Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1135 The Universe Girl

Chapter 1135 The Universe Girl ([-])
"I believe that many contestants already know it. Today I am going to perform at the end of the show."

Luo Quan walked onto the stage with the microphone, looked at the contestants sitting around the stage and said: "The cause of the incident is actually that the fans questioned me, questioning why I can be a mentor for everyone.

Thinking about it, I'm only 25 years old, and I'm about the same age as everyone else, so how can I have the confidence to give advice. "

"Haha..." The contestants laughed when they heard this.

"I am a person who is very willing to accept challenges, and I also know how to empathize."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said with a smile: "Then this time, I will be the contestant once, and then everyone can use their mobile phones to score and see if I am qualified to be the mentor."

"Wuhu!" The contestants cheered.

They didn't expect that Luo Quan would do such a job, it was to compete with them on the same stage.

"It's amazing my Luo Bao."

"Is this the confidence of being a mentor?"

"I don't show off my power, do you really think I'm a sick cat?"

"Here it comes, Luo Bao's charged attack!"


The fans in the live broadcast room were also extremely excited. Although the overall preliminary competition on the third day was relatively flat, more and more spectators gathered. They were waiting for this moment.

After the applause, the lights on the stage were turned off, and then the purple light illuminated everything, making this place as beautiful as a dream.

(The song "Loving you" in this chapter, there is an Easter egg chapter at the end of this chapter, you can watch it directly)
When the accompaniment sounded, it was a group of melodious birds chirping, as if you were in a dense forest, and a breath of nature rushed to your face.

"Loving you~~~"

Luo Quan closed his eyes lightly, opened his voice affectionately, and his soft and bright voice instantly captured everyone's hearts.

The melody of the song is also a fresh and sweet little love song, full of girls' hearts, combined with the warm and beautiful light on the stage, making the overall look as beautiful as a fairy tale.

But compared with these, Luo Quan's voice every second is the key to conquer everything.

Even Shen Zhou, who claims to have been kissed by an angel, is inferior to Luo Quan in tone.

And the song she sang is not only plain and sweet, but after a while there will be a whistle so high that Tianling Gai will take off.

When the other contestants sang the whistle, their expressions were as ferocious as if they had been stabbed.

But Luo Quan's expression was always smiling, and he raised his voice effortlessly.

What is a whistle?That is, when the sound reaches a certain level, it will become as sharp as a whistle.

This is a symbol of treble and also represents a person's vocal range.

No matter how loud some people's voices are, they still can't whistle.

Whistle is not used in many places in popular music, but whistle is very important in folk and bel canto, and it can be said to be an essential skill for high-pitched singers.

What's frightening is that when Luo Quan whistled, not only did his voice be mellow and sweet, but he also had enough energy to perform a complex transition that can be called the eighteen bends of a mountain road.

The difficulty of such a performance is no less than holding a one-hundred-jin long sword to carve patterns on wood.

It's not that no one can do it, but the difficulty is completely inhuman.

If normal people do this, their faces will be distorted long ago.

But Luo Quan is very relaxed, always giving people the feeling that she can sing better.

The mountains stand tall and unfathomable, this is probably the only thought in the hearts of all the players.

The song "loving you" brought an incomparable shock to these academics who came from majors.

This song not only shows off skills, but also takes into account the sense of hearing. It is both beautiful and difficult, and it is very suitable for competitions.

But they imagined the picture of themselves singing, and felt that the difficulty of this song seemed a bit too high.

At the end of the song, Luo Quan put down the microphone and looked at the crowd: "Everyone can rate my performance now."

"Is it still necessary to fight?" Shen Zhou, who was relatively introverted, was so excited at the moment, "It must be 100 points!"

"100 points!" Lan Aide also echoed.

Among all the players, he is the most arrogant one, because his skills are not in the same dimension as most others.

But in front of Luo Quan, his pride is not worth mentioning at all.

Soon, the results of the contestants' scoring came out, with [-] points out of [-]. Everyone thought it was a flawless performance.

However, although professionals think that Luo Quan's performance can't pick any thorns at all, our strict barrage critics still feel that it is not so perfect, and only scored 96.9.

The score after combining the two is only 97.59, which is considered above average among all the players.

It is definitely no problem to advance, but at most it will be eliminated until the second round.

"No, everyone's vision is so high. I think this song is a perfect stage."

"I hit 50 purely for the sake of making a living. Don't learn from me."

"Haha, I thought I was the only one beating me up, but it turned out that everyone was working hard, so it's okay."

"It's all about the effect of the show. It doesn't matter if Luo Bao's score is high or low. If this is the case, why not let her be embarrassed?"

"Speaking of which, Luo Bao is also a bull. With so many people working so hard to score low, the final total score can be so high."

"The contestants here are all full marks."

"It's all about the world, if you don't dare to score full marks, you will be brushed off in the next game."

"But fifty of them have already been eliminated. Is this also the way of the world?"

"There will be a buffet dinner later, you don't want to participate?"

"I said why I scored 100 points. It turned out to be because of this."

"Contestants, blink if you are kidnapped!"


No one at the scene could see the barrage, but after Luo Quan's score came out, everyone showed a surprised expression.

97.59 is not a very exaggerated score, the contestants probably did not expect this year's netizens to be so strict.

Although Luo Quan couldn't see the barrage, he could already imagine the faces of these fans.

It was nothing more than deliberately giving her a low score so that she could laugh at her afterwards.

But fortunately, her performance this time was top-notch. Even though there were a lot of people doing the work, there were still a lot of people who were moved, and the final score was quite decent.

Unsurprisingly, Luo Quan's stage topped the list of hot searches.

"Luo Bao sang and asked everyone to score, and the final score was only 97.59!"

The headlines of the news directly created an atmosphere that Luoquan had overturned, but when everyone watched the video, they realized that the news headlines were completely nonsense.

What is only 97.59?100 points is not an exaggeration!
And these netizens who gave low scores are too outrageous, how can such an excellent stage give such a small score.

However, many music critics also posted on Weibo and said: "Luo Quan's singing has reached perfection, but we still have to allow the public the right to refuse.

Not everyone likes this kind of showy expression. Although the melody of the song is very beautiful, in comparison, the nocturne may be more in line with the public's taste.

Everyone's Hamlet is different, please respect the differences in public aesthetics, when praise becomes compulsion, criticism loses its meaning. "

These remarks are reasonable, but netizens laughed:

"Teacher, you don't have to be careful. These netizens are just doing their job. No matter what Luoquan sings, they will give you a low score. You just need to analyze what is good about this song."

"Yeah, teacher, you really think too much. Anyone with ears will find this song nice."

"Get out the song analysis!"


The netizen's explanation made the music critic smile helplessly, and commented: "What else is there to analyze? This song is good anywhere. Everyone clicks on the single to loop, then close your eyes and enjoy it."

Indeed, listening to music itself is a very simple and relaxing thing.

Where analysis and structure are needed, if you think it sounds good, you can just repeat the single directly.

It's a pity that many singers don't understand this truth, and they forcefully endow songs with richer meanings than essays, wishing to sing a 5-minute song with the grandeur of Homer's epic.

What was presented in the end has nothing to do with Yueer, and then it is called experimental in nature. If others can't hear it, it means they can't get the good points of the song, and it's because the aesthetics are not up to standard.

Isn't there just one standard for the aesthetics of music, that is, whether it sounds good or not?
Is it necessary to be so complicated?
Luo Quan has always felt that there is no such need, but now the Chinese music scene is very popular in the emperor's new clothes.

When the fans are bragging, they always talk about the experimental nature, as if their brother is doing something great to expand the territory.

As everyone knows, doing it like this has completely deviated from the most basic background of music.

You don't sound good, no matter how much content there is, it's useless.

The above is Luo Quan's advice to all players on the stage.

"Music creation must be good, and singers must also be good at singing. If you are only pursuing high notes, then you are putting the cart before the horse."

Luo Quan continued with a serious expression: "Just like myself, even a C7 or even higher voice can be uttered.

But when I sing, I will never make such a sound, because there is no difference between this level of whistle and noise, and it is completely polluting the ears of the audience.

I hope everyone remembers their identities. You are singers, not Guinness World Record challengers. Your duty is to bring joy and enjoyment to the audience with your singing, not to torture their eardrums, to witness how high you can sing. "

Some things, if you don’t speak them out, some people will never understand, and even think that the higher you sing, the more awesome you feel.

Luo Quan is not afraid of others saying that she is a good teacher and instilling some vulgar concepts.

In her opinion, this is correct, so she will tell the players.

As for how many people listened, that was out of her control.

But seeing the thunderous applause from the contestants, many people still listened to her words.

With that said, the show comes to an end.

The next time the broadcast starts, Luo Quan will adjust it to five days later, giving the contestants more time to rest and prepare, and at the same time, she can fish for a while longer.

In fact, it’s not really fishing. Now her career is getting bigger and bigger, and there are many projects waiting for her to make up her mind. She doesn’t have a lot of time to do nothing every day.

After the filming of the show here, she had to hold a meeting with several leaders of Unreal Studio to inquire about the development status of World of Warcraft 3.0 "Wrath of the Lich King".

This is the most important and most popular version of "World of Warcraft". If it is done well, a very interesting movie can be made with the role of Alsace alone.

The plot of this expansion is the pinnacle in the history of "World of Warcraft", and the gameplay is also the top of the list.

Now the growth rate of Warcraft players has declined. Although due to the more conscientious planning and the vigorous rectification of studio accounts, the game environment is not bad, and there has not been a large number of withdrawals.

But if it continues like this, it will not be very healthy for the development of the game.

The expansion pack of "Wrath of the Lich King" is a powerful medicine that she has planned for a long time. If there is no problem with the medicinal materials, then "World of Warcraft" will usher in another wave of peak entry after the service is launched.

At that time, it will completely secure the number one mmorpg throne.

So she has been emphasizing the importance of this project to the development team for a while.

Today's meeting is a small summary of the first half of this year.

After continuing to put pressure on everyone for so long, Luo Quan didn't intend to add anxiety to them this time, and directly talked about bonuses and holidays, with the main theme of relaxation.

She doesn't know much about company management, but she still understands the principle of relaxation.

After all, she is not some unscrupulous capitalist who must use people to death.

After the meeting, the dinner at the resort has just begun.

At the request of the contestants, tonight is a seafood buffet. Unlimited lobster and crab are welcome. In addition, there are hot dishes such as abalone, oysters, and scallops, which are freshly cooked to ensure freshness.

However, Luoquan has always kept these fresh seafood at a respectful distance, and was born unable to enjoy the blessings of these delicacies.

So while the party was still going on, she went home to eat her potluck.

In the next five days, she greeted Wen Xia and the others, and then walked through any door to the universe world.

The housewarming banquet of the Holy Mother of the Dawn Church is coming to an end. This party lasted for nearly a week, and the Holy Mother only appeared for less than three hours.

But people didn't feel that there was anything wrong because they were here to network and it didn't matter if the Virgin was there or not.

The timing of Luoquan's return was also just right. The dignitaries who came here to make friends had already left in sevens and eighties, but the believers who wanted to admire the face of the Virgin were still there.

Thousands of people trekked mountains and rivers and came from all over the world on foot.

Many people kowtow every ten steps, and some even kowtow every three steps.

After coming to Notre Dame's Summer Palace, many people had round pimples on their foreheads.

When Luo Quan saw the dusty looks of these people and their piercing eyes, he finally understood what the power of faith is.

As for the banquet on the last day, she decided to hold it for these devout believers.

(End of this chapter)

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