Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1127 About the Outlook for the Future

"Maybe the laws there can make your skills upgrade quickly."

The system reminded Luo Quan immediately: "Is it true?"

"If Fredo didn't lie to you, those things would be true.

All-round strength improvement, of course, also includes your spells and skills, so the conclusion is obvious. "

Although the system was not [-]% sure, Luo Quan felt that there was no need for Fredo to lie to her.

If it doesn't work, she can ask Ye Zhining, maybe he has participated?
So Luo Quan found Ye Zhining after chatting with Fledo for a few words.

At this time, she had just finished drinking and chatting with the dignitaries of various countries, and chatted happily with her mother and cousin Fang Mo while eating the special food prepared by Liming Church.

Seeing Luo Quan coming, Ye Zhining smiled even more happily: "Luo Quan, you came just in time, we are talking about you."

"I've seen the Queen Mother." Luo Quan bowed to Ye Yitian first, and then said with a smile, "What are you talking about about me?"

Fang Mo took over the conversation: "I heard from my cousin that you, Miss Luo, are good at melee combat, and your fighting style is quite tough.

Watching the video of your performance before, I always thought you were the gentle and graceful type. Even in battle, you should be the style of chanting spells and releasing spells. "

"Then watched the video of my Martial God Trial, and found that the contrast is huge, right?"

Luo Quan said with a smile: "But no authoritative expert has defined that a girl's fighting style must be gentle and graceful, but maybe my performance is indeed a little violent."

"I feel like you're ready to punch me when you say something like that." Ye Zhining's mouth curled up, and he said something that only Luo Quan could understand.

Neither Fang Yitian nor Fang Mo understood, but they didn't ask carefully.

"By the way, since Miss Luo has already revealed her true face, there is actually no need to hide anything in Huanyu from now on." Fang Mo suddenly mentioned this.

Luo Quan explained with a smile: "Because I usually live broadcast a lot, I am afraid that the audience will look at my face for too long, and some bad things will happen."

The system had clearly reminded her of this matter, and her current appearance was equivalent to a reduced version of the indescribable.

If a man looks at her for too long, he will fall in love with her irresistibly, the kind that feels uncomfortable if he doesn't see her for a day.

It’s fine if it’s just pure fans’ love for idols, the key point is that this kind of love is difficult to control, and it’s very easy to do things that extreme fans will do.

What are extreme fans?

In order to meet their idols, they did not hesitate to jump off buildings, sneak into their hometowns, and kidnap innocent people to force their idols to show up.

Under normal circumstances, the probability of such extreme fans is quite low, because the number of lunatics is a minority after all.

But if she didn't wear earrings, the probability of appearing a lunatic would increase hundreds or thousands of times.

For the sake of social stability, Luo Quan felt that it was better not to take risks.

Even with earrings on, her appearance is second to none in the world, so there is no need to cause trouble.

Hearing Luo Quan's explanation, Fang Yitian nodded in agreement.

Although she still expressed emotion to her niece before, saying that she could still compete with Luo Quan when she was young.

But after seeing the real person up close, Fang Yitian knew that no matter how young he was, he could not beat Luo Quan.

Appearance is the same as height, and when the two are placed together, the gap is obvious.

Think back when she was young, how many young talents fought fiercely to please her, how many people loved her madly?
As a star, Luo Quan's starting point of popularity is higher than her, and he will only face more troubles than her.

Therefore, proper cover-up is necessary, and Luo Quan has no problem doing so.

"By the way, there is one thing I want to ask the Queen Mother."

Luo Quan remembered his purpose of coming here, and said, "Just now someone told me that I might be invited to participate in the Universe Youth Competition, and that if I win the battle, I will get a considerable improvement. I don't know if it's true or not?"

"Who is so boring and told you this?" Ye Zhining frowned, thinking that he had just persuaded Luo Quan a while ago, telling her not to think about fighting with others all day long.

Fortunately, Huanyu couldn't find a fight, so he planned to go to the big stage of the universe.

Luo Quan shook his head and said: "A friend of mine, don't ask who it is, Your Majesty, I just want to know if this matter is reliable."

Before Fang Yitian could speak, Ye Zhining said first: "It's not very reliable for you now, when there are so many people, who knows what will happen.

You are so beautiful, be careful to be kidnapped and become Mrs. Yazhai! "

Fang Yitian's eyes widened when he heard this, and he said with a smile: "Ning'er, the Universal Youth Conference has been held for so many years, mother, I have never heard of any incidents of abduction and trafficking of women.

Besides, there are so many masters in the venue where the conference is held, are you afraid that some gangsters would dare to make trouble there? "

Ye Zhining sighed helplessly: "Mother, don't make trouble if you don't understand, Luo Quan's body doesn't support such nonsense."

Fang Yitian was puzzled at first, but quickly reacted: "That's true, Miss Luo, as a virgin, is indeed not suitable for strenuous exercise."

Hearing this, Luo Quan basically understood, and it was because of that reason.

Touching her flat stomach, she felt that she was about to emp.

"By the way, in this world, is it really possible to get pregnant by yourself?" Fang Mo knew about the tradition of the Holy Mother of the Dawn Church, but he was still very curious.

"I'm afraid only Heavenly Father knows about this." Luo Quan curled his lips, "But according to genetics, a healthy woman cannot conceive herself through natural means."

When Ye Zhining heard this, she almost laughed out loud: "You are all genetics from ancient times, and you can reproduce asexually a long time ago, but due to various considerations, Huanyu forbids this method.

But that doesn't mean people can't do it. "

"Then I definitely haven't evolved such a skill." Luo Quan shook his head very firmly.

"It's not a great skill, so there's no need to worry about it." Ye Zhining said and patted Luo Quan's shoulder, "In short, don't worry about it all day long. Even if you want to practice martial arts, you don't have to compete with others to improve ah."

Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining, hesitant to speak.

How should I say this?You can't tell her that you can fight monsters and upgrade yourself.

Leaving aside whether Ye Zhining believed it or not, if he really believed it, how would he explain how he got his abilities?
After thinking about it, Luo Quan thinks it's better to forget it, it is more feasible to earn popularity and exchange skill cards honestly.

The banquet held in the Summer Palace lasted for seven days, but Luo Quan returned to Earth that night.

The main reason is that the main hall has completely become a place for the dignitaries to exchange emotions. Originally, she still wanted to recite scriptures and pray with the believers.

However, it seems that everyone doesn't have much interest in believing in the Holy Light. Luo Quan thinks it's better not to keep her as a mascot to distract everyone's attention.

"System, you said that I will become fragile after pregnancy, what is the reason for this?"

Luo Quan lay down on the bed, and asked unwillingly: "Obviously I am in such good health, it stands to reason that even if I am pregnant with ten children, I can still walk like flying.

The Wugou Immortal Physique can resist missiles, so can't it protect a few babies? "

"As explained earlier, energy does not appear and disappear out of thin air, and neither does life.

You have given birth to a new life, and this new life will not appear out of thin air. It needs to absorb your life to develop itself.

During this period, most of the energy you absorb from the outside world will flow into this new life, including the life energy that originally belonged to you, which will also be slowly absorbed by this new life. "

"Why does it sound like a parasite?" Luo Quan suddenly laughed when he heard it, but felt that such an idea didn't seem quite correct.

Mothers are great, and the process of conceiving life is sacred and worthy of praise, not speculation in this way.

"From a formal analysis, it is indeed parasitism, but this parasitism will only last for about ten months."

Luo Quan retorted: "Who said that Nezha's mother was pregnant for three years?"

"This is an extremely rare situation, and it's not like you don't have nothing to gain. If you conceive in October, you can get a cute baby in the end, won't you?"

Luo Quan laughed: "That's right, a good baby who quarrels every night and makes your brain hurt."

Luo Quan, who has already raised two babies, knows the habits of human cubs very well. They may be really cute in the first few days after they are born, but soon they will show you their terrifying side.

Luo Quan felt that her treble was already unrivaled in the world, but after raising her baby, she found that the vocal range and sound pressure of these little guys were all at the top level.

But maybe because of her natural endurance, she didn't break down like many mothers when she was raising her baby.

Maybe it's because she's not a real mother, she doesn't have those hormones in her body, and she doesn't have postpartum depression.

"So if I get pregnant, there is no way to solve the problem of becoming weak?"

Luo Quan asked worriedly, she didn't like this kind of situation beyond her control.

She has enjoyed the convenience of an indestructible body for too long, and if one day it suddenly disappeared, she would definitely be uncomfortable.

"The solution is also very simple, just take more supplements when you are pregnant.

Let the baby be well-nourished, and naturally it will not absorb the life of the mother, so that you will not enter a weak state. "

This is indeed a very simple and crude way, and it sounds very logical.

So when will this unlucky Son come?
According to the system, there is no possibility of the Holy Son being born.

But not only Benjamin III or Ye Zhining used this excuse to restrict her behavior, which really made her feel uncomfortable.

But after thinking about it, it would be better for this holy son not to appear.

After all, I am a big girl with yellow flowers, and suddenly my belly is big, how can I justify this?
If the fans know about it, they don't know what it will be like.

Considering his current thriving career, Luo Quan felt that it would be better for his son to come later.

By the way, does the holy son necessarily refer to a boy? Can a girl be a holy son? If not, she will be shaken with anger.

It's not discrimination, I just feel that boys are too skinny, if it is a girl, it may be more worry-free.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan patted his face: "It's nothing to think about all day long, let's do business!"

She is indeed thinking wildly now, but after finally encountering an opportunity to empty her mind, Luo Quan doesn't want her work to quickly occupy her rest time.

But people are cheap sometimes. When you are so busy, you can't wait to rest every day, but when you really rest, you can't help but want to work again.

It took a lot of determination for Luo Quan to resist not turning on the computer, and went to a meeting with the production staff of "B Station Fan Club" to understand the progress of the work.

Now that you are resting, why don't you play with your mobile phone with peace of mind?

Open the hot search on Weibo, does Kangkang have any fun?

"Yes, we have a child."

This is a hot search today, the prefix is ​​"explosive", and four of the top ten hot searches are related.

It is not uncommon for unmarried children to be born in the entertainment industry, but it is the first time that such a commotion has been caused.

Luo Quan glanced at the protagonist, isn't this one of the four kings of the music world, who actually directly admitted that he has a child, and he still has a girlfriend who broke up with him a long time ago.

I don't know whether to praise him for his responsibility or scold him for being irresponsible for such behavior, but netizens uniformly commented with another classic quote from a new senior four days:
"This thing is really spicy!"

Obviously, netizens have a negative attitude towards such behavior.

But to put it bluntly, this is a matter of willing to fight and suffer, and it is not a particularly big moral flaw.

After all, there is still no result for the one who wants to be a father, but many fans of female singers have collectively broken their defenses. They never dreamed that the idol they fanned was already Hai Er her mother.

And not only the mother, but also a very popular female singer also had a past with this "father", and even loved him to death.

After the news broke out, the fans were almost as uncomfortable as the sky falling. When they thought that their idol almost became a mother, their mentality couldn't be called a burst, and they probably wanted to die.

On the other hand, in Luo Quan's Super Talk, the fans are all thankful that their idol is a careerist who devotes all his attention to the show, and there is no need to worry about accidents caused by these love affairs.

But someone asked again: "What if Luo Quan really brings out a baby one day?"

Then this idiot who spoke without looking at the occasion was blocked by the host for a day, a small punishment, and a long memory.

In addition to the shocking news from the entertainment industry, Luo Quan also saw another piece of news.

That is, Tesla has recalled millions of vehicles in China. This news is not big or small, but it is definitely great news for her.

Because the recalled vehicles are equal to Tesla's entire sales volume in China over the past few years.

In an instant, there was a huge gap in new energy vehicles, and Luo Quan smelled a business opportunity to become bigger and stronger.

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