene: "I know you are narcissistic, but I didn't expect you to be so narcissistic."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, I'm going to take a shower and change my clothes." Luo Quan selectively ignored Bai Xingwei's shocked eyes, only thinking that she was praising herself.

What kind of clothes do you need to wear to attend such an occasion? Luo Quan thinks it is better to show your status, that is, simple and generous.

Evening gowns definitely won't work, that's too revealing.

After thinking about it, she directly copied the style of the pope's robe, and then modified it a little.

Made of white fabric, embellished with red silk, and embroidered with gold thread, a simple teaching robe can also look graceful and luxurious.

After Luo Quan came out wearing it, Bai Xingwei's eyes lit up: "Your robe is fine."

"So-so, actually I have a more sexy nun's robe. If I wasn't the Virgin, I would wear that during the live broadcast." Luo Quan smoothed out the wrinkles on the robe and said with a smile.

"Oh, what a blasphemy you said." Bai Xingwei immediately thought of the cosplay clothes she saw when she was traveling on Earth.

Among them, the cosplay of the nun type is quite popular. The originally conservative nun costumes have become as attractive as demons under the interpretation of busty cosplayers.

If Luo Quan wore such clothes, then the faith of many people in Liming Church would collapse.

"You'd better save yourself, the robe looks good today." Bai Xingwei felt that Luo Quan should not be allowed to make mistakes, so she spared no effort to praise her.

Then she glanced at Luo Quan's ears and neck, and said, "Aren't you going to take off the earrings? And what about the Fall of the Morning Necklace? It's a holy artifact of the church. It's best to wear it on this occasion."

"I'll take off the earrings when the meeting arrives."

Luo Quan said as he opened his long sleeves, revealing the necklace tied around Xue Baihao's wrist: "I think it's too troublesome to wear around the neck, so it should be a bracelet.

I didn't know before that this thing can be changed as I like, but unfortunately it can't be directly turned into a ring, which is more convenient. "

"The necklace is pretty good. It's so beautiful. Why did you change it into a bracelet?" Bai Xingwei looked puzzled, "I think it's inconvenient to wear it on my hand. It's quite in the way."

Luo Quan didn't speak, but puffed out his chest.

"What are you doing?" Bai Xingwei didn't know why.

Luo Quan shook his head lightly: "It's fine if you don't understand, you will gradually understand in the future."

In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to wear it, the Fall of Dawn necklace is so beautiful, no fool would want to wear it.

But the shape of this necklace is a bit special, the pendant is in the shape of a star, with sharp edges and corners, and sometimes it will scratch, which is quite uncomfortable, so Luo Quan changed the necklace into a bracelet.

"God babbling."

In the end, Bai Xingwei still didn't understand what Luo Quan wanted to express, so she could only complain, and then poked the ground with her ring: "Just now the Saintess Fabrina came over, let's go when we are ready, the guests have already arrived one after another. arrive."

"Then let's go." Luo Quan saw a portal appearing in front of him, walked inside and took off his earrings.

The eyes of the two blurred, and they were already on the square outside the Summer Palace of Notre Dame.

The last time the two of them came, they were in a similar location. At that time, there were busy workers everywhere, as well as busy-looking leaders.

And this time when I come back, I have already changed a group of people.

Luo Quan looked around and saw that there were dignitaries and celebrities in costumes, not only people from Shengtang and the Federation, but also some big shots from other planets, but the appearance of these people was slightly different from that of humans.

It can't be said to be ugly, but it is definitely uglier than a lizard. There are a few people who are more deformed than Nezha and don't know what kind of people. They can act in horror movies without makeup.

But such sub-human races actually account for a very large proportion of the civilization of the universe.

Although hands, feet and a head are the most harmonious and beautiful form recognized by human beings.

But after all, there are still a few who can evolve into this form, and most races evolve in various directions.

Some have more hands, some have more feet, and some have bigger heads.

But no matter what these races look like, they are all citizens of the universal civilization, they only have one common language, and their aesthetics are consistent with those of the universal stars.

So when Luo Quan appeared in the square with no makeup, it immediately aroused countless exclamations.

Many beauties are completely different before and after makeup. For them, plain makeup is sometimes synonymous with social death.

There is also a huge gap between Luo Quan's appearance without makeup and after makeup, but the purpose of her makeup is to look ugly, and the same is true for wearing earrings.

So for her, plain makeup is the pinnacle of beauty.

"Speaking of which, it seems that this is the first time you have shown your true colors to others."

Bai Xingwei admired the surprised eyes of the people around her, and even felt a little proud in her heart.

As the first person to see Luo Quan's true face, her expression was not much better than these people.

But now that I have seen it many times, I naturally calm down, and I can laugh at these people for not seeing the world.

"I hope it won't cause too much commotion." Luo Quan sighed softly, "Hey, being too pretty is an annoyance."

Bai Xingwei rolled her eyes: "Look how proud you are, if you don't pretend for a minute, you will die."

Luo Quan smiled and said, "I'm not pretending, I'm showing my confidence."

After the surrounding guests reacted, they immediately touched their chests and saluted her, and said in unison: "Good afternoon, venerable Holy Mother."

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "On behalf of Liming Church, I would like to extend my greetings to all the guests, and thank you for your support."

(End of this chapter)

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