Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1137 The Universe Girl

Chapter 1137 The Universe Girl ([-])

"You are lofty, you are amazing." Ye Zhining said in a sour tone, "But I remember that whether it is filming and broadcasting variety shows, or holding such large-scale auditions involving the entire territory, you need to issue relevant qualifications of.

I don't know, Aifei, have you done anything? "

"Ah?" Luo Quan opened his mouth wide, "Is there something wrong?"

"Haha, I thought my concubine was already familiar with the entertainment laws of the universal civilization." Ye Zhining showed a smug smile, "But even if you don't know the law, think about it with your simple little head, so Can you do a large-scale event as soon as you say it?"

Seeing Ye Zhining's sarcasm smile, Luo Quan felt that his IQ was being questioned, and retorted loudly: "The big deal is that I'll just go and reapply for the qualification. If I can't do it, I can cooperate with qualified people. It will save me a lot of trouble." !"

"Qualification is what you say you can do?" Ye Zhining laughed, "Don't forget, you haven't got Huanyu's account yet, whether it is to apply for qualification or to discuss cooperation with others, it will take a very long time time review.

If it is in the God Blessed Federation, it will take a year or so at least.

Of course, if you reveal your identity as the Holy Mother, then these reviewers must be eager to give you the green light, and they will be able to handle things for you in minutes. "

Luo Quan didn't speak, but stared straight at Ye Zhining.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Ye Zhining said with a smile, "These laws and regulations were not made by me, they were formulated many years ago, so if you want to blame, you can't blame me."

"Did I say I'm going to blame you?" Luo Quan pouted, turned his head and began to think of a way.

"Hey, I'm actually not that unreasonable." Ye Zhining walked around to Luo Quan, "But Aifei, you are so stubborn, even if I want to do things conveniently, it's hard for me to make up my mind."

"Are you really willing to help?" Luo Quan's face softened slightly, "It's not impossible if I ask you."

Ye Zhining suddenly laughed: "Haha, are you finally willing to beg me? But it's useless to beg. Who just said that he is not the kind of person who has a back door?"

Luo Quan's eyes widened in surprise, and then he quickly realized that he had been tricked, and then he was so angry that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Okay, it's too bad to be angry." Ye Zhining patted Luo Quan's shoulder, "It's not a good thing to get wrinkles when you are angry, I was just joking with you, who made you be so stubborn."

"That's all about my personality." Luo Quan shook his head lightly, "But it's true that we need to follow the rules and regulations, and I'll find a way to handle my qualifications.

I remember that in the Universal Law, there is a preferential policy to stimulate social production value. If my project is a good project, I can use this preferential policy to postpone the qualification problem. "

Ye Zhining waved her hand: "I don't need to be so troublesome about what I say."

"That's not okay, it's a matter of principle." Luo Quan flatly refused, "Besides, even if I want to get your help, it must be after proving the value of this program? You don't get paid for nothing."

"Luo Bao, are you angry?" Ye Zhining asked worriedly.

"No." Luo Quan shook his head with a calm expression.

Ye Zhining said solemnly: "My queen mother told me that when a girl says she's not angry, she's probably already blown up."

"Do I look like a girl who can do that?" Luo Quan chuckled, "If you say no, you won't be angry. If I am really angry, can I still talk to you?"

Ye Zhining looked puzzled: "Then why did I almost feel your blood rushing to your brain?"

"My aunt has just left, and the blood has returned to its place." Luo Quan's brain became hot, and he said an extremely outrageous reason.

"He said he wasn't angry even though he was talking nonsense." Ye Zhining put his arms around Luo Quan's shoulders, "Okay, I'll admit my mistake to you, I shouldn't have bickered with you."

"I'm not angry after I said it." Luo Quan said firmly without repentance.

"Okay, okay, Luo Bao, if you don't have it, you don't have it." Ye Zhining nodded with a smile, and didn't argue with her, "But no matter what, at least let me contribute to this good project for you, right?

This is not going through the back door, but I think this project has great potential, so I want to give it my full support. "

Luo Quan was amused by these words: "I haven't said any details yet, so you think you have potential?"

Ye Zhining smiled: "It doesn't matter, Aifei, you are so talented, the projects you can produce must be very good."

"Let's watch it first and then make a decision." Luo Quan sent the draft of the program plan he had made to Ye Zhining, "This variety show is actually quite simple, just looking for beautiful girls who can sing and dance from all over the world , Let them debut as idols."

"So I still don't know what an idol is." Ye Zhining didn't check the plan immediately, but wanted to find out what an idol is first.

Luo Quan raised his tone and said, "Idols should be the products that fans find most suitable for themselves in the limited models.

Appearance, voice, personality, and talent are all the appearance of this product, and the process of idol growth is the fans' enjoyment of this product. "

"Sounds like an objectification of women." Ye Zhining frowned, "Such groups are really popular."

"In the entertainment industry, isn't there anything that doesn't materialize yourself to please others?" Luo Quan chuckled, "But as an idol, he certainly doesn't need to rely on some large-scale content to attract attention like other stars.

In comparison, we will be healthier, more active, and more uplifting. "

Ye Zhining chuckled: "Obviously you often take pictures of your breasts half exposed."

"I'm not an idol!" Luo Quan immediately retorted, "Besides, what's wrong with the low-cut swimsuit? Do you understand what sexy is? What era is it, why do you still think so feudally?"

"Yes, yes, my thinking is too feudal." Ye Zhining couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly raised her hand to surrender.

"In the first place." Luo Quan gave her a blank look, and continued: "The product I mean is to professionalize the idol industry, not to let them be controlled by fans.

Its real meaning is to make fans feel that it is not a loss to support her with real money. One party outputs emotions, and the other party pays money, which is an equivalent exchange of your love and my wish. "

"I understand." Ye Zhining nodded as if she had realized something, "It's similar to street performances, right? Those who have money buy a money market, those who don't have money buy a personal market, and those who pay for a performance are living , What you pay for idols is to cultivate a sense of accomplishment."

"Smart." Luo Quan finally smiled and praised, "This is the most basic relationship between idols and fans, but there are still some details in it, such as not falling in love, establishing a personality, and being dedicated to work, etc., are also very important. , I can't say a word or two."

"Then how much attention do you think this show can attract?" Ye Zhining quickly scanned the plan, "I think this show lacks some gimmicks and songs, and fans who are used to watching large-scale variety shows will like such a small show. Is it fresh?"

Luo Quan said to himself: "Are you used to delicacies from mountains and seas, would you reject a delicate and light side dish that pops up out of nowhere?"

"Understood." Ye Zhining took a light breath, "Although I am still skeptical about this plan, there are some elements in it that are more impressive to me, such as this cultivation."

"Why, you also want to choose a fan?" Luo Quan smiled, "You can choose, but I won't give any special care."

"That's all I said." Ye Zhining spread her hands helplessly, "The big deal is that I won't tell you if I choose, anyway, I support the show, choose an idol who looks good, and see how far she can develop. "

Luo Quan nodded his head lightly: "Then I'll send someone to apply for it later, I hope my method can impress the reviewers."

"Isn't it enough to impress me? I'm a hidden shareholder now."

"That's just right. If this show becomes popular, there may be many people who want to share in the action. Then you will definitely come out to suppress it." Luo Quan did not reject Ye Zhining's kindness this time.

After all, a person's power is limited, and since it matters, it must be used when it should be used.

"Okay, then I will take this Buddha Jumping Wall and give it to my mother to taste first. After a few days, I will have a banquet in Fengchi Kua, so you have to come." After Ye Zhining finished speaking, she took the maid and left the square.

Hearing this long-awaited good news, Luo Quan was suddenly much happier.

She has been waiting for her family to eat some good food from Huanyu, and hopes that she will be allowed to pack for this banquet.

After thinking about it, Luo Quan looked down at the planning of this show. The name had already been decided, it was called "Girls of the Universe".

It sounds very loud for a long time, and the word "girl" highlights the theme very much.

After finding Huanyu's variety show qualification application, Luo Quan handed in a series of materials, and then just waited for news.

At the same time, in Ye Zhining's harem, the empress dowager Ye Yitian returned to the long-lost imperial garden, and brought Fang Mo to enjoy the flowers together.

While chatting about the arrangements for going back to Fengchi Kua, Ye Zhining came over, and the maid behind her was holding a jade pot and bowls and chopsticks.

"Ning'er, what is this?" Ye Yitian asked with a smile.

"Mother, Luoquan made a pot of delicious food, and I brought it specially to honor you." As soon as Ye Zhining finished speaking, the maids poured the steaming hot Buddha Tiaoqiang from the jade pot into bowls.

In an instant, the rich aroma rushed to Ye Yitian's and Fang Mo's noses.

"It smells really good." Ye Yitian's eyes lit up, he reached out to take the bowl and chopsticks, and then lowered his head to taste a piece.

After tasting, her eyes became brighter: "What's the name of this dish? It's all made by Luo Quan himself."

Ye Zhining said proudly: "This is a dish that Luo Quan researched himself. It's called Buddha Tiaoqiang, and it's known as the best dish in the world!"

"The name is quite domineering, but the taste is really good." Ye Yitian nodded and praised, "But why is it called Buddha Jumping the Wall? I didn't find out that this dish has anything to do with Shimen."

Ye Zhining explained: "Luo Quan's argument is that the original prototype of this dish was that a group of beggars used the scraps left over from other people's cooking to cook a pot of soup.

It turned out that it was unexpectedly delicious after it was boiled, and even attracted monks to jump over the wall, so it was named Buddha Jumping over the Wall. "

"No wonder." Ye Yitian smiled slightly, "If this dish can appear in the banquet of returning to Fengchi, it will definitely amaze everyone."

Ye Zhining said pleasantly: "What mother means is that Luo Quan should also add a dish."

"If she is willing, but judging from her performance, she doesn't seem to like getting along with the powerful, otherwise she wouldn't have come back yesterday to cook such a dish for the believers."

Ye Zhining immediately complimented: "Mom, you are so insightful, you can see this at a glance."

"It's not so powerful, it's just because I was such a person back then."

Ye Yitian smiled lightly, then lowered his head and ate two more bites: "This Buddha jumps over the wall is really good, I haven't eaten such a delicious dish for a long time, and the key ingredients are still very ordinary."

Ye Zhining said excitedly: "If mother likes it, can I ask Luo Quan to boil another pot for you?"

"Forget it." Ye Yitian waved his hand and refused, "This Buddha Jumping Wall is not a freshly fried hot dish, it contains continuous heat, at least Ye has to stay up all night to cook it.

Luo Quan has just made more than a dozen large pots and hasn't rested yet, and now she is asked to do it again, isn't it tiring?

You don’t feel bad, but the Pope still feels bad. Now the believers of the Heavenly Father in the whole universe are waiting for the Son to come into the world. "

"Just cook one dish, isn't it?" Ye Zhining said with a guilty conscience.

Ye Yitian said enviously: "The body of the Holy Mother is so delicate, you can take care of it carefully."

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Zhining didn't say anything more, but said that if Luo Quan was free in the future, she would let her cook this dish, at worst, she would just take out the Shiquan Jinlong Dabu Pill and use it.


Distributing Buddha Jumping Wall to the believers lasted until the evening. After everyone was full, Luo Quan put away the tableware with praises and blessings one after another.

Originally, when she was thinking, after everyone finished eating, they would sing hymns together or something.

But seeing the believers eating so full one by one, think about it or forget it.

It is best not to exercise after a full meal. Singing requires a lot of energy, especially singing hymns. Everyone has to kneel and crawl. Luo Quan is afraid that they will spit it out while singing.

If such a thing really happened, it would be too blasphemy to Heavenly Father, his old man.

So I said: Everyone enjoy the leisure time after dinner, and left Huanyu.

When she came back this time, her main purpose was to meet these believers and see what their demands were.

It's just that they didn't expect their requirements to be so low, and they were dismissed with a delicious meal.

Perhaps their purpose has always been simple, that is to meet themselves, to meet the Virgin who brings light and salvation to the world.

Thinking that his image would become so noble one day, Luo Quan couldn't help feeling a little excited.

But after today, she might not be able to go back to Notre Dame's Summer Palace often in the future, and "Girl of the Universe" is her main work next.

(End of this chapter)

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