Chapter 1132 I Only Hate Lack of Financial Resources ([-])

"It's a pity, Huawei should charge a wave of advertising fees." Luo Quan shook his head and sighed when he saw that he had accidentally brought a wave of goods.

She actually signed a contract with Huawei before and served as a spokesperson for 2 years.

However, after the contract expired, Huawei did not continue to renew the contract in order to save costs.

After all, when she signed the contract, she was still at the price of cabbage, and for the sake of domestic glory, she didn't charge a high fee.

Now if it's like signing her as an endorsement, it's basically worth hundreds of millions, and even if you are willing to pay, you may not be able to sign it.

Currently, she has only two endorsements, one is Chanel, which has just paid 5000 million euros for a five-year renewal, and the other is her own Nikola car.

And it is said to be an endorsement for Nikola, but with the current popularity of this car abroad, there is no need for any celebrity to advertise at all.

However, it is precisely because of the few advertisements received that Luo Quan's life is so leisurely.

For a brand like Chanel, it basically only needs to shoot three or four blockbusters a year to get the money. It can be said to be the easiest type of advertising.

Of course, there is an easier way, that is to open a chain of hot pot restaurants.

Going to a hotpot restaurant for a meal at the opening of the business is considered as completing the task, and the next step is to collect endorsement fees, Karma fans leeks.

In the entertainment circle, anyone with a bit of capital is doing this.

Sometimes it doesn't have to be hot pot, milk tea, barbecue, clothing, etc. are all done by someone.

However, most of them have been hit by thunderstorms, and the franchisees have lost all their money, but these endorsement stars do not need to take any responsibility at all, and have no impact on their acting career.

Sometimes it's really frustrating to think about it.

So Luo Quan often says something to fans, that is, when you see a celebrity with a good reputation, you suddenly start accepting these offline endorsements.

Then there is a high probability that this star is about to start a leek, so stay as far away as possible.

Speaking of mobile phones, Luo Quan encountered a good opportunity to expand his business.

After several years of investment and research and development, Ohpo finally announced the disbandment of its own chip research and development department, which is Zheku.

In this department, there are many high-end chip talents dug from other manufacturers, and there are also many semi-finished solutions in hand.

If you can eat this group of people and continue to invest in research, I believe you can produce a pretty good domestic chip.

Before that, ohpo invested tens of billions of funds, but because of the decline in business, the income has shrunk sharply, and it can no longer afford the high cost of self-developed chips.

Luo Quan currently has some spare cash on hand, but if he wants to get the chip out, he needs to invest at least another 100 billion in it.

Considering that there are still a lot of places where B station will cost money in the future, Luo Quan finally resisted the urge to buy, buy, buy.

It does sound quite tempting to create a mobile phone brand named after yourself, and it still uses domestic self-developed chips.

However, making mobile phones is different from other industries. The research and development cycle is too long, and a lot of money is invested, and it is difficult to see results in a short period of time.

If you buy parts directly from abroad, then you have no advantage over other assembly plants.

So after the fire in Luo Quan's heart rose, he calmed down without thinking for too long.

This industry is too deep. She is a rookie without any experience, so she should not go in and join in the fun.

At the same time, the hot searches on Weibo have been occupied by the audience who have watched the Fan Club at Station B, and everyone is enthusiastically discussing this program:

"I would like to call it the strongest music variety show this year, and the contestants are all gods."

"Shen Zhou's voice is so beautiful, it's like being kissed by an angel, unlike me, it's like being bitten by a dog."

"But the singing skills are still slightly inferior to that of Lan Aide."

"Is this the beginning of fandom?"

"It's just stating the facts. As a player, as long as he is on the stage, he must bear the evaluation of the audience. Only by comparing can we improve."

"But I don't think Shen Zhou's singing is worse than Lan Aide's."

"Luo Quan's scoring has already explained everything."

"Is what Luo Quan said the rule of heaven? Is it necessarily objective? Is it absolutely accurate?"

"If you don't believe Luo Quan's score, who will you believe in? Do you believe in yours?"

"Arguing is meaningless. You will know who is better by seeing who wins the championship in the end. There is no voting session for media people this time."

"Haha, I'm already looking forward to the second episode."


As Luo Quan expected, in a talent show like this, there will inevitably be controversy and controversy among the fans of each contestant.

This is how the popularity came about. If we hype the two most popular contestants, the popularity of the show will become even higher.

But Luo Quan is not one of those unscrupulous program groups, and he doesn't bother to use this method to stir up popularity.

So I didn't deliberately lead the two groups of fans to tear each other up, but I also didn't have the intention to be a peacemaker and let the two sides shake hands and make peace.

After all, there is only one final champion, and no one will give up easily.

Now jumping out and saying that everyone competes in a friendly manner and don't quarrel, isn't that a bad brain?

Therefore, fans of these players can quarrel if they want to, as long as it doesn't affect the performance of the players.

After dinner, Luo Quan washed all the dishes and chopsticks, went to the sofa and sat down, turned on the tablet computer and prepared to play games for a while.

The casual game she played was the abnormal version of Don't step on the white grid. The scrolling speed of the white grid was three times that of the normal version, and she chose the highest difficulty. The number of times each finger needs to tap the screen per second is as high as nine.

Wen Xia watched in amazement, and when she saw that Luo Quan had no time to pass the level in the end, she yelled awesome.

"This game is very good for training hand speed and reaction, and it is very suitable for those of us who practice martial arts." Luo Quan put down his phone and said with a leisurely expression.

"For a clumsy person like me, I basically say goodbye to this kind of game." Wen Xia chuckled, without the urge to challenge at all.

"By the way, Wen Xia, have you read the latest news?" Luo Quan suddenly remembered a report he saw at noon, "It is said that many Korean artists will come to China to participate in variety shows."

"You said this, I have seen it before." Wen Xia nodded, "A while ago, many variety shows came to me to be a guest, and they even revealed to me the lineup of guests, there are many Few Korean entertainers.

But because I was busy with other things at the time, I didn't participate. "

"I feel like this is just the beginning. I'm afraid there will be more Korean artists coming to China in the future, and even Japanese artists." Junko sat next to Luo Quan and spoke up.

In fact, since the beginning of the year, sporadic artists from Japan and South Korea have come to China to shoot variety shows.

It's just that the people who came at that time were all old stars, and the popularity was not very high.

However, even the outdated little transparent, the strength shown, and other domestic entertainment stars performing on the same stage have a very obvious gap in strength.

When more powerful Japanese and Korean artists come, this gap will only become more obvious.

And according to the urgency of these internal entertainment programs, many aspects will be considered in the promotion conditions, but the strength will not be considered.

Traffic, background, and capital support are the main factors that determine whether you will be promoted.

Say you can do it, you can do it, and you can do it if you don’t.

Say no, no, no, no.

So Luo Quan guessed that by then the scene would definitely be quite ugly.

Just like the last season of I Am a Singer, the top Japanese singer who could sing at the Olympic Games came here, and she lost in the end without seeing it. The key to defeating her was a mage who didn't know what she was singing at all.

What else is there to comment on? I can only say that it is really important to learn Mandarin well.

How can you win the votes of the audience if you can't sing a Chinese song well?

Not only this Japanese singer, but also those Japanese and Korean artists who came to China later had to face these problems.

"That's why I keep saying that you must learn Mandarin well."

Luo Quan looked at Junzi and said earnestly: "Language barrier means you can't win support with songs that Chinese audiences love. No matter how good Japanese and Korean songs are, you can't understand the lyrics after all, and you will lack a lot of empathy. "

Junko asked puzzledly: "But for some songs, even if you don't listen to the lyrics, you should be able to tell the difference. The difference in singing skills lies there."

"Are you good at singing?" Luo Quan raised his eyebrows, "Singing is good for nothing. When you come out, you want to talk about your power and background."

"I understand." Junko nodded lightly, "In these variety shows, it doesn't mean that you can advance if you have the ability, right?"

"Smart." Luo Quan snapped his fingers crisply, "That's why I rarely let you participate in other people's variety shows, and I'm afraid of this kind of situation.

You have a soft personality, and you probably won't say much when you're bullied.

If a temper like Wen Xia's was manipulated in secret, he would probably lose his temper on the spot, and he would offend many people by then. "

"What's my temper?" Wen Xia was not happy when she heard this, "Obviously my mother is very gentle, okay?"

Luo Quan spread his hands together: "See, that's what I'm worried about."

"It's really not very good Wen Xia sauce." Junko also nodded.

"It's just like my name, I've been very gentle these few years, okay?"

Wen Xia was still arguing, but was laughed at by Su Yu who passed by: "If you are gentle, then the tigress can be regarded as a kitten."

"Hey, I have a bad temper!" Wen Xia rolled up her sleeves, and turned her head to teach this bad woman who demolished her.

Unexpectedly, Su Yu ran faster than a rabbit, and rushed upstairs in a flash.

Wen Xia looked at her back, gave her middle finger fiercely, and gave up the idea of ​​chasing her.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if these Japanese and Korean artists come or not." Junko said with a very calm expression, "After all, no matter how strong they are, they can't attack me. The unlucky ones must be others."

"This sentence really hits the point." Wen Xia gave Wen Xia a thumbs up.

While chatting, the doorbell rang.

Luo Quan didn't even bother to wear slippers, so he ran to open the door with bare feet, only to find that it was food delivery.

"Hello, is this Mr. Li Sanguang?" The delivery guy looked at the username on the order and asked.

"Li Sanguang?" Luoquan people were dumbfounded, wondering why Leon got such a weird name.

"It should be, show me the phone number." Luo Quan reached out to take the takeaway and looked down.

After confirming that it was Lyon's phone number, he took the takeaway.

Ten seconds later, Leon quickly ran downstairs.

"What did you buy, Li Sanguang?" Luo Quan smiled and handed the takeaway to this little treasure, "It smells pretty good, can't it be barbecue?"

"You guessed it, it's barbecue." Leon tore the bag with excitement, "Do you want some?"

Luo Quan looked at him speechlessly: "Just finished dinner, my brother, are you hungry so soon?"

Leon smiled and said: "I originally planned to eat it all night tonight, but after placing the order, I remembered that it had been left to cool for so long.

But I've ordered everything, and I don't bother to cancel it. Anyway, I have a ridiculously large appetite now, and the barbecue is just a taste, and it doesn't fill my stomach at all.

Barbecue now, fried chicken later. "

"I still want to eat fried chicken." Luo Quan shuddered directly, "Isn't the heat going to explode? Is there anything good today, and I ate barbecue fried chicken all night."

"Of course it's a good day." Leon excitedly turned on the 4-inch [-]K TV in the living room, "Wait until three o'clock in the evening, Manchester City will play Real Madrid in the second round of the Champions League semi-final!"

As Lyon said, he lifted his clothes up, revealing his blue and white jersey.

Luo Quan laughed: "I can't tell, you're still a football fan."

"I have been watching the Premier League since I was a child. I used to like Manchester United, but now I like Manchester City." Lyon sat on the sofa, picked up pork skewers and began to roll.

Luo Quan smiled and said: "Then you are a proper champion fan. You like them when they are good, and you follow other teams when they are not good."

"Those who like Real Madrid and Barcelona are called champion fans. I am a loyal fan of these two teams." Lyon explained solemnly.

"Of course, Manchester City's results this year really made me like it even more." Lyon then added.

"I don't know much about football. I only know that France won the last World Cup." Luo Quan's understanding of football is limited to the World Cup held every four years.

What impressed her most was the South African Moment Cup, and she watched almost every game.

But at that time, she didn't understand much, and she didn't know the players, the rules, etc., just watched the twenty or so people running around chasing a ball.

But even if she doesn't understand anything, she always gives her a feeling of excitement, especially after the player finally kicks the ball in.

"The French team is just lucky. Let's see, next year's World Cup will definitely be England's champion!" Lyon said, and cast the Premier League game on the mobile phone on the TV.

Then I looked at it with relish while rolling the skewers.

In China, most girls probably know more about watching basketball.

Including Luoquan Wen Xia Suyu, they all watch basketball more, so after watching football for a while, they found that they couldn't watch it at all.

After sitting for a while, they each went back to their rooms.

(End of this chapter)

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