Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1133 Fading the Mortal Body

Chapter 1133 Fading the Mortal Body
Sometimes the surprise you have been waiting for for a long time happens on a night as ordinary as ever.

Luo Quan felt that he should be promoted a long time ago, but his cultivation has remained at the blood quenching level without any change.

Originally, she thought that there might not be any changes before the end of this year, but she didn't expect that it would be such an ordinary night, and she made a breakthrough.

Without any warning, everything happened so suddenly.

She just finished washing and was going to play with her mobile phone for a while to sleep, but she didn't expect her body to suddenly start to glow.

Luo Quan, who had never seen this battle before, hurriedly asked the system what was going on, and was told that she was about to break through to the realm of mortal transformation.

This is a process of evolution from mortal to extraordinary. The body has shed its mortal body and started to move towards a higher level of life, so this state is called the mortal state.

It may sound a bit mysterious, but in fact, the body becomes stronger, tougher, and more resilient.

Of course, breaking through to this level will also greatly improve Luo Quan's combat effectiveness.

Of course, it is still no match for Bai Xingwei, who is a swordsman genius, and is two big realms behind.

But at least the gap is not as far away as before, which gives Luo Quan hope.

But her current goal is not to surpass Bai Xingwei, but to reach Ye Zhining's level.

Although in the eyes of most people, this wish is a dream, but she thinks it is not impossible.

But before it succeeds, it must not be told to anyone.

If Ye Zhining finds out, maybe she will use her own methods to stop her.

Luo Quan just sat on the bed and fantasized about how he would become stronger in the future, and he would perform a wave of attack and switch operations on Ye Zhining.

After recovering, I realized that my whole body was still emitting white light.

Looking at the phone, half an hour had passed, and he immediately said in surprise: "What's the situation? After I advance, will I always keep my whole body glowing?"

"There is a powerful power of holy light in your body. After being stimulated, it will make your body glow. Wait for a while for the fire to be fine."

Luo Quan was relieved by the system's words, and then turned off the light.

But even though the lights were turned off, Luo Quan's naked body was still shining golden, which looked very magical.

"Awesome, you don't need to turn on the lights when you get up at night." Luo Quan looked at his body with a smile, and felt that if he could control it at will, it would be a pretty good ability.

"When you master the spell of the Holy Light, you can easily do this."

The systematic answer made Luo Quan's heart very hot, and he didn't know if the holy light spells of the Church of Dawn could be compiled into a book.

If possible, she can directly let the system poison read it.

I just don't know if the spells mastered in this way can still work.

According to common sense, it should not be so simple.

Another half an hour passed, and the lights on his body gradually went out.

Perhaps it was because of too much energy consumption, Luo Quan actually felt a little tired.

In the midst of yawning, Luo Quan finally once again experienced the happiness of being able to fall asleep when his eyelids are fighting.

In the past, this feeling could only be experienced in Chinese class after staying up late.

The reason why it was a Chinese class was because the Chinese teacher in her high school didn't care about sleeping students, but because it was a main subject, she often stayed in class, so she could sleep for more than an hour.

For the students who are bad at fishing, this should be the most comfortable moment in school.

Of course, when Luo Quan thinks about it now, he must regret it...

After sleeping until he woke up naturally, his body seemed to be fully charged, which made Luo Quan's toes curl up comfortably.

Turning on the phone, it was only nine o'clock in the morning, and she didn't go to bed until one o'clock last night, so she just slept for eight hours.

After washing up, Luo Quan went downstairs to order breakfast.

I saw Leon lying on the sofa, looking at the phone with piercing eyes, and the tea table next to him was full of leftover barbecue sticks and fried chicken leg bones.

"Don't tell me, you haven't slept all night." Luo Quan picked up a new plastic glove, and pushed all the mess on the coffee table into the trash pocket.

"That's not true, I still slept for more than three hours." Leon said while raising the corners of his mouth, "But I was too excited, so I woke up after falling asleep, and I couldn't help but want to read the comments on the forum .”

"Why, did your favorite team win?" Luo Quan asked with a smile.

"It's more than that." Leon clenched his fists excitedly. "Manchester City slaughtered Real Madrid 4-0. The first three and 10 minutes were played in Real Madrid's half. It's like an adult kicking a child!"

"I see you as a child."

Mia came downstairs with her son in her arms, her tone full of complaints: "How old are you, you still stay up late for a long time, it's okay to stay up late, and you still eat so much barbecue and fried chicken, it really doesn't give your body a little bit Think about your health?"

"Haha, isn't it a pleasure, and it's only two or three times a year."

Leon quickly got up from the sofa, hugged his wife for comfort: "And you don't know how healthy I am? It doesn't matter if you stay up late once in a while."

"Go to bed with me right now!"

Mia didn't like Leon, and gave him a fierce look: "You have to record a show at noon, and you are not allowed to get up before one o'clock!"

Because he slept for a while just now, if Leon was allowed to sleep all afternoon, he would not be able to sleep again at night.

So the best way is to sleep for four or five hours to restore some energy to the body, but keep a little tired, so that you can know that you have stayed up all night and can fall asleep better at night.

"I know, I'm going to bed right now!" Leon put his phone on the coffee table, skipped breakfast, and went directly upstairs to get some sleep.

Luo Quan felt uncomfortable watching the daily life of such a loving couple.

The sour smell of love really makes people gnash their teeth.

Fortunately, the breakfast was delivered quickly, and Luo Quan vented all his hatred on the meat buns, sucking them in one bite at a time.

"Are the meat buns here so delicious?" Mia was drinking soy milk, but when she saw Luo Quan eating so happily, she picked one up with chopsticks and put it in her mouth curiously.

After chewing a few times, she nodded: "It's really delicious."

By 12:30, Leon came out of the room.

It was agreed not to wake up until one o'clock, but his current physical condition really does not need to sleep for such a long time.

Martial arts practice has a very significant effect on the improvement of energy and energy. In the past, it was possible to fully charge the body by sleeping for eight hours, but now six and a half hours may be enough.

For Lyon, who has always liked to stay up late, this must be a good thing.

Now I only need to sleep for six and a half hours, if it can be reduced to five hours or even four hours in the future, wouldn't it be great?

One-third of a person's life is spent sleeping.

That is 1 days, and more than [-] days are spent sleeping.

And if he halved his rest time, wouldn't he be able to live six thousand days longer than others?
Leon didn't know if the account was calculated in this way, but anyway, if he stayed up late in the future, he would definitely not suffer from too little rest the next day.

"Let's go, there is still an hour to start recording for the show, take the car and put on some makeup, it's almost time to start."

After seeing Leon wake up, Luo Quan got up and greeted everyone.

This time, only the three people who recorded the show were going to the resort, the others had already walked around several times yesterday, and had no intention of going there again.

After yesterday's live broadcast, the popularity of the fan club at station b has completely exploded. The peak popularity of the live broadcast room yesterday was 2000 million, which is the highest record so far this year.

But today the popularity will obviously be even higher, because there is still an hour before the show starts, and the popularity has soared to more than 7000 million.

Even looking at a pitch-black screen, a group of netizens can chat happily.

However, most of the people were not talking about the show. After all, today's contestants have not yet appeared on stage, so they don't know what kind of performance they will have.

So everyone is chatting about Japanese and Korean artists, who are planning to come to China to participate in variety shows.

This incident has been reported before, but it was finally confirmed yesterday.

The celebrities who came to China are all very famous, but some of them are already outdated.

But where the strength lies, they may not be able to compete with their younger counterparts in their own country, but when they come to Huaxia, their business capabilities may cause a dimensionality reduction blow.

This is what everyone is arguing about in the barrage, that is, whether internal entertainment can compare with Japanese and Korean entertainment circles.

After arguing, everyone found that if Luo Quan was ignored, the entertainment achievements made by domestic entertainment in the past ten years were almost incomparable with Japan and South Korea.

In terms of international awards, international influence, and cultural output, they are all far behind.

But if Luo Quan is counted, then everything is reversed.

So, originally everyone was shouting for internal entertainment pills.

At the end of the chat, they started shouting that Luo Quan was awesome.

Because without her, Nei Yu would indeed look like a pill.

However, Luo Quan couldn't bear this kind of statement that he obviously didn't regard other celebrities as human beings, so he quickly posted a message saying:

"Internal entertainment will not end, everything is developing in a stable and positive direction now, and it will definitely become bigger and stronger in the future, and create greater glories.

So the fans in the live broadcast room discuss rationally, don't be too emotional. "

It's a good thing that this dynamic is not posted. After it is posted, it will be directly given to netizens for discussion.

Maybe it's because the length of the barrage restricts everyone's ability to play. In the comment area, everyone started to talk at length:
"This is why I like Luo Quan. She never complains about the environment or others, but digs deep into herself, and uses her strength to show everyone that she is worthy of this bowl of rice and her current status.

For several years, he has always been humble and maintained high-quality output, telling everyone what an artist's role model is.

Of course, the internal entertainment will not be over, because she is here! "

"Actually, I've always felt that those old people in the entertainment industry who are shouting for internal entertainment pills are actually a bunch of losers who rely on their elders to sell their elders.

When domestic entertainment was brilliant back then, it had nothing to do with them. When they were young, they complained about the bad environment. When they were middle-aged, they failed to achieve anything. Finally, in their later years, they finally came out and began to criticize the young people.

Young people really can't do it?I don't think so.

The gold content of internal entertainment has never been provided by these people. A star like Luo Quan is the real decisive factor.

The so-called traffic stars are actually what these old people aspired to be, and more likely they were what they aspired to be but could not achieve. "

"Haha, I'm so scolded, actually, I think internal entertainment is quite good now, with a hundred flowers blooming, and you can watch any type of content.

There are both depth and breadth, and everyone has more choices. "

"So Luo Bao, don't underestimate yourself too much, you are now the eternal god of internal entertainment!"


Eternal God is often not a good word, after all, the inventor of this word has been imprisoned himself.

Moreover, the people who use it to call themselves in domestic entertainment are not very good in terms of reputation.

For example, the eternal god of the film industry, the eternal god of the Chinese music scene, and so on.

Therefore, Luo Quan has no intention of claiming this title for the time being.

Let's do a good job of being a fan club mentor first, and talk about the rest later.

After posting the news, Luo Quan did not reply to the comments of netizens. After putting on makeup, he went on stage to interact with fans in the live broadcast room in advance.

Summer is here, and although the air conditioner is still on in the room, it is still a little hot.

So Luo Quan kept fanning a fan in his hand, with the words Li Bai not hurting his hands written on it.

"Okay, I understand that you accepted Liby's advertisement, so you don't need to keep emphasizing it."

"It's just a meal, Luo Bao finally accepted an advertisement, please be more tolerant."

"Luo Bao's delivery business doesn't look very good."

"Who said it brought so many sales to Huawei Tablet yesterday."

"Haha, Luo Bao probably didn't expect to have such an effect."

"Luobao Luobao, is the show going on every day?"


Seeing a barrage that was finally able to reply, Luo Quan immediately said: "The preliminary competition will last for three days, and then there will be a three-day rest, during which we will film some players' daily life and learn about the players' experiences.

At the same time, this is also the time for them to prepare, considering what kind of work the next competition should bring. "

"Alright, I suggest giving Shen Zhou some more shots."

"Isn't it so blatant?"

"Shen Zhou's fans are almost gone."

"You can ask for it too, and it's not breaking the law."

"Pure passerby, I don't think so."


Seeing that the barrage tends to be hyped if there is a disagreement, Luo Quan quickly said: "What's so noisy about such a trivial matter, this show focuses on fairness, every contestant will have a shot, and there will be no favoritism. So everyone, stop earning."

"Okay, Luo Bao Sanguan is still right."

"With your words, I feel relieved. Just now, I was really afraid that the little transparent in our house didn't have a camera."

"Luo Bao only asks for three things in the show, and that is fairness! Fairness! It's his fairness!"

(End of this chapter)

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