Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1136 The Universe Girl

Chapter 1136 The Universe Girl ([-])

"Praise you, Our Lady!"

The believers knelt down on the ground and were beyond excited.

After living for so many years, it was the first time for them to taste such delicious food. It obviously looked like a hodgepodge of various ingredients, and it was simply the way poor people eat. They didn't expect the taste to be so delicious.

"Everyone drink slowly, today's Buddha jumping over the wall is enough." Luo Quan was stirring in the three-meter-deep cauldron with a large spoon taller than her.

And there are several cauldrons like this in the whole square.

After the nobles left last night, Luo Quan planned to treat the believers to a good meal.

After thinking about several ways, I finally decided to cook by myself, so by comparing the tastes of various ingredients in the universe and the earth, I created a Buddha Jumping Wall that belongs to the universe.

Although there is only this one dish, it looks a bit simple, but just smelling the mouth-watering aroma, no one dared to say a word of dislike.

Swearing to the Father, believers feel that this is the most satisfying feast they have ever experienced.

The unbelievably delicious thick soup, the soft steamed buns that are as white as the holy light, and these are made by the Holy Mother, they have no other emotions except gratitude.

"You didn't tell me before that your cooking skills are so good." Ye Zhining, who came over after hearing the news, widened his eyes and said, looking at the Buddha jumping over the wall in the pot.

She knew that Luo Quan could cook, and she heard from Wen Xia and the others that Luo Quan's cooking skills were very, very good.

However, they just felt that Wen Xia and the others were on the earth, limited by their vision, and could not get in touch with chefs of a higher level than Luo Quan, so they exaggerated.

But after smelling the fragrance of Buddha jumping over the wall, Ye Zhining felt that the imperial chefs in her court were no better than Luo Quan.

"I have been saying from the beginning to the end that I am omnipotent, and of course cooking is no longer a problem."

After Luo Quan made the last stirring, he finally stood up and called the maid to serve soup for the believers.

"Give me a bowl too." Ye Zhining felt itchy in her heart, and immediately reached out to want it.

The maid didn't dare to delay, she immediately put a spoon into the pot and brought up a bowl of dry goods.

Then he took another bowl, which was filled with clear, thick and smooth soup.

"What kind of ingredients are these used?" Ye Zhining looked at the indistinguishable pieces of ingredients in the bowl, wanted to speak, but hesitated.

Luo Quan said with a smile: "They are all relatively common ingredients in the market. There are all those that fly in the sky, run on the ground, and swim in the sea. There must be nothing disgusting."

"Then I can rest assured." Ye Zhining picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.

Afterwards, if Luo Quan's cultivation base was higher, Ye Zhining would definitely swim happily in the air like a fish.

It is the ultimate embodiment of the chef's culinary skills to make the diners feel ecstatic.

Of course, culinary skills alone are not enough, one must have enough cultivation to instill such magical power in dishes.

For Luoquan's dish, his cooking skills are definitely enough, but his cultivation level is still a bit short.

So Ye Zhining was so delicious that he wanted to fly into the sky, but in the end his feet couldn't leave the ground.

Immediately afterwards, she took another sip of the soup, and Ye Zhining wanted to take off for the second time, her face full of satisfaction and joy.

"How is it, delicious?" Luo Quan asked with a smile.

"I also grew up eating delicacies from mountains and seas, but this is the first time I enjoy it like this." Ye Zhining exhaled lightly, and admired sincerely.

Then she turned her head to look at the maid: "Pick some up and give it to the queen mother. It's such a delicacy. She can't miss it."

After finishing speaking, he put down the two bowls in front of him and prepared to send someone to dispose of them.

"It was poured after only one bite, why is it such a waste?" Luo Quan raised his hand to stop, "I haven't eaten for a whole day, but you are better off, just take one bite and stop eating."

Ye Zhining explained with a guilty conscience: "This is what my mother taught me, not to indulge in one dish, lest others find out what I like."

"It's so good that you can eat it and throw it away. How can the king of a country not take food seriously? You must know that this is the foundation of a country."

As Luo Quan said, he stretched out his hand and brought over the bowl containing the Buddha's jumping over the wall: "In the past, your behavior would have been severely criticized by the ministers, and it would be light for the people to call you a fool."

"There is so much food in Huanyu now..." Ye Zhining pouted, feeling a little aggrieved.

"It's not a question of how much."

Luo Quan smiled helplessly, feeling that he seemed a little serious, and immediately shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll take care of these two bowls by myself, and I'll serve you a little less in the future."

"I know I'm wrong, and I'll definitely finish eating them all in the future." Ye Zhining also quickly admitted her mistake, and then laughed again: "But I think that Aifei has the potential to become a generation of good queens."

"Just kidding, I, Luo Quan, focus on the three views, right?" Luo Quan finished talking and drank the soup of Buddha Jumping over the Wall. "Besides, isn't it natural and righteous not to waste food? People can live luxuriously, but there is no waste of resources." It is necessary."

"Aifei is well said." Ye Zhining applauded, "Aifei has such cooking skills, why didn't she show it a few days ago?"

Luo Quan chuckled: "What kind of delicacies haven't those big shots eaten? Can you see me messing around?
Besides, the meals prepared by His Majesty the Pope are all world-renowned feasts. It is better not to serve this unknown side dish to show off, and just give the believers a taste of it. "

Ye Zhining said curiously: "It's not like your usual style to underestimate Aifei."

Luo Quan chuckled: "It's just that I don't feel like I'm with those powerful people, they came here for the face of Liming Church, not for me.

Where I am, everyone has to bow and salute when they see me, and they chat more happily when they are not there.

In short, if you are not in the same circle, don't force it, so as not to make the scene ugly and affect the atmosphere of the banquet. "

"It can be seen that my concubine doesn't like to meet these big people." Ye Zhining seemed to understand something, then nodded and said: "Then I will definitely not let my concubine go to meet the dignitaries on Shengtang's side in the future." Come and go more, so as not to cause trouble for you."

"A very correct decision." Luo Quan gave Ye Zhining a big thumbs up.

"By the way, the report that Aifei asked me to investigate before has been sorted out."

Ye Zhining remembered this, and transferred a file to Luoquan's optical machine: "I don't know why you are investigating mainstream entertainment programs and people's preference for nurturing games. Are you going to do it? A cultivation game?"

"It's indeed a game of cultivation, but the characters are all real people." Luo Quan flipped through the data report, and the results showed that there is a lot to be done in the idol talent show here.

Because the pressure of life is low, Huanyu people spend most of their time on entertainment.

Games, music, movies, and variety shows are all on a relatively large scale, and many contents cannot pass the review in Huaxia.

However, it is precisely because these contents are a bit heavy-handed that sometimes those light variety shows are more likely to be popular.

The former is an industrialized assembly line product, while the latter requires a certain amount of creativity and a production site.

The most popular thing in the world during this period is the romance show, which is to invite a few people to fall in love on the show.

The general physiological needs of people in the universe are greatly satisfied, because there are various ways to enjoy themselves.

In contrast, those who lack social activities are somewhat lacking in love. Except when they are in school, it is basically difficult to have the opportunity to reap true love in life.

When you fall in love again after you arrive at university, interests will occupy a very large proportion in the relationship between couples. Cars, houses, futures, and bride price are all difficulties that couples need to overcome.

Not to mention in society, the probability of finding true love may be even lower than the probability of finding a place.

It sounds a bit like the current situation in China, but in fact, Huanyuxing is a little bit better. After all, there are not many situations that need to discuss garages, but there are also many other organizational needs.

Under such circumstances, love variety shows have become extremely hot.

Because people long for love, if they can't get it in reality, then look at other people's love to enjoy themselves.

And these romance shows are also very real, looking for good-looking men and women, not to mention, and even encouraging the guests to do the fake show for real.

So in an excellent romance show, the guests don't know each other when they come, and they definitely leave with their certificates when they leave.

Of course, the most popular romance show at present is a whole life program of God Bless Federation.

The director invited ten middle-aged mothers to fall in love with young people of the same age as their sons.

Just thinking about the picture makes it awesome, and Luo Quan really admires the brains of these planners, and he doesn't know how to come up with such an idea that is so far from the world.

However, it is precisely because the subject matter is so explosive that the popularity of this romance variety show called "Where Are We Going, Mom" ​​has exploded, and it has always occupied the number one spot in the variety show ranking.

Of course, this kind of variety show that relies on creativity does not have much reference.

Judging from the overall popularity of Lian Zong, people still like to develop this keyword very much.

They like to see the story of a pair of young people, from mutual affection, to sharing weal and woe, and finally loving each other.

Change your thinking, an ordinary girl, through singing and dancing for everyone to see, and finally become a popular idol that can not be compared with the big stars in the entertainment industry, is this kind of story more exciting?
And after the couple is married, they will go to the world of two people, and the audience will get nothing in the end.

But idols are different, they will always accompany you and continue to bring positive emotional bonuses to fans.

To sum up, Luo Quan preliminarily judges that the prospect of the idol draft in Huanyu is quite broad.

Especially in the current market where there are no competitors at all.

An amateur debut, either as an anchor on a live broadcast platform, or directly into the entertainment circle to film and sing, there is no such thing as an idol in between.

This is the result of the extreme differentiation of occupations.

"My concubine, why are you collecting these things? Tell me?" Seeing that Luo Quan was silent, Ye Zhining thought she was trying to trick her, so she asked curiously again.

"I'm going to create a new variety show." Luo Quan came back to his senses and said enthusiastically.

"What variety show?"

"Cultivate an idol!" Luo Quan's answer was sonorous and forceful.

When Ye Zhining heard this word, his mind quickly associated with it.

Cultivation, in the impression that only children can be called nurturing.

Ye Zhining stared: "My concubine, the heavy metal industry is illegal in Huanyu!"

"Where do you want to go?" Luo Quan was speechless, "You are an idol, so what does it have to do with children?
Although idols can also be cultivated from children, but this time I will select a group of young adults who have grown up. My requirement for them is that they have good looks and can sing and dance. "

"Isn't there a lot of people like this in Huanyu?" Ye Zhining was delighted, "Not everyone is like you, proficient in everything.

Most people's talents are relatively mediocre. It is already very good to be able to specialize in one thing, and they can sing and dance beautifully. The number is indeed large, but the quality may not be too high.

If the strength is not up to standard, most of the audience will not be satisfied, so how to do it? "

Luo Quan was full of confidence: "You don't have to worry about that. I believe this is a very promising industry. After all, there are no similar products on the market."

Ye Zhining retorted: "The reason why there is no competing product may also be that there is no market for this project, so no one is willing to do it."

Luo Quan became impatient when he heard this: "I am one of the most popular Internet celebrities in the world, why do you question me?"

"I have more fans than you." Ye Zhining smiled smugly, "Besides, if you weren't so beautiful, you would definitely not be as popular as you are now. Your appearance is your biggest advantage."

Luo Quan nodded and said, "You're right, it's because I have unmatched looks and no competing products in the market, that's why I'm so popular now.

So a variety show like me that has no competing products will definitely become popular. "

"What kind of logic are you talking about?" Ye Zhining was helpless, "You say that, no one does variety shows for postpartum care of sows, if I send a few people to shoot, can it still be a blockbuster?"

"Why not?" Luo Quan asked without thinking, "Nowadays there are so many people on the Internet who like to play tricks and hunt for novelties. The postpartum care of sows is very gimmick just by listening to the name. As long as you take pictures with your heart, there will definitely be many people." look.

It can even be extended to shoot castration, feeding and slaughtering of boars, focusing on the planting of rural crops and the process of raising livestock and poultry. The shooting is full of rural flavor, and there is definitely a lot to do! "

"You..." Ye Zhining was a little annoyed by Luo Quan's lack of oil and salt at first, but after thinking about it carefully, if she really took pictures like her, it seemed that she really had some thoughts.

Because there are really few people taking pictures of the postpartum care of sows.

"Okay, okay, I can't say enough about you, you can do it if you want, but I won't open any back doors for you." Ye Zhining greeted Luo Quan in advance.

"Tch, do I need to rely on these unspeakable methods for my success?" Luo Quan smiled righteously.

(End of this chapter)

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