Chapter 1131
The hot searches on major platforms are being overwhelmed by the fan club at station B, and the show here in the live broadcast room has just begun.

Because it was a live broadcast, there were not too many melodic cutscenes, but the appearance of the three tutors was still full of sparks and explosive sound effects all the way, which filled the audience.

Although the three instructors are old friends of the audience, in case new audiences do not know them well, here is an introduction in text.

Wen Xia: The captain and face of Korea’s fourth-generation No. 1 girl group, the No. [-] female idol in China, and at the same time, won many supporting actresses at home and abroad for her wonderful performance of Xiaodouzi’s mother in "Farewell My Concubine" Grand prizes, idols and actors blossom.

Lyon: A new generation of rap kings in the United States, New York underground rap champion, China's rap guest instructor, Oscar winner, inheritor of abstract intangible cultural heritage.

Luo Quan: She has basically won all the mainstream awards in the entertainment industry that you are familiar with.

According to the personal introductions of the three tutors, Wen Xia is well-behaved, there is nothing exaggerated, and among her peers in China, she is definitely at an outstanding level.

As for Lyon, the front is fine, the last sentence is a big deal, and it also abstracts the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage. Friends who see this sentence immediately live in Bengbu.

He originally added an ocean-going thimble, but considering that the impact might not be very good, he didn't add it.

But Leon's abstract fans understood him, and directly helped him post the title to the barrage.

As for Luo Quan, her resume does not need to be introduced in detail, because she has won too many awards.

Not only the Grammys and Oscars that were widely reported by the media, but also many less well-known awards, many of which were awarded to her every year.

It's just that she received the invitation email and didn't go to participate.

On the one hand, it was because of laziness, and on the other hand, there were too many awards ceremonies like this, and she couldn't be busy at all.

But not going to the scene does not mean not winning an award.

In Wikipedia, these awards have been accumulated one by one in her profile, and now there are hundreds of lines accumulated.

It is definitely unrealistic to list them all, so Luo Quan made a generalization, that is, I may have all the famous entertainment awards you know.

It was such a simple display, and there were basically no voices of doubt in the barrage.

Even though there are so many variety shows in China now, if you really want to find one that can compare with Wen Xia, it's rare, let alone a master of the industry like Luo Quan.

As far as singing is concerned, no one present is more professional than her.

The instructor was seated, the camera switched to the stage, and today's competition officially began.

The first person on stage was a slightly thin boy with delicate features.

As soon as he appeared, the system shouted: Potential rookie, worth signing.

But this rookie, Luo Quan, had never seen him before, and he might have been promoted from Lyon's live broadcast room.

And the strength of this rookie did not disappoint the system's attention.

He was not as delicate as a boy at all, and he sang with tenderness like water.

The voice was so clean that there was no trace of impurities, as if it had been kissed by an angel, which was very rare among male singers in the entire Chinese music scene.

It was also because the contrast was so strong that everyone was shocked when he opened his voice.

No one could have imagined that a boy could have such a gentle and clear voice.

After the song was sung, the boy nervously clenched the microphone with both hands, waiting for the instructor's evaluation.

But before that, the barrage had already given him a high score of 99.5, and he was basically determined to advance.

Wen Xia said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, you can introduce yourself first."

She has seen too many players who are so nervous, and asking them to introduce themselves is an ice-breaking process, so that they can quickly build up their confidence and become less stage-frightened.

"Hi, tutors, my name is Shen Zhou, and I'm a college student who just graduated." The boy said and gave a brief introduction.

"Did you graduate from a professional college?" Luo Quan asked directly, "Your pronunciation and singing are quite scientific, and it sounds like you were from a major."

Shen Zhou nodded and admitted: "Yes, I have studied bel canto and pop in a music academy abroad for three years."

"Your voice talent is very good. I haven't heard such a good voice for a long, long time." Luo Quan did not hesitate to praise, and these are also the intuitive feelings of the barrage.

"For this song, you control it very well, and you can hardly hear any flaws. If it is 100 points, I will give you 97 points."

Luo Quan drew on the tablet and scored the highest score so far.

"Thank you, thank you Teacher Luo Quan." Seeing that he was so recognized, Shen Zhou shed tears excitedly.

"This opening is Wang Zha, how can the players in the back compare?"

"Speaking of which 100 people are all finished?"

"There are 33 people every day, and the competition will be completed in three days."

"It's quite scientific, so the program won't be too long or too short."

"I feel like players like Shen Zhou should play at the end. Being the first to come out puts a lot of pressure on the players behind."

"Haha, maybe the second contestant is stronger?"

"How is it possible, do you really think that the masters are all among the people?"


Taking advantage of the gap before the appearance of the second contestant, netizens discussed enthusiastically.

The fan club got off to a good start. The first contestant was such a treasured male singer with his own characteristics. His voice lit up, and the girls fell for him a long time ago.

In addition, Shen Zhou's appearance is not bad, I believe he will attract countless fans before tonight.

And the second contestant on stage is also a handsome guy with outstanding looks.

However, compared to the delicate Shen Zhou, the second contestant even wore eyeliner, which looked quite enchanting.

This kind of dress, Leon has seen too much in the United States, his mouth pouted twice, looking hesitant to speak.

However, considering that China's acceptance of this group is not as good as that of the United States, it did not ask aloud.

Compared with Shen Zhou, Luo Quan is much more familiar with the male player in front of him.

This is a contestant who has advanced from her live broadcast room, the highest score holder of her mentor so far in the audition.

At that time, he only sang half of the song, and Luo Quan directly gave a high score of 99.5.

The reason why she didn't give full marks was because she felt that the contestant still had a lot of energy in singing, and she wanted to hear better performance.

At that time, the system also asked Luo Quan to sign this guy, but unfortunately he already had a brokerage company, so he didn't succeed.

And this contestant named Lan Aide did not disappoint Luo Quan's expectations, and surprised the audience with a perfect song "Eternal Love".

This time, he didn't hold back and chose to go all out.

When his astonishing voice pressure resounded throughout the room, barrages emerged in unison: words such as advancing to the finals and awarding champions.

Because she was promoted from the Luoquan live broadcast room, fans know her level very well.

I also know that Luo Quan once commented that this contestant's voice talent is at the ceiling level of human beings, and can be compared with her.

As for singing skills, among his peers, he also belongs to the Dugu Qiubai level, a flawless hexagonal fighter.

Before this, Luo Quan had never praised a singer like this.

It is conceivable how surprised the fans were when she made such an evaluation.

This is tantamount to saying in disguise that Lan Aide's singing skills are rare in the world, but such a high evaluation is not only questioned by the audience, but Lan Aide himself dare not accept it at all, and quickly said that Teacher Luo is too praised.

But when he showed his true strength, the audience finally realized how correct Luo Quan's evaluation was.

This singing skill is indeed world-class!

At this time, the barrage could not help but brush up:

"No, Luo Bao, you really showed us that a mountain is taller than a mountain, right?"

"I thought Shen Zhou was already invincible, but I didn't expect anyone to be braver than him. Whose general is this?"

"The strength is really top-notch, and the appearance is also really handsome, with a kind of coquettish and evil feeling."

"Fan Er, the overbearing president of Metropolitan Culture, I declare that I am in love."

"Do this with a male ID, right?"

"Please don't be too outrageous."


I have to admit that the barrage is sometimes more exciting than the stage. All kinds of quotations and memes fly together. Countless netizens with a strong desire to express their life-long learning here, and the fun they make is even more enjoyable than those cross talk sketches.

With just two contestants, the fan club at Station B has already set their own tone.

That is a program suitable for all ages with a gathering of powerful singers.

There are wonderful performances from singers with real faces, and gags from the three mentors. The combination of the two makes this show a real hit.

When it started broadcasting, its Weibo discussion rate was only [-] million. Two hours after the broadcast, the discussion rate had soared to [-] million.

This level of growth can only be achieved by those popular variety shows and TV dramas that come out every few years.

In short, there was only one show that did it last year, and that was the third season of Sister Lang. With a female singer who was already out of date, it brought back memories of countless young male fans and swept the entire Internet in the name of sweetheart.

And the wind direction of this explosive style comes from the national draft that has been successful many times.

Whether masters are folks or not, it is a favorite topic of countless netizens.

Especially in this situation where domestic entertainment is generally not very satisfying, netizens urgently need to see a group of new faces to sweep those incompetent traffic stars into the dustbin of history.

And at this time, the fan club at station B appeared.

Conforming to the expectations of netizens will naturally have explosive popularity.

Nowadays, on all major platforms, there is no one who does not discuss the Bilibili fan club.

And the players who performed the most amazingly already had their own fan groups, and the number of followers quickly exceeded the million mark.

This is just the beginning. According to this momentum, it should be easy to break 300 million.

In the case of such a burst of popularity, the first episode of the fan club at station B did not go high and low, and the last contestant who appeared on the stage ended today's episode well.

This male contestant named He Xuanyu woke up all the drowsy heads with his ridiculously high vocal range.

It's hard to imagine that someone can finish "Love To Die" with a pure voice, and it's two keys higher than the original song, even live.

A high-pitched professional like the original singer, when he sang this song live, he knelt down and complained to the audience after singing.

However, student He's performance can only be described as ease, and his expression was very relaxed from the beginning to the end.

So far, the three major areas of timbre, technology, and range have found representatives in the program.

Luo Quan never thought that a program could gather so many crouching dragons and phoenixes, and the crouching dragons and phoenixes here are completely commendatory.

She has been in Shangyi for more than a year, and she has never met so many outstanding students.

Now that there are three potential stocks that can make major music schools take the lead, Luo Quan feels that the Chinese music scene in the future is still very promising.

It's a pity that her show is a fan club, and the faces are singers with great singing skills, so there are not many original musicians participating.

But after experiencing so much, Luo Quan has firmly believed in the saying that there are masters among the people.

Experts don't necessarily hide from the people, but in the vast sea of ​​people, there must be countless golds that have not been discovered.

What is being held now is a singer competition, and Luo Quan thinks that if there is a chance in the future, he can definitely hold another original musician competition.

At that time, they might be able to dig out several new leaders in the Chinese music scene, and that would be a great merit to the entire Chinese music industry.

The show ended with He Xuanyu's super high notes. Originally, Luo Quan planned to sing two more songs on stage as a mentor after the contestants finished singing.

But the surprises brought by the contestants today are already enough, more than 30 songs are also online for the first time.

Fans have been listening to it for so long, and have already entered aesthetic fatigue. It is completely unnecessary for her to come on stage, even if she can bring a better performance.

But when the preliminary competition is over, there are still fifty contestants left out of a hundred, so the schedule won't be so tight.

With ten people singing every day, the transition process can be filmed more delicately, and the interaction between the contestants and instructors can be increased to make the show more interesting.

According to her plan, it should only be a matter of time before "Station B Fan Club" becomes the most popular variety show this year.

At the end of the day's show, the contestants stayed in the resort, while Luo Quan took his family back to his house after playing for a day.

It's only a 10-[-]-minute drive in total. If you can rest at home, you won't stay outside. After all, the home furnishings, the height of the pillows, and the softness of the mattress are all familiar to penguins and comfortable.

Luo Quan would never stay outside if he could go home.

After a busy day, Luo Quan finally had time to turn on his phone at this time, and take a look at the evaluations of the Bilibili fan club on the Internet.

Then, she saw that Weibo was swamped by related hot searches.

The number of discussions exceeded one billion, and seven of the top ten hot searches were related. From players to mentors to stage to advertisers, all the elements that the audience could see became popular.

Luo Quan doesn't know why some things are popular, such as the Huawei tablet she uses for scoring.

But it became popular and became a hot item that netizens frantically placed orders.

(End of this chapter)

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