Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1139 Huabiao's Great Harvest

Chapter 1139 Huabiao's Great Harvest

PS. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!
"It's the same as if you didn't say it."

"That's it? I want to read the sharp review."

"Luo Bao, you can lead everyone to charge again."


The fans were obviously not very satisfied with this harmless comment, and shouted for her to step up her efforts.

"It wasn't you who were scolded for co-authoring, was it?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes directly, "Everyone, don't think about Tata Kai all day long, people will have something to complain about when they go to the concert, and it's not against the law.

That's the end of this topic. Now that there are new people in the entertainment industry, it is no longer suitable for a remnant of the old era like me to come out and talk nonsense. "

The bullet screen immediately scrolled quickly:
"Luo Quan, you have changed. In the past, you were always outspoken about anything."

"Sure enough, as you get older, has your personality become gentle?"

"That's right, Luo Bao has always been gentle."

"You look at the five words of the humanoid female Tyrannosaurus rex and say it again?"

"Haha, it's so efficient to seal it off immediately after speaking."

"Brother go all the way."


Luo Quan's live broadcast room is such a good thing, she can tease casually, and she won't be impatient.

But the seal still needs to be sealed, but it usually doesn't take too long, generally around one day to a week, unless something is particularly against the sky.

Now there is a popular phishing culture at station B, which is to send paid messages, the content of which is quite low-key, but at first glance, it may not be able to understand it. Only after the anchor reads the content can they understand what they are talking about.

There are many such fans in the Luoquan live broadcast room, and they often send her paid messages to fish.

However, she has seen countless cars, and she has never been hooked once.

Then fans started calling her the old driver.

Luo Quan didn't even know where the logic of the person who made this judgment was, but the fans said this:

"When you know all the behaviors of sexual harassment and successfully avoid them, it is also a kind of sexual harassment for the girls around you.

In the same way, when you see so many low-level fishing messages but haven't taken the bait once, it means that you are very low-level. "

Luo Quan didn't even know how to refute the invincible bandit logic.

It can only be said that it is a good thing that she is a woman, so it doesn't matter if she lowers her head at all, even the fans want her to lower her head.

In short, the return of Korean entertainment to China is already a trend visible to the naked eye.

The few who have come so far are not particularly famous, and they are not the most popular ones.

After they come to China to make a lot of money, it is estimated that they will soon attract a second wave of Korean stars.

As we all know, Huaxia has the best working environment for artists in the Three Kingdoms of East Asia.

Here, stars have high status and high wages.

Especially the salary, it's really a few million for any show, and the more famous ones start with tens of millions.

Such a price, no matter in Japan or Korea, is unthinkable.

Let it go a little bit now, and immediately there will be a lot of Korean stars participating in the show.

When they have tasted the sweetness, more and more people will come.

But this is actually a good thing at first sight. Putting catfish in a lifeless pond will help the health of other fish in the pond.

Because those who cannot swim will be eaten by catfish.

This is how good money drives out bad money. At present, domestic entertainment really needs some excellent and wise foreign countries to help the poor with technology.

It is to let them see the gap between them and the real masters, so that they don't get hallucinations from pecking at each other, and really think that they are very capable and worthy of this worth.

"By the way, Luo Bao, the Huabiao Awards are about to open, are you going to participate?"

At this time, a paid barrage appeared on the screen. Luo Quan blinked and asked, "Is the Huabiao Award going to be awarded?"

"You are a star, you ask us?"

"The hot searches I saw just now have already begun to warm up."

"It is said that many veteran superstars who have been out of action for many years will participate this time, which is very interesting."

"Can you enter the arena with your mobile phone? I want Luo Bao to broadcast live."

"This is an award organized by the government. Can you do this?"

"Don't be too whimsical."


Amidst the fans' complaints, Luo Quan opened the mailbox: "Due to the fan club, a lot of advertisers have found me and want to join, and the emails are 99+ every day. Maybe they sent me an invitation letter, but I I guess I didn't see it."

While talking, Luo Quan entered the word "Huabiao" in the search bar, and soon found an unread email from five days ago.

Luo Quan immediately put down the mouse and said: "Everyone, do your personal ID. The email is unread, it's not that I can't reply. I'm not the kind of person who plays big names."

"Haha, this is full of desire to survive."

"Can you understand it this way? Luo Quan knew what was going on when he saw the email signed by Huabiao, but he just didn't open it on purpose, pretending that he didn't see it."

"It turns out that Luo Bao is such a person, he is really very scheming!"

"It's really a heinous crime, I suggest depriving all awards!"

"Seriously, can Luobao sweep the Huabiao Awards this time?"

"Aren't all the prizes now divided into pork? It's also a sweep, so it would be nice to let you win a prize alone. Didn't you see how many double-yolk eggs were given out before?"

"Last year there was "Lake", and this year there is "My Hometown". They are all works that are definitely going to win awards, and most of them are double-yolk eggs again."

"Actually, it's hard to say. Luo Bao's "Memories of Murder" is now well-known at home and abroad. Next year, if it doesn't win the Cannes, it will win the Oscar."

"I haven't paid much attention to it. Is "Memories of Murder" so good?"

"You don't watch any trending searches. Now "Memories of Murder" has exceeded 35 billion at the box office, and the domestic and foreign media scores are above 9.0. It can be called another masterpiece after "Farewell My Concubine"!"

"It's almost like this. If this movie doesn't win the award, it will be a big black story."

"Luo Bao hasn't won any awards, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't win this award."


Seeing the fans scrolling through the barrage one by one, Luo Quan was so excited at the moment.

But the more exciting thing is yet to come, when Xiao Yang wins Best Actor of Huabiao, Best Actor of Golden Rooster, Best Actor of Hundred Flowers and even Best Actor of Cannes, it will be cool.

When she was looking for a leading actor for a movie, she ignored everyone, and soon she would let these people know what kind of opportunity they missed.

"Don't talk nonsense, the three awards in the mainland are still very valuable, don't make up your own minds and help me refuse."

Luo Quan immediately stopped the fan's spontaneous Versailles behavior: "And if I participate in some movie variety show in the future, when I introduce it as a mentor, I will throw my resume there, and I won't be surprised?"

As she spoke, she made a downward gesture, as if pulling a couplet.

In the past few days, she has studied it and described her resume in a general language, but the momentum is still not enough. It is better to list all her award-winning experience.

In terms of visual impact, parallelism is always the best choice.

As for the three mainland awards, she has no right to look down on them.

In fact, the most prestigious award for Chinese-language films used to be the Golden Horse Award, but because of the death of the film, no Chinese participated in it anymore. It has become an award for self-entertainment, and no one pays attention to it.

Under the ebb and flow, the gold content of the three mainland awards has also increased a lot.

So as long as she can get it, she will definitely not miss it.

After clicking on the invitation letter, Luo Quan found out that the time of the event was tomorrow, and the venue was in the capital.

This time it was different from the previous events where Internet celebrities gathered. Everyone was required to attend in formal attire, and the specifications were quite high.

No wonder the awards will be presented tomorrow, Weibo has been warming up since today.

Fortunately, she has enough high-end clothes in her closet, and she can take out any one to hold the stage. After quickly booking the air ticket, Luo Quan looked at the camera and said: "Fans, the air ticket to the capital has been bought, everyone guess Guess how many awards you can get tomorrow?"

"How can there be two more, Best Movie and Best Actor."

"Ah, shouldn't it be Best Actress?"

"The protagonist of "Memories of Murder" is Xiao Yang, not Luo Quan."

"I think Luo Quan's one-man show in "Buried Alive" can be included in the Beijing Film Academy's teaching materials. Isn't that not enough to win the award?"

"None of them were screened in theaters. It's not so much a movie as a documentary."

"Haha, I don't know if it's because of Kua Luoquan's good performance, or because the movie has too little investment."

"The scene is indeed a bit crude, and the plot is too simple."

"The foreign language spoken by Luoquan in the main movie, this is the most important."

"By the way, if you guess right, what reward will you get?"

"That's right, no one will bet with you if you don't have a lottery."


Fans are all unprofitable, so Luo Quan casually made a bet, and then everyone started asking what the bet was.

"What's wrong with the people now?" Luo Quan entered into the chilling mode, "Don't you have no enthusiasm without rewards? It's obviously such an interesting interactive link."

Such words obviously couldn't impress everyone, and they all shouted for rewards.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm really afraid of you." Luo Quan waved his hand as if helpless, "Since you are all asking for rewards, then when I come back after receiving the rewards, I will take everyone to the resort at Station B, and have a look. What are the players in the fan club doing?"

"Yeah! You finally know what everyone wants to see."

"It's time to interact with everyone in the fan club. It's really hard not to listen to songs these days."

"If you want me to say, just shoot the rematch in advance, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"My suggestion is to fast forward directly to the final."

"Haha, then there's no need to be so anxious."


Luo Quan's reward won the hearts of the fans, and there was a lot of applause from the barrage.

After booking the air ticket, Luo Quan didn't pack his luggage or anything.

The plane at night, after arriving, change clothes, make up, familiarize yourself with the process, and then you can go to the red carpet.

After receiving the award, I will fly back again. If I am lucky, I can catch up with dinner.

So there is no need to bring any change of clothes, just bring out the best mental state.

As for appearance, Luo Quan believed that he would not meet any opponent.

"So, I wasn't invited again?"

Lyon said that he was very hurt. After learning that his sister was going to participate in the Huabiao Awards, he liked to join in the fun and quickly checked his mailbox, but he did not see an email inviting him to participate.

"It shouldn't be. The movie "Little Times" I acted in has such a high box office and a good reputation. Couldn't they even win awards?" Leon said with a distressed face, feeling very unwilling in his heart.

"If you have the best costume or the best styling design, you can definitely win it." Luo Quan covered his mouth and snickered, "It's a pity that Huabiao doesn't have these awards, the most likely thing is to get a photography, but the director's technique is too extravagant Exaggerated, not suitable for this more serious award."

"I've heard this kind of talk when the Golden Rooster and Hundred Blossoms presented it." Leon sighed helplessly, "If you look at it this way, wouldn't it mean that you won't even get a prize?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Luo Quan took out his phone and gave Leon a look, "There will be a Weibo night next month, and you will definitely win a lot of prizes then."

"This sounds okay." After Leon won the Oscar, he no longer cared about the authority of other awards.

I have won one of the most prestigious awards, does it matter how authoritative the other awards are?

What he enjoys is the sense of accomplishment when he wins the award.

So as long as it is an award that attracts a lot of attention, he is willing to win it, and he likes to win it.

So even if he knows that Weibo Night is an entertainment-oriented award, in terms of attention, it is definitely one of the best in China.

So after hearing the news, Leon was still looking forward to it, and even prepared to post on Weibo to ask fans to vote for him, so that he could win more awards and be on the hot searches.

After comforting his brother and drawing a big cake for him, Luo Quan boarded the plane to the capital alone.

As for the gown for the red carpet, I originally planned to bring it myself, but I thought it would be difficult to ship it, so I asked Chanel Beijing to order her the latest high-end dress for this summer.

This time, it is still the world's first wear. I only hope that it will not be stolen by others.

When Luo Quan arrived in Beijing, the Chanel branch sent more than a dozen staff members to pick her up at the airport.

Originally, her own management team should be responsible for these words, but she has not had these things since her debut, and they are well-known things, so Chanel volunteered to provide a team to be responsible for Luo Quan's styling.

After arriving at the place, Luo Quan first took a look at the clothes.

This year, Chanel is going for the gorgeous style, a dark suspender skirt, the material of the skirt is unknown, but it becomes radiant and star-studded with the swing of the body.

It looks like Luo Quan wears the night sky on his body, crossing the Milky Way every time he takes a step.

"This dress is beautiful, what's its name?"

After looking in the mirror, Luo Quan asked happily.

"Starry Moon Night." The photographer was also very excited, "Turn around and look behind the skirt."

Luo Quan turned around and found that there was a distorted starry sky behind the skirt, which was the famous "Starry Night".

However, the starry night shift painted by Van Gogh in this world is not the one she recognized, but they are all equally magical and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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