Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1130 A Little Traffic Shock

Chapter 1130 A little traffic shock ([-])
ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

After resting for nearly a week, the long-awaited fan club competition at station B finally started.

The three mentors drove to the shooting location early, which is also located in the resort on the outskirts of Shanghai.

It used to be a homestay here, but it was closed due to poor management. Later, it was acquired by Station B and transformed into a variety show shooting base. Any outdoor variety shows in the station will be filmed here.

Because the scenery is beautiful and the venue is spacious, the shooting effect is quite good.

It is worth mentioning that after the B station acquired the resort, it also added a lot of entertainment facilities, such as bars, KTV, theaters, sauna rooms, etc., which are said to be specially provided for the use of guests.

However, according to the urgency of the former high-level executives at station B, Luo Quan estimated that these must be another entertainment project that some high-level executives spent the company's money on for themselves.

Because there are not many variety shows shot by station B itself, but the number of times the leaders come here for vacation is several times a month.

Because the scenery of the resort is better, Luoquan came here this time with his family, and it was treated as an outing.

She, Leon, and Wen Xia went to record the show, and the rest of them could play freely in the village.

Because the time for recording the program is after lunch, there are not many contestants arriving now.

Luo Quan arrived first as a mentor, and the person in charge of the resort received her very warmly and took her around the village.

"There's still a bar!" Not long after walking, Leon saw a bar without any signboard, and Mia, who was holding Arthur, was also interested.

As New York youths in the new era, the two go to bars a lot.

Although in China, going to bars is not a healthy social behavior, it is actually quite common in society. Young men and women with a little more money like to go to bars.

However, Luo Quan seldom came to this kind of place. Her only impression of the bar was that when she was in Tokyo, Wakatou from the Sumiyoshi Club asked her to meet at the bar.

Then she ran into danger as expected, but luckily she was prepared and took out a handful of Desert Eagle from under her skirt.

That Ruotou probably didn't expect that such a delicate and beautiful girl could pull out such a big treasure from under the pleated skirt.

Coupled with the fact that many fans who didn't know the truth gathered and wanted to meet their idol, Luo Quan successfully resolved the biggest crisis in his career.

Speaking of which, when she went to Tokyo last year, she made a special effort to inquire about this extremely ruthless person who would not change his expression even when Sha Ying pointed at him.

I heard from others that this Ruotou is very resourceful, he worked hard within the opportunity, and once brought the club business on the right track.

Then because of a quarrel with others after drinking, he was stabbed to death on the street by two stunned youths, with a little intestine left, and died a miserable death.

Hearing that this ruthless man had ended up like this, Luo Quan couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, I also understood a truth, that is, people, don't be too crazy, because there are too many people now, you don't know when you will meet a stunned young man who doesn't care about the consequences.

Today's Lyon is such a stunned young man who walks in when he sees a bar, wanting to relive the happy atmosphere of his hometown.

It's a pity that there is no atmosphere in the bar during the day. There are no enchanting atmosphere groups with revealing bodies, and there are no happy DJs shaking their heads. There is only a bartender wearing a black and white vest.

"Hello, would you like a drink?"

The bartender's tone is gentle, making people feel like spring breeze.

If it was a live broadcast, Leon would definitely yell, "Give each of us a glass of water to moisten our throats."

In that case, the bartender will either hum and deflate his drink, or turn it out and fight him.

But this time he just came in to take a look, so there's no need to embarrass others.

"I'll just have a Long Island iced tea."

Leon ordered a glass of plain wine, then turned to look at Mia: "What about you, or the godfather?"

Mia smiled: "You know, I only drink this."

"Lose weight, don't drink." Wen Xia waved her hand.

"A glass of iced orange juice, thank you." Luo Quan chose to sit at the child's table.

When she drinks, she usually only drinks orange juice, which is smooth, sweet and sour.

As for wine, she probably has nothing to do with it in her life.

Strangely, if alcohol was added to the dish, she had no problem eating it.

If you drink it directly, you will definitely get dizzy, and you don't understand why.

Could it be that the high temperature destroyed the molecular structure of the alcohol?
After Luo Quan thought for a long time, he came to a conclusion comparable to Minke.

Soon, everyone's cocktails were served.

Luo Quan sat on the edge of a booth near the door, took out his mobile phone, took a photo and posted it on the feed, and then attached a text: "I have arrived at the Bilibili Resort, let's have a drink of orange juice. The broadcast will officially start after the contestants arrive. .”

Fans all know that Luoquan has a wonderful show today, so they have been paying attention to it. As soon as the news came out, there were thousands of comments in the comment area.

"Drink orange juice in the bar, right? I think you look down on the bartender somewhat."

"Luo Bao can't drink alcohol, so he can only drink some juice."

"Oh, there is another saying?"

"Luo Bao said in the live broadcast before that it seems to be an alcohol allergy or something."

"It's not an allergy, it's just that the alcohol intake is not good, and drinking is harmful to health, so she never touches it."

"This is true. Alcohol is an irritating, flammable, and carcinogenic chemical liquid. If you change its name, who would dare to touch it? I don't know why so many people like to drink it."

"Actually, it's okay to drink, after all, it's a personal behavior, but I hate alcohol culture, and I'm already a hooligan who plays drunk after drinking."

"Indeed, these two kinds of people are really worthless."


It can be seen that today's young people really don't like alcohol very much, and the comment area is basically criticizing this thing.

After reporting the work to the fans, Luo Quan called the person in charge of the stage and asked him to report the work progress to himself.

Fortunately, everything is going well, the stage has completed equipment debugging, and the live broadcast can start at any time.

After listening to the report, Luo Quan felt relieved and waited for the players to arrive.

Just after lunch, the contestants finally arrived at the scene by bus.

Because many contestants are on the same platform, this time they came to record the program and went together.

Some buses even posted posters of their respective platforms on the outside, and a wave of advertisements were placed before the race started.

However, the number one sponsor of this show is Liby Hand Sanitizer, a conscientious brand in the past year, and the sales are very generous.

Originally, the po mobile phone was also competing for the advertising space, but it seemed that there was a little situation on the company's side, so the competition did not continue, and Liby won the exclusive position in the end.

Luoquan never made any implants for advertisers, so he put the billboards on the road of the resort openly.

When the camera follows the players all the way, they will definitely be able to capture these Liby billboards.

"Let's go, Leon, we're ready to go on the show." Luo Quan got up and shouted to Leon who was not far away.

The family of three was live streaming on Douyin. Today, the parents took their son out for an outing, and the number of likes on the live broadcast hit a new high.

Hearing the elder sister's call, Leon also got up quickly and said: "I will broadcast it here for the time being, my family, the fan meeting at station B is about to start, and interested family members can go to Bilibili to continue watching!"

After speaking, he kissed Mia and Arthur each, and then walked towards the room where the stage was located with Luo Quanwen Xia.

The live broadcast room of the fan club at station B has already opened, and the camera is aimed at the place where the three mentors are sitting.

After the game starts later, the camera will turn to focus on the stage again.

But these are not fixed. The audience, players, and mentors will be taken care of later, but the protagonists must be the players.

It is worth mentioning that the audience who came to the scene this time were all lucky passers-by who got the qualifications on the website.

Originally, many netizens said that Luo Quan should invite some professional music critics to make the program look more stylish.

But Luo Quan felt that it was completely unnecessary.

What do music critics do?She felt in her heart that it was a group that said the right nonsense.

Their comments have no effect on the status quo of the music scene, and many of them are paid to do things. Singers with high popularity do not dare to criticize, but they like to strike hard at good singers who work hard.

Calling these double-standard music critics is just to cause trouble for the big guys, so Luo Quan has no idea in this regard at all.

Professional judges, three of them are enough.

Songs are sung for the public, and if the public likes them, they can be promoted.

Even if she doesn't like songs like the fire of love, if someone sings it and the audience scores high, then she won't deliberately get stuck when it's time to advance.

After all, the main focus of this program is public choice, and there is no shady scene.

As the three mentors took their seats, the popularity of the live broadcast room quickly began to soar in units of [-].

In the usual live broadcasts at station B, apart from Luo Quan, the big anchor, the most popular ones should be LOL and the preview live broadcasts of several popular games.

But whenever there is a competition, the less popular teams are in the millions, and the more popular ones are in the tens of millions. If it is the regional finals, it can easily be 3000 million.

As for the peak of the game's popularity, it should be the S finals of the previous two years. At that time, the popularity could even exceed [-] million.

It can be said that, apart from the annual New Year's greetings festival, the peak popularity of live broadcasts at station B is basically related to games.

But this time, it was the first time that a singing competition broke through the 2000 million mark.

Yes, it already has 2000 million hits before the official broadcast, and the barrage is so dense that no one can be seen without screening.

At the same time, hot searches on Weibo began to respond.

"The Bilibili delegation arrived at the competition site"

"The Douyin delegation arrived at the competition site"

"The Huya delegation arrived at the competition site"

"The Douyu delegation arrived at the competition site"

"The Kuaishou delegation arrived at the competition site"


Sentence patterns like these began to fill the hot search list.

Unknowingly, this fan club has evolved into a carnival for the entire Internet short video platform.

Before this, there were very few shows that could integrate so many platforms.

Because contracts are involved, each platform will try its best to strive for greater benefits for itself, and will often put some strict requirements on foreign players, and may even have to sign a contract or something.

But this fan club opened by Luo Quan doesn't cost money, and doesn't require the contestants to pay anything.

As long as you are willing to come, I will give you the stage and the microphone.

As long as you are strong enough, fans in the live broadcast room may become your potential fans.

In addition to the need to pay time, even the air ticket money has been reported to you.

This is also the reason why other platforms can generously put their own anchors in the competition and fully cooperate with the promotion.

Because station B is really not cheating at all, and if you sing well enough, it can actively send you traffic.

For several other platforms, the traffic may be greater than that of station B, but when it comes to hot searches, they are not as good as Luoquan.

The most popular platform in China is Weibo after all.

But Weibo itself doesn't have any anchors, so Luoquan is completely cheap.

Now that other platforms are greedy for this piece of cake, of course they are very happy to start a live broadcast with station B.

In the past, they wanted to be on the hot search, and sometimes they had to pay a lot of money.

There is no need to do anything now, and people will naturally add them when reporting on Luoquan, and then there will be a lot of attention.

After tasting the sweetness, several major platforms also spared no effort to promote the Fan Club of Station B, and at the same time spent money to buy the rights to broadcast the live broadcast.

Originally, I thought it would be a sky-high price, but I didn't expect that it would only cost a few million, which would be the price of cabbage.

And Luo Quan's original words were that he hoped to make this show a grand event on a short video platform, once a year, something that would be more popular than all competitions and variety shows.

When Luo Quan proposed this idea a few days ago, the people in charge of other platforms were not very sure.

But after the start of the race, this trend has become very obvious.

Several platforms vigorously promoted it, and the combined popularity is almost [-] million. The advertisers signed by the platforms are also exerting their efforts. Discussions about related content began to appear overwhelmingly.

Zhihu, Tieba, Xiaohongshu, Douban, Hupu and other large and small social platforms, related topics have also become popular.

Before the start of the main game, probably no one would have imagined that this seemingly unrefined show would become so popular.

Can you imagine a variety show broadcast live from the first episode?

Rather than talking about variety shows, it is better to say that they are live broadcasts under the skin of variety shows.

Ever since the cool idol talent show, it has been a long, long time since there has been a program with such a high degree of participation by the whole people.

Sure enough, talent show variety shows are the overlord of popularity.

Only talent shows can give the audience a sense of substitution and make them feel that they can vote for their favorite contestants to advance.

When a program can be enjoyed by all the people, it is difficult not to become a mess.

And this is the reason why Luo Quan chose to set up a fan club.

(End of this chapter)

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