Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1134 The Universe Girl

Chapter 1134 The Universe Girl
ps. Congratulations to BLG for winning T1 and joining in the finals. Huaxia has B!


In the program, Luo Quan really implemented fairness to the extreme.

For singers who sing on stage, regardless of gender, she will mercilessly point out the shortcomings and explain how to adjust and improve.

Because the tone may be relatively blunt, two thin-skinned girls were directly told to cry.

At the beginning, netizens thought that Luo Quan would be too fierce, and that it would be better to be more gentle.

But soon they realized that Luo Quan was doing the teacher's work, and he was doing better than the teacher.

He directly stated the shortcomings, and even gave the simplest and most effective solution.

As long as these people listen to it, after they go down, they will carry out targeted training according to what Luo Quan said, and their singing skills will definitely be improved by at least one level.

After thinking it over clearly, the netizens stopped complaining, and even sent bullet screens one after another to ask Luo Quan to step up his efforts and torture him ruthlessly.

He even expected such a situation, that is, after Luo Quan instructed the players, these players refused to accept the teaching, and then said that I don't need you to teach me how to sing.

Netizens don't like to watch scripted variety shows that deliberately create conflicts, but if there is a scene where Luo Quan and the contestants fight each other, they are still very willing to appreciate it.

It is a common problem for most people to watch the excitement without thinking that it is a big deal. The more fun it is, the more people want to boo.

But probably Luo Quan's status in the arena is too high. The dozen or so Grammy trophies are not beautiful decorations. With this number of awards, she can cover no matter who she faces.

Therefore, none of the contestants who had been pointed out dared to refuse, and all of them had an obedient appearance of humbly accepting it.

Coincidentally, in a music variety show next door, music critics also sharply commented on the singers on stage.

But after being evaluated, the singers were not as docile as these contestants in the fan club, and directly choked with the music critics, and the tit-for-tat posture was close to scolding directly.

It was precisely because such a scene was so explosive that when the fan club at station B bombarded the trending searches, it just snatched a spot.

Then the netizens asked a question, if Luo Quan was the one to make a sharp comment, would this rap singer, one of the new four kings of Chinese music, dare to reply like this?

This question appeared in Luo Quan's live broadcast room.

At this time, she had already finished the live broadcast of the variety show for the second day, and was going to chat with fans after returning home.

After seeing this paid barrage, Luo Quan also specifically searched for this video.

The name of the variety show is "Tianci Xianyin", and the guest lineup is not bad, including multiple types of music.

As for the point of quarrel, it is actually very simple.

The singer didn't sing well, and music critics pointed it out, and then the singer retorted and asked to be on the line with him.

So the two of them got into a fight, and their words became more and more fierce.

The quarrel was about to start today, and the program crew edited a lot of scenes of the quarrel, which didn't make the scene look out of control.

But if it continues like this, it is not impossible to scold directly in the next issue.

In terms of popularity, the program group must have made a lot of money, but for this idol-turned-"king of heaven" singer, it was quite a torment.

"Money is hard to earn, shit is hard to eat."

After Luo Quan understood the ins and outs, he laughed: "I would like to say a few words from the perspective of a purely fun person, it is good news for the audience and the show that these two continue to do this.

Because we can see such joyful scenes every once in a while, but Lin Kai who was sharply commented may not be happy.

No one likes to be belittled in public, and to be honest, this music critic is somewhat targeting Lin Kai.

Even if someone sings poorly, don't try to expose the shortcomings, you have to do this in every issue, no one is in a hurry. "

Such a statement made fans immediately raise objections:

"But when you were at the fan club today, what you did was similar to this music critic."

"Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself, Luo Bao, what you did is wrong."

"That's right, Luo Bao hasten to apologize, or I'll start hacking you."

"Haha, let's see how you can argue this time!"


Netizens seem to relish Luo Quan's submission, but she has long been known for being tough-tongued.

"How can I be the same?" Luo Quan spread his hands and explained, "I give pointers to the contestants of the fan club because I think they still have a future, as long as these small flaws are made up, the future will be very bright." Prospects.

I am doing this for their own good. On a larger scale, this can be regarded as making contributions to the Chinese music scene. "

The fans were immediately happy:
"Understood, Luo Bao means that Lin Kai is completely hopeless, so there's no need to waste your time talking, right?"

"Probably, he is already like this, why don't you obey him?"

"It's terminal cancer, isn't it?"

"Thinking about it, you don't entrust the future of the Chinese music scene on this kind of person, do you?"

"He is a very stubborn person. No matter what others say or do, he won't care. If you can be like him, then this matter..."

"Fengshenla... Sorry, I went to the wrong set"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, he is one of the four kings of the Chinese music scene."

"So I think these music critics, instead of wasting their tongues with these hopeless traffic singers, it is better to dig out some newcomers who are not well-known but have excellent works."

"Indeed, only in this way can we have more hope of saving the Chinese music scene."


It has to be said that the audience sometimes sees more thoroughly than the authorities.

Luo Quan actually had the same thought in her heart, but she couldn't say it directly.

Because it hurts people so much, it's all for nothing, and if she comes out to accuse her in her position, isn't that smashing people's jobs?

Although the brainless fans of traffic stars do give people a bad impression, but no matter what, they didn't commit crimes, and the crime didn't stop there.

Therefore, Luo Quan did not comment directly, but spoke out through the mouth of the audience.

"In short, everyone should pay more attention to the Fan Club at Station B." Luo Quan shifted the topic to his own program, "There are already several outstanding singers in the program, and they are all very talented in the world kind of."

"Indeed, Shen Zhou's voice can be called heavenly, and I think he is a proper champion."

"Lan Aide's singing skills are invincible, the singer only looks at this, everything else is false!"

"He Xuanyu's vocal range is still the highest, no matter how advanced his technique is, there are some notes that you can't get up to or not, so I think function is the most important!"

"Stop arguing, the show has just started, and the championship is still early."

"By the way, who is better between Luo Bao and these three?"

"Hard to say."

"I hope to have the opportunity to see players and mentors competing on the same stage."

"Haha, that's really interesting."


Originally, the three most popular players were compared with each other, but the barrage brought the topic to Luo Quan.

"If it's something else, then I might be more modest." Luo Quan coughed lightly, "But for singing, I think I can't find a suitable phone.

To put it more pretentiously, I have a timbre that surpasses Shen Zhou, a skill that surpasses Lan Aide, and a vocal range that surpasses He Xuanyu. The Hexagonal Female Warrior knows it?That's me. "

"I didn't notice, Luo Bao, when did you become so faceless?"

"Is it really that powerful? I don't believe it."

"It's been a long time since I heard Luo Bao sing difficult songs. I suggest you show off your skills and let newcomers see your level!"

"Didn't you just sing the left hand pointing to the moon a while ago, have you forgotten?"

"Left fingering is still not very good, high is high, lack of skills."

"Haha, Lunrui Ping has to be a netizen this year, and it's so natural to talk nonsense with your eyes open."

"If it's offline, then I will praise you for being amazing, but if it's online, I'm sorry, I can only say that you are not as good as the champion of my district. If you have to ask which district it is, I can only say it is the comment section. "

"Everyone is full of jingles, planning to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"


Seeing these slightly provocative bullet screens, Luo Quan knew that this was an aggressive method used by fans.

She has encountered this trick several years ago, but she still sticks to it.

"It's not that I can't show it to you." Luo Quan said with a smile, "Tomorrow is the last day of the preliminary competition. After the contestants finish singing, I will go on stage and sing a song for everyone, so that you can see my strength. "


"No, Luo Bao, you are serious!"

"Okay, okay, I'm waiting for your words!"

"So which one of the three contestants are you going to challenge?"

"It's still a challenge. My Luo Bao's martial arts are world-class. Of course, I will challenge them all at once."


"Very good!" Luo Quan gave a thumbs up when he saw the last barrage, "You understand my personality, and you will never separate things that can be done at once. All the guys show up.

In addition, here is a word to the contestants who may advance to the second knockout round. If anyone performs this song on the next stage tomorrow, I will give 0.01 points as appropriate. "

"Have you heard the contestants, Mr. Luo has already circled the scope of the exam."

"It's only 0.01, it feels a little small."

"It's just a whole job, it won't affect the total score at all, just like the skin of Glory of Kings, adding 10 points to attack power is almost the same as not adding it."

"What a strange and apt metaphor."

"However, it may also show from the side that this song will be very difficult. After all, with Luo Quan's fair personality, he will choose to give points to contestants who are brave enough to challenge. One can imagine how difficult this song is."

"You haven't heard the song yet, so please don't make up your minds. It won't be too late to play it after singing it tomorrow."

"Looking forward is over. Luo Quan will never let us down."


Amidst the barrage of fans' anticipation, Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast.

She hasn't finished the accompaniment of the song yet, but it's getting late, and she plans to do it after getting up tomorrow.

Now after the breakthrough, the mental head is not as vigorous as before the breakthrough.

The system said that this is after the sublimation of the body, it is re-adapting to this world, so all aspects of consumption are relatively large, and people are more prone to sleepiness.

Fortunately, Luo Quan's work and rest has always been relatively regular, and he sleeps about eight hours a day, so even if his energy is not as strong as before, he will not have a disordered work and rest that leads to listlessness......

In the anticipation of fans all over the network, the Fan Club at Station B finally ushered in the third phase, which is the last round of the preliminary round.

After this match, [-] out of [-] contestants will be eliminated.

From the perspective of the competition system, it is a bit cruel.

But because this is a variety show in the form of live broadcast, there are too many more than 100 people, and it will be difficult to take care of everyone in the future.

That's why they chose to eliminate a group of players from the very beginning, which can be regarded as eliminating the chaff and saving the chaff.

But no matter what, those players who participated in the competition must not lose money.

This time, the popularity of the fan club at station b is more than [-] million every time it starts broadcasting. As long as it is on stage and shows its strength steadily, it will gain a lot of fans this time.

So even if they were eliminated in the first round, it would be considered a lot of gains.

Of course, those who advanced to the next round must be super big winners.

At the beginning of the third round, Luo Quan did not announce what he would do after the game.

Although many players have watched her live broadcast, they know what she is going to do.

But there are still many people in the dark.

The last 33 contestants are still singing hard, trying to squeeze out the top [-] contestants.

However, compared to the appearance of masters on the first day, the quality of the players on the third day has dropped a bit, and there are no more amazing treasure players like Shen Zhou and Lan Aide.

But the popularity of the live broadcast room did not decrease at all, because everyone was waiting for the surprise that Luo Quan promised to give everyone.

After the hundredth contestant had finished singing, the results of all the contestants were finally released this time.

Lan Aide ranked first in the preliminary round with a high score of 98.5.

Shen Zhou also scored 97.2 points, temporarily ranking second.

And among the top [-], the anchors of all major platforms were basically promoted, and there was no embarrassing situation of collective elimination, which also let the team leaders of all platforms breathe a sigh of relief.

Because all the platforms have sent their own anchors this time, if the skills are not as good as the others and they are all eliminated, it will be a big embarrassment.

If it's a normal game, it's fine. The key point is that this game has attracted the attention of the entire network. The discussion volume has already reached billions, and the popularity is frighteningly high.

In this case, if all the players in the team are eliminated, the stock price may be lost.

Fortunately, the leading singers on each platform are still doing well, playing steadily and advancing smoothly.

And those players ranked in the bottom [-] will face a bitter moment of elimination.

"I know it's cruel, but there's no way, this is the rule."

Luo Quan looked at the girls on the stage who were already crying, and his tone became gentle: "But at least today, you don't have to rush to leave, the resort will hold a sumptuous buffet dinner later, everyone can have a good meal Let's go after a meal.

In addition, the program group also prepared some souvenirs for everyone.

Next, it is time for the mentor. "

(End of this chapter)

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