Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1140 Huabiao's Great Harvest

Chapter 1140 Huabiao's Great Harvest ([-])
"This designer's style is so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere before." Luo Quan looked in the mirror twice, and was very satisfied with today's outfit.

"This is Brown's new work." Li Ya, the director of Chanel's Beijing branch, said excitedly, "He likes to add some religious and oil painting elements to the clothes to give the work a sense of contrast.

Because of this, his works are very controversial abroad. Some people say that he is a genius, and some people say that he is a blasphemous heresy, but it is undeniable that every skirt he designs can become a hit. Girls like it. "

Li Ya suddenly mentioned Brown, but Luo Quan couldn't remember who it was.

But when it comes to a couture dress she once wore called "Forbidden Fruit", Luo Quan immediately has an impression.

It was a dark red dress. The overall style was mainly extravagant and depraved. It looked like a rotten red apple, giving off an evil beauty.

The most talked about is that the designer Brown embroidered a famous painting "The Creation of Adam" on the inside of this high-cut skirt.

After Luo Quan put it on, he could vaguely see this oil painting full of religious meaning from the cloth around his snow-white thighs.

Brown’s explanation for such a design is, when the thigh and art appear in front of believers, do they appreciate this masterpiece handed down from generation to generation with pious hearts, or appreciate Luo Quan’s thigh with obscene eyes?
Netizens answered, how can I still care about oil paintings?
Of course, there are also many "gentlemen" who insist that such a test will not trouble them at all. Can thighs look better than oil paintings?Even Luo Quan's thigh.

But such words have been ridiculed by many people, saying that an honest hypocrite is more disgusting than an honest and straightforward villain.

If you want to be shy, just say it, who doesn't want to be shy when seeing Luo Quan in a high-cut dress?
In short, this dress named "Forbidden Fruit" is the number one contributor to Luo Quan's first appearance in the fashion industry.

However, the reason why she still remembers it so vividly is that the dress was first stolen by a domestic celebrity and put on the red carpet.

Originally, the celebrity asked Chanel to borrow a skirt to walk the red carpet, and Chanel did not refuse. After all, it is a routine operation for celebrities to borrow clothes from brands.

But Chanel borrowed another one, and that celebrity was Liang Yan. Seeing how beautiful the forbidden fruit was, she took it away without saying hello.

But because the skirt was tailor-made for Luoquan, and Liang Yan couldn't support it in terms of height and figure, she had to change it.

Even so, after she put on the red carpet, she still attracted a lot of compliments. Netizens were surprised that Liang Yan's coffee position was able to borrow such a good couture.

Soon Chanel issued an announcement, accusing Liang Yan of taking it without warning, and refusing to claim that the forbidden fruit that had been exploded on her was her own clothes.

As a result of this incident, Liang Yan's reputation in the entertainment industry has been discredited, and she basically has no relationship with fashion brands.

But Chanel has earned a wave of popularity, and Luo Quan also got a spare skirt behind, and successfully completed the shooting of the commercial.

It was also through this incident that Luo Quan realized how vain people in the entertainment industry are.

Of course, she didn't think vanity was a heinous act.

Who doesn't like the feeling of being envied and envied by everyone?

She is also very vain sometimes, but she knows that everything must be based on a legal and reasonable basis.

If you do anything for the sake of vanity, you are leading yourself into the abyss step by step.

After a while, Chanel's photographer was already in place.

Originally, these clothes were going to be put on by Luo Quan for an advertisement later, but Luo Quan thought they would come here, and it happened that there were still several hours before the opening of the Huabiao Awards, so he decided to shoot the advertisement.

After saving, everyone will make an extra trip.

Compared with when he first entered the industry, Luo Quan is now familiar with the concave shape, so the shooting progress is quite fast.

At about 08:30, basically all the main products of Chanel this summer were photographed.

Then, according to the usual practice, all these clothes were packed and airlifted directly to her home later.

Of course, except for "Starry Night".

This is the battle suit she will wear on the red carpet later.

Putting on her skirt again, Luo Quan turned on Huanyu's live broadcast.

"Is the family asleep? Haha, those who are still watching the live broadcast at this time must not be asleep yet?" Luo Quan said to the camera with a smile.

"I was already going to sleep, Holy Mother, the time when you broadcast the live broadcast is really weird."

"Understand, there is a time difference between Our Lady's hometown and Huanyuxing."

"Our Lady is so gorgeously dressed today. Is this some kind of banquet she's attending?"

"The dress is so pretty and romantic."


"This is the work of a fashion designer on my side, isn't he very talented?" Luo Quan stood up and replied to the barrage, "I'm going to attend a movie award ceremony later, I think you haven't seen it for a while. When you see the live broadcast, just broadcast it for a while.

It's still the same as before, maybe there won't be much interaction, if you don't like it, just look forward to my next show in Huanyu. "

"It's okay, I'm already satisfied to see the Virgin Mary."

"Luo Quan is still as cute as ever."

"Just now you mentioned the program, can you tell me more about it?"


The barrage of questions made Luo Quan show a successful smile: "It's a talent show variety show, this kind of variety show is relatively rare in the world, it's the kind of show that the whole people participates in, where girls show their talents.

You can choose girls to support based on your own preferences. If there are enough people who support them, then they can keep advancing and finally make their debut as a group. "

As soon as this explanation came out, the audience immediately couldn't sit still:
"It feels like you're doing something new."

"Can you still form a group after debuting?"

"I've never heard of such a form of performance, but it sounds interesting."

"Luo Quan, will you perform in person? If you also perform, I will give you all the tickets."


"I'm not going to debut, I'm in charge of being a mentor, mainly to guide and comment in the future." Luo Quan shook his head lightly, "This is a program with amateur faces, and stars who have already debuted cannot participate in the competition. That includes me, of course."

Hearing this, the audience shouted a pity.

After briefly revealing the program to everyone, Luo Quan turned off the barrage, and then turned on the live broadcast of Station B.

According to the life preferences of most people, there are very few people who can watch the live broadcast in the live broadcast room at this point.

Except for students and office workers, it is not a convenient group to post barrage at any time, so the popularity and density of barrage are slightly low.

"Before the red carpet has even started, I'll show you my look today." Luo Quan stood up and turned around, "How are you doing? What's everyone's opinion?"

"It's like a black dress wrapped in colorful lights, full of the trendy atmosphere of the disco in the last century."

"Haha, what kind of devil's evaluation is this, what is tidal soil?"

"Damp and vomit, also known as returnee soil turtle."

"It's you guys who are funny."

"Luo Bao's heart is broken right now."

"As far as how to affect the good mood of the day, of course it is for netizens to make sharp reviews."

"You really don't save Luo Quan any face."


Undoubtedly, Luo Quan already regretted asking everyone to make a sharp review when the words "Returnees and Turtles" came out.

It was a waste of her good mood. The key point was that asking for leave was so joyful that she couldn't help but chuckle twice.

"Just because I laugh doesn't mean I agree with the evaluation, it's just because the evaluation is funny!" Luo Quan didn't forget to explain the reason after laughing.

"If you can't hold back, then you can't hold back, don't be stubborn."

"It doesn't matter if you lie to my buddies, just let it go after a haha, but don't fool yourself too."

"Actually, it's quite beautiful, but I think this returnee is going to be popular."

"Famous stems are scheduled."


Just like this, you talk to each other, Luo Quan and Danmaku chat about irrelevant topics, and time gradually passes by.

After seeing that it was almost done, Luo Quan bid farewell to the fans to download the broadcast, then boarded the van that had already been prepared, and rushed to the venue of the Huabiao Awards.

During the half-hour drive, many things happened.

The outfield of the Huabiao Awards is already full of people. Today, there are more than 600 celebrities present, as well as nominated film crews, as well as the staff and reporters on the scene.

Fortunately, fans are not allowed to pick up and drop off this award, so compared to last year's Weibo night, it is still nothing.

On the night of Weibo last year, fans of various celebrities directly waved flags and cheered in the Shangwai Bund. Those who didn’t know it thought they were fighting in battle, but it was really loud with drums and firecrackers.

According to incomplete statistics, there were at least 6 to [-] people who came to Weibo Night last year, causing traffic jams nearby.

At the Huabiao Awards, there were no such serious problems. Everyone was of high quality and orderly. When it was time to walk the red carpet, those who did not have their turn sat on the small benches by the side of the road and waited.

This situation is in stark contrast to the previous Weibo night.

Luo Quan arrived at the scene first, and not long after, Xiao Yang and the main creators of "Memories of Murder" also arrived one after another.

Xiao Yang was wearing a neat black suit today, and the iconic mustache on his lips was trimmed squarely, making his not-so-handsome round face reveal a bit of a mature man's temperament.

"Have you thought about your acceptance speech?" Luo Quan came to Xiao Yang's side and joked with a smile.

"The award hasn't been presented yet, so I don't know if I can get it." Xiao Yang forced a smile, and it was obvious that he was under a lot of pressure.

As an entertainer who made his singing debut, he was previously known for his supporting roles in low-budget comedy movies.

In this circle, there are almost no qualifications and contacts.

As for the three mainland awards, the most important thing at present is these two things.

It is rare for someone to win a big prize immediately after becoming famous with one role. Usually, they play a few leading roles first and gain a good reputation.

At this time, I started to get nominated gradually, and then I slowly gained qualifications.

When the seniors have almost won, and your works in the past few years are really good, and there are no young people who need to be praised, then I will consider giving you an award.

Of course, there are sometimes exceptions.

That is like Zhao Xilin, who won the Cannes best actor first and then returned to China to participate in the selection.

If this situation is not given to an actor, then not only domestic public opinion will be boiled, but foreign film and television circles will also come to see the joke.

As for Xiao Yang, although there are quite a lot of calls for the best actor in Cannes, he hasn't got it yet.

And his previous resume is not very good-looking, and there is no advantage in terms of seniority, so many netizens are not optimistic that he can win Huabiao actor.

So even though Xiao Yang had prepared his acceptance speech for a long time, he still had no idea whether he could use it or not.

However, Luo Quan's confident appearance reassured him a lot.

"Director Luo, do you know some inside information if you are so calm?" Xiao Yang asked Luo Quan in a low voice.

Others in the crew next to him immediately pricked up their ears.

"What inside information can I have?" Luo Quan smiled directly, "Don't ask those who have nothing, you have to know that acting skills are not brought by awards.

Your level is enough, and sooner or later the award will come to you.

Just like Cannes, although there are several Asians among the judges this time, can you say that they will definitely make you the best actor?Still have to scold the work to speak.

But what is certain is that if the award is given to you, it must be what everyone expects, and the controversy will be the least. "

"That's my luck and my loss." Xiao Yang raised his head and took a few deep breaths.

"Please sign "Memories of Murder" on the red carpet." The host's voice came from not far away.

Everyone in the production team suddenly became refreshed, got up and adjusted their clothes, and then followed Luo Quan on the red carpet.

With such a magnificent leader like Luo Quan around, it's really hard not to be confident when brushing against other people.

Her image is so amazing, she aroused bursts of amazement as soon as she came on stage, and all the shots were taken.

And Luo Quan was already used to such scenes, walked leisurely onto the stage, waved to the reporters, then took the pen and left his name.

Because the cafe is big enough, Luo Quan was allowed to accept interviews from the media after signing the autograph.

The most frequently asked question is whether you have confidence in winning the prize today.

"A star who doesn't want to win an award is not a good director." Luo Quan joked and said confidently: "Of course I came this time to hope that everyone in our crew can return home with a rewarding experience, but no matter what the result is, the most important thing is to maintain a normal mind.

After all, the mission of our filmmakers is to use art to restore life and help the audience escape from reality. As for box office and awards, they are just incidental.

If you shoot well, then these things will come naturally. "

This wonderful speech immediately aroused the applause of everyone present, including many famous directors and veteran actors.

And soon, Luo Quan's speech also appeared on Weibo's hot search, becoming the first news to reach the top of today's Huabiao Award-related hot search:

"Luoquan's red carpet looks stunning, and the talk about the mission of filmmakers aroused bursts of applause!"

(End of this chapter)

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