Chapter 1126
Luo Quan was quite proficient in speaking in such an official accent, and his expression and tone were quite natural.

After she appeared, the guests in the entire square found their backbone and gathered here one after another.

The closest ones are of course Benjamin III and Ye Zhining.

The two were originally chatting with their respective companions, but when they saw Luo Quan, they all walked over at the same time, and they also nodded to each other after meeting.

"You are so radiant today, Your Lady." Benjamin III looked at Luo Quan, touched his chest with a smile and nodded, "The palace entry ceremony is about to begin. You are the protagonist today. Please lead us into the palace."

Enter the palace?How could this sound a bit weird.

Luo Quan muttered in his heart, but his smile was still bright: "The completion of this summer palace is inseparable from the efforts of the two majesties. On behalf of the residents who may live here in the future, I would like to express my sincerest sincerity to both of you." Thanks."

After saying a few polite words, Luo Quan went through the crowd and came to the front.

During the period, they passed by Fang Yitian and Fang Mo, and their sons and daughters were also dressed up today, but after Luo Quan walked by, the brilliance on their bodies suddenly dimmed a bit.

"It's so beautiful, aunt." Fang Mo looked at Luo Quan's back, blushing and said with a heartbeat, "At first, I thought my cousin was unbeatable, but I didn't expect someone to be more beautiful than her. This Holy Mother really lives up to her reputation."

"If she goes to participate in the Universe Youth Competition, she will definitely become the most dazzling one." Fang Yitian said with a smile, his eyes are full of memories, looking at Luo Quan is like seeing himself when he was young.

Fang Mo shook his head lightly: "It's a pity that your cultivation base is too low. If you go to participate in the competition like this, you will be eliminated in the first round."

Fang Yitian said with a smile: "Before she hid her real face, maybe she also hid her real strength. Don't judge people by performance."

These words made Fang Mo fall into silence.

Through the crowd, Luo Quan came to the center of the square, where a 24-meter-high statue stands.

The material of the statue is a very integral church specialty - Saint Quartz.

This kind of stone can only be produced in the Holy Land of Dawn, and the annual production is only a few tons. Such a large statue, it is estimated that the production of more than ten years has been spent.

The statue is covered with a layer of white cloth, but you don't even have to think about who is carving it.

On the square of Notre Dame's Summer Palace, who else can be carved besides the Virgin?

No need to be reminded, Luo Quan took the initiative to step forward and became the unveiler of the statue.

With her right hand gently tugging, the huge curtain fell to the ground very silky, without making too much noise.

Then a sculpture that was [-]% similar to Luo Quan's main body appeared in front of everyone.

The white color texture of the Saint Quartz perfectly restores Luo Quan's icy muscles and bones, and it blooms brightly under the sunlight, making it look lifelike.

Of course, this statue was not handcrafted by craftsmen, but was printed out after the church scanned Luo Quan's face, scaled it up with special equipment, and finally printed it out.

It's just that compared to the 3D printers on the earth, the Church's printing device has no restrictions on volume and materials, and the degree of restoration is extremely high.

"It's really unique." Luo Quan raised his hand and clapped his hands, praising him.

Seeing that the statue is so pleasing to the eye, the others also smiled.

After lifting the curtain of the statue, it is the turn of the palace, which is the main event here.

And Luo Quan could not restrain his inner joy after only one glance.

As she expected, the architectural style of the summer palace was both luxurious and beautiful, and various sculptures, oil paintings, and ornaments also filled the palace with an artistic atmosphere.

On the dome, there is even an incomparably huge painted painting, which tells the story of the Heavenly Father creating mankind, descending the Son, and leading mankind to prosperity.

The floor of the palace looked like some kind of crystal, transparent and smooth, and blooming with different colors from every direction.

My previous proposal of "I want more sparkles in the palace" seems to have been well implemented.

"As expected of the architect of the church, the interior of the Hall of Mercy of the Notre Dame Palace is really magnificent."

Fang Yitian couldn't help but speak and praised.

As the person with the highest seniority at the scene, her praise immediately aroused the echo and approval of the people around her.

Benjamin III looked at Luo Quan with a smile: "Holy Mother, are you satisfied with the layout here?"

"It's better than I imagined." Luo Quan nodded again and again, "But it just feels a little less holy."

"Your wisdom is enough to illuminate the darkest places in the universe."

Benjamin III flattered his ass, and then took out a ball of light overflowing with light: "This is the source of light left behind after you performed the miracle.

The design and construction of the entire Summer Palace of Our Lady are based on it, and with it, everything in the Summer Palace is truly given life. "

With that said, Benjamin III handed over the source of light to Luo Quan.

Everyone looked at the ball of light in Luo Quan's hand, with undisguised envy in their eyes.

This sphere of light is the purest essence of faith, and the power of faith is one of the most powerful energies in the entire universe.

Compared with the ubiquitous aura in the world, I don't know how much more advanced it is.

In the cultivation system of the Holy Tang Dynasty, what can be compared with it is usually energies such as the primordial purple energy, merit, and luck.

It is worth mentioning that the power of faith accumulated by the former Virgin Mary's preaching for many years is not as strong as that of the Luoquan preaching.

In the entire history of the church, she was the only one who created a source of light with just a few words.

This thing is a treasure. For those who practice light spells, near it, the speed can be increased by at least ten times!

And even practitioners of other departments can get three to four times the increase.

This is just one of its many magical effects!
Prior to this, the original source of light of the church had entered its twilight years and had become much dimmer.

Luoquan's star has just been born, and its brightness and energy fluctuations are so intense.

Ordinary people can't even look at it directly, but in Luo Quan's hands, it becomes extremely docile.

Holding this treasure in his hand, Luo Quan felt as if he had an extra external energy storehouse, full of inexhaustible energy, as if he could release curry sticks continuously.

"System, with this thing, am I equal to Infinity Blue?"

Luo Quan asked fervently in his heart, for the first time he had the idea of ​​taking something he had made for himself.

"According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot disappear or be created out of thin air, nor can it be infinite.

Therefore, although the energy contained in this source of light is huge, it cannot be equal to infinite blue.

However, based on your current energy output level, starting from now to release the sword of vowed victory, it will not be exhausted in 100 years without eating or drinking. "


Luo Quan's eyes almost turned into little stars, and then he sighed: "It would be great if I could keep it for myself."

The system replied: "This was originally born through you, and it has the effect of collecting faith and transforming it into holy light energy.

At the same time, after the transformation, it will also feed you back, so instead of keeping it for yourself, it is better to put it here and accept the worship of believers, so that you can quickly increase your holy power even if you don't practice. "

Luo Quan blinked: "It sounds good, so what's the use of this holy power?"

"Holy power can evolve your seraphim form, extend the duration, increase the attack power of the holy light spell, and so on.

This kind of thing, even if you don’t explain it, you should be able to understand it. This is not the same as spiritual power and internal power. "

"Okay, you can shut up now." Being ridiculed, Luo Quan turned off the system angrily, then held the source of light with one hand, and lifted it into the air.

The source of light rises slowly, and finally merges with the dome of the Hall of Mercy.

In the position where the sun should be carved, the source of light entertains it, and the blooming light injects vitality into the static murals and becomes dynamic.

It's not just the murals that come alive, the entire palace, the entire summer palace seems to come alive.

The holy light began to spread over every corner, like the pervasive air, dispelling all the shadows and darkness.

The distant hymn was sung above everyone's heads, and the indistinct melody made the whole person's mood quiet, and the Hall of Mercy was filled with a peaceful atmosphere.

Where people can't see, 24 fountains on the square gush out sweet spring water at the same time.

These are the fountains of light created by borrowing the source of light. Ordinary people can prolong their lives by ten years if they take a sip.

Practitioners of the Holy Light take a sip, and they can be filled with blood and mana directly on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, the configuration of Notre Dame's summer palace was no less than that of the holy city of Divanxi, and there were already signs of the emergence of the second holy city.

And in the Hall of Mercy, there were voices of praise and cheers one after another.

The unveiling ceremony has come to a successful conclusion, and the seven-day celebration will follow. Everyone can enter the Summer Palace and share the hard-won Fountain of Light.

"Everyone?" Luo Quan hesitated to speak when he heard Benjamin III's words.

She originally wanted to ask the heinous person if she counted, but she was afraid that if she asked, the Pope would say that she was not good enough.

After all, in many beliefs, sinners can be forgiven as long as they repent.

And a good person must do n good deeds in order to become a good person.

Luo Quan felt that this kind of thing was quite unfair. Why should he plead guilty and let the crimes he committed before be forgotten?
If an apology is useful, why do we need the police.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth are the most primitive and simple values ​​of human beings. Luoquan has always believed in this eternal truth.

But that doesn't seem to be the case in faith.

But if you think about it carefully, if you are really a heinous person, you probably won't be able to pass the level of the summer palace guards.

For their own safety, those loyal warriors would not let any dangerous people enter the area within a radius of five kilometers.

So the Fountain of Light this time should not be cheap to those villains.

After the banquet started, the overall situation was basically handed over to Benjamin III to preside over it.

After all, she doesn't know most of the guests who visited today. Fortunately, she is highly recognizable and everyone knows her.

But while wandering around at the banquet, Luo Quan met an old acquaintance who was not very familiar.

"Fledo, long time no see." Luo Quan greeted this Goblin-like Carlos again.

I remember that when I first arrived in Huanyu, I was not well-known.

It was Fledo who took the initiative to find him, provided her with a live broadcast platform, and made her the first pot of gold.

But since then, Fledo has disappeared. Luo Quan once thought that the peace agreement between himself and him had become a waste of paper. After all, Enlaido never seemed to send a message to let her broadcast live.

"I don't know if it's because I drank too much wine that I had an illusion. Our Lady is much more beautiful than the first time we met." Fledo held the wine glass in his hand, and his fat cheeks turned a faint red.

Luo Quan explained with a smile: "I concealed my true face when I met you, but now it is actually my true appearance."

"I knew it." Frydo laughed, "My Lady, you are indeed a natural beauty. It is not in vain that I took the initiative to find you and let you broadcast live."

"Speaking of the live broadcast, it seems that I haven't turned on the machine you gave me for a long time." Luo Quan smiled awkwardly, "I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, and I only remembered it now when I saw you. I'm so sorry."

"You don't need to worry at all." Fledo waved his hand, "According to the contract, I can obtain the exclusive rights to rebroadcast your live broadcast on the Huanyu platform, so the first time you show your face on the Huanyu platform, you have already been rebroadcast to I'm in the live broadcast room of the big universe.

Every live broadcast after that is like this.

Holy Mother, you may not know that your popularity in the whole universe is quite high now, and I don’t know how many people are crying and wanting to become your believers. "

"There is such a thing?" Luo Quan was shocked, "Why I don't know at all."

Fledo explained: "The universe is too big. It would take several days for a lot of information to be transmitted in the past, and the cost is quite high. Therefore, Huanyu usually only takes the initiative to understand some major events in the universe."

Luo Quan suddenly realized: "Understood, the commotion caused by my live broadcast can only be regarded as a trivial matter."

Fledo said quickly: "You must not say that, you are the Holy Mother of the Church of Dawn, and you must know that the Church of Dawn has considerable influence in the entire universe.

And after such a long live broadcast, your popularity in the whole universe is not low now.

If my estimate is correct, the Cosmic Youth Competition should send out invitations to you soon. "

"Universal Youth Competition?" Luo Quan frowned, "What is that?"

"It was a feast for young talents from all over the universe."

Fledo's eyes shone with excitement: "There, you will meet and compete with the best young people in the universe, and under the witness of the gods, every battle you fight can improve your strength. !"

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Originally, she didn't have any ideas, but a sudden reminder from the system made her interested.

(End of this chapter)

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