Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1129 A Little Traffic Shock

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury for the book coins rewarded by Masked Superman, thank you!

After several days of preparations, the shooting venue of the Bilibili fan club has been set up.

The space is not very large, a bit like a small theater used by musicals and repertory troupes.

However, because the theater is small, the decoration is much more refined. The overall color is mainly gold, which looks like a mini version of the golden hall.

When the photos of the theater were released, netizens left messages one after another: "Upstream."

In terms of atmosphere, the performance stage this time is indeed very unusual. A smaller space can make people feel more secure and more relaxed.

In addition, such a space is very suitable for singers to perform, and also allows the camera to capture the movements and expressions of all contestants.

"This is just one of the scenes. Later, I will take the contestants to an open-air concert in a serious stadium. That is the real place to test my singing skills."

Seeing the heated discussion among fans, Luo Quan drew another round pie in the comment area.

"Are you finally planning to hold a concert?"

"National tour! National tour!"

"The music market has recovered recently. Many singers are holding concerts, and the music festival is in full swing. Luo Quan, you really don't plan to join in the fun?"

"Indeed, your current box office appeal is one of the best in China. It would be a pity not to hold 32 concerts."

"I hope that Luoquan will hold one in every province in the country, and see if we can achieve the achievement of emptying the streets of thousands of people."

"This is a great opportunity for you to challenge yourself and set new records."


The thinking of netizens is always so out of the box, they will make an inch if they catch a chance.

Luo Quan just said that the next show would go to the stadium to perform in the form of a concert, but these people asked her to go on a national tour directly.

She has done things like concerts a few times. To be honest, she doesn't earn much, and she has to rehearse many days in advance, which is very tiring.

If you encounter fans who are more enthusiastic, you will not be able to leave when the time comes, at least you have to sing until one or two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Unfortunately, her fans are so enthusiastic every time she does a concert, they often sing for hours.

Of course, she doesn't reject this kind of thing. In fact, she is also very happy to be able to sing on the concert stage for fans to listen to.

However, the concert needs to study and serve, needs to accompany dancers to participate, and needs to arrange ticketing.

I have been busy for more than half a month, just for one night of carnival.

Luo Quan felt that this kind of efficiency was too low, it was better to sing to fans at home in front of the camera.

Although the singing time is less, at least you can hear it without listening to it, and it doesn't cost money.

That's why Luo Quan doesn't like holding concerts. To sum it up in two words, "troublesome".

So when she saw so many people taking advantage of the problem, she chose to remain silent as if she hadn't seen it.

After being on the Internet for many years, she learned a truth.

That is, say more and make more mistakes, say less and make fewer mistakes, and if you don't speak, you won't make mistakes.

After making a mistake, how many people published various small essays to explain it, but the result was that the description became darker and darker, which eventually aroused public outrage.

In comparison, cold treatment is actually the most sensible way.

Forget about the concert or something, but if the fans are in high spirits, after the show is finished, she can sing on stage for another night for free.

With her current physical fitness, she is completely capable of being high for three days and three nights in the true sense without causing any damage to her throat.

Of course, doing this on the earth is still too shocking. If you sing all night, someone will feel sorry for her body the next day, so it's better to last one night.

But if this decision is made out, the fans will definitely say: Since they have decided to sing, why not just hold a concert?

People are insatiable, and it is normal operation to look at what is in the pot before the bowl is finished.

Don't give them expectations from the beginning, and then give them surprises when the time comes, the effect will be much better.

So even though the voices in the comment area shouted for her to hold a concert, they were finally fooled by Luo Quan, who pretended to be deaf and dumb.

"Sister, I think the recording will start tomorrow. Have you booked your ticket yet?" Leon packed his luggage and carried him downstairs, looking as if he was ready to leave at any time.

"Where are you going?" Luo Quan looked at his younger brother inexplicably.

Leon also felt very strange: "Recording the show, you can't go back to prepare slowly after getting off the plane tomorrow?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, most of the program recordings at Station B are done in Shanghai, and it takes only 10 minutes by car." Luo Quan stuffed an apple into his mouth and said with a smile.

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier!" Leon was helpless, "I thought I was going to the capital."

"You didn't ask." Luo Quan replied confidently.

This conversation is quite similar to Luo Quan's original questioning of the system.

Sure enough, sooner or later, people will live in the appearance they hate the most.

Although it took a while to tidy up for nothing, Leon was still very happy without having to travel to and fro.

Kicking the suitcase against the wall, Leon sat down on the sofa, peeled a banana and gnawed on it.

"Speaking of which, have you booked your flight back to the United States? The Wolf of Wall Street should be starting. I've seen the news from the director a while ago."

Luo Quan looked at his younger brother and asked about it.

"I won't be able to shoot in a short time." Leon said vaguely as he chewed the bananas with his mouth puffed out.

"Why?" Luo Quan was very surprised, "Could it be that the zero-yuan purchase situation in the United States has intensified again?"

"Hey, isn't it always like this over there? How can it be exacerbated or not exacerbated?"

Lyon swallowed the banana, and said, "Screenwriters across the United States are on strike, organized by labor unions, and the entire Hollywood has almost come to a standstill."

"And this thing!" Luo Quan hurriedly lowered his head and took out his phone, opened Twitter and checked.

The screenwriters in the United States are indeed on strike, and the reason is very simple, just for a raise.

The screenwriters feel that they are paid a fixed price for the scripts they write, and no matter what the popularity of the script is, there will be no cut.

They felt it was unfair, so they asked for a raise.

At present, union representatives are talking with producers' representatives, but it seems that they are not very optimistic.

After all, the current economic situation is not good, and layoffs, salary cuts, and expenditure reductions are everywhere, and the emphasis is on the work strategy of saving as much as possible.

Your screenwriter suddenly asks for a salary increase, if it's just for the screenwriter, it's fine.

What if the actors see that the screenwriters have been raised, and they let the labor union organize a strike and come to discuss a salary increase?
Screenwriters and actors have all been added. Will lighting, photography, and prop artists be added?Will the scene manager, director, and costume designer be added?
There are so many occupations in a production team, if this is added up in a circle, the cost will increase by an unknown amount.

So the producer is not very willing to let go, and the screenwriters are determined to make more money, so the two sides are at a stalemate.

As for the screenwriter's strike, the crew has no new plots and character dialogues, so it can only be suspended.

In fact, similar situations have happened many times before.

In order for the movie to be released on time, some film crews directly let the actors play by themselves, and talk with each other in front of the camera, and the plot develops based on their feelings.

Therefore, many movies in this period often have obvious plot problems.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there are only a handful of crews still working in the United States.

The "Resident Evil" team counts as one, because the screenwriter is the boss of the company, and he is not American.

The American screenwriter's strike will not affect her head as a Chinese.

However, in order to avoid being scabbed by others, Luo Quan still informed the crew to stop filming and let everyone rest for a while.

The whole of Hollywood has come to a standstill, and all the migrant workers are using words or actions to support the screenwriters’ strike. It’s a bit too glaring and it’s easy to affect the reputation.

Although not all those who supported the strike were sincere.

But in an environment like the United States, if you don't support it, it is the biggest mistake. If you empathize with capitalists, you will definitely be scolded bloody.

Now a few people have made negative teachings. When facing the media, they complained about the screenwriter's strike, saying that it affected the filming work.

Now these people have been scolded by the public opinion in the United States, and they may directly lead to the reimbursement of their careers.

Luo Quan, who has always paid attention to these details, of course will not make mistakes, so he immediately gave instructions to the person in charge over there.

"Old sister, you reacted very quickly. As soon as you got the news, the crew stopped working." Leon gave her a thumbs up when he heard Luo Quan speak on the phone.

Luo Quan beamed with pride: "Your sister, I am famous for being watertight. What is there to praise about such a small matter? It's just a routine operation.

Prepare for tomorrow's program recording with peace of mind, you are now the number one sign to attract female audiences! "

"How can it be called a signboard? It's too ugly." Leon shook his finger and corrected: "Please call me Women's Friend."

"What kind of women's friend?" Mia carried her son downstairs, and heard her husband bragging again.

Luo Quan smiled and said: "I said Lyon is our show's signboard to attract female audiences, but he didn't like it, so he insisted that he was a friend of women."

Mia thought for a while, nodded and said, "There are quite a lot of middle-aged women in your live broadcast room."

Leon had a serious expression: "Then how can it be a middle-aged woman? Please describe my fans as mature women."

"Mature women will tip you so much money every day? I don't think they are any different from teenage girls!" Mia curled her lips, her tone sour.

Lyon has become popular so far, and the fan base has long been not limited to those young girls.

With his good looks, he can kill middle-aged and elderly women and ignorant girls, but now it's just a normal situation after his popularity has increased.

Compared to girls with no financial resources, those mature women who fell in love with Lyon were ruthless when they spent money.

Because Lyon didn't bring much goods, and didn't sell any merchandise, these women shopped for gifts in the live broadcast room every day, and it was crazy.

That being said, women are often the main players in fan circles.

Maybe women have more spare money than men, and they become irrational when they spend it.

"Then what should I do, your husband and I are so attractive." Leon spread his hands and smiled triumphantly.

Mia pouted, but did not refute.

Because it is indeed very attractive, otherwise she would not marry this guy.

"Son, let Dad hug you." Leon took Arthur from Mia's arms, lowered his head and touched the little guy's face with his nose.

After growing up, Arthur cried much less at night than before, and now the couple can finally sleep peacefully at night.

I used to think that this little brat was really noisy, but now I really like it more and more.

But Arthur didn't stay in his father's arms for long, and raised his hands to Luo Quan.

"Haha, it's better to kiss my aunt." Mia laughed.

Leon looked at his son with envy on his face: "I don't love you less than usual, why do I want my aunt and not my father every time?"

"Probably because you are too handsome to be liked by boys." Luo Quan's joke made Mia burst into laughter.

This is a real truth.

Although Leon is very popular among boys because of his abstract work.

But also because he is too handsome, many boys don't like him. It can be said that the polarization is quite serious.

In fact, Luoquan also faced the same situation at the beginning, but in recent years, the wind rating has been much better than before, and it can be regarded as truly achieving the praise of the whole network.

As for Leon, he hasn't reached this point yet, so there are many boys who like him, and there are also many boys who hate him.

But putting this on Arthur's head was completely a joke. It may simply be because Luo Quan took Arthur the most during the period after birth, so he was more willing to get close to her when he saw her.

The couple also knew about this, and tried to make up for it, but the effect didn't seem to be obvious.

In fact, the same thing didn't just happen to Arthur, Luoxi also had the same behavior.

Ever since the whole family came back from a trip, Luoxi and her sister have been very close.

When the three of Eric Luoni and Luoquan were present, Luoxi would definitely be more willing to be hugged by Luoquan.

Every time during the video call, Luoxi was very excited to see her sister.

No one knows the reason, maybe it's because Luo Quan's good looks are so good that even children like it very much.

"By the way, if my sister has a child in the future, what name will she name?" Leon looked at his son and asked suddenly.

Luo Quan was stunned by this question. She stayed for a while and said, "I really haven't thought about this question. After all, I haven't even decided when to find a partner. How can I think of naming the child."

"You have to plan ahead." Leon just learned an idiom, and immediately used it.

"Yo, I know how to use idioms." Luo Quan chuckled, "That's what I said, but you can't be so hasty in choosing a name, it also needs inspiration.

And this inspiration may not appear until after the child is born. "

"Indeed." Leon Mia nodded, feeling that there was nothing wrong with Luo Quan's words.

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